提交 5beba81c 编写于 作者: Y yihaoDeng

[TD-3086]<feature> add test case

上级 d5b0ac80
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
def run(self):
tdLog.info('======================== dnode1 start')
tbPrefix = "ta_fl_tb"
mtPrefix = "ta_fl_mt"
tbNum = 10
rowNum = 20
totalNum = 200
tdLog.info('=============== step1')
i = 0
mt = "%s%d" % (mtPrefix, i)
'create table %s (ts timestamp, tbcol int) TAGS(tgcol float, tgTs timestamp, tgcol2 int)' %(mt))
i = 0
ts = 1605045600000
tsStr = "2020-11-11 06:00:00"
while (i < 5):
tb = "%s%d" % (tbPrefix, i)
tdLog.info('create table %s using %s tags(%d, %d, %d)' % (tb, mt, i, ts + i, i))
tdSql.execute('create table %s using %s tags(%d, %d, %d)' % (tb, mt, i, ts + i, i))
x = 0
while (x < rowNum):
ms = x * 60000
# "insert into %s values (%d, %d)" %
# (tb, 1605045600000 + ms, x))
"insert into %s values (%d, %d)" %
(tb, 1605045600000 + ms, x))
x = x + 1
i = i + 1
tdLog.info('=============== step2')
tdSql.query('select * from %s' % (mt))
tdSql.checkRows(5 * rowNum)
tdSql.query('select * from %s where tgTs = %ld and tgcol2 = 0' % (mt, ts))
tdSql.query('select * from %s where tgTs = \"%s\" and tgcol2 = 0' % (mt, tsStr))
tdLog.info('=============== step3')
i = 0
while (i < 5):
tb = "%s%d" % (tbPrefix, i + 100)
tdLog.info('create table %s using %s tags(%d, \"%s\", %d)' % (tb, mt, i + 100, tsStr, i + 100))
tdSql.execute('create table %s using %s tags(%d, \"%s\", %d)' % (tb, mt, i + 100, tsStr, i + 100))
x = 0
while (x < rowNum):
ms = x * 60000
# "insert into %s values (%d, %d)" %
# (tb, 1605045600000 + ms, x))
"insert into %s values (%d, %d)" %
(tb, 1605045600000 + ms, x))
x = x + 1
i = i + 1
tdSql.query('select * from %s where tgTs = %ld and tgcol2 = 100' % (mt, ts))
tdSql.query('select * from %s where tgTs = \"%s\" and tgcol2 = 100' % (mt, tsStr))
tdLog.info('=============== step4')
i = 0
tb = "%s%d"%(tbPrefix, i + 1000)
tdSql.execute('insert into %s using %s tags(%d, \"%s\", %d) values(now, 10)' % (tb, mt, i + 100, tsStr, i + 1000))
tdSql.execute('insert into %s using %s tags(%d, \"%s\", %d) values(now+2s, 10)' % (tb, mt, i + 100, tsStr, i + 1000))
tdSql.execute('insert into %s using %s tags(%d, \"%s\", %d) values(now+3s, 10)' % (tb, mt, i + 100, tsStr, i + 1000))
tdSql.query('select * from %s where tgTs = \"%s\" and tgcol2 = 1000' % (mt, tsStr))
i = 0
tb = "%s%d"%(tbPrefix, i + 10000)
tdSql.execute('create table %s using %s tags(%d, now, %d)' % (tb, mt, i + 10000,i + 10000))
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
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