提交 47bc3687 编写于 作者: D dapan1121

feat: query redirect

上级 1b3eec48
......@@ -1594,6 +1594,7 @@ typedef struct {
uint64_t queryId;
uint64_t taskId;
int64_t refId;
int32_t execId;
} STaskCancelReq;
typedef struct {
......@@ -1294,10 +1294,10 @@ void processMsgFromServer(void* parent, SRpcMsg* pMsg, SEpSet* pEpSet) {
int32_t elapsed = pRequest->metric.rsp - pRequest->metric.start;
if (pMsg->code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
tscDebug("0x%" PRIx64 " message:%s, code:%s rspLen:%d, elapsed:%d ms, reqId:0x%" PRIx64, pRequest->self,
tscDebug("0x%" PRIx64 " rsp msg:%s, code:%s rspLen:%d, elapsed:%d ms, reqId:0x%" PRIx64, pRequest->self,
TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType), tstrerror(pMsg->code), pMsg->contLen, elapsed / 1000, pRequest->requestId);
} else {
tscError("0x%" PRIx64 " SQL cmd:%s, code:%s rspLen:%d, elapsed time:%d ms, reqId:0x%" PRIx64, pRequest->self,
tscError("0x%" PRIx64 " rsp msg:%s, code:%s rspLen:%d, elapsed time:%d ms, reqId:0x%" PRIx64, pRequest->self,
TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType), tstrerror(pMsg->code), pMsg->contLen, elapsed / 1000, pRequest->requestId);
......@@ -3430,6 +3430,7 @@ static int32_t jsonToSlotDescNode(const SJson* pJson, void* pObj) {
static const char* jkDownstreamSourceAddr = "Addr";
static const char* jkDownstreamSourceTaskId = "TaskId";
static const char* jkDownstreamSourceSchedId = "SchedId";
static const char* jkDownstreamSourceExecId = "ExecId";
static int32_t downstreamSourceNodeToJson(const void* pObj, SJson* pJson) {
const SDownstreamSourceNode* pNode = (const SDownstreamSourceNode*)pObj;
......@@ -3442,7 +3443,7 @@ static int32_t downstreamSourceNodeToJson(const void* pObj, SJson* pJson) {
code = tjsonAddIntegerToObject(pJson, jkDownstreamSourceSchedId, pNode->schedId);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) {
code = tjsonAddIntegerToObject(pJson, jkDownstreamSourceSchedId, pNode->execId);
code = tjsonAddIntegerToObject(pJson, jkDownstreamSourceExecId, pNode->execId);
return code;
......@@ -3459,7 +3460,7 @@ static int32_t jsonToDownstreamSourceNode(const SJson* pJson, void* pObj) {
code = tjsonGetUBigIntValue(pJson, jkDownstreamSourceSchedId, &pNode->schedId);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code) {
code = tjsonGetIntValue(pJson, jkDownstreamSourceSchedId, &pNode->execId);
code = tjsonGetIntValue(pJson, jkDownstreamSourceExecId, &pNode->execId);
return code;
......@@ -281,22 +281,22 @@ typedef struct SQWorkerMgmt {
#define QW_SCH_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QW:%p SID:%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, sId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_SCH_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QW:%p SID:%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, sId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_WLOG(param, ...) qWarn("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_ELOG(param, ...) qError("QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 ",EID:%d " param, qId, tId, eId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_WLOG(param, ...) qWarn("QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 ",EID:%d " param, qId, tId, eId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_DLOG(param, ...) qDebug("QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 ",EID:%d " param, qId, tId, eId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_DLOGL(param, ...) \
qDebugL("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
qDebugL("QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 ",EID:%d " param, qId, tId, eId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_TASK_ELOG_E(param) qError("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId)
#define QW_TASK_WLOG_E(param) qWarn("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId)
#define QW_TASK_DLOG_E(param) qDebug("QW:%p QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, qId, tId)
#define QW_TASK_ELOG_E(param) qError("QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 ",EID:%d " param, qId, tId, eId)
#define QW_TASK_WLOG_E(param) qWarn("QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 ",EID:%d " param, qId, tId, eId)
#define QW_TASK_DLOG_E(param) qDebug("QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 ",EID:%d " param, qId, tId, eId)
#define QW_SCH_TASK_ELOG(param, ...) \
qError("QW:%p SID:0x%" PRIx64 ",QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
qError("QW:%p SID:0x%" PRIx64 ",QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 ",EID:%d " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, eId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_SCH_TASK_WLOG(param, ...) \
qWarn("QW:%p SID:0x%" PRIx64 ",QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
qWarn("QW:%p SID:0x%" PRIx64 ",QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 ",EID:%d " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, eId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_SCH_TASK_DLOG(param, ...) \
qDebug("QW:%p SID:0x%" PRIx64 ",QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 " " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, __VA_ARGS__)
qDebug("QW:%p SID:0x%" PRIx64 ",QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 ",EID:%d " param, mgmt, sId, qId, tId, eId, __VA_ARGS__)
#define QW_LOCK_DEBUG(...) \
do { \
......@@ -480,11 +480,13 @@ int32_t qWorkerProcessCancelMsg(void *node, void *qWorkerMgmt, SRpcMsg *pMsg, in
msg->queryId = be64toh(msg->queryId);
msg->taskId = be64toh(msg->taskId);
msg->refId = be64toh(msg->refId);
msg->execId = ntohl(msg->execId);
uint64_t sId = msg->sId;
uint64_t qId = msg->queryId;
uint64_t tId = msg->taskId;
int64_t rId = msg->refId;
int32_t eId = msg->execId;
SQWMsg qwMsg = {.node = node, .msg = NULL, .msgLen = 0, .connInfo = pMsg->info};
......@@ -598,7 +600,7 @@ int32_t qWorkerProcessDeleteMsg(void *node, void *qWorkerMgmt, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SR
uint64_t qId = req.queryId;
uint64_t tId = req.taskId;
int64_t rId = 0;
int32_t eId = 0;
int32_t eId = -1;
SQWMsg qwMsg = {.node = node, .msg = req.msg, .msgLen = req.phyLen, .connInfo = pMsg->info};
QW_SCH_TASK_DLOG("processDelete start, node:%p, handle:%p, sql:%s", node, pMsg->info.handle, req.sql);
......@@ -566,20 +566,22 @@ int32_t qwProcessQuery(QW_FPARAMS_DEF, SQWMsg *qwMsg, int8_t taskType, int8_t ex
if (gQWDebug.tmp) {
#if 0
SEpSet epSet = {0};
epSet.inUse = 1;
epSet.numOfEps = 3;
strcpy(epSet.eps[0].fqdn, "localhost");
epSet.eps[0].port = 7100;
strcpy(epSet.eps[1].fqdn, "localhost");
epSet.eps[1].port = 7200;
strcpy(epSet.eps[2].fqdn, "localhost");
epSet.eps[2].port = 7300;
qwDbgBuildAndSendRedirectRsp(pMsg->msgType + 1, &pMsg->info, TSDB_CODE_RPC_REDIRECT, &epSet);
gQWDebug.tmp = false;
#if 1
if (TDMT_SCH_QUERY == qwMsg->msgType) {
SEpSet epSet = {0};
epSet.inUse = 1;
epSet.numOfEps = 3;
strcpy(epSet.eps[0].fqdn, "localhost");
epSet.eps[0].port = 7100;
strcpy(epSet.eps[1].fqdn, "localhost");
epSet.eps[1].port = 7200;
strcpy(epSet.eps[2].fqdn, "localhost");
epSet.eps[2].port = 7300;
qwDbgBuildAndSendRedirectRsp(qwMsg->msgType + 1, &qwMsg->connInfo, TSDB_CODE_RPC_REDIRECT, &epSet);
gQWDebug.tmp = false;
if (TDMT_SCH_MERGE_QUERY == qwMsg->msgType) {
ctx->phase = QW_PHASE_POST_QUERY;
......@@ -1276,6 +1276,9 @@ int32_t schProcessOnTaskStatusRsp(SQueryNodeEpId* pEpId, SArray* pStatusList) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < taskNum; ++i) {
STaskStatus *taskStatus = taosArrayGet(pStatusList, i);
qDebug("QID:%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64 ",EID:%d task status in server: %s",
taskStatus->queryId, taskStatus->taskId, taskStatus->execId, jobTaskStatusStr(taskStatus->status));
SSchJob *pJob = schAcquireJob(taskStatus->refId);
if (NULL == pJob) {
qWarn("job not found, refId:0x%" PRIx64 ",QID:0x%" PRIx64 ",TID:0x%" PRIx64, taskStatus->refId,
......@@ -1284,8 +1287,6 @@ int32_t schProcessOnTaskStatusRsp(SQueryNodeEpId* pEpId, SArray* pStatusList) {
SCH_JOB_DLOG("TID:0x%" PRIx64 "EID:%d task status in server: %s", taskStatus->taskId, taskStatus->execId, jobTaskStatusStr(taskStatus->status));
pTask = NULL;
schGetTaskInJob(pJob, taskStatus->taskId, &pTask);
if (NULL == pTask) {
......@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ int32_t schBuildAndSendMsg(SSchJob *pJob, SSchTask *pTask, SQueryNodeAddr *addr,
pMsg->queryId = htobe64(pJob->queryId);
pMsg->taskId = htobe64(pTask->taskId);
pMsg->refId = htobe64(pJob->refId);
pMsg->execId = htobe64(pTask->execId);
pMsg->execId = htonl(pTask->execId);
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