提交 4f6cb328 编写于 作者: J Jeff Tao

change the API to fit the changes in syncCfg

上级 871322a4
......@@ -56,16 +56,13 @@ typedef struct {
} SNodesRole;
typedef struct {
char label[20]; // for debug purpose
char path[128]; // path to the file
int8_t replica; // number of replications, >=1
int8_t quorum; // number of confirms required, >=1
int32_t vgId; // vgroup ID
void *ahandle; // handle provided by APP
uint64_t version; // initial version
uint32_t arbitratorIp;
SSyncCfg syncCfg; // configuration from mgmt
char path[128]; // path to the file
void *ahandle; // handle provided by APP
// if name is null, get the file from index or after, used by master
// if name is provided, get the named file at the specified index, used by unsynced node
// it returns the file magic number and size, if file not there, magic shall be 0.
......@@ -76,7 +73,7 @@ typedef struct {
int (*getWalInfo)(char *name, int *index);
// when a forward pkt is received, call this to handle data
int (*writeToCache)(void *ahandle, SWalHead *, int type);
int (*writeToCache)(void *ahandle, void *pHead, int type);
// when forward is confirmed by peer, master call this API to notify app
void (*confirmForward)(void *ahandle, void *mhandle, int32_t code);
......@@ -89,8 +86,8 @@ typedef void* tsync_h;
tsync_h syncStart(SSyncInfo *);
void syncStop(tsync_h shandle);
int syncReconfig(tsync_h shandle, SSyncInfo *);
int syncForwardToPeer(tsync_h shandle, SWalHead *pHead, void *mhandle);
int syncReconfig(tsync_h shandle, SSyncCfg *);
int syncForwardToPeer(tsync_h shandle, void *pHead, void *mhandle);
void syncConfirmForward(tsync_h shandle, uint64_t version, int32_t code);
void syncRecover(tsync_h shandle); // recover from other nodes:
int syncGetNodesRole(tsync_h shandle, SNodesRole *);
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