未验证 提交 56e643ba 编写于 作者: dengyihao's avatar dengyihao 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #8841 from taosdata/origin/3.0/fst

update fst core struct
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "index_fst_util.h"
#include "index_fst_registry.h"
#include "index_fst_counting_writer.h"
#include "index_fst_automation.h"
typedef struct FstNode FstNode;
......@@ -34,11 +35,28 @@ typedef struct FstRange {
typedef enum { OneTransNext, OneTrans, AnyTrans, EmptyFinal} State;
typedef enum { Included, Excluded, Unbounded} FstBound;
typedef enum {Ordered, OutOfOrdered, DuplicateKey} OrderType;
typedef enum { Included, Excluded, Unbounded} FstBound;
typedef struct FstBoundWithData {
FstSlice data;
FstBound type;
} FstBoundWithData;
FstBoundWithData* fstBoundStateCreate(FstBound type, FstSlice *data);
bool fstBoundWithDataExceededBy(FstBoundWithData *bound, FstSlice *slice);
bool fstBoundWithDataIsEmpty(FstBoundWithData *bound);
bool fstBoundWithDataIsIncluded(FstBoundWithData *bound);
typedef struct FstOutput {
bool null;
Output out;
} FstOutput;
......@@ -261,4 +279,30 @@ bool fstVerify(Fst *fst);
//refactor this function
bool fstBuilderNodeCompileTo(FstBuilderNode *b, FstCountingWriter *wrt, CompiledAddr lastAddr, CompiledAddr startAddr);
typedef struct StreamState {
FstNode *node;
uint64_t trans;
FstOutput out;
void *autState;
} StreamState;
typedef struct StreamWithState {
Fst *fst;
Automation *aut;
SArray *inp;
FstOutput emptyOutput;
SArray *stack; // <StreamState>
FstBoundWithData *endAt;
} StreamWithState ;
typedef void* (*StreamCallback)(void *);
StreamWithState *streamWithStateCreate(Fst *fst, Automation *automation, FstBoundWithData *min, FstBoundWithData *max) ;
void streamWithStateDestroy(StreamWithState *sws);
bool streamWithStateSeekMin(StreamWithState *sws, FstBoundWithData *min);
void *streamWithStateNextWith(StreamWithState *sws, StreamCallback callback);
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
struct AutomationCtx;
typedef struct AutomationCtx AutomationCtx;
typedef struct StartWith {
AutomationCtx *autoSelf;
......@@ -23,20 +23,25 @@ typedef struct StartWith {
typedef struct Complement {
AutomationCtx *autoSelf;
} Complement;
// automation
typedef struct AutomationCtx {
// automation interface
void *data;
} AutomationCtx;
// automation interface
void (*start)(AutomationCtx *ctx);
bool (*isMatch)(AutomationCtx *ctx);
bool (*canMatch)(AutomationCtx *ctx, void *data);
bool (*willAlwaysMatch)(AutomationCtx *ctx, void *state);
void* (*accpet)(AutomationCtx *ctx, void *state, uint8_t byte);
void* (*accpetEof)(AutomationCtx *ctx, *state);
typedef struct Automation {
void* (*start)() ;
bool (*isMatch)();
bool (*canMatch)(void *data);
bool (*willAlwaysMatch)(void *state);
void* (*accpet)(void *state, uint8_t byte);
void* (*accpetEof)(void *state);
void *data;
} Automation;
......@@ -1055,4 +1055,158 @@ bool fstVerify(Fst *fst) {
return true;
// data bound function
FstBoundWithData* fstBoundStateCreate(FstBound type, FstSlice *data) {
FstBoundWithData *b = calloc(1, sizeof(FstBoundWithData));
if (b == NULL) { return NULL; }
b->type = type;
b->data = fstSliceCopy(data, data->start, data->end);
return b;
bool fstBoundWithDataExceededBy(FstBoundWithData *bound, FstSlice *slice) {
int comp = fstSliceCompare(slice, &bound->data);
if (bound->type == Included) {
return comp > 0 ? true : false;
} else if (bound->type == Excluded) {
return comp >= 0 ? true : false;
} else {
return true;
bool fstBoundWithDataIsEmpty(FstBoundWithData *bound) {
if (bound->type == Unbounded) {
return true;
} else {
return fstSliceEmpty(&bound->data);
bool fstBoundWithDataIsIncluded(FstBoundWithData *bound) {
return bound->type == Included ? true : false;
void fstBoundDestroy(FstBoundWithData *bound) {
StreamWithState *streamWithStateCreate(Fst *fst, Automation *automation, FstBoundWithData *min, FstBoundWithData *max) {
StreamWithState *sws = calloc(1, sizeof(StreamWithState));
if (sws == NULL) { return NULL; }
sws->fst = fst;
sws->aut = automation;
sws->inp = (SArray *)taosArrayInit(256, sizeof(uint8_t));
sws->emptyOutput.null = false;
sws->emptyOutput.out = 0;
sws->stack = (SArray *)taosArrayInit(256, sizeof(StreamState));
sws->endAt = max;
streamWithStateSeekMin(sws, min);
return sws;
void streamWithStateDestroy(StreamWithState *sws) {
if (sws == NULL) { return; }
bool streamWithStateSeekMin(StreamWithState *sws, FstBoundWithData *min) {
if (fstBoundWithDataIsEmpty(min)) {
if (fstBoundWithDataIsIncluded(min)) {
sws->emptyOutput.out = fstEmptyFinalOutput(sws->fst, &(sws->emptyOutput.null));
StreamState s = {.node = fstGetRoot(sws->fst),
.trans = 0,
.out = {.null = false, .out = 0},
.autState = sws->aut->start()}; // auto.start callback
taosArrayPush(sws->stack, &s);
return true;
FstSlice *key = NULL;
bool inclusize = false;;
if (min->type == Included) {
key = &min->data;
inclusize = true;
} else if (min->type == Excluded) {
key = &min->data;
} else {
return false;
FstNode *node = fstGetRoot(sws->fst);
Output out = 0;
void* autState = sws->aut->start();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < key->dLen; i++) {
uint8_t b = key->data[i];
uint64_t res = 0;
bool null = fstNodeFindInput(node, b, &res);
if (null == false) {
FstTransition trn;
fstNodeGetTransitionAt(node, res, &trn);
void *preState = autState;
autState = sws->aut->accpet(preState, b);
taosArrayPush(sws->inp, &b);
StreamState s = {.node = node,
.trans = res + 1,
.out = {.null = false, .out = out},
.autState = preState};
taosArrayPush(sws->stack, &s);
out += trn.out;
node = fstGetNode(sws->fst, trn.addr);
} else {
// This is a little tricky. We're in this case if the
// given bound is not a prefix of any key in the FST.
// Since this is a minimum bound, we need to find the
// first transition in this node that proceeds the current
// input byte.
FstTransitions *trans = fstNodeTransitions(node);
uint64_t i = 0;
for (i = trans->range.start; i < trans->range.end; i++) {
FstTransition trn;
if (fstNodeGetTransitionAt(node, i, &trn) && trn.inp > b) {
StreamState s = {.node = node,
.trans = i,
.out = {.null = false, .out = out},
.autState = autState};
taosArrayPush(sws->stack, &s);
return true;
uint32_t sz = taosArrayGetSize(sws->stack);
if (sz != 0) {
StreamState *s = taosArrayGet(sws->stack, sz - 1);
if (inclusize) {
s->trans -= 1;
} else {
FstNode *n = s->node;
uint64_t trans = s->trans;
FstTransition trn;
fstNodeGetTransitionAt(n, trans - 1, &trn);
StreamState s = {.node = fstGetNode(sws->fst, trn.addr),
.trans= 0,
.out = {.null = false, .out = out},
.autState = autState};
taosArrayPush(sws->stack, &s);
return true;
return false;
......@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ FstSlice fstSliceCreate(uint8_t *data, uint64_t dLen) {
FstSlice slice = {.data = data, .dLen = dLen, .start = 0, .end = dLen - 1};
return slice;
// just shallow copy
FstSlice fstSliceCopy(FstSlice *slice, int32_t start, int32_t end) {
FstSlice t;
if (start >= slice->dLen || end >= slice->dLen || start > end) {
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