提交 4fd3064f 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

refactor: do some internal refactor.

上级 c36c5253
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ STQ* tqOpen(const char* path, SVnode* pVnode);
void tqClose(STQ*);
int tqPushMsg(STQ*, void* msg, int32_t msgLen, tmsg_t msgType, int64_t ver);
int tqRegisterPushEntry(STQ* pTq, void* pHandle, const SMqPollReq* pRequest, SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg, SMqDataRsp* pDataRsp, int32_t type);
int tqRemovePushEntry(STQ* pTq, const char* pKey, int32_t keyLen, uint64_t consumerId, bool rspConsumer);
int tqUnregisterPushEntry(STQ* pTq, const char* pKey, int32_t keyLen, uint64_t consumerId, bool rspConsumer);
int tqCommit(STQ*);
int32_t tqUpdateTbUidList(STQ* pTq, const SArray* tbUidList, bool isAdd);
......@@ -223,19 +223,6 @@ static int32_t doSendDataRsp(const SRpcHandleInfo* pRpcHandleInfo, const SMqData
int32_t tqPushDataRsp(STQ* pTq, STqPushEntry* pPushEntry) {
SMqDataRsp* pRsp = pPushEntry->pDataRsp;
#if 0
A(taosArrayGetSize(pRsp->blockData) == pRsp->blockNum);
A(taosArrayGetSize(pRsp->blockDataLen) == pRsp->blockNum);
A(taosArrayGetSize(pRsp->blockSchema) == 0);
if (pRsp->reqOffset.type == TMQ_OFFSET__LOG) {
A(pRsp->rspOffset.version > pRsp->reqOffset.version);
SMqRspHead* pHeader = &pPushEntry->pDataRsp->head;
doSendDataRsp(&pPushEntry->info, pRsp, pHeader->epoch, pHeader->consumerId, pHeader->mqMsgType);
......@@ -895,7 +882,7 @@ int32_t tqProcessSubscribeReq(STQ* pTq, int64_t sversion, char* msg, int32_t msg
atomic_store_32(&pHandle->epoch, -1);
// remove if it has been register in the push manager, and return one empty block to consumer
tqRemovePushEntry(pTq, req.subKey, (int32_t)strlen(req.subKey), pHandle->consumerId, true);
tqUnregisterPushEntry(pTq, req.subKey, (int32_t)strlen(req.subKey), pHandle->consumerId, true);
atomic_store_64(&pHandle->consumerId, req.newConsumerId);
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pHandle->epoch, 1);
......@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ static int32_t tqAddTbNameToRsp(const STQ* pTq, int64_t uid, STaosxRsp* pRsp, in
int32_t tqScanData(STQ* pTq, const STqHandle* pHandle, SMqDataRsp* pRsp, STqOffsetVal* pOffset) {
const int32_t MAX_ROWS_TO_RETURN = 4096;
const STqExecHandle* pExec = &pHandle->execHandle;
qTaskInfo_t task = pExec->task;
......@@ -82,7 +84,8 @@ int32_t tqScanData(STQ* pTq, const STqHandle* pHandle, SMqDataRsp* pRsp, STqOffs
int32_t rowCnt = 0;
int32_t totalRows = 0;
while (1) {
SSDataBlock* pDataBlock = NULL;
uint64_t ts = 0;
......@@ -94,9 +97,7 @@ int32_t tqScanData(STQ* pTq, const STqHandle* pHandle, SMqDataRsp* pRsp, STqOffs
return -1;
tqDebug("consumer:0x%"PRIx64" vgId:%d, tmq task executed, get %p", pHandle->consumerId, vgId, pDataBlock);
// current scan should be stopped asap, since the rebalance occurs.
// current scan should be stopped ASAP, since the re-balance occurs.
if (pDataBlock == NULL) {
......@@ -104,9 +105,12 @@ int32_t tqScanData(STQ* pTq, const STqHandle* pHandle, SMqDataRsp* pRsp, STqOffs
tqAddBlockDataToRsp(pDataBlock, pRsp, pExec->numOfCols, pTq->pVnode->config.tsdbCfg.precision);
tqDebug("vgId:%d, consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " tmq task executed, rows:%d, total blocks:%d", vgId, pHandle->consumerId,
pDataBlock->info.rows, pRsp->blockNum);
if (pOffset->type == TMQ_OFFSET__SNAPSHOT_DATA) {
rowCnt += pDataBlock->info.rows;
if (rowCnt >= 4096) {
totalRows += pDataBlock->info.rows;
if (totalRows >= MAX_ROWS_TO_RETURN) {
......@@ -127,6 +131,9 @@ int32_t tqScanData(STQ* pTq, const STqHandle* pHandle, SMqDataRsp* pRsp, STqOffs
return -1;
tqDebug("vgId:%d, consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " tmq task executed, rows:%d, total blocks:%d, rows:%d", vgId, pHandle->consumerId,
pRsp->blockNum, totalRows);
return 0;
......@@ -206,6 +206,87 @@ int32_t tqPushMsgNew(STQ* pTq, void* msg, int32_t msgLen, tmsg_t msgType, int64_
typedef struct {
void* pKey;
int64_t keyLen;
} SItem;
static void recordPushedEntry(SArray* cachedKey, void* pIter);
static void freeItem(void* param) {
SItem* p = (SItem*) param;
static void doRemovePushedEntry(SArray* pCachedKeys, STQ* pTq) {
int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode);
size_t numOfKeys = taosArrayGetSize(pCachedKeys);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfKeys; i++) {
SItem* pItem = taosArrayGet(pCachedKeys, i);
if (taosHashRemove(pTq->pPushMgr, pItem->pKey, pItem->keyLen) != 0) {
tqError("vgId:%d, tq push hash remove key error, key: %s", vgId, (char*) pItem->pKey);
if (numOfKeys > 0) {
tqDebug("vgId:%d, pushed %d items and remain:%d", vgId, numOfKeys, (int32_t)taosHashGetSize(pTq->pPushMgr));
static void doPushDataForEntry(void* pIter, STqExecHandle* pExec, STQ* pTq, int64_t ver, int32_t vgId, char* pData,
int32_t dataLen, SArray* pCachedKey) {
STqPushEntry* pPushEntry = *(STqPushEntry**)pIter;
SMqDataRsp* pRsp = pPushEntry->pDataRsp;
if (pRsp->reqOffset.version >= ver) {
tqDebug("vgId:%d, push entry req version %" PRId64 ", while push version %" PRId64 ", skip", vgId,
pRsp->reqOffset.version, ver);
qTaskInfo_t pTaskInfo = pExec->task;
// prepare scan mem data
SPackedData submit = {
.msgStr = pData,
.msgLen = dataLen,
.ver = ver,
if(qStreamSetScanMemData(pTaskInfo, submit) != 0){
// here start to scan submit block to extract the subscribed data
int32_t totalRows = 0;
while (1) {
SSDataBlock* pDataBlock = NULL;
uint64_t ts = 0;
if (qExecTask(pTaskInfo, &pDataBlock, &ts) < 0) {
tqDebug("vgId:%d, tq exec error since %s", vgId, terrstr());
if (pDataBlock == NULL) {
tqAddBlockDataToRsp(pDataBlock, pRsp, pExec->numOfCols, pTq->pVnode->config.tsdbCfg.precision);
totalRows += pDataBlock->info.rows;
tqDebug("vgId:%d, tq handle push, subkey:%s, block num:%d, rows:%d", vgId, pPushEntry->subKey, pRsp->blockNum,
if (pRsp->blockNum > 0) {
tqOffsetResetToLog(&pRsp->rspOffset, ver);
tqPushDataRsp(pTq, pPushEntry);
recordPushedEntry(pCachedKey, pIter);
int tqPushMsg(STQ* pTq, void* msg, int32_t msgLen, tmsg_t msgType, int64_t ver) {
void* pReq = POINTER_SHIFT(msg, sizeof(SSubmitReq2Msg));
int32_t len = msgLen - sizeof(SSubmitReq2Msg);
......@@ -220,24 +301,19 @@ int tqPushMsg(STQ* pTq, void* msg, int32_t msgLen, tmsg_t msgType, int64_t ver)
tqDebug("vgId:%d tq push msg version:%" PRId64 " type:%s, head:%p, body:%p len:%d, numOfPushed consumers:%d",
vgId, ver, TMSG_INFO(msgType), msg, pReq, len, numOfRegisteredPush);
SArray* cachedKeys = taosArrayInit(0, sizeof(void*));
SArray* cachedKeyLens = taosArrayInit(0, sizeof(size_t));
void* data = taosMemoryMalloc(len);
void* data = taosMemoryMalloc(len);
if (data == NULL) {
tqError("failed to copy data for stream since out of memory");
taosArrayDestroyP(cachedKeys, (FDelete)taosMemoryFree);
// unlock
tqError("failed to copy data for stream since out of memory, vgId:%d, consumer:0x%"PRIx64, vgId);
return -1;
memcpy(data, pReq, len);
void* pIter = NULL;
SArray* cachedKey = taosArrayInit(0, sizeof(SItem));
void* pIter = NULL;
while (1) {
pIter = taosHashIterate(pTq->pPushMgr, pIter);
if (pIter == NULL) {
......@@ -248,83 +324,28 @@ int tqPushMsg(STQ* pTq, void* msg, int32_t msgLen, tmsg_t msgType, int64_t ver)
STqHandle* pHandle = taosHashGet(pTq->pHandle, pPushEntry->subKey, strlen(pPushEntry->subKey));
if (pHandle == NULL) {
tqDebug("vgId:%d, cannot find handle %s", pTq->pVnode->config.vgId, pPushEntry->subKey);
SMqDataRsp* pRsp = pPushEntry->pDataRsp;
if (pRsp->reqOffset.version >= ver) {
tqDebug("vgId:%d, push entry req version %" PRId64 ", while push version %" PRId64 ", skip", vgId,
pRsp->reqOffset.version, ver);
tqDebug("vgId:%d, failed to find handle %s in pushing data to consumer, ignore", pTq->pVnode->config.vgId, pPushEntry->subKey);
STqExecHandle* pExec = &pHandle->execHandle;
qTaskInfo_t task = pExec->task;
// prepare scan mem data
SPackedData submit = {
.msgStr = data,
.msgLen = len,
.ver = ver,
if(qStreamSetScanMemData(task, submit) != 0){
// here start to scan submit block to extract the subscribed data
while (1) {
SSDataBlock* pDataBlock = NULL;
uint64_t ts = 0;
if (qExecTask(task, &pDataBlock, &ts) < 0) {
tqDebug("vgId:%d, tq exec error since %s", vgId, terrstr());
if (pDataBlock == NULL) {
tqAddBlockDataToRsp(pDataBlock, pRsp, pExec->numOfCols, pTq->pVnode->config.tsdbCfg.precision);
tqDebug("vgId:%d, tq handle push, subkey:%s, block num:%d", vgId, pPushEntry->subKey, pRsp->blockNum);
if (pRsp->blockNum > 0) {
// set offset
tqOffsetResetToLog(&pRsp->rspOffset, ver);
// remove from hash
size_t kLen;
void* key = taosHashGetKey(pIter, &kLen);
void* keyCopy = taosMemoryCalloc(1, kLen + 1);
memcpy(keyCopy, key, kLen);
taosArrayPush(cachedKeys, &keyCopy);
taosArrayPush(cachedKeyLens, &kLen);
tqPushDataRsp(pTq, pPushEntry);
// delete entry
for (int32_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(cachedKeys); i++) {
void* key = taosArrayGetP(cachedKeys, i);
size_t kLen = *(size_t*)taosArrayGet(cachedKeyLens, i);
if (taosHashRemove(pTq->pPushMgr, key, kLen) != 0) {
tqError("vgId:%d, tq push hash remove key error, key: %s", pTq->pVnode->config.vgId, (char*)key);
doPushDataForEntry(pIter, pExec, pTq, ver, vgId, data, len, cachedKey);
taosArrayDestroyP(cachedKeys, (FDelete)taosMemoryFree);
doRemovePushedEntry(cachedKey, pTq);
taosArrayDestroyEx(cachedKey, freeItem);
// unlock
if (!tsDisableStream && vnodeIsRoleLeader(pTq->pVnode)) {
if (taosHashGetSize(pTq->pStreamMeta->pTasks) == 0) return 0;
if (taosHashGetSize(pTq->pStreamMeta->pTasks) == 0) {
return 0;
if (msgType == TDMT_VND_SUBMIT) {
void* data = taosMemoryMalloc(len);
if (data == NULL) {
......@@ -351,6 +372,13 @@ int tqPushMsg(STQ* pTq, void* msg, int32_t msgLen, tmsg_t msgType, int64_t ver)
return 0;
void recordPushedEntry(SArray* cachedKey, void* pIter) {
size_t kLen = 0;
void* key = taosHashGetKey(pIter, &kLen);
SItem item = {.pKey = strndup(key, kLen), .keyLen = kLen};
taosArrayPush(cachedKey, &item);
int32_t tqRegisterPushEntry(STQ* pTq, void* pHandle, const SMqPollReq* pRequest, SRpcMsg* pRpcMsg,
SMqDataRsp* pDataRsp, int32_t type) {
uint64_t consumerId = pRequest->consumerId;
......@@ -388,8 +416,8 @@ int32_t tqRegisterPushEntry(STQ* pTq, void* pHandle, const SMqPollReq* pRequest,
return 0;
int32_t tqRemovePushEntry(STQ* pTq, const char* pKey, int32_t keyLen, uint64_t consumerId, bool rspConsumer) {
int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode);
int32_t tqUnregisterPushEntry(STQ* pTq, const char* pKey, int32_t keyLen, uint64_t consumerId, bool rspConsumer) {
int32_t vgId = TD_VID(pTq->pVnode);
STqPushEntry** pEntry = taosHashGet(pTq->pPushMgr, pKey, keyLen);
if (pEntry != NULL) {
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