提交 55927eaf 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan

refact: build sync heartbeat msg

上级 94076e59
......@@ -125,28 +125,8 @@ typedef struct SyncHeartbeat {
SyncIndex commitIndex;
SyncTerm privateTerm;
SyncTerm minMatchIndex;
} SyncHeartbeat;
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatBuild(int32_t vgId);
void syncHeartbeatDestroy(SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
void syncHeartbeatSerialize(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, char* buf, uint32_t bufLen);
void syncHeartbeatDeserialize(const char* buf, uint32_t len, SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
char* syncHeartbeatSerialize2(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, uint32_t* len);
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatDeserialize2(const char* buf, uint32_t len);
void syncHeartbeat2RpcMsg(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg);
void syncHeartbeatFromRpcMsg(const SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg, SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatFromRpcMsg2(const SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg);
cJSON* syncHeartbeat2Json(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
char* syncHeartbeat2Str(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
// for debug ----------------------
void syncHeartbeatPrint(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
void syncHeartbeatPrint2(char* s, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
void syncHeartbeatLog(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
void syncHeartbeatLog2(char* s, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
// ---------------------------------------------
typedef struct SyncHeartbeatReply {
uint32_t bytes;
int32_t vgId;
......@@ -420,7 +400,7 @@ int32_t syncNodeOnPreSnapshotReply(SSyncNode* ths, SyncPreSnapshotReply* pMsg);
int32_t syncNodeOnSnapshot(SSyncNode* ths, SyncSnapshotSend* pMsg);
int32_t syncNodeOnSnapshotReply(SSyncNode* ths, SyncSnapshotRsp* pMsg);
int32_t syncNodeOnHeartbeat(SSyncNode* ths, SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
int32_t syncNodeOnHeartbeat(SSyncNode* ths, const SRpcMsg* pMsg);
int32_t syncNodeOnHeartbeatReply(SSyncNode* ths, SyncHeartbeatReply* pMsg);
int32_t syncNodeOnClientRequest(SSyncNode* ths, SRpcMsg* pMsg, SyncIndex* pRetIndex);
......@@ -441,6 +421,7 @@ int32_t syncBuildRequestVote(SRpcMsg* pMsg, int32_t vgId);
int32_t syncBuildRequestVoteReply(SRpcMsg* pMsg, int32_t vgId);
int32_t syncBuildAppendEntries(SRpcMsg* pMsg, int32_t dataLen, int32_t vgId);
int32_t syncBuildAppendEntriesReply(SRpcMsg* pMsg, int32_t vgId);
int32_t syncBuildHeartbeat(SRpcMsg* pMsg, int32_t vgId);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ extern "C" {
// /\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
int32_t syncNodeHeartbeatPeers(SSyncNode* pSyncNode);
int32_t syncNodeSendHeartbeat(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SRaftId* pDestId, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
int32_t syncNodeSendHeartbeat(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SRaftId* pDestId, SRpcMsg* pMsg);
int32_t syncNodeReplicate(SSyncNode* pSyncNode);
int32_t syncNodeReplicateOne(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, SRaftId* pDestId);
......@@ -134,9 +134,7 @@ int32_t syncProcessMsg(int64_t rid, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
if (pSyncNode == NULL) return code;
if (pMsg->msgType == TDMT_SYNC_HEARTBEAT) {
SyncHeartbeat* pSyncMsg = syncHeartbeatFromRpcMsg2(pMsg);
code = syncNodeOnHeartbeat(pSyncNode, pSyncMsg);
code = syncNodeOnHeartbeat(pSyncNode, pMsg);
} else if (pMsg->msgType == TDMT_SYNC_HEARTBEAT_REPLY) {
SyncHeartbeatReply* pSyncMsg = syncHeartbeatReplyFromRpcMsg2(pMsg);
code = syncNodeOnHeartbeatReply(pSyncNode, pSyncMsg);
......@@ -1192,6 +1190,7 @@ int32_t syncNodeSendMsgById(const SRaftId* destRaftId, SSyncNode* pSyncNode, SRp
pSyncNode->syncSendMSg(&epSet, pMsg);
} else {
sError("vgId:%d, sync send msg by id error, fp-send-msg is null", pSyncNode->vgId);
return -1;
......@@ -1913,7 +1912,10 @@ static void syncNodeEqPeerHeartbeatTimer(void* param, void* tmrId) {
if (pSyncNode->replicaNum > 1) {
if (timerLogicClock == msgLogicClock) {
SyncHeartbeat* pSyncMsg = syncHeartbeatBuild(pSyncNode->vgId);
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {0};
(void)syncBuildHeartbeat(&rpcMsg, pSyncNode->vgId);
SyncHeartbeat* pSyncMsg = rpcMsg.pCont;
pSyncMsg->srcId = pSyncNode->myRaftId;
pSyncMsg->destId = pData->destId;
pSyncMsg->term = pSyncNode->pRaftStore->currentTerm;
......@@ -1921,28 +1923,8 @@ static void syncNodeEqPeerHeartbeatTimer(void* param, void* tmrId) {
pSyncMsg->minMatchIndex = syncMinMatchIndex(pSyncNode);
pSyncMsg->privateTerm = 0;
SRpcMsg rpcMsg;
syncHeartbeat2RpcMsg(pSyncMsg, &rpcMsg);
// eq msg
#if 0
if (pSyncNode->syncEqCtrlMsg != NULL) {
int32_t code = pSyncNode->syncEqCtrlMsg(pSyncNode->msgcb, &rpcMsg);
if (code != 0) {
sError("vgId:%d, sync ctrl enqueue timer msg error, code:%d", pSyncNode->vgId, code);
} else {
sError("vgId:%d, enqueue ctrl msg cb ptr (i.e. syncEqMsg) not set.", pSyncNode->vgId);
// send msg
syncNodeSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, &(pSyncMsg->destId), pSyncMsg);
syncNodeSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, &pSyncMsg->destId, &rpcMsg);
if (syncIsInit()) {
taosTmrReset(syncNodeEqPeerHeartbeatTimer, pSyncTimer->timerMS, pData, syncEnv()->pTimerManager,
......@@ -2024,7 +2006,8 @@ static int32_t syncNodeAppendNoop(SSyncNode* ths) {
return ret;
int32_t syncNodeOnHeartbeat(SSyncNode* ths, SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
int32_t syncNodeOnHeartbeat(SSyncNode* ths, const SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg) {
SyncHeartbeat* pMsg = pRpcMsg->pCont;
syncLogRecvHeartbeat(ths, pMsg, "");
SyncHeartbeatReply* pMsgReply = syncHeartbeatReplyBuild(ths->vgId);
......@@ -155,158 +155,23 @@ int32_t syncBuildAppendEntriesReply(SRpcMsg* pMsg, int32_t vgId) {
return 0;
// ---- message process SyncHeartbeat----
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatBuild(int32_t vgId) {
uint32_t bytes = sizeof(SyncHeartbeat);
SyncHeartbeat* pMsg = taosMemoryMalloc(bytes);
memset(pMsg, 0, bytes);
pMsg->bytes = bytes;
pMsg->vgId = vgId;
int32_t syncBuildHeartbeat(SRpcMsg* pMsg, int32_t vgId) {
int32_t bytes = sizeof(SyncHeartbeat);
pMsg->pCont = rpcMallocCont(bytes);
return pMsg;
void syncHeartbeatDestroy(SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
if (pMsg != NULL) {
void syncHeartbeatSerialize(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, char* buf, uint32_t bufLen) {
ASSERT(pMsg->bytes <= bufLen);
memcpy(buf, pMsg, pMsg->bytes);
void syncHeartbeatDeserialize(const char* buf, uint32_t len, SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
memcpy(pMsg, buf, len);
ASSERT(len == pMsg->bytes);
char* syncHeartbeatSerialize2(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, uint32_t* len) {
char* buf = taosMemoryMalloc(pMsg->bytes);
ASSERT(buf != NULL);
syncHeartbeatSerialize(pMsg, buf, pMsg->bytes);
if (len != NULL) {
*len = pMsg->bytes;
return buf;
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatDeserialize2(const char* buf, uint32_t len) {
uint32_t bytes = *((uint32_t*)buf);
SyncHeartbeat* pMsg = taosMemoryMalloc(bytes);
syncHeartbeatDeserialize(buf, len, pMsg);
ASSERT(len == pMsg->bytes);
return pMsg;
void syncHeartbeat2RpcMsg(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg) {
memset(pRpcMsg, 0, sizeof(*pRpcMsg));
pRpcMsg->msgType = pMsg->msgType;
pRpcMsg->contLen = pMsg->bytes;
pRpcMsg->pCont = rpcMallocCont(pRpcMsg->contLen);
syncHeartbeatSerialize(pMsg, pRpcMsg->pCont, pRpcMsg->contLen);
void syncHeartbeatFromRpcMsg(const SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg, SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
syncHeartbeatDeserialize(pRpcMsg->pCont, pRpcMsg->contLen, pMsg);
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatFromRpcMsg2(const SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg) {
SyncHeartbeat* pMsg = syncHeartbeatDeserialize2(pRpcMsg->pCont, pRpcMsg->contLen);
return pMsg;
cJSON* syncHeartbeat2Json(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
char u64buf[128] = {0};
cJSON* pRoot = cJSON_CreateObject();
if (pMsg != NULL) {
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot, "bytes", pMsg->bytes);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot, "vgId", pMsg->vgId);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot, "msgType", pMsg->msgType);
cJSON* pSrcId = cJSON_CreateObject();
snprintf(u64buf, sizeof(u64buf), "%" PRIu64, pMsg->srcId.addr);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pSrcId, "addr", u64buf);
uint64_t u64 = pMsg->srcId.addr;
cJSON* pTmp = pSrcId;
char host[128] = {0};
uint16_t port;
syncUtilU642Addr(u64, host, sizeof(host), &port);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pTmp, "addr_host", host);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pTmp, "addr_port", port);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pSrcId, "vgId", pMsg->srcId.vgId);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(pRoot, "srcId", pSrcId);
cJSON* pDestId = cJSON_CreateObject();
snprintf(u64buf, sizeof(u64buf), "%" PRIu64, pMsg->destId.addr);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pDestId, "addr", u64buf);
uint64_t u64 = pMsg->destId.addr;
cJSON* pTmp = pDestId;
char host[128] = {0};
uint16_t port;
syncUtilU642Addr(u64, host, sizeof(host), &port);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pTmp, "addr_host", host);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pTmp, "addr_port", port);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pDestId, "vgId", pMsg->destId.vgId);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(pRoot, "destId", pDestId);
snprintf(u64buf, sizeof(u64buf), "%" PRIu64, pMsg->term);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot, "term", u64buf);
snprintf(u64buf, sizeof(u64buf), "%" PRIu64, pMsg->privateTerm);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot, "privateTerm", u64buf);
snprintf(u64buf, sizeof(u64buf), "%" PRId64, pMsg->commitIndex);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot, "commitIndex", u64buf);
pMsg->contLen = bytes;
if (pMsg->pCont == NULL) {
return -1;
cJSON* pJson = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(pJson, "SyncHeartbeat", pRoot);
return pJson;
char* syncHeartbeat2Str(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
cJSON* pJson = syncHeartbeat2Json(pMsg);
char* serialized = cJSON_Print(pJson);
return serialized;
void syncHeartbeatPrint(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
char* serialized = syncHeartbeat2Str(pMsg);
printf("syncHeartbeatPrint | len:%d | %s \n", (int32_t)strlen(serialized), serialized);
void syncHeartbeatPrint2(char* s, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
char* serialized = syncHeartbeat2Str(pMsg);
printf("syncHeartbeatPrint2 | len:%d | %s | %s \n", (int32_t)strlen(serialized), s, serialized);
void syncHeartbeatLog(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
char* serialized = syncHeartbeat2Str(pMsg);
sTrace("syncHeartbeatLog | len:%d | %s", (int32_t)strlen(serialized), serialized);
SyncHeartbeat* pHeartbeat = pMsg->pCont;
pHeartbeat->bytes = bytes;
pHeartbeat->msgType = TDMT_SYNC_HEARTBEAT;
pHeartbeat->vgId = vgId;
return 0;
void syncHeartbeatLog2(char* s, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
if (gRaftDetailLog) {
char* serialized = syncHeartbeat2Str(pMsg);
sTrace("syncHeartbeatLog2 | len:%d | %s | %s", (int32_t)strlen(serialized), s, serialized);
// ---- message process SyncHeartbeatReply----
SyncHeartbeatReply* syncHeartbeatReplyBuild(int32_t vgId) {
......@@ -186,19 +186,19 @@ int32_t syncNodeMaybeSendAppendEntries(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SRaftId* dest
return ret;
int32_t syncNodeSendHeartbeat(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SRaftId* destRaftId, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
int32_t ret = 0;
syncLogSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, pMsg, "");
SRpcMsg rpcMsg;
syncHeartbeat2RpcMsg(pMsg, &rpcMsg);
syncNodeSendMsgById(&(pMsg->destId), pSyncNode, &rpcMsg);
return ret;
int32_t syncNodeSendHeartbeat(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, const SRaftId* destId, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
syncLogSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, pMsg->pCont, "");
return syncNodeSendMsgById(destId, pSyncNode, pMsg);
int32_t syncNodeHeartbeatPeers(SSyncNode* pSyncNode) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pSyncNode->peersNum; ++i) {
SyncHeartbeat* pSyncMsg = syncHeartbeatBuild(pSyncNode->vgId);
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {0};
if (syncBuildHeartbeat(&rpcMsg, pSyncNode->vgId) != 0) {
SyncHeartbeat* pSyncMsg = rpcMsg.pCont;
pSyncMsg->srcId = pSyncNode->myRaftId;
pSyncMsg->destId = pSyncNode->peersId[i];
pSyncMsg->term = pSyncNode->pRaftStore->currentTerm;
......@@ -206,13 +206,8 @@ int32_t syncNodeHeartbeatPeers(SSyncNode* pSyncNode) {
pSyncMsg->minMatchIndex = syncMinMatchIndex(pSyncNode);
pSyncMsg->privateTerm = 0;
SRpcMsg rpcMsg;
syncHeartbeat2RpcMsg(pSyncMsg, &rpcMsg);
// send msg
syncNodeSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, &(pSyncMsg->destId), pSyncMsg);
syncNodeSendHeartbeat(pSyncNode, &pSyncMsg->destId, &rpcMsg);
return 0;
......@@ -313,6 +313,24 @@ void syncAppendEntriesReplyPrint2(char* s, const SyncAppendEntriesReply* pMsg);
void syncAppendEntriesReplyLog(const SyncAppendEntriesReply* pMsg);
void syncAppendEntriesReplyLog2(char* s, const SyncAppendEntriesReply* pMsg);
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatBuild(int32_t vgId);
void syncHeartbeatDestroy(SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
void syncHeartbeatSerialize(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, char* buf, uint32_t bufLen);
void syncHeartbeatDeserialize(const char* buf, uint32_t len, SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
char* syncHeartbeatSerialize2(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, uint32_t* len);
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatDeserialize2(const char* buf, uint32_t len);
void syncHeartbeat2RpcMsg(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg);
void syncHeartbeatFromRpcMsg(const SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg, SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatFromRpcMsg2(const SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg);
cJSON* syncHeartbeat2Json(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
char* syncHeartbeat2Str(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
// for debug ----------------------
void syncHeartbeatPrint(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
void syncHeartbeatPrint2(char* s, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
void syncHeartbeatLog(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
void syncHeartbeatLog2(char* s, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -1635,3 +1635,156 @@ void syncAppendEntriesReplyLog2(char* s, const SyncAppendEntriesReply* pMsg) {
// ---- message process SyncHeartbeat----
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatBuild(int32_t vgId) {
uint32_t bytes = sizeof(SyncHeartbeat);
SyncHeartbeat* pMsg = taosMemoryMalloc(bytes);
memset(pMsg, 0, bytes);
pMsg->bytes = bytes;
pMsg->vgId = vgId;
return pMsg;
void syncHeartbeatDestroy(SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
if (pMsg != NULL) {
void syncHeartbeatSerialize(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, char* buf, uint32_t bufLen) {
ASSERT(pMsg->bytes <= bufLen);
memcpy(buf, pMsg, pMsg->bytes);
void syncHeartbeatDeserialize(const char* buf, uint32_t len, SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
memcpy(pMsg, buf, len);
ASSERT(len == pMsg->bytes);
char* syncHeartbeatSerialize2(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, uint32_t* len) {
char* buf = taosMemoryMalloc(pMsg->bytes);
ASSERT(buf != NULL);
syncHeartbeatSerialize(pMsg, buf, pMsg->bytes);
if (len != NULL) {
*len = pMsg->bytes;
return buf;
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatDeserialize2(const char* buf, uint32_t len) {
uint32_t bytes = *((uint32_t*)buf);
SyncHeartbeat* pMsg = taosMemoryMalloc(bytes);
syncHeartbeatDeserialize(buf, len, pMsg);
ASSERT(len == pMsg->bytes);
return pMsg;
void syncHeartbeat2RpcMsg(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg, SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg) {
memset(pRpcMsg, 0, sizeof(*pRpcMsg));
pRpcMsg->msgType = pMsg->msgType;
pRpcMsg->contLen = pMsg->bytes;
pRpcMsg->pCont = rpcMallocCont(pRpcMsg->contLen);
syncHeartbeatSerialize(pMsg, pRpcMsg->pCont, pRpcMsg->contLen);
void syncHeartbeatFromRpcMsg(const SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg, SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
syncHeartbeatDeserialize(pRpcMsg->pCont, pRpcMsg->contLen, pMsg);
SyncHeartbeat* syncHeartbeatFromRpcMsg2(const SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg) {
SyncHeartbeat* pMsg = syncHeartbeatDeserialize2(pRpcMsg->pCont, pRpcMsg->contLen);
return pMsg;
cJSON* syncHeartbeat2Json(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
char u64buf[128] = {0};
cJSON* pRoot = cJSON_CreateObject();
if (pMsg != NULL) {
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot, "bytes", pMsg->bytes);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot, "vgId", pMsg->vgId);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pRoot, "msgType", pMsg->msgType);
cJSON* pSrcId = cJSON_CreateObject();
snprintf(u64buf, sizeof(u64buf), "%" PRIu64, pMsg->srcId.addr);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pSrcId, "addr", u64buf);
uint64_t u64 = pMsg->srcId.addr;
cJSON* pTmp = pSrcId;
char host[128] = {0};
uint16_t port;
syncUtilU642Addr(u64, host, sizeof(host), &port);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pTmp, "addr_host", host);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pTmp, "addr_port", port);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pSrcId, "vgId", pMsg->srcId.vgId);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(pRoot, "srcId", pSrcId);
cJSON* pDestId = cJSON_CreateObject();
snprintf(u64buf, sizeof(u64buf), "%" PRIu64, pMsg->destId.addr);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pDestId, "addr", u64buf);
uint64_t u64 = pMsg->destId.addr;
cJSON* pTmp = pDestId;
char host[128] = {0};
uint16_t port;
syncUtilU642Addr(u64, host, sizeof(host), &port);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pTmp, "addr_host", host);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pTmp, "addr_port", port);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pDestId, "vgId", pMsg->destId.vgId);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(pRoot, "destId", pDestId);
snprintf(u64buf, sizeof(u64buf), "%" PRIu64, pMsg->term);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot, "term", u64buf);
snprintf(u64buf, sizeof(u64buf), "%" PRIu64, pMsg->privateTerm);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot, "privateTerm", u64buf);
snprintf(u64buf, sizeof(u64buf), "%" PRId64, pMsg->commitIndex);
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pRoot, "commitIndex", u64buf);
cJSON* pJson = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(pJson, "SyncHeartbeat", pRoot);
return pJson;
char* syncHeartbeat2Str(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
cJSON* pJson = syncHeartbeat2Json(pMsg);
char* serialized = cJSON_Print(pJson);
return serialized;
void syncHeartbeatPrint(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
char* serialized = syncHeartbeat2Str(pMsg);
printf("syncHeartbeatPrint | len:%d | %s \n", (int32_t)strlen(serialized), serialized);
void syncHeartbeatPrint2(char* s, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
char* serialized = syncHeartbeat2Str(pMsg);
printf("syncHeartbeatPrint2 | len:%d | %s | %s \n", (int32_t)strlen(serialized), s, serialized);
void syncHeartbeatLog(const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
char* serialized = syncHeartbeat2Str(pMsg);
sTrace("syncHeartbeatLog | len:%d | %s", (int32_t)strlen(serialized), serialized);
void syncHeartbeatLog2(char* s, const SyncHeartbeat* pMsg) {
if (gRaftDetailLog) {
char* serialized = syncHeartbeat2Str(pMsg);
sTrace("syncHeartbeatLog2 | len:%d | %s | %s", (int32_t)strlen(serialized), s, serialized);
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