提交 4c024aab 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan

Ensure that the htpp context is valid before release

上级 a6a0c408
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ SConnObj *mnodeAccquireConn(int32_t connId, char *user, uint32_t ip, uint16_t po
if (/* pConn->ip != ip || */ pConn->port != port /* || strcmp(pConn->user, user) != 0 */) {
mError("connId:%d, incoming conn user:%s ip:%s:%u, not match exist conn user:%s ip:%s:%u", connId, user,
mDebug("connId:%d, incoming conn user:%s ip:%s:%u, not match exist conn user:%s ip:%s:%u", connId, user,
taosIpStr(ip), port, pConn->user, taosIpStr(pConn->ip), pConn->port);
taosCacheRelease(tsMnodeConnCache, (void **)&pConn, false);
return NULL;
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ static void httpDestroyContext(void *data) {
bool httpInitContexts() {
tsHttpServer.contextCache = taosCacheInit(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT, 2, true, httpDestroyContext, "restc");
tsHttpServer.contextCache = taosCacheInit(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT, 3, true, httpDestroyContext, "restc");
if (tsHttpServer.contextCache == NULL) {
httpError("failed to init context cache");
return false;
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ HttpContext *httpCreateContext(int32_t fd) {
pContext->lastAccessTime = taosGetTimestampSec();
HttpContext **ppContext = taosCachePut(tsHttpServer.contextCache, &pContext, sizeof(int64_t), &pContext, sizeof(int64_t), 3);
HttpContext **ppContext = taosCachePut(tsHttpServer.contextCache, &pContext, sizeof(int64_t), &pContext, sizeof(int64_t), 5);
pContext->ppContext = ppContext;
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, is created, data:%p", pContext, fd, ppContext);
......@@ -133,13 +133,22 @@ HttpContext *httpGetContext(void *ptr) {
void httpReleaseContext(HttpContext *pContext) {
// Ensure that the context is valid before release
HttpContext **ppContext = taosCacheAcquireByKey(tsHttpServer.contextCache, &pContext, sizeof(HttpContext *));
if (ppContext == NULL) {
httpError("context:%p, is already released", pContext);
int32_t refCount = atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pContext->refCount, 1);
assert(refCount >= 0);
assert(ppContext == pContext->ppContext);
HttpContext **ppContext = pContext->ppContext;
httpDebug("context:%p, is released, data:%p refCount:%d", pContext, ppContext, refCount);
if (tsHttpServer.contextCache != NULL) {
// and release context twice
taosCacheRelease(tsHttpServer.contextCache, (void **)(&ppContext), false);
taosCacheRelease(tsHttpServer.contextCache, (void **)(&ppContext), false);
} else {
httpDebug("context:%p, won't be destroyed for cache is already released", pContext);
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