提交 4f949213 编写于 作者: wmmhello's avatar wmmhello

fix:change list to hash for speed interval data in sml

上级 d899b0e1
......@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ typedef struct {
char *tags;
char *cols;
char *timestamp;
char *measureTag;
int32_t measureLen;
int32_t measureTagsLen;
......@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t sTableNameLen;
char childTableName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN];
uint64_t uid;
void *key; // for openTsdb
// void *key; // for openTsdb
SArray *tags;
......@@ -166,8 +167,8 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t ttl;
int32_t uid; // used for automatic create child table
NodeList *childTables;
NodeList *superTables;
SHashObj *childTables;
SHashObj *superTables;
SHashObj *pVgHash;
STscObj *taos;
......@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ SSmlTableInfo* smlBuildTableInfo(int numRows, const char* measure, int32_t me
SSmlSTableMeta* smlBuildSTableMeta(bool isDataFormat);
int32_t smlSetCTableName(SSmlTableInfo *oneTable);
STableMeta* smlGetMeta(SSmlHandle *info, const void* measure, int32_t measureLen);
int32_t is_same_child_table_telnet(const void *a, const void *b);
int32_t is_same_child_table_telnet(const void *a, const void *b, size_t len);
int64_t smlParseOpenTsdbTime(SSmlHandle *info, const char *data, int32_t len);
int32_t smlClearForRerun(SSmlHandle *info);
int32_t smlParseValue(SSmlKv *pVal, SSmlMsgBuf *msg);
......@@ -759,13 +759,13 @@ static int32_t smlModifyDBSchemas(SSmlHandle *info) {
conn.requestObjRefId = info->pRequest->self;
conn.mgmtEps = getEpSet_s(&info->taos->pAppInfo->mgmtEp);
NodeList *tmp = info->superTables;
SSmlSTableMeta **tmp = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashIterate(info->superTables, NULL);
while (tmp) {
SSmlSTableMeta *sTableData = (SSmlSTableMeta *)tmp->data.value;
SSmlSTableMeta *sTableData = *tmp;
bool needCheckMeta = false; // for multi thread
size_t superTableLen = (size_t)tmp->data.keyLen;
const void *superTable = tmp->data.key;
size_t superTableLen = 0;
void *superTable = taosHashGetKey(tmp, &superTableLen);
memset(pName.tname, 0, TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN);
memcpy(pName.tname, superTable, superTableLen);
......@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ static int32_t smlModifyDBSchemas(SSmlHandle *info) {
sTableData->tableMeta = pTableMeta;
tmp = tmp->next;
tmp = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashIterate(info->superTables, tmp);
return 0;
......@@ -1017,11 +1017,11 @@ void smlDestroyTableInfo(SSmlHandle *info, SSmlTableInfo *tag) {
if (info->parseJsonByLib) {
SSmlLineInfo *key = (SSmlLineInfo *)(tag->key);
if (key != NULL) taosMemoryFree(key->tags);
// if (info->parseJsonByLib) {
// SSmlLineInfo *key = (SSmlLineInfo *)(tag->key);
// if (key != NULL) taosMemoryFree(key->tags);
// }
// taosMemoryFree(tag->key);
......@@ -1042,29 +1042,23 @@ void smlDestroyInfo(SSmlHandle *info) {
// destroy info->childTables
NodeList *tmp = info->childTables;
while (tmp) {
if (tmp->data.used) {
smlDestroyTableInfo(info, (SSmlTableInfo *)tmp->data.value);
NodeList *t = tmp->next;
tmp = t;
SSmlTableInfo **oneTable = (SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashIterate(info->childTables, NULL);
while (oneTable) {
smlDestroyTableInfo(info, *oneTable);
oneTable = (SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashIterate(info->childTables, oneTable);
// destroy info->superTables
tmp = info->superTables;
while (tmp) {
if (tmp->data.used) {
smlDestroySTableMeta((SSmlSTableMeta *)tmp->data.value);
NodeList *t = tmp->next;
tmp = t;
SSmlSTableMeta **oneSTable = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashIterate(info->superTables, NULL);
while (oneSTable) {
oneSTable = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashIterate(info->superTables, oneSTable);
// destroy info->pVgHash
for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(info->tagJsonArray); i++) {
cJSON *tags = (cJSON *)taosArrayGetP(info->tagJsonArray, i);
......@@ -1088,6 +1082,7 @@ void smlDestroyInfo(SSmlHandle *info) {
if (info->parseJsonByLib) {
......@@ -1112,6 +1107,9 @@ SSmlHandle *smlBuildSmlInfo(TAOS *taos) {
info->pVgHash = taosHashInit(16, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
info->childTables = taosHashInit(16, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
info->superTables = taosHashInit(16, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
info->id = smlGenId();
info->pQuery = smlInitHandle();
info->dataFormat = true;
......@@ -1156,11 +1154,11 @@ static int32_t smlParseLineBottom(SSmlHandle *info) {
SSmlLineInfo *elements = info->lines + i;
SSmlTableInfo *tinfo = NULL;
if (info->protocol == TSDB_SML_LINE_PROTOCOL) {
tinfo = (SSmlTableInfo *)nodeListGet(info->childTables, elements->measure, elements->measureTagsLen, NULL);
tinfo = *(SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashGet(info->childTables, elements->measure, elements->measureTagsLen);
} else if (info->protocol == TSDB_SML_TELNET_PROTOCOL) {
tinfo = (SSmlTableInfo *)nodeListGet(info->childTables, elements, POINTER_BYTES, is_same_child_table_telnet);
tinfo = *(SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashGet(info->childTables, elements->measureTag, elements->measureLen + elements->tagsLen);
} else {
tinfo = (SSmlTableInfo *)nodeListGet(info->childTables, elements, POINTER_BYTES, is_same_child_table_telnet);
tinfo = *(SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashGet(info->childTables, elements->measureTag, elements->measureLen + elements->tagsLen);
if (tinfo == NULL) {
......@@ -1184,12 +1182,12 @@ static int32_t smlParseLineBottom(SSmlHandle *info) {
return ret;
SSmlSTableMeta *tableMeta =
(SSmlSTableMeta *)nodeListGet(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen, NULL);
SSmlSTableMeta **tableMeta =
(SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashGet(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen);
if (tableMeta) { // update meta
ret = smlUpdateMeta(tableMeta->colHash, tableMeta->cols, elements->colArray, false, &info->msgBuf);
ret = smlUpdateMeta((*tableMeta)->colHash, (*tableMeta)->cols, elements->colArray, false, &info->msgBuf);
if (ret == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
ret = smlUpdateMeta(tableMeta->tagHash, tableMeta->tags, tinfo->tags, true, &info->msgBuf);
ret = smlUpdateMeta((*tableMeta)->tagHash, (*tableMeta)->tags, tinfo->tags, true, &info->msgBuf);
if (ret != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " smlUpdateMeta failed", info->id);
......@@ -1205,7 +1203,7 @@ static int32_t smlParseLineBottom(SSmlHandle *info) {
SSmlSTableMeta *meta = smlBuildSTableMeta(info->dataFormat);
smlInsertMeta(meta->tagHash, meta->tags, tinfo->tags);
smlInsertMeta(meta->colHash, meta->cols, elements->colArray);
nodeListSet(&info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen, meta, NULL);
taosHashPut(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen, &meta, POINTER_BYTES);
......@@ -1215,9 +1213,9 @@ static int32_t smlParseLineBottom(SSmlHandle *info) {
static int32_t smlInsertData(SSmlHandle *info) {
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
NodeList *tmp = info->childTables;
while (tmp) {
SSmlTableInfo *tableData = (SSmlTableInfo *)tmp->data.value;
SSmlTableInfo **oneTable = (SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashIterate(info->childTables, NULL);
while (oneTable) {
SSmlTableInfo *tableData = *oneTable;
SName pName = {TSDB_TABLE_NAME_T, info->taos->acctId, {0}, {0}};
tstrncpy(pName.dbname, info->pRequest->pDb, sizeof(pName.dbname));
......@@ -1237,25 +1235,25 @@ static int32_t smlInsertData(SSmlHandle *info) {
taosHashPut(info->pVgHash, (const char *)&vg.vgId, sizeof(vg.vgId), (char *)&vg, sizeof(vg));
SSmlSTableMeta *pMeta =
(SSmlSTableMeta *)nodeListGet(info->superTables, tableData->sTableName, tableData->sTableNameLen, NULL);
if (unlikely(NULL == pMeta || NULL == pMeta->tableMeta)) {
SSmlSTableMeta **pMeta =
(SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashGet(info->superTables, tableData->sTableName, tableData->sTableNameLen);
if (unlikely(NULL == pMeta || NULL == (*pMeta)->tableMeta)) {
uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " NULL == pMeta. table name: %s", info->id, tableData->childTableName);
// use tablemeta of stable to save vgid and uid of child table
pMeta->tableMeta->vgId = vg.vgId;
pMeta->tableMeta->uid = tableData->uid; // one table merge data block together according uid
(*pMeta)->tableMeta->vgId = vg.vgId;
(*pMeta)->tableMeta->uid = tableData->uid; // one table merge data block together according uid
code = smlBindData(info->pQuery, info->dataFormat, tableData->tags, pMeta->cols, tableData->cols, pMeta->tableMeta,
code = smlBindData(info->pQuery, info->dataFormat, tableData->tags, (*pMeta)->cols, tableData->cols, (*pMeta)->tableMeta,
tableData->childTableName, tableData->sTableName, tableData->sTableNameLen, info->ttl,
info->msgBuf.buf, info->msgBuf.len);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " smlBindData failed", info->id);
return code;
tmp = tmp->next;
oneTable = (SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashIterate(info->childTables, oneTable);
code = smlBuildOutput(info->pQuery, info->pVgHash);
......@@ -1288,23 +1286,17 @@ static void smlPrintStatisticInfo(SSmlHandle *info) {
int32_t smlClearForRerun(SSmlHandle *info) {
info->reRun = false;
// clear info->childTables
NodeList *pList = info->childTables;
while (pList) {
if (pList->data.used) {
smlDestroyTableInfo(info, (SSmlTableInfo *)pList->data.value);
pList->data.used = false;
pList = pList->next;
SSmlTableInfo **oneTable = (SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashIterate(info->childTables, NULL);
while (oneTable) {
smlDestroyTableInfo(info, *oneTable);
oneTable = (SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashIterate(info->childTables, oneTable);
// clear info->superTables
pList = info->superTables;
while (pList) {
if (pList->data.used) {
smlDestroySTableMeta((SSmlSTableMeta *)pList->data.value);
pList->data.used = false;
pList = pList->next;
SSmlSTableMeta **oneSTable = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashIterate(info->superTables, NULL);
while (oneSTable) {
oneSTable = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashIterate(info->superTables, oneSTable);
if (!info->dataFormat) {
......@@ -1328,6 +1320,7 @@ int32_t smlClearForRerun(SSmlHandle *info) {
static int32_t smlParseLine(SSmlHandle *info, char *lines[], char *rawLine, char *rawLineEnd, int numLines) {
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
if (info->protocol == TSDB_SML_JSON_PROTOCOL) {
taosHashSetEqualFp(info->childTables, is_same_child_table_telnet);
if (lines) {
code = smlParseJSON(info, *lines);
} else if (rawLine) {
......@@ -1372,9 +1365,11 @@ static int32_t smlParseLine(SSmlHandle *info, char *lines[], char *rawLine, char
code = smlParseInfluxString(info, tmp, tmp + len, info->lines + i);
} else if (info->protocol == TSDB_SML_TELNET_PROTOCOL) {
taosHashSetEqualFp(info->childTables, is_same_child_table_telnet);
if (info->dataFormat) {
SSmlLineInfo element = {0};
code = smlParseTelnetString(info, (char *)tmp, (char *)tmp + len, &element);
} else {
code = smlParseTelnetString(info, (char *)tmp, (char *)tmp + len, info->lines + i);
......@@ -1418,15 +1413,15 @@ static int smlProcess(SSmlHandle *info, char *lines[], char *rawLine, char *rawL
info->cost.lineNum = info->lineNum;
info->cost.numOfSTables = nodeListSize(info->superTables);
info->cost.numOfCTables = nodeListSize(info->childTables);
info->cost.numOfSTables = taosHashGetSize(info->superTables);
info->cost.numOfCTables = taosHashGetSize(info->childTables);
info->cost.schemaTime = taosGetTimestampUs();
do {
code = smlModifyDBSchemas(info);
if (code == 0) break;
} while (retryNum++ < nodeListSize(info->superTables) * MAX_RETRY_TIMES);
} while (retryNum++ < taosHashGetSize(info->superTables) * MAX_RETRY_TIMES);
if (code != 0) {
uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " smlModifyDBSchemas error : %s", info->id, tstrerror(code));
......@@ -1504,7 +1499,7 @@ TAOS_RES *taos_schemaless_insert_inner(TAOS *taos, char *lines[], char *rawLine,
request->code = code;
info->cost.endTime = taosGetTimestampUs();
info->cost.code = code;
// smlPrintStatisticInfo(info);
......@@ -694,9 +694,9 @@ static int32_t smlParseTagsFromJSON(SSmlHandle *info, cJSON *tags, SSmlLineInfo
SArray *superKV = NULL;
SSmlSTableMeta *sMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta *)nodeListGet(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen, NULL);
if(unlikely(sMeta == NULL)){
SSmlSTableMeta **tmp = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashGet(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen);
SSmlSTableMeta *sMeta = NULL;
if(unlikely(tmp == NULL)){
STableMeta * pTableMeta = smlGetMeta(info, elements->measure, elements->measureLen);
if(pTableMeta == NULL){
info->dataFormat = false;
......@@ -705,10 +705,11 @@ static int32_t smlParseTagsFromJSON(SSmlHandle *info, cJSON *tags, SSmlLineInfo
sMeta = smlBuildSTableMeta(info->dataFormat);
sMeta->tableMeta = pTableMeta;
nodeListSet(&info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen, sMeta, NULL);
taosHashPut(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen, &sMeta, POINTER_BYTES);
tmp = &sMeta;
info->currSTableMeta = sMeta->tableMeta;
superKV = sMeta->tags;
info->currSTableMeta = (*tmp)->tableMeta;
superKV = (*tmp)->tags;
if(unlikely(taosArrayGetSize(superKV) == 0)){
isSuperKVInit = false;
......@@ -761,13 +762,13 @@ static int32_t smlParseTagsFromJSON(SSmlHandle *info, cJSON *tags, SSmlLineInfo
SSmlKv *maxKV = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet(maxKVs, cnt);
if(unlikely(kv.length > maxKV->length)){
maxKV->length = kv.length;
SSmlSTableMeta *tableMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta *)nodeListGet(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen, NULL);
SSmlSTableMeta **tableMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashGet(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen);
if(unlikely(NULL == tableMeta)){
uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " NULL == tableMeta", info->id);
SSmlKv *oldKV = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet(tableMeta->tags, cnt);
SSmlKv *oldKV = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet((*tableMeta)->tags, cnt);
oldKV->length = kv.length;
info->needModifySchema = true;
......@@ -808,8 +809,13 @@ static int32_t smlParseTagsFromJSON(SSmlHandle *info, cJSON *tags, SSmlLineInfo
SSmlTableInfo *tinfo = (SSmlTableInfo *)nodeListGet(info->childTables, elements, POINTER_BYTES, is_same_child_table_telnet);
if (unlikely(tinfo == NULL)) {
elements->measureTag = (char*)taosMemoryMalloc(elements->measureLen + elements->tagsLen);
memcpy(elements->measureTag, elements->measure, elements->measureLen);
memcpy(elements->measureTag + elements->measureLen, elements->tags, elements->tagsLen);
SSmlTableInfo **tmp = (SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashGet(info->childTables, elements->measureTag, elements->measureLen + elements->tagsLen);
SSmlTableInfo *tinfo = NULL;
if (unlikely(tmp == NULL)) {
tinfo = smlBuildTableInfo(1, elements->measure, elements->measureLen);
if (unlikely(!tinfo)) {
......@@ -828,17 +834,18 @@ static int32_t smlParseTagsFromJSON(SSmlHandle *info, cJSON *tags, SSmlLineInfo
SSmlLineInfo *key = (SSmlLineInfo *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SSmlLineInfo));
*key = *elements;
key->tags = taosMemoryMalloc(elements->tagsLen + 1);
memcpy(key->tags, elements->tags, elements->tagsLen);
key->tags[elements->tagsLen] = 0;
tinfo->key = key;
nodeListSet(&info->childTables, key, POINTER_BYTES, tinfo, is_same_child_table_telnet);
// SSmlLineInfo *key = (SSmlLineInfo *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SSmlLineInfo));
// *key = *elements;
// if(info->parseJsonByLib){
// key->tags = taosMemoryMalloc(elements->tagsLen + 1);
// memcpy(key->tags, elements->tags, elements->tagsLen);
// key->tags[elements->tagsLen] = 0;
// }
// tinfo->key = key;
taosHashPut(info->childTables, elements->measureTag, elements->measureLen + elements->tagsLen, &tinfo, POINTER_BYTES);
tmp = &tinfo;
if (info->dataFormat) info->currTableDataCtx = tinfo->tableDataCtx;
if (info->dataFormat) info->currTableDataCtx = (*tmp)->tableDataCtx;
return ret;
......@@ -1003,7 +1010,7 @@ static int32_t smlParseJSONStringExt(SSmlHandle *info, cJSON *root, SSmlLineInfo
bool needFree = info->dataFormat;
elements->tags = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(tagsJson);
elements->tagsLen = strlen(elements->tags);
if(is_same_child_table_telnet(elements, &info->preLine) != 0) {
if(is_same_child_table_telnet(elements, &info->preLine, 0) != 0) {
ret = smlParseTagsFromJSON(info, tagsJson, elements);
if (unlikely(ret)) {
uError("OTD:0x%" PRIx64 " Unable to parse tags from JSON payload", info->id);
......@@ -1173,7 +1180,7 @@ static int32_t smlParseJSONString(SSmlHandle *info, char **start, SSmlLineInfo *
// Parse tags
if(is_same_child_table_telnet(elements, &info->preLine) != 0){
if(is_same_child_table_telnet(elements, &info->preLine, 0) != 0){
char tmp = *(elements->tags + elements->tagsLen);
*(elements->tags + elements->tagsLen) = 0;
cJSON* tagsJson = cJSON_Parse(elements->tags);
......@@ -1259,6 +1266,7 @@ int32_t smlParseJSON(SSmlHandle *info, char *payload) {
if(info->dataFormat) {
SSmlLineInfo element = {0};
ret = smlParseJSONString(info, &dataPointStart, &element);
if(cnt >= payloadNum){
payloadNum = payloadNum << 1;
......@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ static int32_t smlParseTagKv(SSmlHandle *info, char **sql, char *sqlEnd,
SArray *superKV = NULL;
SSmlSTableMeta *sMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta *)nodeListGet(info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen, NULL);
if(unlikely(sMeta == NULL)){
SSmlSTableMeta **tmp = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashGet(info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen);
SSmlSTableMeta *sMeta = NULL;
if(unlikely(tmp == NULL)){
STableMeta * pTableMeta = smlGetMeta(info, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen);
if(pTableMeta == NULL){
info->dataFormat = false;
......@@ -159,10 +159,11 @@ static int32_t smlParseTagKv(SSmlHandle *info, char **sql, char *sqlEnd,
sMeta = smlBuildSTableMeta(info->dataFormat);
sMeta->tableMeta = pTableMeta;
nodeListSet(&info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen, sMeta, NULL);
taosHashPut(info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen, &sMeta, POINTER_BYTES);
tmp = &sMeta;
info->currSTableMeta = sMeta->tableMeta;
superKV = sMeta->tags;
info->currSTableMeta = (*tmp)->tableMeta;
superKV = (*tmp)->tags;
if(unlikely(taosArrayGetSize(superKV) == 0)){
isSuperKVInit = false;
......@@ -258,13 +259,13 @@ static int32_t smlParseTagKv(SSmlHandle *info, char **sql, char *sqlEnd,
SSmlKv *maxKV = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet(maxKVs, cnt);
if(unlikely(kv.length > maxKV->length)){
maxKV->length = kv.length;
SSmlSTableMeta *tableMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta *)nodeListGet(info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen, NULL);
SSmlSTableMeta **tableMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashGet(info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen);
if(unlikely(NULL == tableMeta)){
uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " NULL == tableMeta", info->id);
SSmlKv *oldKV = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet(tableMeta->tags, cnt);
SSmlKv *oldKV = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet((*tableMeta)->tags, cnt);
oldKV->length = kv.length;
info->needModifySchema = true;
......@@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ static int32_t smlParseTagKv(SSmlHandle *info, char **sql, char *sqlEnd,
void* oneTable = nodeListGet(info->childTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureTagsLen, NULL);
void* oneTable = taosHashGet(info->childTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureTagsLen);
if ((oneTable != NULL)) {
......@@ -332,7 +333,7 @@ static int32_t smlParseTagKv(SSmlHandle *info, char **sql, char *sqlEnd,
nodeListSet(&info->childTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureTagsLen, tinfo, NULL);
taosHashPut(info->childTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureTagsLen, &tinfo, POINTER_BYTES);
......@@ -345,18 +346,18 @@ static int32_t smlParseColKv(SSmlHandle *info, char **sql, char *sqlEnd,
SArray *superKV = NULL;
SSmlTableInfo *oneTable = (SSmlTableInfo *)nodeListGet(info->childTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureTagsLen, NULL);
SSmlTableInfo **oneTable = (SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashGet(info->childTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureTagsLen);
if (unlikely(oneTable == NULL)) {
smlBuildInvalidDataMsg(&info->msgBuf, "child table should inside", currElement->measure);
info->currTableDataCtx = oneTable->tableDataCtx;
info->currTableDataCtx = (*oneTable)->tableDataCtx;
SSmlSTableMeta *sMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta *)nodeListGet(info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen, NULL);
if(unlikely(sMeta == NULL)){
SSmlSTableMeta **tmp = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashGet(info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen);
SSmlSTableMeta *sMeta = NULL;
if(unlikely(tmp == NULL)){
STableMeta * pTableMeta = smlGetMeta(info, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen);
if(pTableMeta == NULL){
info->dataFormat = false;
......@@ -365,10 +366,11 @@ static int32_t smlParseColKv(SSmlHandle *info, char **sql, char *sqlEnd,
sMeta = smlBuildSTableMeta(info->dataFormat);
sMeta->tableMeta = pTableMeta;
nodeListSet(&info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen, sMeta, NULL);
taosHashPut(info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen, &sMeta, POINTER_BYTES);
tmp = &sMeta;
info->currSTableMeta = sMeta->tableMeta;
superKV = sMeta->cols;
info->currSTableMeta = (*tmp)->tableMeta;
superKV = (*tmp)->cols;
if(unlikely(taosArrayGetSize(superKV) == 0)){
isSuperKVInit = false;
......@@ -487,13 +489,13 @@ static int32_t smlParseColKv(SSmlHandle *info, char **sql, char *sqlEnd,
if(unlikely(IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(kv.type) && kv.length > maxKV->length)){
maxKV->length = kv.length;
SSmlSTableMeta *tableMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta *)nodeListGet(info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen, NULL);
SSmlSTableMeta **tableMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashGet(info->superTables, currElement->measure, currElement->measureLen);
if(unlikely(NULL == tableMeta)){
uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " NULL == tableMeta", info->id);
SSmlKv *oldKV = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet(tableMeta->cols, cnt);
SSmlKv *oldKV = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet((*tableMeta)->cols, cnt);
oldKV->length = kv.length;
info->needModifySchema = true;
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "clientSml.h"
int32_t is_same_child_table_telnet(const void *a, const void *b){
int32_t is_same_child_table_telnet(const void *a, const void *b, size_t len){
SSmlLineInfo *t1 = (SSmlLineInfo *)a;
SSmlLineInfo *t2 = (SSmlLineInfo *)b;
// uError("is_same_child_table_telnet len:%d,%d %s,%s @@@ len:%d,%d %s,%s", t1->measureLen, t2->measureLen,
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ static void smlParseTelnetElement(char **sql, char *sqlEnd, char **data, int32_t
static int32_t smlParseTelnetTags(SSmlHandle *info, char *data, char *sqlEnd, SSmlLineInfo *elements, SSmlMsgBuf *msg) {
if(is_same_child_table_telnet(elements, &info->preLine) == 0){
if(is_same_child_table_telnet(elements, &info->preLine, 0) == 0){
......@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ static int32_t smlParseTelnetTags(SSmlHandle *info, char *data, char *sqlEnd, SS
SArray *superKV = NULL;
SSmlSTableMeta *sMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta *)nodeListGet(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen, NULL);
if(unlikely(sMeta == NULL)){
SSmlSTableMeta **tmp = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashGet(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen);
SSmlSTableMeta *sMeta = NULL;
if(unlikely(tmp == NULL)){
STableMeta * pTableMeta = smlGetMeta(info, elements->measure, elements->measureLen);
if(pTableMeta == NULL){
info->dataFormat = false;
......@@ -94,10 +94,11 @@ static int32_t smlParseTelnetTags(SSmlHandle *info, char *data, char *sqlEnd, SS
sMeta = smlBuildSTableMeta(info->dataFormat);
sMeta->tableMeta = pTableMeta;
nodeListSet(&info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen, sMeta, NULL);
taosHashPut(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen, &sMeta, POINTER_BYTES);
tmp = &sMeta;
info->currSTableMeta = sMeta->tableMeta;
superKV = sMeta->tags;
info->currSTableMeta = (*tmp)->tableMeta;
superKV = (*tmp)->tags;
if(unlikely(taosArrayGetSize(superKV) == 0)){
isSuperKVInit = false;
......@@ -183,13 +184,13 @@ static int32_t smlParseTelnetTags(SSmlHandle *info, char *data, char *sqlEnd, SS
SSmlKv *maxKV = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet(maxKVs, cnt);
if(unlikely(kv.length > maxKV->length)){
maxKV->length = kv.length;
SSmlSTableMeta *tableMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta *)nodeListGet(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen, NULL);
SSmlSTableMeta **tableMeta = (SSmlSTableMeta **)taosHashGet(info->superTables, elements->measure, elements->measureLen);
if(unlikely(NULL == tableMeta)){
uError("SML:0x%" PRIx64 " NULL == tableMeta", info->id);
SSmlKv *oldKV = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet(tableMeta->tags, cnt);
SSmlKv *oldKV = (SSmlKv *)taosArrayGet((*tableMeta)->tags, cnt);
oldKV->length = kv.length;
info->needModifySchema = true;
......@@ -229,8 +230,14 @@ static int32_t smlParseTelnetTags(SSmlHandle *info, char *data, char *sqlEnd, SS
taosArrayPush(preLineKV, &kv);
SSmlTableInfo *tinfo = (SSmlTableInfo *)nodeListGet(info->childTables, elements, POINTER_BYTES, is_same_child_table_telnet);
if (unlikely(tinfo == NULL)) {
elements->measureTag = (char*)taosMemoryMalloc(elements->measureLen + elements->tagsLen);
memcpy(elements->measureTag, elements->measure, elements->measureLen);
memcpy(elements->measureTag + elements->measureLen, elements->tags, elements->tagsLen);
SSmlTableInfo **tmp = (SSmlTableInfo **)taosHashGet(info->childTables, elements->measureTag, elements->measureLen + elements->tagsLen);
SSmlTableInfo *tinfo = NULL;
if (unlikely(tmp == NULL)) {
tinfo = smlBuildTableInfo(1, elements->measure, elements->measureLen);
if (!tinfo) {
......@@ -249,12 +256,13 @@ static int32_t smlParseTelnetTags(SSmlHandle *info, char *data, char *sqlEnd, SS
SSmlLineInfo *key = (SSmlLineInfo *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SSmlLineInfo));
*key = *elements;
tinfo->key = key;
nodeListSet(&info->childTables, key, POINTER_BYTES, tinfo, is_same_child_table_telnet);
// SSmlLineInfo *key = (SSmlLineInfo *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(SSmlLineInfo));
// *key = *elements;
// tinfo->key = key;
taosHashPut(info->childTables, elements->measureTag, elements->measureLen + elements->tagsLen, &tinfo, POINTER_BYTES);
tmp = &tinfo;
if (info->dataFormat) info->currTableDataCtx = tinfo->tableDataCtx;
if (info->dataFormat) info->currTableDataCtx = (*tmp)->tableDataCtx;
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