提交 5c1eef7a 编写于 作者: G Ganlin Zhao

fix test cases

上级 14946d8b
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.vgroups = 4
self.ctbNum = 1
self.rowsPerTbl = 10000
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}")
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), False)
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
paraDict['vgroups'] = self.vgroups
paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
tdCom.create_database(tdSql, paraDict["dbName"],paraDict["dropFlag"], vgroups=paraDict["vgroups"],replica=1)
tdLog.info("create stb")
......@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("create ctb")
tmqCom.create_ctable(tdSql, dbName=paraDict["dbName"],stbName=paraDict["stbName"],ctbPrefix=paraDict['ctbPrefix'],
tdLog.info("insert data")
tdLog.info("flush db to let data falls into the disk")
tdSql.query("flush database %s"%(paraDict['dbName']))
......@@ -93,18 +93,18 @@ class TDTestCase:
paraDict['vgroups'] = self.vgroups
paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
topicNameList = ['topic1']
expectRowsList = []
tdLog.info("create topics from stb with filter")
queryString = "select * from %s.%s"%(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
# sqlString = "create topic %s as stable %s" %(topicNameList[0], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicNameList[0], queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
# tdSql.query(queryString)
# tdSql.query(queryString)
# expectRowsList.append(tdSql.getRows())
# init consume info, and start tmq_sim, then check consume result
......@@ -121,29 +121,29 @@ class TDTestCase:
paraDict['batchNum'] = 100
paraDict['startTs'] = paraDict['startTs'] + self.rowsPerTbl
pInsertThread = tmqCom.asyncInsertDataByInterlace(paraDict)
tdLog.info("start consume processor")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(pollDelay=paraDict['pollDelay'],dbName=paraDict["dbName"],showMsg=paraDict['showMsg'], showRow=paraDict['showRow'],snapshot=paraDict['snapshot'])
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
expectRows = 1
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
tdLog.info("expect consume rows: %d, act consume rows: %d"%(expectRowsList[0], resultList[0]))
if expectRowsList[0] != resultList[0]:
tdLog.exit("%d tmq consume rows error!"%consumerId)
tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
tdSql.query("flush database %s"%(paraDict['dbName']))
for i in range(len(topicNameList)):
tdSql.query("drop topic %s"%topicNameList[i])
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1 end ...... ")
......@@ -173,18 +173,18 @@ class TDTestCase:
paraDict['vgroups'] = self.vgroups
paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
topicNameList = ['topic1']
expectRowsList = []
tdLog.info("create topics from stb with filter")
queryString = "select * from %s.%s"%(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
# sqlString = "create topic %s as stable %s" %(topicNameList[0], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicNameList[0], queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
totalRowsInserted = expectRowsList[0]
......@@ -200,36 +200,36 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("start consume processor 0")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(pollDelay=paraDict['pollDelay'],dbName=paraDict["dbName"],showMsg=paraDict['showMsg'], showRow=paraDict['showRow'],snapshot=paraDict['snapshot'])
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
expectRows = 1
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
actConsumeRows = resultList[0]
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, expect consume rows between %d and %d"%(actConsumeRows, expectrowcnt, totalRowsInserted))
if not (expectrowcnt <= actConsumeRows and totalRowsInserted >= actConsumeRows):
tdLog.exit("%d tmq consume rows error!"%consumerId)
# reinit consume info, and start tmq_sim, then check consume result
consumerId = 2
expectrowcnt = math.ceil(paraDict["rowsPerTbl"] * paraDict["ctbNum"] * 2/3)
tmqCom.insertConsumerInfo(consumerId, expectrowcnt,topicList,keyList,ifcheckdata,ifManualCommit)
tdLog.info("start consume processor 1")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(pollDelay=paraDict['pollDelay'],dbName=paraDict["dbName"],showMsg=paraDict['showMsg'], showRow=paraDict['showRow'],snapshot=paraDict['snapshot'])
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
expectRows = 1
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
actConsumeRows = resultList[0]
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, expect rows: %d, act insert rows: %d"%(actConsumeRows, expectrowcnt, totalRowsInserted))
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, expect rows: %d, act insert rows: %d"%(actConsumeRows, expectrowcnt, totalRowsInserted))
if not ((actConsumeRows >= expectrowcnt) and (totalRowsInserted > actConsumeRows)):
tdLog.exit("%d tmq consume rows error!"%consumerId)
for i in range(len(topicNameList)):
tdSql.query("drop topic %s"%topicNameList[i])
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 2 end ...... ")
......@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ class TDTestCase:
return cur
def initConsumerTable(self,cdbName='cdb'):
def initConsumerTable(self,cdbName='cdb'):
tdLog.info("create consume database, and consume info table, and consume result table")
tdSql.query("drop database if exists %s "%(cdbName))
tdSql.query("create database %s vgroups 1"%(cdbName))
tdSql.query("drop table if exists %s.consumeinfo "%(cdbName))
tdSql.query("drop table if exists %s.consumeresult "%(cdbName))
tdSql.query("drop table if exists %s.consumeresult "%(cdbName))
tdSql.query("create table %s.consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)"%cdbName)
tdSql.query("create table %s.consumeresult (ts timestamp, consumerid int, consummsgcnt bigint, consumrowcnt bigint, checkresult int)"%cdbName)
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.query("drop table if exists %s.consumeinfo "%(cdbName))
tdSql.query("create table %s.consumeinfo (ts timestamp, consumerid int, topiclist binary(1024), keylist binary(1024), expectmsgcnt bigint, ifcheckdata int, ifmanualcommit int)"%cdbName)
def insertConsumerInfo(self,consumerId, expectrowcnt,topicList,keyList,ifcheckdata,ifmanualcommit,cdbName='cdb'):
def insertConsumerInfo(self,consumerId, expectrowcnt,topicList,keyList,ifcheckdata,ifmanualcommit,cdbName='cdb'):
sql = "insert into %s.consumeinfo values "%cdbName
sql += "(now, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d)"%(consumerId, topicList, keyList, expectrowcnt, ifcheckdata, ifmanualcommit)
tdLog.info("consume info sql: %s"%sql)
......@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(expectRows):
tdLog.info ("consume id: %d, consume msgs: %d, consume rows: %d"%(tdSql.getData(i , 1), tdSql.getData(i , 2), tdSql.getData(i , 3)))
resultList.append(tdSql.getData(i , 3))
return resultList
def startTmqSimProcess(self,buildPath,cfgPath,pollDelay,dbName,showMsg=1,showRow=1,cdbName='cdb',valgrind=0):
......@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ class TDTestCase:
logFile = cfgPath + '/../log/valgrind-tmq.log'
shellCmd = 'nohup valgrind --log-file=' + logFile
shellCmd += '--tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-reachable=no --track-origins=yes --show-leak-kinds=all --num-callers=20 -v --workaround-gcc296-bugs=yes '
if (platform.system().lower() == 'windows'):
shellCmd = 'mintty -h never -w hide ' + buildPath + '\\build\\bin\\tmq_sim.exe -c ' + cfgPath
shellCmd += " -y %d -d %s -g %d -r %d -w %s "%(pollDelay, dbName, showMsg, showRow, cdbName)
shellCmd += "> nul 2>&1 &"
shellCmd += " -y %d -d %s -g %d -r %d -w %s "%(pollDelay, dbName, showMsg, showRow, cdbName)
shellCmd += "> nul 2>&1 &"
shellCmd = 'nohup ' + buildPath + '/build/bin/tmq_sim -c ' + cfgPath
shellCmd += " -y %d -d %s -g %d -r %d -w %s "%(pollDelay, dbName, showMsg, showRow, cdbName)
shellCmd += " -y %d -d %s -g %d -r %d -w %s "%(pollDelay, dbName, showMsg, showRow, cdbName)
shellCmd += "> /dev/null 2>&1 &"
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
sql = pre_create
if sql != pre_create:
tdLog.debug("complete to create %d child tables in %s.%s" %(ctbNum, dbName, stbName))
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
ctbDict[i] = 0
#tdLog.debug("doing insert data into stable:%s rows:%d ..."%(stbName, allRows))
rowsOfCtb = 0
rowsOfCtb = 0
while rowsOfCtb < rowsPerTbl:
for i in range(ctbNum):
sql += " %s.%s_%d values "%(dbName,ctbPrefix,i)
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
startTs = int(round(t * 1000))
#tdLog.debug("doing insert data into stable:%s rows:%d ..."%(stbName, allRows))
rowsOfSql = 0
rowsOfSql = 0
for i in range(ctbNum):
sql += " %s_%d values "%(ctbPrefix,i)
for j in range(rowsPerTbl):
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
startTs = int(round(t * 1000))
#tdLog.debug("doing insert data into stable:%s rows:%d ..."%(stbName, allRows))
rowsOfSql = 0
rowsOfSql = 0
for i in range(ctbNum):
sql += " %s.%s_%d using %s.%s tags (%d) values "%(dbName,ctbPrefix,i,dbName,stbName,i)
for j in range(rowsPerTbl):
......@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.debug("insert data ............ [OK]")
def prepareEnv(self, **parameterDict):
def prepareEnv(self, **parameterDict):
# create new connector for my thread
tsql=self.newcur(parameterDict['cfg'], 'localhost', 6030)
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
def tmqCase1(self, cfgPath, buildPath):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1: ")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1: ")
subscribe one db, multi normal table which have not same schema, and include rows of all tables in one insert sql
......@@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ class TDTestCase:
'batchNum': 100, \
'startTs': 1640966400000} # 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
parameterDict['cfg'] = cfgPath
self.create_database(tdSql, parameterDict["dbName"])
tdSql.execute("create table %s.ntb0 (ts timestamp, c1 int)"%(parameterDict["dbName"]))
tdSql.execute("create table %s.ntb1 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float)"%(parameterDict["dbName"]))
tdSql.execute("create table %s.ntb2 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(32))"%(parameterDict["dbName"]))
tdSql.execute("create table %s.ntb2 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(32))"%(parameterDict["dbName"]))
tdSql.execute("create table %s.ntb3 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(32), c4 timestamp)"%(parameterDict["dbName"]))
tdSql.execute("insert into %s.ntb0 values(now, 1) %s.ntb1 values(now, 1, 1) %s.ntb2 values(now, 1, 1, '1') %s.ntb3 values(now, 1, 1, '1', now)"%(parameterDict["dbName"],parameterDict["dbName"],parameterDict["dbName"],parameterDict["dbName"]))
......@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("create topics from db")
topicFromDb = 'topic_db_mulit_tbl'
tdSql.execute("create topic %s as database %s" %(topicFromDb, parameterDict['dbName']))
consumerId = 0
expectrowcnt = numOfNtb * rowsOfPerNtb
......@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
totalConsumeRows = 0
for i in range(expectRows):
totalConsumeRows += resultList[i]
if totalConsumeRows != expectrowcnt:
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, expect consume rows: %d"%(totalConsumeRows, expectrowcnt))
tdLog.exit("tmq consume rows error!")
......@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1 end ...... ")
def tmqCase2(self, cfgPath, buildPath):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 2: ")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 2: ")
subscribe one stb, multi child talbe and normal table which have not same schema, and include rows of all tables in one insert sql
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
parameterDict['cfg'] = cfgPath
dbName = parameterDict["dbName"]
self.create_database(tdSql, dbName)
tdSql.execute("create stable %s.stb (ts timestamp, s1 bigint, s2 binary(32), s3 double) tags (t1 int, t2 binary(32))"%(dbName))
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.execute("create table %s.ntb0 (ts timestamp, c1 binary(32))"%(dbName))
tdSql.execute("create table %s.ntb1 (ts timestamp, c1 binary(32), c2 float)"%(dbName))
tdSql.execute("create table %s.ntb2 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(32))"%(dbName))
tdSql.execute("create table %s.ntb2 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(32))"%(dbName))
tdSql.execute("create table %s.ntb3 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(32), c4 timestamp)"%(dbName))
tdSql.execute("insert into %s.ntb0 values(now, 'ntb0-11') \
......@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("create topics from db")
topicFromStb = 'topic_stb_mulit_tbl'
tdSql.execute("create topic %s as stable %s.stb" %(topicFromStb, dbName))
consumerId = 0
expectrowcnt = numOfCtb * rowsOfPerNtb
......@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
totalConsumeRows = 0
for i in range(expectRows):
totalConsumeRows += resultList[i]
if totalConsumeRows != expectrowcnt:
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, expect consume rows: %d"%(totalConsumeRows, expectrowcnt))
tdLog.exit("tmq consume rows error!")
......@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("cfgPath: %s" % cfgPath)
self.tmqCase1(cfgPath, buildPath)
self.tmqCase2(cfgPath, buildPath)
self.tmqCase2(cfgPath, buildPath)
def stop(self):
......@@ -38,20 +38,20 @@ class TDTestCase:
cmdStr = '%s/build/bin/taos -c %s -s "%s >> %s"'%(buildPath, cfgPath, queryString, dstFile)
consumeRowsFile = '%s/../log/consumerid_%d.txt'%(cfgPath, consumerId)
tdLog.info("rows file: %s, %s"%(consumeRowsFile, dstFile))
consumeFile = open(consumeRowsFile, mode='r')
queryFile = open(dstFile, mode='r')
# skip first line for it is schema
while True:
dst = queryFile.readline()
src = consumeFile.readline()
if dst:
if dst != src:
tdLog.exit("consumerId %d consume rows is not match the rows by direct query"%consumerId)
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
paraDict['vgroups'] = self.vgroups
paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
tdCom.create_database(tdSql, paraDict["dbName"],paraDict["dropFlag"], vgroups=paraDict["vgroups"],replica=self.replica)
tdLog.info("create stb")
......@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ class TDTestCase:
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
# tmqCom.asyncInsertDataByInterlace(paraDict)
tmqCom.create_ntable(tdSql, dbname=paraDict["dbName"], tbname_prefix="ntb", tbname_index_start_num = 1, column_elm_list=paraDict["colSchema"], colPrefix='c', tblNum=1)
tmqCom.insert_rows_into_ntbl(tdSql, dbname=paraDict["dbName"], tbname_prefix="ntb", tbname_index_start_num = 1, column_ele_list=paraDict["colSchema"], startTs=paraDict["startTs"], tblNum=1, rows=2) # tdLog.info("restart taosd to ensure that the data falls into the disk")
tmqCom.insert_rows_into_ntbl(tdSql, dbname=paraDict["dbName"], tbname_prefix="ntb", tbname_index_start_num = 1, column_ele_list=paraDict["colSchema"], startTs=paraDict["startTs"], tblNum=1, rows=2) # tdLog.info("restart taosd to ensure that the data falls into the disk")
tdSql.query("drop database %s"%paraDict["dbName"])
def tmqCase1(self):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1: ")
def tmqCase1(self):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1: ")
# create and start thread
paraDict = {'dbName': 'dbt',
'dropFlag': 1,
......@@ -132,14 +132,14 @@ class TDTestCase:
paraDict['vgroups'] = self.vgroups
paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
tdLog.info("create topics from stb1")
topicFromStb1 = 'topic_stb1'
topicFromStb1 = 'topic_stb1'
queryString = "select ts, c1, c2 from %s.%s where t4 == 'beijing' or t4 == 'changsha' "%(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicFromStb1, queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
consumerId = 0
expectrowcnt = paraDict["rowsPerTbl"] * paraDict["ctbNum"]
topicList = topicFromStb1
......@@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ class TDTestCase:
totalRowsInserted = tdSql.getRows()
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, act insert rows: %d, expect consume rows: %d, "%(totalConsumeRows, totalRowsInserted, expectrowcnt))
if totalConsumeRows != expectrowcnt:
tdLog.exit("tmq consume rows error!")
# tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
# tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
tmqCom.waitSubscriptionExit(tdSql, topicFromStb1)
tdSql.query("drop topic %s"%topicFromStb1)
......@@ -79,27 +79,27 @@ class TDTestCase:
topicNameList = ['topic1', 'topic2', 'topic3']
expectRowsList = []
tdLog.info("create topics from stb with filter")
queryString = "select ts, log(c1), ceil(pow(c1,3)) from %s.%s where c1 %% 4 == 0" %(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicNameList[0], queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
queryString = "select ts, log(c1), cos(c1) from %s.%s where c1 > 5000" %(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicNameList[1], queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
queryString = "select ts, log(c1), atan(c1) from %s.%s where ts >= %d" %(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'], paraDict["startTs"]+9000)
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicNameList[2], queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
# init consume info, and start tmq_sim, then check consume result
......@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("start consume processor")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(paraDict['pollDelay'],paraDict["dbName"],paraDict['showMsg'], paraDict['showRow'])
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
expectRows = 1
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
if expectRowsList[0] != resultList[0]:
tdLog.info("expect consume rows: %d, act consume rows: %d"%(expectRowsList[0], resultList[0]))
tdLog.exit("0 tmq consume rows error!")
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("start consume processor")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(paraDict['pollDelay'],paraDict["dbName"],paraDict['showMsg'], paraDict['showRow'])
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
expectRows = 1
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
if expectRowsList[1] != resultList[0]:
......@@ -148,14 +148,14 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("start consume processor")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(paraDict['pollDelay'],paraDict["dbName"],paraDict['showMsg'], paraDict['showRow'])
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
expectRows = 1
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
if expectRowsList[2] != resultList[0]:
tdLog.info("expect consume rows: %d, act consume rows: %d"%(expectRowsList[2], resultList[0]))
tdLog.exit("2 tmq consume rows error!")
for i in range(len(topicNameList)):
tdSql.query("drop topic %s"%topicNameList[i])
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicNameList[0], queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
queryString = "select ts, sin(c1), pow(c2,3) from %s.%s where sin(c2) >= 0" %(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
# start tmq consume processor
tdLog.info("insert consume info to consume processor")
consumerId = 0
......@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("start consume processor")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(paraDict['pollDelay'],paraDict["dbName"],paraDict['showMsg'], paraDict['showRow'])
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
expectRows = 1
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
if expectRowsList[0] != resultList[0]:
tdLog.info("expect consume rows: %d, act consume rows: %d"%(expectRowsList[0], resultList[0]))
tdLog.exit("0 tmq consume rows error!")
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("start consume processor")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(paraDict['pollDelay'],paraDict["dbName"],paraDict['showMsg'], paraDict['showRow'])
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
expectRows = 1
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
if expectRowsList[1] != resultList[0]:
......@@ -256,14 +256,14 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("start consume processor")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(paraDict['pollDelay'],paraDict["dbName"],paraDict['showMsg'], paraDict['showRow'])
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
tdLog.info("wait the consume result")
expectRows = 1
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
if expectRowsList[2] != resultList[0]:
tdLog.info("expect consume rows: %d, act consume rows: %d"%(expectRowsList[2], resultList[0]))
tdLog.exit("2 tmq consume rows error!")
# time.sleep(10)
# time.sleep(10)
# for i in range(len(topicNameList)):
# tdSql.query("drop topic %s"%topicNameList[i])
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.vgroups = 4
self.ctbNum = 1
self.rowsPerTbl = 10000
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}")
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), False)
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
paraDict['vgroups'] = self.vgroups
paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
tdCom.create_database(tdSql, paraDict["dbName"],paraDict["dropFlag"], vgroups=paraDict["vgroups"],replica=1)
tdLog.info("create stb")
......@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ class TDTestCase:
# tmqCom.insert_data_with_autoCreateTbl(tsql=tdSql,dbName=paraDict["dbName"],stbName=paraDict["stbName"],ctbPrefix="ctbx",
# ctbNum=paraDict["ctbNum"],rowsPerTbl=paraDict["rowsPerTbl"],batchNum=paraDict["batchNum"],
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
# tdLog.info("restart taosd to ensure that the data falls into the disk")
# tdLog.info("restart taosd to ensure that the data falls into the disk")
# tdSql.query("flush database %s"%(paraDict['dbName']))
def tmqCase1(self):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1: ")
paraDict = {'dbName': 'dbt',
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
paraDict['vgroups'] = self.vgroups
paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
# update to half tables
# paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = int(self.rowsPerTbl / 2)
# tmqCom.insert_data_with_autoCreateTbl(tsql=tdSql,dbName=paraDict["dbName"],stbName=paraDict["stbName"],ctbPrefix="ctbx",
......@@ -103,16 +103,16 @@ class TDTestCase:
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
# tmqCom.insert_data_interlaceByMultiTbl(tsql=tdSql,dbName=paraDict["dbName"],ctbPrefix=paraDict["ctbPrefix"],
# ctbNum=paraDict["ctbNum"],rowsPerTbl=paraDict["rowsPerTbl"],batchNum=paraDict["batchNum"],
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
tdLog.info("create topics from stb1")
topicFromStb1 = 'topic_UpperCase_stb1'
topicFromStb1 = 'topic_UpperCase_stb1'
# queryString = "select ts, c1, c2 from %s.%s where t4 == 'shanghai' or t4 == 'changsha'"%(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
queryString = "select ts, c1, c2, t4 from %s.%s where t4 == 'shanghai' or t4 == 'changsha'"%(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicFromStb1, queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
# paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
consumerId = 0
......@@ -139,18 +139,18 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("run select sql from db")
totalRowsFromQuery = tdSql.getRows()
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, act query rows: %d"%(totalConsumeRows, totalRowsFromQuery))
if totalConsumeRows != totalRowsFromQuery:
tdLog.exit("tmq consume rows error!")
tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
tdSql.query("drop topic %s"%topicFromStb1)
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1 end ...... ")
def tmqCase2(self):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 2: ")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 2: ")
paraDict = {'dbName': 'dbt',
'dropFlag': 1,
'event': '',
......@@ -170,15 +170,15 @@ class TDTestCase:
'showMsg': 1,
'showRow': 1,
'snapshot': 0}
paraDict['snapshot'] = self.snapshot
paraDict['vgroups'] = self.vgroups
paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
# tdLog.info("restart taosd to ensure that the data falls into the disk")
# tdLog.info("restart taosd to ensure that the data falls into the disk")
# tdSql.query("flush database %s"%(paraDict['dbName']))
# update to half tables
# paraDict['startTs'] = paraDict['startTs'] + int(self.rowsPerTbl / 2)
# paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = int(self.rowsPerTbl / 2)
......@@ -187,17 +187,17 @@ class TDTestCase:
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
# tmqCom.insert_data_interlaceByMultiTbl(tsql=tdSql,dbName=paraDict["dbName"],ctbPrefix=paraDict["ctbPrefix"],
# ctbNum=paraDict["ctbNum"],rowsPerTbl=paraDict["rowsPerTbl"],batchNum=paraDict["batchNum"],
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
tdLog.info("create topics from stb1")
topicFromStb1 = 'topic_UpperCase_stb1'
topicFromStb1 = 'topic_UpperCase_stb1'
queryString = "select ts, c1, c2 from %s.%s where t4 == 'shanghai' or t4 == 'changsha'"%(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
# queryString = "select ts, c1, c2, t4 from %s.%s where t4 == 'shanghai' or t4 == 'changsha'"%(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicFromStb1, queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
# paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
consumerId = 1
......@@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("start consume processor")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(pollDelay=paraDict['pollDelay'],dbName=paraDict["dbName"],showMsg=paraDict['showMsg'], showRow=paraDict['showRow'],snapshot=paraDict['snapshot'])
paraDict['startTs'] = paraDict['startTs'] + int(self.rowsPerTbl / 2)
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = int(self.rowsPerTbl / 2)
tdLog.info("insert process end, and start to check consume result")
expectRows = 1
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
totalRowsFromQuery = tdSql.getRows()
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, act query rows: %d, expect consume rows: %d, "%(totalConsumeRows, totalRowsFromQuery, expectrowcnt))
if self.snapshot == 0:
if totalConsumeRows != expectrowcnt:
......@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ class TDTestCase:
elif self.snapshot == 1:
if totalConsumeRows != totalRowsFromQuery:
tdLog.exit("tmq consume rows error!")
# tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
# tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
tdSql.query("drop topic %s"%topicFromStb1)
......@@ -251,14 +251,14 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== snapshot is 0: only consume from wal")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== snapshot is 1: firstly consume from tsbs, and then from wal")
self.snapshot = 1
def stop(self):
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
self.vgroups = 4
self.ctbNum = 100
self.rowsPerTbl = 1000
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}")
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), False)
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
paraDict['vgroups'] = self.vgroups
paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
tdCom.create_database(tdSql, paraDict["dbName"],paraDict["dropFlag"], vgroups=paraDict["vgroups"],replica=1)
tdLog.info("create stb")
......@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ class TDTestCase:
# tmqCom.insert_data_with_autoCreateTbl(tsql=tdSql,dbName=paraDict["dbName"],stbName=paraDict["stbName"],ctbPrefix="ctbx",
# ctbNum=paraDict["ctbNum"],rowsPerTbl=paraDict["rowsPerTbl"],batchNum=paraDict["batchNum"],
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
# tdLog.info("restart taosd to ensure that the data falls into the disk")
# tdLog.info("restart taosd to ensure that the data falls into the disk")
# tdSql.query("flush database %s"%(paraDict['dbName']))
def tmqCase1(self):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1: ")
paraDict = {'dbName': 'dbt',
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
paraDict['vgroups'] = self.vgroups
paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
# update to half tables
# paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = int(self.rowsPerTbl / 2)
# tmqCom.insert_data_with_autoCreateTbl(tsql=tdSql,dbName=paraDict["dbName"],stbName=paraDict["stbName"],ctbPrefix="ctbx",
......@@ -103,16 +103,16 @@ class TDTestCase:
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
# tmqCom.insert_data_interlaceByMultiTbl(tsql=tdSql,dbName=paraDict["dbName"],ctbPrefix=paraDict["ctbPrefix"],
# ctbNum=paraDict["ctbNum"],rowsPerTbl=paraDict["rowsPerTbl"],batchNum=paraDict["batchNum"],
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
tdLog.info("create topics from stb1")
topicFromStb1 = 'topic_UpperCase_stb1'
topicFromStb1 = 'topic_UpperCase_stb1'
queryString = "select ts, c1, c2 from %s.%s where t4 == 'beijing' or t4 == 'changsha'"%(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
# queryString = "select ts, c1, c2, t4 from %s.%s where t4 == 'beijing' or t4 == 'changsha'"%(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicFromStb1, queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
# paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
consumerId = 0
......@@ -139,18 +139,18 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("run select sql from db")
totalRowsFromQuery = tdSql.getRows()
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, act query rows: %d"%(totalConsumeRows, totalRowsFromQuery))
if totalConsumeRows != totalRowsFromQuery:
tdLog.exit("tmq consume rows error!")
# tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
# tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
tdSql.query("drop topic %s"%topicFromStb1)
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 1 end ...... ")
def tmqCase2(self):
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 2: ")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== test case 2: ")
paraDict = {'dbName': 'dbt',
'dropFlag': 1,
'event': '',
......@@ -170,15 +170,15 @@ class TDTestCase:
'showMsg': 1,
'showRow': 1,
'snapshot': 0}
paraDict['snapshot'] = self.snapshot
paraDict['vgroups'] = self.vgroups
paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
# tdLog.info("restart taosd to ensure that the data falls into the disk")
# tdLog.info("restart taosd to ensure that the data falls into the disk")
# tdSql.query("flush database %s"%(paraDict['dbName']))
# update to half tables
# paraDict['startTs'] = paraDict['startTs'] + int(self.rowsPerTbl / 2)
# paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = int(self.rowsPerTbl / 2)
......@@ -187,17 +187,17 @@ class TDTestCase:
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
# tmqCom.insert_data_interlaceByMultiTbl(tsql=tdSql,dbName=paraDict["dbName"],ctbPrefix=paraDict["ctbPrefix"],
# ctbNum=paraDict["ctbNum"],rowsPerTbl=paraDict["rowsPerTbl"],batchNum=paraDict["batchNum"],
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
# startTs=paraDict["startTs"],ctbStartIdx=paraDict['ctbStartIdx'])
tdLog.info("create topics from stb1")
topicFromStb1 = 'topic_UpperCase_stb1'
topicFromStb1 = 'topic_UpperCase_stb1'
# queryString = "select ts, c1, c2 from %s.%s where t4 == 'beijing' or t4 == 'changsha'"%(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
queryString = "select ts, c1, c2, t4 from %s.%s where t4 == 'beijing' or t4 == 'changsha'"%(paraDict['dbName'], paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString = "create topic %s as %s" %(topicFromStb1, queryString)
tdLog.info("create topic sql: %s"%sqlString)
# paraDict['ctbNum'] = self.ctbNum
paraDict['rowsPerTbl'] = self.rowsPerTbl
consumerId = 1
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("start consume processor")
tmqCom.startTmqSimProcess(pollDelay=paraDict['pollDelay'],dbName=paraDict["dbName"],showMsg=paraDict['showMsg'], showRow=paraDict['showRow'],snapshot=paraDict['snapshot'])
paraDict['startTs'] = paraDict['startTs'] + int(self.rowsPerTbl * 7/10)
paraDict['ctbStartIdx'] = int(paraDict['ctbNum'] * 7/10)
# paraDict["rowsPerTbl"] = 100
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.info("insert process end, and start to check consume result")
expectRows = 1
resultList = tmqCom.selectConsumeResult(expectRows)
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
totalRowsFromQuery = tdSql.getRows()
tdLog.info("act consume rows: %d, act query rows: %d, expect consume rows: %d, "%(totalConsumeRows, totalRowsFromQuery, expectrowcnt))
if self.snapshot == 0:
if totalConsumeRows != expectrowcnt / 2:
......@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ class TDTestCase:
elif self.snapshot == 1:
if totalConsumeRows != totalRowsFromQuery:
tdLog.exit("tmq consume rows error when snapshot is 1!")
# tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
# tmqCom.checkFileContent(consumerId, queryString)
tdSql.query("drop topic %s"%topicFromStb1)
......@@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== snapshot is 0: only consume from wal")
tdLog.printNoPrefix("======== snapshot is 1: firstly consume from tsbs, and then from wal")
self.snapshot = 1
def stop(self):
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