未验证 提交 5a76bd5a 编写于 作者: M Minglei Jin 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #9976 from taosdata/hotfix/TS-12575

[TS-12575]<fix>: add detail message for parameter bind error
......@@ -2007,9 +2007,23 @@ int taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch(TAOS_STMT* stmt, TAOS_MULTI_BIND* bind, in
STscStmt* pStmt = (STscStmt*)stmt;
if (bind == NULL || bind->num <= 0 || bind->num > INT16_MAX || colIdx < 0) {
tscError("0x%"PRIx64" invalid parameter", pStmt->pSql->self);
STMT_RET(invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(&pStmt->pSql->cmd), "invalid bind param"));
if (bind == NULL) {
tscError("0x%" PRIx64 " invalid parameter: bind is NULL", pStmt->pSql->self);
STMT_RET(invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(&pStmt->pSql->cmd), "invalid bind param: bind is NULL"));
if (bind->num <= 0 || bind->num > INT16_MAX) {
char errMsg[128];
sprintf(errMsg, "invalid parameter: bind->num:%d out of range [0, %d)", bind->num, INT16_MAX);
tscError("0x%" PRIx64 " %s", pStmt->pSql->self, errMsg);
STMT_RET(invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(&pStmt->pSql->cmd), errMsg));
if (colIdx < 0) {
char errMsg[128];
sprintf(errMsg, "invalid parameter: column index:%d less than 0", colIdx);
tscError("0x%" PRIx64 " %s", pStmt->pSql->self, errMsg);
STMT_RET(invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(&pStmt->pSql->cmd), errMsg));
if (!pStmt->isInsert) {
......@@ -21,4 +21,7 @@ IF (TD_DARWIN)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(demo taos_static trpc tutil pthread ${LINK_LUA})
ADD_EXECUTABLE(epoll epoll.c)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(epoll taos_static trpc tutil pthread ${LINK_LUA})
ADD_EXECUTABLE(parameter-binding parameter-binding.c)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(parameter-binding taos)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <taos.h>
#include <time.h>
bool isPrint = true;
void one_batch_one_table_1(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows);
void one_batch_one_table_2(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows);
void one_batch_one_table_3(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows);
void one_batch_one_table_4(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows);
void one_batch_one_table_5(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows);
void one_batch_one_table_6(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows);
void one_batch_one_table_7(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows);
void one_batch_multi_table_1(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows, int tables);
void one_batch_multi_table_2(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows, int tables);
void one_batch_multi_table_3(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows, int tables);
void execute(TAOS *conn, char *sql);
void prepare_normal_table(TAOS *conn);
void prepare_super_and_sub_table(TAOS *conn, int subTables);
void prepare_super_table(TAOS *conn, int subTables);
int64_t getCurrentTimeMill();
void B(TAOS_STMT *stmt, char sql[]);
void C(TAOS_STMT *stmt, char sql[]);
void D(TAOS_STMT *stmt, char sql[], int tag);
void E(TAOS_STMT *stmt);
void F(TAOS_STMT *stmt, int64_t ts_start);
void G1(TAOS_STMT *stmt, int64_t ts_start, int rows);
void G2(TAOS_STMT *stmt, int rows);
void H(TAOS_STMT *stmt, int64_t ts_start, int rows);
void I(TAOS_STMT *stmt);
void J(TAOS_STMT *stmt);
void L(TAOS_STMT *stmt);
int main() {
char host[] = "";
// connect
TAOS *conn = taos_connect(host, "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
if (conn == NULL) {
printf("failed to connect to:%s, reason:%s\n", host, "null taos");
execute(conn, "drop database if exists test");
execute(conn, "create database if not exists test");
execute(conn, "use test");
long totalRows = 1000000;
long batchRows = 32767;
int tables = 10;
prepare_super_table(conn, 1);
// A -> B -> D -> [F -> I]... -> J -> L
// one_batch_one_table_1(conn, totalRows, batchRows);
// A -> B -> [D -> [F -> I]... -> J]... -> L
// one_batch_one_table_2(conn, totalRows, batchRows);
// A -> B -> D -> [F... -> I -> J]... -> L
// one_batch_one_table_3(conn, totalRows, batchRows);
// A -> B -> D -> [H -> I -> J]... -> L
// one_batch_one_table_4(conn, totalRows, batchRows);
// A -> B -> [D -> H -> I -> J]... -> L
// one_batch_one_table_5(conn, totalRows, batchRows);
// A -> B -> [D -> H -> I -> J]... -> L
// one_batch_one_table_6(conn, totalRows, batchRows);
// A -> B -> [D -> H -> I -> J]... -> L
// one_batch_one_table_7(conn, totalRows, batchRows);
// A -> B -> [D -> [F -> I]... -> J]... -> L
// one_batch_multi_table_1(conn, totalRows, batchRows, tables);
// A -> B -> [D -> H -> I -> J]... -> L
// one_batch_multi_table_2(conn, totalRows, batchRows, tables);
// A -> B -> [D -> G1 -> G2 -> I -> J]... -> L
one_batch_multi_table_3(conn, totalRows, batchRows, tables);
// close
// A -> B -> D -> [F -> I]... -> J -> L
void one_batch_one_table_1(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows) {
// given
time_t current;
current -= totalRows;
int64_t start = getCurrentTimeMill();
// when
TAOS_STMT *stmt = A(conn);
B(stmt, "insert into ? using weather tags(?) (ts, f1) values(?, ?)");
D(stmt, "t1", 1);
for (int i = 1; i <= totalRows; ++i) {
F(stmt, (current + i - 1) * 1000);
if (i % batchRows == 0 || i == totalRows) {
int64_t end = getCurrentTimeMill();
printf("totalRows: %ld, batchRows: %ld, time cost: %lld ms\n", totalRows, batchRows, (end - start));
// A -> B -> D -> [F -> I]... -> J -> L
void one_batch_one_table_2(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows) {
// given
time_t current;
current -= totalRows;
int64_t start = getCurrentTimeMill();
// when
TAOS_STMT *stmt = A(conn);
B(stmt, "insert into ? using weather tags(?) (ts, f1) values(?, ?)");
for (int i = 1; i <= totalRows; ++i) {
if (i % batchRows == 1) {
D(stmt, "t1", 1);
F(stmt, (current + i - 1) * 1000);
if (i % batchRows == 0 || i == totalRows) {
int64_t end = getCurrentTimeMill();
printf("totalRows: %ld, batchRows: %ld, time cost: %lld ms\n", totalRows, batchRows, (end - start));
void one_batch_one_table_3(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows) {
// given
time_t current;
current -= totalRows;
int64_t start = getCurrentTimeMill();
// when
TAOS_STMT *stmt = A(conn);
B(stmt, "insert into ? using weather tags(?) (ts, f1) values(?, ?)");
D(stmt, "t1", 1);
for (int i = 1; i <= totalRows; ++i) {
F(stmt, (current + i - 1) * 1000);
if (i % batchRows == 0 || i == totalRows) {
int64_t end = getCurrentTimeMill();
printf("totalRows: %ld, batchRows: %ld, time cost: %lld ms\n", totalRows, batchRows, (end - start));
void one_batch_one_table_4(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows) {
// given
time_t current;
current -= totalRows;
int64_t start = getCurrentTimeMill();
// when
TAOS_STMT *stmt = A(conn);
B(stmt, "insert into ? using weather tags(?) values(?,?)");
D(stmt, "t1", 1);
for (int i = 1; i <= totalRows; i += batchRows) {
int rows = (i + batchRows) > totalRows ? (totalRows + 1 - i) : batchRows;
H(stmt, (current + i) * 1000, rows);
int64_t end = getCurrentTimeMill();
printf("totalRows: %ld, batchRows: %ld, time cost: %lld ms\n", totalRows, batchRows, (end - start));
void one_batch_one_table_5(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows) {
// given
time_t current;
current -= totalRows;
int64_t start = getCurrentTimeMill();
// when
TAOS_STMT *stmt = A(conn);
B(stmt, "insert into ? using weather tags(?) values(?,?)");
for (int i = 1; i <= totalRows; i += batchRows) {
D(stmt, "t1", 1);
int rows = (i + batchRows) > totalRows ? (totalRows + 1 - i) : batchRows;
H(stmt, (current + i) * 1000, rows);
int64_t end = getCurrentTimeMill();
printf("totalRows: %ld, batchRows: %ld, time cost: %lld ms\n", totalRows, batchRows, (end - start));
void one_batch_one_table_6(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows) {
// given
time_t current;
current -= totalRows;
int64_t start = getCurrentTimeMill();
// when
TAOS_STMT *stmt = A(conn);
B(stmt, "insert into ? using weather tags(?) values(?,?)");
D(stmt, "t1", 1);
for (int i = 1; i <= totalRows; i += batchRows) {
int rows = (i + batchRows) > totalRows ? (totalRows + 1 - i) : batchRows;
G1(stmt, (current + i) * 1000, rows);
G2(stmt, rows);
int64_t end = getCurrentTimeMill();
printf("totalRows: %ld, batchRows: %ld, time cost: %lld ms\n", totalRows, batchRows, (end - start));
void one_batch_one_table_7(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows) {
// given
time_t current;
current -= totalRows;
int64_t start = getCurrentTimeMill();
// when
TAOS_STMT *stmt = A(conn);
B(stmt, "insert into ? using weather tags(?) values(?,?)");
for (int i = 1; i <= totalRows; i += batchRows) {
if (i % batchRows == 1) {
D(stmt, "t1", 1);
int rows = (i + batchRows) > totalRows ? (totalRows + 1 - i) : batchRows;
G1(stmt, (current + i) * 1000, rows);
G2(stmt, rows);
int64_t end = getCurrentTimeMill();
printf("totalRows: %ld, batchRows: %ld, time cost: %lld ms\n", totalRows, batchRows, (end - start));
void one_batch_multi_table_1(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows, int tables) {
// given
time_t current;
long eachTable = (totalRows - 1) / tables + 1;
current -= eachTable;
int64_t start = getCurrentTimeMill();
// when
TAOS_STMT *stmt = A(conn);
B(stmt, "insert into ? using weather tags(?) values(?, ?)");
for (int tbIndex = 0; tbIndex < tables; ++tbIndex) {
char tbname[10];
sprintf(tbname, "t%d", tbIndex);
eachTable = ((tbIndex + 1) * eachTable > totalRows) ? (totalRows - tbIndex * eachTable) : eachTable;
for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex <= eachTable; ++rowIndex) {
if (rowIndex % batchRows == 1) {
D(stmt, tbname, tbIndex);
if (isPrint)
printf("\ntbIndex: %d, table_rows: %ld, rowIndex: %d, batch_rows: %ld\n", tbIndex, eachTable, rowIndex,
F(stmt, (current + rowIndex - 1) * 1000);
if (rowIndex % batchRows == 0 || rowIndex == eachTable) {
int64_t end = getCurrentTimeMill();
printf("totalRows: %ld, batchRows: %ld, table: %d, eachTableRows: %ld, time cost: %lld ms\n", totalRows, batchRows,
tables, eachTable, (end - start));
void one_batch_multi_table_2(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows, int tables) {
// given
time_t current;
long eachTable = (totalRows - 1) / tables + 1;
current -= eachTable;
int64_t start = getCurrentTimeMill();
// when
TAOS_STMT *stmt = A(conn);
B(stmt, "insert into ? using weather tags(?) values(?,?)");
for (int tbIndex = 0; tbIndex < tables; ++tbIndex) {
char tbname[10];
sprintf(tbname, "t%d", tbIndex);
eachTable = ((tbIndex + 1) * eachTable > totalRows) ? (totalRows - tbIndex * eachTable) : eachTable;
for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex <= eachTable; rowIndex += batchRows) {
int rows = (rowIndex + batchRows) > eachTable ? (eachTable + 1 - rowIndex) : batchRows;
if (rowIndex % batchRows == 1) {
D(stmt, tbname, tbIndex);
if (isPrint)
printf("\ntbIndex: %d, table_rows: %ld, rowIndex: %d, batch_rows: %d\n", tbIndex, eachTable, rowIndex, rows);
H(stmt, (current + rowIndex) * 1000, rows);
int64_t end = getCurrentTimeMill();
printf("totalRows: %ld, batchRows: %ld, table: %d, eachTableRows: %ld, time cost: %lld ms\n", totalRows, batchRows,
tables, eachTable, (end - start));
void one_batch_multi_table_3(TAOS *conn, long totalRows, long batchRows, int tables) {
// given
time_t current;
long eachTable = (totalRows - 1) / tables + 1;
current -= eachTable;
int64_t start = getCurrentTimeMill();
// when
TAOS_STMT *stmt = A(conn);
B(stmt, "insert into ? using weather tags(?) values(?, ?)");
for (int tbIndex = 0; tbIndex < tables; ++tbIndex) {
char tbname[10];
sprintf(tbname, "t%d", tbIndex);
eachTable = ((tbIndex + 1) * eachTable > totalRows) ? (totalRows - tbIndex * eachTable) : eachTable;
for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex <= eachTable; rowIndex += batchRows) {
int rows = (rowIndex + batchRows) > eachTable ? (eachTable + 1 - rowIndex) : batchRows;
if (rowIndex % batchRows == 1) {
D(stmt, tbname, tbIndex);
if (isPrint)
printf("\ntbIndex: %d, table_rows: %ld, rowIndex: %d, batch_rows: %d\n", tbIndex, eachTable, rowIndex, rows);
G1(stmt, (current + rowIndex) * 1000, rows);
G2(stmt, rows);
int64_t end = getCurrentTimeMill();
printf("totalRows: %ld, batchRows: %ld, table: %d, eachTableRows: %ld, time cost: %lld ms\n", totalRows, batchRows,
tables, eachTable, (end - start));
void execute(TAOS *conn, char *sql) {
TAOS_RES *psql = taos_query(conn, sql);
if (psql == NULL) {
printf("failed to execute: %s, reason: %s\n", sql, taos_errstr(psql));
TAOS_STMT *A(TAOS *conn) {
if (isPrint) printf("A -> ");
return taos_stmt_init(conn);
void B(TAOS_STMT *stmt, char sql[]) {
if (isPrint) printf("B -> ");
int code = taos_stmt_prepare(stmt, sql, 0);
if (code != 0) {
printf("failed to prepare stmt: %s, reason: %s\n", sql, taos_stmt_errstr(stmt));
void C(TAOS_STMT *stmt, char tbname[]) {
if (isPrint) printf("C -> ");
int code = taos_stmt_set_tbname(stmt, tbname);
if (code != 0) printf("failed to set_tbname_tags, reason: %s\n", taos_stmt_errstr(stmt));
void D(TAOS_STMT *stmt, char tbname[], int tag) {
if (isPrint) printf("D -> ");
TAOS_BIND tags[1];
tags[0].buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
int tag_value = tag >= 0 ? tag : rand() % 100;
tags[0].buffer = &tag_value;
tags[0].buffer_length = sizeof(tag_value);
tags[0].length = &tags[0].buffer_length;
tags[0].is_null = NULL;
// set_tbname_tags
int code = taos_stmt_set_tbname_tags(stmt, tbname, tags);
if (code != 0) printf("failed to set_tbname_tags, reason: %s\n", taos_stmt_errstr(stmt));
void E(TAOS_STMT *stmt) {
void F(TAOS_STMT *stmt, int64_t ts) {
if (isPrint) printf("F -> ");
TAOS_BIND params[2];
// timestamp
params[0].buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP;
params[0].buffer = &ts;
params[0].buffer_length = sizeof(ts);
params[0].length = &params[0].buffer_length;
params[0].is_null = NULL;
// int
int value = rand() % 100;
params[1].buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
params[1].buffer = &value;
params[1].buffer_length = sizeof(value);
params[1].length = &params[1].buffer_length;
params[1].is_null = NULL;
// bind
int code = taos_stmt_bind_param(stmt, params);
if (0 != code) printf("failed to bind_param, reason: %s\n", taos_stmt_errstr(stmt));
void H(TAOS_STMT *stmt, int64_t ts_start, int rows) {
if (isPrint) printf("H -> ");
TAOS_MULTI_BIND params[2];
// timestamp
int64_t ts[rows];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
ts[i] = ts_start + i * 1000;
params[0].buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP;
params[0].buffer = ts;
params[0].buffer_length = sizeof(ts[0]);
params[0].length = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * rows);
char is_null[rows];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
is_null[i] = 0;
params[0].is_null = is_null;
params[0].num = rows;
// f1
int32_t values[rows];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
values[i] = rand() % 100;
params[1].buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
params[1].buffer = values;
params[1].buffer_length = sizeof(int32_t);
params[1].length = malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * rows);
params[1].is_null = is_null;
params[1].num = rows;
int code = taos_stmt_bind_param_batch(stmt, params);
if (code != 0) {
printf("failed to bind_param_batch, reason: %s\n", taos_stmt_errstr(stmt));
void G1(TAOS_STMT *stmt, int64_t ts_start, int rows) {
if (isPrint) printf("G1 -> ");
// timestamp
TAOS_MULTI_BIND param0[1];
int64_t ts[rows];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
ts[i] = ts_start + i * 1000;
param0[0].buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP;
param0[0].buffer = ts;
param0[0].buffer_length = sizeof(ts[0]);
param0[0].length = malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * rows);
char is_null[rows];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
is_null[i] = 0;
param0[0].is_null = is_null;
param0[0].num = rows;
int code = taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch(stmt, param0, 0);
if (code != 0) {
printf("failed to bind_single_param_batch, reason: %s\n", taos_stmt_errstr(stmt));
void G2(TAOS_STMT *stmt, int rows) {
if (isPrint) printf("G2 -> ");
// f1
TAOS_MULTI_BIND param1[1];
int32_t values[rows];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
values[i] = rand() % 100;
param1[0].buffer_type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
param1[0].buffer = values;
param1[0].buffer_length = sizeof(int32_t);
param1[0].length = malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * rows);
char is_null[rows];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
is_null[i] = 0;
param1[0].is_null = is_null;
param1[0].num = rows;
int code = taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch(stmt, param1, 1);
if (code != 0) {
printf("failed to bind_single_param_batch, reason: %s\n", taos_stmt_errstr(stmt));
void I(TAOS_STMT *stmt) {
if (isPrint) printf("I -> ");
int code = taos_stmt_add_batch(stmt);
if (code != 0) {
printf("failed to add_batch, reason: %s\n", taos_stmt_errstr(stmt));
void J(TAOS_STMT *stmt) {
if (isPrint) printf("J -> ");
int code = taos_stmt_execute(stmt);
if (code != 0) {
printf("failed to execute, reason: %s\n", taos_stmt_errstr(stmt));
void L(TAOS_STMT *stmt) {
if (isPrint) printf("L\n");
void prepare_super_table(TAOS *conn, int subTables) {
char sql[100] = "drop table weather";
execute(conn, sql);
if (isPrint) printf("sql>>> %s\n", sql);
sprintf(sql, "create table weather(ts timestamp, f1 int) tags(t1 int)");
execute(conn, sql);
if (isPrint) printf("sql>>> %s\n", sql);
for (int i = 0; i < subTables; i++) {
sprintf(sql, "drop table t%d", i);
if (isPrint) printf("sql>>> %s\n", sql);
execute(conn, sql);
void prepare_normal_table(TAOS *conn) {
execute(conn, "drop table weather");
execute(conn, "create table weather(ts timestamp, f1 int) tags(t1 int)");
void prepare_super_and_sub_table(TAOS *conn, int subTables) {
execute(conn, "drop table weather");
execute(conn, "create table weather(ts timestamp, f1 int) tags(t1 int)");
for (int i = 0; i < subTables; i++) {
char sql[100];
sprintf(sql, "drop table t%d", i);
if (isPrint) printf("sql>>> %s\n", sql);
execute(conn, sql);
sprintf(sql, "create table t%d using weather tags(%d)", i, i);
if (isPrint) printf("sql>>> %s\n", sql);
execute(conn, sql);
int64_t getCurrentTimeMill() {
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return ((unsigned long long)tv.tv_sec * 1000 + (unsigned long long)tv.tv_usec / 1000);
\ No newline at end of file
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