提交 48535f8b 编写于 作者: W wenzhouwww

Merge branch 'master' into test/udf_for_master

......@@ -3011,7 +3011,7 @@ int32_t addExprAndResultField(SSqlCmd* pCmd, SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t col
return invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg9);
if (taosArrayGetSize(pItem->pNode->Expr.paramList) <= 0) {
if (pItem->pNode->Expr.paramList == NULL || taosArrayGetSize(pItem->pNode->Expr.paramList) <= 0) {
return invalidOperationMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg13);
@echo off
echo ==== start Go connector test cases test ====
cd /d %~dp0
......@@ -18,3 +19,10 @@ rem case002.bat
:: cd case002
:: case002.bat
rem cd nanosupport
rem nanoCase.bat
:: cd nanosupport
:: nanoCase.bat
......@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct
bash ./case001/case001.sh $severIp $serverPort
bash ./case002/case002.sh $severIp $serverPort
#bash ./case003/case003.sh $severIp $serverPort
bash ./nanosupport/nanoCase.sh $severIp $serverPort
......@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ script_dir="$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))"
###### step 3: start build
cd $script_dir
rm -f go.*
go mod init demotest > /dev/null 2>&1
go mod tidy > /dev/null 2>&1
go build > /dev/null 2>&1
go mod init demotest
go build
sleep 1s
./demotest -h $1 -p $2
......@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ func main() {
defer db.Close()
db.Exec("drop database if exists test")
db.Exec("create database if not exists test")
db.Exec("drop database if exists test")
db.Exec("create database if not exists test ")
db.Exec("use test")
db.Exec("create table test (ts timestamp ,level int)")
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
package connector
import (
tdengineExecutor "github.com/taosdata/go-utils/tdengine/executor"
type Executor struct {
executor *tdengineExecutor.Executor
ctx context.Context
var Logger = log.NewLogger("taos test")
func NewExecutor(conf *config.TDengineGo, db string, showSql bool) (*Executor, error) {
tdengineConnector, err := connector.NewTDengineConnector("go", conf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
executor := tdengineExecutor.NewExecutor(tdengineConnector, db, showSql, Logger)
return &Executor{
executor: executor,
ctx: context.Background(),
}, nil
func (e *Executor) Execute(sql string) (int64, error) {
return e.executor.DoExec(e.ctx, sql)
func (e *Executor) Query(sql string) (*connector.Data, error) {
fmt.Println("query :", sql)
return e.executor.DoQuery(e.ctx, sql)
func (e *Executor) CheckData(row, col int, value interface{}, data *connector.Data) (bool, error) {
if data == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("data is nil")
if col >= len(data.Head) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("col out of data")
if row >= len(data.Data) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("row out of data")
dataValue := data.Data[row][col]
if dataValue == nil && value != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("dataValue is nil but value is not nil")
if dataValue == nil && value == nil {
return true, nil
if reflect.TypeOf(dataValue) != reflect.TypeOf(value) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("type not match expect %s got %s", reflect.TypeOf(value), reflect.TypeOf(dataValue))
switch value.(type) {
case time.Time:
t, _ := dataValue.(time.Time)
if value.(time.Time).Nanosecond() != t.Nanosecond() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(time.Time).Nanosecond(), t.Nanosecond())
case string:
if value.(string) != dataValue.(string) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %s got %s", value.(string), dataValue.(string))
case int8:
if value.(int8) != dataValue.(int8) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int8), dataValue.(int8))
case int16:
if value.(int16) != dataValue.(int16) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int16), dataValue.(int16))
case int32:
if value.(int32) != dataValue.(int32) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int32), dataValue.(int32))
case int64:
if value.(int64) != dataValue.(int64) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int64), dataValue.(int64))
case float32:
if value.(float32) != dataValue.(float32) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %f got %f", value.(float32), dataValue.(float32))
case float64:
if value.(float64) != dataValue.(float64) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %f got %f", value.(float32), dataValue.(float32))
case bool:
if value.(bool) != dataValue.(bool) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %t got %t", value.(bool), dataValue.(bool))
return false, fmt.Errorf("unsupport type %v", reflect.TypeOf(value))
return true, nil
func (e *Executor) CheckData2(row, col int, value interface{}, data *connector.Data) {
match, err := e.CheckData(row, col, value, data)
fmt.Println("expect data is :", value)
fmt.Println("go got data is :", data.Data[row][col])
if err != nil {
if !match {
fmt.Println(" data not match")
if data == nil {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("data is nil")
// fmt.Println("check failed")
if col >= len(data.Head) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("col out of data")
// fmt.Println("check failed")
if row >= len(data.Data) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("row out of data")
// fmt.Println("check failed")
dataValue := data.Data[row][col]
if dataValue == nil && value != nil {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("dataValue is nil but value is not nil")
// fmt.Println("check failed")
if dataValue == nil && value == nil {
// return true, nil
fmt.Println("check pass")
if reflect.TypeOf(dataValue) != reflect.TypeOf(value) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("type not match expect %s got %s", reflect.TypeOf(value), reflect.TypeOf(dataValue))
fmt.Println("check failed")
switch value.(type) {
case time.Time:
t, _ := dataValue.(time.Time)
if value.(time.Time).Nanosecond() != t.Nanosecond() {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(time.Time).Nanosecond(), t.Nanosecond())
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case string:
if value.(string) != dataValue.(string) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %s got %s", value.(string), dataValue.(string))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case int8:
if value.(int8) != dataValue.(int8) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int8), dataValue.(int8))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case int16:
if value.(int16) != dataValue.(int16) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int16), dataValue.(int16))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case int32:
if value.(int32) != dataValue.(int32) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int32), dataValue.(int32))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case int64:
if value.(int64) != dataValue.(int64) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int64), dataValue.(int64))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case float32:
if value.(float32) != dataValue.(float32) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %f got %f", value.(float32), dataValue.(float32))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case float64:
if value.(float64) != dataValue.(float64) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %f got %f", value.(float32), dataValue.(float32))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case bool:
if value.(bool) != dataValue.(bool) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %t got %t", value.(bool), dataValue.(bool))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
// return false, fmt.Errorf("unsupport type %v", reflect.TypeOf(value))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
// return true, nil
// fmt.Println("check pass")
func (e *Executor) CheckRow(count int, data *connector.Data) {
if len(data.Data) != count {
fmt.Println("check failed !")
@echo off
echo ==== start run nanosupport.go
del go.*
go mod init nano
go mod tidy
go build
nano.exe -h %1 -p %2
cd ..
echo "==== start run nanosupport.go "
set +e
#set -x
script_dir="$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))"
#echo "pwd: $script_dir, para0: $0"
#execName=`echo ${execName##*/}`
#goName=`echo ${execName%.*}`
###### step 3: start build
cd $script_dir
rm -f go.*
go mod init nano
go mod tidy
go build
sleep 10s
./nano -h $1 -p $2
package main
import (
func main() {
e, err := connector.NewExecutor(&config.TDengineGo{
Address: "root:taosdata@/tcp(",
MaxIdle: 20,
MaxOpen: 30,
MaxLifetime: 30,
}, "db", false)
if err != nil {
data, err := e.Query("select * from tb")
if err != nil {
layout := "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999"
t0, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.100000001")
t1, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.150000000")
t2, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.299999999")
t3, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.300000000")
t4, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.300000001")
t5, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.999999999")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, t0, data)
e.CheckData2(1, 0, t1, data)
e.CheckData2(2, 0, t2, data)
e.CheckData2(3, 0, t3, data)
e.CheckData2(4, 0, t4, data)
e.CheckData2(5, 0, t5, data)
e.CheckData2(3, 1, int32(3), data)
e.CheckData2(4, 1, int32(5), data)
e.CheckData2(5, 1, int32(7), data)
fmt.Println(" start check nano support!")
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts > 1623254400100000000 and ts < 1623254400100000002;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts > \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001\" and ts < \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.160000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts > 1623254400100000000 and ts < 1623254400150000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts > \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000000\" and ts < \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.150000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts > 1623254400400000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts < \"2021-06-10 00:00:00.400000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts < now + 400000000b;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts >= \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts <= 1623254400300000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(4), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts = \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.000000000\";")
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts = 1623254400150000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts = \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts between 1623254400000000000 and 1623254400400000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts between \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.299999999\" and \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.300000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(3), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select avg(speed) from tb interval(5000000000b);")
e.CheckRow(1, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select avg(speed) from tb interval(100000000b)")
e.CheckRow(4, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select avg(speed) from tb interval(1000b);")
e.CheckRow(5, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select avg(speed) from tb interval(1u);")
e.CheckRow(5, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select avg(speed) from tb interval(100000000b) sliding (100000000b);")
e.CheckRow(4, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select last(*) from tb")
tt, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 0:00:00.999999999")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, tt, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select first(*) from tb")
tt1, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, tt1, data)
e.Execute("insert into tb values(now + 500000000b, 6);")
data, _ = e.Query("select * from tb;")
e.CheckRow(7, data)
e.Execute("create table tb2 (ts timestamp, speed int, ts2 timestamp);")
e.Execute("insert into tb2 values(\"2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001\", 1, \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000001\");")
e.Execute("insert into tb2 values(1623254400150000000, 2, 1623340800150000000);")
e.Execute("import into tb2 values(1623254400300000000, 3, 1623340800300000000);")
e.Execute("import into tb2 values(1623254400299999999, 4, 1623340800299999999);")
e.Execute("insert into tb2 values(1623254400300000001, 5, 1623340800300000001);")
e.Execute("insert into tb2 values(1623254400999999999, 7, 1623513600999999999);")
data, _ = e.Query("select * from tb2;")
tt2, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001")
tt3, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 0:00:00.150000000")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, tt2, data)
e.CheckData2(1, 0, tt3, data)
e.CheckData2(2, 1, int32(4), data)
e.CheckData2(3, 1, int32(3), data)
tt4, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-11 00:00:00.300000001")
e.CheckData2(4, 2, tt4, data)
e.CheckRow(6, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 > 1623340800000000000 and ts2 < 1623340800150000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 > \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000000\" and ts2 < \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000002\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 > 1623340800500000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 < \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.400000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 < now + 400000000b;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 >= \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 <= 1623340800400000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 = \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.000000000\";")
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 = \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.300000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 = 1623340800300000001;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 between 1623340800000000000 and 1623340800450000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 between \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.299999999\" and \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.300000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(3), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 <> 1623513600999999999;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 <> \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 <> \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 != 1623513600999999999;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 != \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 != \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
e.Execute("insert into tb2 values(now + 500000000b, 6, now +2d);")
data, _ = e.Query("select * from tb2;")
e.CheckRow(7, data)
e.Execute("create table tb3 (ts timestamp, speed int);")
_, err = e.Execute("insert into tb3 values(16232544001500000, 2);")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("check pass! ")
e.Execute("insert into tb3 values(\"2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456\", 2);")
data, _ = e.Query("select * from tb3 where ts = \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456000\";")
e.CheckRow(1, data)
e.Execute("insert into tb3 values(\"2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456789000\", 2);")
data, _ = e.Query("select * from tb3 where ts = \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456789\";")
e.CheckRow(1, data)
// check timezone support
e.Execute("drop database if exists nsdb;")
e.Execute("create database nsdb precision 'ns';")
e.Execute("use nsdb;")
e.Execute("create stable st (ts timestamp ,speed float ) tags(time timestamp ,id int);")
e.Execute("insert into tb1 using st tags('2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456789' , 1 ) values('2021-06-10T0:00:00.123456789+07:00' , 1.0);")
data, _ = e.Query("select first(*) from tb1;")
ttt, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 01:00:00.123456789")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, ttt, data)
e.Execute("create database usdb precision 'us';")
e.Execute("use usdb;")
e.Execute("create stable st (ts timestamp ,speed float ) tags(time timestamp ,id int);")
e.Execute("insert into tb1 using st tags('2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456' , 1 ) values('2021-06-10T0:00:00.123456+07:00' , 1.0);")
data, _ = e.Query("select first(*) from tb1;")
ttt2, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 01:00:00.123456")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, ttt2, data)
e.Execute("drop database if exists msdb;")
e.Execute("create database msdb precision 'ms';")
e.Execute("use msdb;")
e.Execute("create stable st (ts timestamp ,speed float ) tags(time timestamp ,id int);")
e.Execute("insert into tb1 using st tags('2021-06-10 0:00:00.123' , 1 ) values('2021-06-10T0:00:00.123+07:00' , 1.0);")
data, _ = e.Query("select first(*) from tb1;")
ttt3, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 01:00:00.123")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, ttt3, data)
fmt.Println("all test done!")
func prepareData(e *connector.Executor) {
sqlList := []string{
"reset query cache;",
"drop database if exists db;",
"create database db;",
"use db;",
"reset query cache;",
"drop database if exists db;",
"create database db precision 'ns';",
"show databases;",
"use db;",
"create table tb (ts timestamp, speed int);",
"insert into tb values('2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001', 1);",
"insert into tb values(1623254400150000000, 2);",
"import into tb values(1623254400300000000, 3);",
"import into tb values(1623254400299999999, 4);",
"insert into tb values(1623254400300000001, 5);",
"insert into tb values(1623254400999999999, 7);",
for _, sql := range sqlList {
err := executeSql(e, sql)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("prepare data error:%v, sql:%s", err, sql)
func executeSql(e *connector.Executor, sql string) error {
_, err := e.Execute(sql)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
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