提交 5b864c8a 编写于 作者: H huolibo 提交者: gccgdb1234

docs(driver): release jdbc 2.0.40

上级 3ad52d23
......@@ -202,6 +202,10 @@ The configuration parameters in the URL are as follows.
- batchfetch: true: pull the result set in batch when executing the query; false: pull the result set row by row. The default value is false. batchfetch uses HTTP for data transfer. The JDBC REST connection supports bulk data pulling function in taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.38 and TDengine and later versions. taos-jdbcdriver and TDengine transfer data via WebSocket connection. Compared with HTTP, WebSocket enables JDBC REST connection to support large data volume querying and improve query performance.
- charset: specify the charset to parse the string, this parameter is valid only when set batchfetch to true.
- batchErrorIgnore: true: when executing executeBatch of Statement, if one SQL execution fails in the middle, continue to execute the following SQL. false: no longer execute any statement after the failed SQL. The default value is: false.
- httpConnectTimeout: REST connection timeout in milliseconds, the default value is 5000 ms.
- httpSocketTimeout: socket timeout in milliseconds, the default value is 5000 ms. only takes effect when batchfetch is false.
- messageWaitTimeout: message transmission timeout in milliseconds, the default value is 3000 ms. only takes effect when batchfetch is true.
- useSSL: connecting Securely Using SSL. true: using SSL conneciton, false: not using SSL connection.
**Note**: Some configuration items (e.g., locale, timezone) do not work in the REST connection.
......@@ -257,14 +261,18 @@ In the above example, a connection is established to `taosdemo.com`, port is 603
The configuration parameters in properties are as follows.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_USER: Login TDengine user name, default value 'root'.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_USER: login TDengine user name, default value 'root'.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_PASSWORD: user login password, default value 'taosdata'.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_BATCH_LOAD: true: pull the result set in batch when executing query; false: pull the result set row by row. The default value is: false.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_BATCH_ERROR_IGNORE: true: when executing executeBatch of Statement, if there is a SQL execution failure in the middle, continue to execute the following sq. false: no longer execute any statement after the failed SQL. The default value is: false.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CONFIG_DIR: Only works when using JDBC native connection. Client configuration file directory path, default value `/etc/taos` on Linux OS, default value `C:/TDengine/cfg` on Windows OS.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CONFIG_DIR: only works when using JDBC native connection. Client configuration file directory path, default value `/etc/taos` on Linux OS, default value `C:/TDengine/cfg` on Windows OS.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET: In the character set used by the client, the default value is the system character set.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE: this only takes effect when using JDBC native connection. Client language environment, the default value is system current locale.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_TIME_ZONE: only takes effect when using JDBC native connection. In the time zone used by the client, the default value is the system's current time zone.
- TSDBDriver.HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: REST connection timeout in milliseconds, the default value is 5000 ms. only takes effect when using JDBC REST connection.
- TSDBDriver.HTTP_SOCKET_TIMEOUT: socket timeout in milliseconds, the default value is 5000 ms. only takes effect when using JDBC REST connection and batchfetch is false.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_MESSAGE_WAIT_TIMEOUT: message transmission timeout in milliseconds, the default value is 3000 ms. only takes effect when using JDBC REST connection and batchfetch is true.
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_USE_SSL: connecting Securely Using SSL. true: using SSL conneciton, false: not using SSL connection. only takes effect when using using JDBC REST connection.
For JDBC native connections, you can specify other parameters, such as log level, SQL length, etc., by specifying URL and Properties. For more detailed configuration, please refer to [Client Configuration](/reference/config/#Client-Only).
### Priority of configuration parameters
......@@ -812,11 +820,12 @@ Please refer to: [JDBC example](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/tree/develo
## Recent update logs
| taos-jdbcdriver version | major changes |
| :---------------------: | :------------------------------------------: |
| 2.0.38 | JDBC REST connections add bulk pull function |
| 2.0.37 | Added support for json tags |
| 2.0.36 | Add support for schemaless writing |
| taos-jdbcdriver version | major changes |
| :---------------------: | :--------------------------------------------: |
| 2.0.39 - 2.0.40 | Add REST connection/request timeout parameters |
| 2.0.38 | JDBC REST connections add bulk pull function |
| 2.0.37 | Support json tags |
| 2.0.36 | Support schemaless writing |
## Frequently Asked Questions
......@@ -201,6 +201,10 @@ url 中的配置参数如下:
- batchfetch: true:在执行查询时批量拉取结果集;false:逐行拉取结果集。默认值为:false。逐行拉取结果集使用 HTTP 方式进行数据传输。从 taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.38 和 TDengine 版本开始,JDBC REST 连接增加批量拉取数据功能。taos-jdbcdriver 与 TDengine 之间通过 WebSocket 连接进行数据传输。相较于 HTTP,WebSocket 可以使 JDBC REST 连接支持大数据量查询,并提升查询性能。
- charset: 当开启批量拉取数据时,指定解析字符串数据的字符集。
- batchErrorIgnore:true:在执行 Statement 的 executeBatch 时,如果中间有一条 SQL 执行失败,继续执行下面的 SQL 了。false:不再执行失败 SQL 后的任何语句。默认值为:false。
- httpConnectTimeout: 连接超时时间,单位 ms, 默认值为 5000。
- httpSocketTimeout: socket 超时时间,单位 ms,默认值为 5000。仅在 batchfetch 设置为 false 时生效。
- messageWaitTimeout: 消息超时时间, 单位 ms, 默认值为 3000。 仅在 batchfetch 设置为 true 时生效。
- useSSL: 连接中是否使用 SSL。
**注意**:部分配置项(比如:locale、timezone)在 REST 连接中不生效。
......@@ -264,7 +268,11 @@ properties 中的配置参数如下:
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET:客户端使用的字符集,默认值为系统字符集。
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE:仅在使用 JDBC 原生连接时生效。 客户端语言环境,默认值系统当前 locale。
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_TIME_ZONE:仅在使用 JDBC 原生连接时生效。 客户端使用的时区,默认值为系统当前时区。
- 此外对 JDBC 原生连接,通过指定 URL 和 Properties 还可以指定其他参数,比如日志级别、SQL 长度等。更多详细配置请参考[客户端配置](/reference/config/#仅客户端适用)。
- TSDBDriver.HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: 连接超时时间,单位 ms, 默认值为 5000。仅在 REST 连接时生效。
- TSDBDriver.HTTP_SOCKET_TIMEOUT: socket 超时时间,单位 ms,默认值为 5000。仅在 REST 连接且 batchfetch 设置为 false 时生效。
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_MESSAGE_WAIT_TIMEOUT: 消息超时时间, 单位 ms, 默认值为 3000。 仅在 REST 连接且 batchfetch 设置为 true 时生效。
- TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_USE_SSL: 连接中是否使用 SSL。仅在 REST 连接时生效。
此外对 JDBC 原生连接,通过指定 URL 和 Properties 还可以指定其他参数,比如日志级别、SQL 长度等。更多详细配置请参考[客户端配置](/reference/config/#仅客户端适用)。
### 配置参数的优先级
......@@ -809,6 +817,7 @@ Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000141s)
| taos-jdbcdriver 版本 | 主要变化 |
| :------------------: | :----------------------------: |
| 2.0.39 - 2.0.40 | 增加 REST 连接/请求 超时设置 |
| 2.0.38 | JDBC REST 连接增加批量拉取功能 |
| 2.0.37 | 增加对 json tag 支持 |
| 2.0.36 | 增加对 schemaless 写入支持 |
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