提交 51b3d9d0 编写于 作者: S shenglian zhou

Merge branch 'hotfix/td-6634' of github.com:taosdata/TDengine into hotfix/td-6634

......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ TDengine是一个高效的存储、查询、分析时序大数据的平台,专
* [超级表管理](/taos-sql#super-table):添加、删除、查看、修改超级表
* [标签管理](/taos-sql#tags):增加、删除、修改标签
* [数据写入](/taos-sql#insert):支持单表单条、多条、多表多条写入,支持历史数据写入
* [数据查询](/taos-sql#select):支持时间段、值过滤、排序、查询结果手动分页等
* [数据查询](/taos-sql#select):支持时间段、值过滤、排序、嵌套查询、UINON、JOIN、查询结果手动分页等
* [SQL函数](/taos-sql#functions):支持各种聚合函数、选择函数、计算函数,如avg, min, diff等
* [窗口切分聚合](/taos-sql#aggregation):将表中数据按照时间段等方式进行切割后聚合,降维处理
* [边界限制](/taos-sql#limitation):库、表、SQL等边界限制条件
......@@ -2,28 +2,27 @@
## <a class="anchor" id="intro"></a>TDengine 简介
TDengine 是涛思数据面对高速增长的物联网大数据市场和技术挑战推出的创新性的大数据处理产品,它不依赖任何第三方软件,也不是优化或包装了一个开源的数据库或流式计算产品,而是在吸取众多传统关系型数据库、NoSQL 数据库、流式计算引擎、消息队列等软件的优点之后自主开发的产品,在时序空间大数据处理上,有着自己独到的优势。
TDengine 是涛思数据面对高速增长的物联网大数据市场和技术挑战推出的创新性的大数据处理产品,它不依赖任何第三方软件,也不是优化或包装了一个开源的数据库或流式计算产品,而是在吸取众多传统关系型数据库、NoSQL 数据库、流式计算引擎、消息队列等软件的优点之后自主开发的产品,TDengine 在时序空间大数据处理上,有着自己独到的优势。
TDengine 的模块之一是时序数据库。但除此之外,为减少研发的复杂度、系统维护的难度,TDengine 还提供缓存、消息队列、订阅、流式计算等功能,为物联网、工业互联网大数据的处理提供全栈的技术方案,是一个高效易用的物联网大数据平台。与 Hadoop 等典型的大数据平台相比,它具有如下鲜明的特点:
TDengine 的模块之一是时序数据库。但除此之外,为减少研发的复杂度、系统维护的难度,TDengine 还提供缓存、消息队列、订阅、流式计算等功能,为物联网和工业互联网大数据的处理提供全栈的技术方案,是一个高效易用的物联网大数据平台。与 Hadoop 等典型的大数据平台相比,TDengine 具有如下鲜明的特点:
* __10 倍以上的性能提升__:定义了创新的数据存储结构,单核每秒能处理至少 2 万次请求,插入数百万个数据点,读出一千万以上数据点,比现有通用数据库快十倍以上。
* __硬件或云服务成本降至 1/5__:由于超强性能,计算资源不到通用大数据方案的 1/5;通过列式存储和先进的压缩算法,存储空间不到通用数据库的 1/10。
* __硬件或云服务成本降至 1/5__:由于超强性能,计算资源不到通用大数据方案的 1/5;通过列式存储和先进的压缩算法,存储占用不到通用数据库的 1/10。
* __全栈时序数据处理引擎__:将数据库、消息队列、缓存、流式计算等功能融为一体,应用无需再集成 Kafka/Redis/HBase/Spark/HDFS 等软件,大幅降低应用开发和维护的复杂度成本。
* __强大的分析功能__:无论是十年前还是一秒钟前的数据,指定时间范围即可查询。数据可在时间轴上或多个设备上进行聚合。即席查询可通过 Shell, Python, R, MATLAB 随时进行。
* __与第三方工具无缝连接__:不用一行代码,即可与 Telegraf, Grafana, EMQ, HiveMQ, Prometheus, MATLAB, R 等集成。后续将支持 OPC, Hadoop, Spark 等,BI 工具也将无缝连接。
* __零运维成本、零学习成本__:安装集群简单快捷,无需分库分表,实时备份。类标准 SQL,支持 RESTful,支持 Python/Java/C/C++/C#/Go/Node.js, 与 MySQL 相似,零学习成本。
* __高可用性和水平扩展__:通过分布式架构和一致性算法,通过多复制和集群特性,TDengine确保了高可用性和水平扩展性以支持关键任务应用程序。
* __零运维成本、零学习成本__:安装集群简单快捷,无需分库分表,实时备份。类似标准 SQL,支持 RESTful,支持 Python/Java/C/C++/C#/Go/Node.js, 与 MySQL 相似,零学习成本。
* __核心开源__:除了一些辅助功能外,TDengine的核心是开源的。企业再也不会被数据库绑定了。这使生态更加强大,产品更加稳定,开发者社区更加活跃。
采用 TDengine,可将典型的物联网、车联网、工业互联网大数据平台的总拥有成本大幅降低。但需要指出的是,因充分利用了物联网时序数据的特点,它无法用来处理网络爬虫、微博、微信、电商、ERP、CRM 等通用型数据。
<center>图 1. TDengine技术生态图</center>
## <a class="anchor" id="scenes"></a>TDengine 总体适用场景
作为一个 IoT 大数据平台,TDengine 的典型适用场景是在 IoT 范畴,而且用户有一定的数据量。本文后续的介绍主要针对这个范畴里面的系统。范畴之外的系统,比如 CRM,ERP 等,不在本文讨论范围内。
### 数据源特点和需求
从数据源角度,设计人员可以从下面几个角度分析 TDengine 在目标应用系统里面的适用性。
......@@ -64,4 +63,3 @@ TDengine 的模块之一是时序数据库。但除此之外,为减少研发
|要求系统可靠运行| | | √ | TDengine 的系统架构非常稳定可靠,日常维护也简单便捷,对维护人员的要求简洁明了,最大程度上杜绝人为错误和事故。|
|要求运维学习成本可控| | | √ |同上。|
|要求市场有大量人才储备| √ | | | TDengine 作为新一代产品,目前人才市场里面有经验的人员还有限。但是学习成本低,我们作为厂家也提供运维的培训和辅助服务。|
......@@ -129,8 +129,9 @@ SELECT X(c) FROM table/stable;
## UDF 的一些使用限制
在当前版本下,使用 UDF 存在如下这些限制:
1. UDF 不能与系统内建的 SQL 函数混合使用;
2. UDF 只支持以单个数据列作为输入;
3. UDF 只要创建成功,就会被持久化存储到 MNode 节点中;
4. 无法通过 RESTful 接口来创建 UDF;
5. UDF 在 SQL 中定义的函数名,必须与 .so 库文件实现中的接口函数名前缀保持一致,也即必须是 udfNormalFunc 的名称,而且不可与 TDengine 中已有的内建 SQL 函数重名。
1. 在创建和调用 UDF 时,服务端和客户端都只支持 Linux 操作系统;
2. UDF 不能与系统内建的 SQL 函数混合使用;
3. UDF 只支持以单个数据列作为输入;
4. UDF 只要创建成功,就会被持久化存储到 MNode 节点中;
5. 无法通过 RESTful 接口来创建 UDF;
6. UDF 在 SQL 中定义的函数名,必须与 .so 库文件实现中的接口函数名前缀保持一致,也即必须是 udfNormalFunc 的名称,而且不可与 TDengine 中已有的内建 SQL 函数重名。
......@@ -6,17 +6,16 @@ TDengine is an innovative Big Data processing product launched by TAOS Data in t
One of the modules of TDengine is the time-series database. However, in addition to this, to reduce the complexity of research and development and the difficulty of system operation, TDengine also provides functions such as caching, message queuing, subscription, stream computing, etc. TDengine provides a full-stack technical solution for the processing of IoT and Industrial Internet BigData. It is an efficient and easy-to-use IoT Big Data platform. Compared with typical Big Data platforms such as Hadoop, TDengine has the following distinct characteristics:
- **Performance improvement over 10 times**: An innovative data storage structure is defined, with each single core can process at least 20,000 requests per second, insert millions of data points, and read more than 10 million data points, which is more than 10 times faster than other existing general database.
- **Performance improvement over 10 times**: An innovative data storage structure is defined, with every single core that can process at least 20,000 requests per second, insert millions of data points, and read more than 10 million data points, which is more than 10 times faster than other existing general database.
- **Reduce the cost of hardware or cloud services to 1/5**: Due to its ultra-performance, TDengine’s computing resources consumption is less than 1/5 of other common Big Data solutions; through columnar storage and advanced compression algorithms, the storage consumption is less than 1/10 of other general databases.
- **Full-stack time-series data processing engine**: Integrate database, message queue, cache, stream computing, and other functions, and the applications do not need to integrate with software such as Kafka/Redis/HBase/Spark/HDFS, thus greatly reducing the complexity cost of application development and maintenance.
- **Highly Available and Horizontal Scalable **: With the distributed architecture and consistency algorithm, via multi-replication and clustering features, TDengine ensures high availability and horizontal scalability to support the mission-critical applications.
- **Highly Available and Horizontal Scalable**: With the distributed architecture and consistency algorithm, via multi-replication and clustering features, TDengine ensures high availability and horizontal scalability to support mission-critical applications.
- **Zero operation cost & zero learning cost**: Installing clusters is simple and quick, with real-time backup built-in, and no need to split libraries or tables. Similar to standard SQL, TDengine can support RESTful, Python/Java/C/C++/C#/Go/Node.js, and similar to MySQL with zero learning cost.
- **Core is Open Sourced:** Except some auxiliary features, the core of TDengine is open sourced. Enterprise won't be locked by the database anymore. Ecosystem is more strong, product is more stable, and developer communities are more active.
- **Core is Open Sourced:** Except for some auxiliary features, the core of TDengine is open-sourced. Enterprise won't be locked by the database anymore. The ecosystem is more strong, products are more stable, and developer communities are more active.
With TDengine, the total cost of ownership of typical IoT, Internet of Vehicles, and Industrial Internet Big Data platforms can be greatly reduced. However, since it makes full use of the characteristics of IoT time-series data, TDengine cannot be used to process general data from web crawlers, microblogs, WeChat, e-commerce, ERP, CRM, and other sources.
![TDengine Technology Ecosystem](page://images/eco_system.png)
<center>Figure 1. TDengine Technology Ecosystem</center>
## <a class="anchor" id="scenes"></a>Overall Scenarios of TDengine
......@@ -62,4 +61,4 @@ From the perspective of data sources, designers can analyze the applicability of
| ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Require system with high-reliability | | | √ | TDengine has a very robust and reliable system architecture to implement simple and convenient daily operation with streamlined experiences for operators, thus human errors and accidents are eliminated to the greatest extent. |
| Require controllable operation learning cost | | | √ | As above. |
| Require abundant talent supply | √ | | | As a new-generation product, it’s still difficult to find talents with TDengine experiences from market. However, the learning cost is low. As the vendor, we also provide extensive operation training and counselling services. |
\ No newline at end of file
| Require abundant talent supply | √ | | | As a new-generation product, it’s still difficult to find talents with TDengine experiences from the market. However, the learning cost is low. As the vendor, we also provide extensive operation training and counseling services. |
......@@ -183,6 +183,9 @@ python3 test.py -f tools/taosdemoAllTest/NanoTestCase/taosdemoTestSupportNanosub
python3 test.py -f tools/taosdemoAllTest/NanoTestCase/taosdemoTestInsertTime_step.py
python3 test.py -f tools/taosdemoAllTest/NanoTestCase/taosdumpTestNanoSupport.py
python3 ./test.py -f tsdb/tsdbComp.py
# update
python3 ./test.py -f update/allow_update.py
python3 ./test.py -f update/allow_update-0.py
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class TwoClients:
tdSql.execute("drop database if exists db3")
# insert data with taosc
# insert data with c connector
for i in range(10):
os.system("taosdemo -f manualTest/TD-5114/insertDataDb3Replica2.json -y ")
# # check data correct
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"cache": 50,
"blocks": 8,
"precision": "ms",
"keep": 365,
"keep": 36500,
"minRows": 100,
"maxRows": 4096,
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
import sys
import os
import time
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
......@@ -24,6 +25,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
now = time.time()
self.ts = int(round(now * 1000))
def getBuildPath(self):
selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
......@@ -50,6 +54,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
# insert: create one or mutiple tables per sql and insert multiple rows per sql
# test case for https://jira.taosdata.com:18080/browse/TD-4985
os.system("rm -rf tools/taosdemoAllTest/TD-4985/query-limit-offset.py.sql")
os.system("%staosdemo -f tools/taosdemoAllTest/TD-4985/query-limit-offset.json -y " % binPath)
tdSql.execute("use db")
tdSql.query("select count (tbname) from stb0")
......@@ -57,25 +62,25 @@ class TDTestCase:
for i in range(1000):
tdSql.execute('''insert into stb00_9999 values(%d, %d, %d,'test99.%s')'''
% (1600000000000 + i, i, -10000+i, i))
% (self.ts + i, i, -10000+i, i))
tdSql.execute('''insert into stb00_8888 values(%d, %d, %d,'test98.%s')'''
% (1600000000000 + i, i, -10000+i, i))
% (self.ts + i, i, -10000+i, i))
tdSql.execute('''insert into stb00_7777 values(%d, %d, %d,'test97.%s')'''
% (1600000000000 + i, i, -10000+i, i))
% (self.ts + i, i, -10000+i, i))
tdSql.execute('''insert into stb00_6666 values(%d, %d, %d,'test96.%s')'''
% (1600000000000 + i, i, -10000+i, i))
% (self.ts + i, i, -10000+i, i))
tdSql.execute('''insert into stb00_5555 values(%d, %d, %d,'test95.%s')'''
% (1600000000000 + i, i, -10000+i, i))
% (self.ts + i, i, -10000+i, i))
tdSql.execute('''insert into stb00_4444 values(%d, %d, %d,'test94.%s')'''
% (1600000000000 + i, i, -10000+i, i))
% (self.ts + i, i, -10000+i, i))
tdSql.execute('''insert into stb00_3333 values(%d, %d, %d,'test93.%s')'''
% (1600000000000 + i, i, -10000+i, i))
% (self.ts + i, i, -10000+i, i))
tdSql.execute('''insert into stb00_2222 values(%d, %d, %d,'test92.%s')'''
% (1600000000000 + i, i, -10000+i, i))
% (self.ts + i, i, -10000+i, i))
tdSql.execute('''insert into stb00_1111 values(%d, %d, %d,'test91.%s')'''
% (1600000000000 + i, i, -10000+i, i))
% (self.ts + i, i, -10000+i, i))
tdSql.execute('''insert into stb00_100 values(%d, %d, %d,'test90.%s')'''
% (1600000000000 + i, i, -10000+i, i))
% (self.ts + i, i, -10000+i, i))
tdSql.query("select * from stb0 where c2 like 'test99%' ")
tdSql.query("select * from stb0 where tbname like 'stb00_9999' limit 10" )
......@@ -176,7 +181,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, 5)
tdSql.checkData(1, 1, 6)
tdSql.checkData(2, 1, 7)
os.system("rm -rf tools/taosdemoAllTest/TD-4985/query-limit-offset.py.sql")
def stop(self):
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from random import choice
class TwoClients:
def initConnection(self):
self.host = "chenhaoran02"
self.host = "chenhaoran01"
self.user = "root"
self.password = "taosdata"
self.config = "/etc/taos/"
......@@ -116,8 +116,10 @@ class TwoClients:
tdSql.execute(" drop dnode 'chenhaoran02:6030'; ")
os.system("rm -rf /var/lib/taos/*")
# remove data file;
os.system("rm -rf /home/chr/data/data0/*")
print("clear dnode chenhaoran02'data files")
os.system("nohup /usr/bin/taosd > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
print("start taosd")
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