提交 5ebfedd5 编写于 作者: dengyihao's avatar dengyihao

set msg resp type

上级 759b463e
......@@ -391,12 +391,9 @@ static void uvPrepareSendData(SSvrMsg* smsg, uv_buf_t* wb) {
pHead->traceId = pMsg->info.traceId;
pHead->hasEpSet = pMsg->info.hasEpSet;
if (pConn->status == ConnNormal) {
if (0 == smsg->msg.msgType) {
pHead->msgType = pConn->inType + 1;
} else {
pHead->msgType = smsg->msg.msgType;
pHead->msgType = (0 == pMsg->msgType ? pConn->inType + 1 : pMsg->msgType);
} else {
if (smsg->type == Release) {
pHead->msgType = 0;
......@@ -405,11 +402,8 @@ static void uvPrepareSendData(SSvrMsg* smsg, uv_buf_t* wb) {
} else {
pHead->msgType = pMsg->msgType;
// set up resp msg type
if (pHead->msgType == 0 && transMsgLenFromCont(pMsg->contLen) == sizeof(STransMsgHead)) {
pHead->msgType = pConn->inType + 1;
pHead->msgType = (0 == pMsg->msgType ? pConn->inType + 1 : pMsg->msgType);
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