未验证 提交 46f731e4 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #21551 from taosdata/fix/resume_mem

fix(query): check the version range when dump partial rows. #TD-24504
......@@ -1272,13 +1272,15 @@ int32_t tqProcessTaskDispatchRsp(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
SStreamDispatchRsp* pRsp = POINTER_SHIFT(pMsg->pCont, sizeof(SMsgHead));
int32_t taskId = ntohl(pRsp->upstreamTaskId);
SStreamTask* pTask = streamMetaAcquireTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, taskId);
tqDebug("recv dispatch rsp, code:%x", pMsg->code);
int32_t vgId = pTq->pStreamMeta->vgId;
if (pTask) {
streamProcessDispatchRsp(pTask, pRsp, pMsg->code);
streamMetaReleaseTask(pTq->pStreamMeta, pTask);
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
tqDebug("vgId:%d failed to handle the dispatch rsp, since find task:0x%x failed", vgId, taskId);
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ void tqSinkToTablePipeline(SStreamTask* pTask, void* vnode, int64_t ver, void* d
int32_t blockSz = taosArrayGetSize(pBlocks);
tqDebug("vgId:%d, s-task:%s write results blocks:%d into table", TD_VID(pVnode), pTask->id.idStr, blockSz);
tqDebug("vgId:%d, s-task:%s write results %d blocks into table", TD_VID(pVnode), pTask->id.idStr, blockSz);
void* pBuf = NULL;
SArray* tagArray = NULL;
......@@ -482,17 +482,15 @@ void tqSinkToTablePipeline(SStreamTask* pTask, void* vnode, int64_t ver, void* d
tDestroySubmitReq(&submitReq, TSDB_MSG_FLG_ENCODE);
SRpcMsg msg = {
.pCont = pBuf,
.contLen = len,
SRpcMsg msg = { .msgType = TDMT_VND_SUBMIT, .pCont = pBuf, .contLen = len };
if (tmsgPutToQueue(&pVnode->msgCb, WRITE_QUEUE, &msg) != 0) {
tqDebug("failed to put into write-queue since %s", terrstr());
tqDebug("vgId:%d, s-task:%s write results completed", TD_VID(pVnode), pTask->id.idStr);
......@@ -1121,6 +1121,27 @@ static int32_t getEndPosInDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, SBlockData* pBlockData
endPos = doBinarySearchKey(pBlockData->aTSKEY, pBlock->nRow, pos, key, pReader->order);
if ((pReader->verRange.maxVer >= pBlock->minVer && pReader->verRange.maxVer < pBlock->maxVer)||
(pReader->verRange.minVer <= pBlock->maxVer && pReader->verRange.minVer > pBlock->minVer)) {
int32_t i = endPos;
if (asc) {
for(; i >= 0; --i) {
if (pBlockData->aVersion[i] <= pReader->verRange.maxVer) {
} else {
for(; i < pBlock->nRow; ++i) {
if (pBlockData->aVersion[i] >= pReader->verRange.minVer) {
endPos = i;
return endPos;
......@@ -1260,10 +1281,11 @@ static int32_t copyBlockDataToSDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
return 0;
// row index of dump info remain the initial position, let's find the appropriate start position.
if ((pDumpInfo->rowIndex == 0 && asc) || (pDumpInfo->rowIndex == pBlock->nRow - 1 && (!asc))) {
if (asc && pReader->window.skey <= pBlock->minKey.ts) {
if (asc && pReader->window.skey <= pBlock->minKey.ts && pReader->verRange.minVer <= pBlock->minVer) {
// pDumpInfo->rowIndex = 0;
} else if (!asc && pReader->window.ekey >= pBlock->maxKey.ts) {
} else if (!asc && pReader->window.ekey >= pBlock->maxKey.ts && pReader->verRange.maxVer >= pBlock->maxVer) {
// pDumpInfo->rowIndex = pBlock->nRow - 1;
} else { // find the appropriate the start position in current block, and set it to be the current rowIndex
int32_t pos = asc ? pBlock->nRow - 1 : 0;
......@@ -1279,6 +1301,29 @@ static int32_t copyBlockDataToSDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
pBlock->maxVer, pReader->idStr);
ASSERT(pReader->verRange.minVer <= pBlock->maxVer && pReader->verRange.maxVer >= pBlock->minVer);
// find the appropriate start position that satisfies the version requirement.
if ((pReader->verRange.maxVer >= pBlock->minVer && pReader->verRange.maxVer < pBlock->maxVer)||
(pReader->verRange.minVer <= pBlock->maxVer && pReader->verRange.minVer > pBlock->minVer)) {
int32_t i = pDumpInfo->rowIndex;
if (asc) {
for(; i < pBlock->nRow; ++i) {
if (pBlockData->aVersion[i] >= pReader->verRange.minVer) {
} else {
for(; i >= 0; --i) {
if (pBlockData->aVersion[i] <= pReader->verRange.maxVer) {
pDumpInfo->rowIndex = i;
......@@ -1293,6 +1338,9 @@ static int32_t copyBlockDataToSDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
int32_t dumpedRows = asc ? (endIndex - pDumpInfo->rowIndex) : (pDumpInfo->rowIndex - endIndex);
if (dumpedRows > pReader->resBlockInfo.capacity) { // output buffer check
dumpedRows = pReader->resBlockInfo.capacity;
} else if (dumpedRows <= 0) { // no qualified rows in current data block, abort directly.
setBlockAllDumped(pDumpInfo, pReader->window.ekey, pReader->order);
int32_t i = 0;
......@@ -1848,7 +1896,7 @@ static bool isCleanFileDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, SFileDataBlockInfo* pBloc
SDataBlockToLoadInfo info = {0};
getBlockToLoadInfo(&info, pBlockInfo, pBlock, pScanInfo, keyInBuf, pLastBlockReader, pReader);
bool isCleanFileBlock = !(info.overlapWithNeighborBlock || info.hasDupTs || info.overlapWithKeyInBuf ||
info.overlapWithDelInfo || info.overlapWithLastBlock || info.partiallyRequired);
info.overlapWithDelInfo || info.overlapWithLastBlock);
return isCleanFileBlock;
......@@ -2809,7 +2857,7 @@ static int32_t buildComposedDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
// it is a clean block, load it directly
if (isCleanFileDataBlock(pReader, pBlockInfo, pBlock, pBlockScanInfo, keyInBuf, pLastBlockReader) &&
pBlock->nRow <= pReader->resBlockInfo.capacity) {
if (asc || ((!asc) && (!hasDataInLastBlock(pLastBlockReader)))) {
if (asc || (!hasDataInLastBlock(pLastBlockReader))) {
code = copyBlockDataToSDataBlock(pReader);
if (code) {
goto _end;
......@@ -2828,7 +2876,7 @@ static int32_t buildComposedDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
SBlockData* pBlockData = &pReader->status.fileBlockData;
SBlockData* pBlockData = &pReader->status.fileBlockData;
while (1) {
bool hasBlockData = false;
......@@ -2842,7 +2890,7 @@ static int32_t buildComposedDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
pDumpInfo->rowIndex += step;
SDataBlk* pBlock = getCurrentBlock(&pReader->status.blockIter);
pBlock = getCurrentBlock(&pReader->status.blockIter);
if (pDumpInfo->rowIndex >= pBlock->nRow || pDumpInfo->rowIndex < 0) {
pBlockInfo = getCurrentBlockInfo(&pReader->status.blockIter); // NOTE: get the new block info
......@@ -2870,7 +2918,7 @@ static int32_t buildComposedDataBlock(STsdbReader* pReader) {
// currently loaded file data block is consumed
if ((pBlockData->nRow > 0) && (pDumpInfo->rowIndex >= pBlockData->nRow || pDumpInfo->rowIndex < 0)) {
SDataBlk* pBlock = getCurrentBlock(&pReader->status.blockIter);
pBlock = getCurrentBlock(&pReader->status.blockIter);
setBlockAllDumped(pDumpInfo, pBlock->maxKey.ts, pReader->order);
......@@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ static int32_t doSetStreamBlock(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, void* input, size_t nu
pOperator->status = OP_NOT_OPENED;
SStreamScanInfo* pInfo = pOperator->info;
qDebug("s-task:%s set source blocks:%d", id, (int32_t)numOfBlocks);
qDebug("s-task:%s in this batch, all %d blocks need to be processed and dump results", id, (int32_t)numOfBlocks);
ASSERT(pInfo->validBlockIndex == 0 && taosArrayGetSize(pInfo->pBlockLists) == 0);
......@@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ static int32_t doSetStreamBlock(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, void* input, size_t nu
SPackedData* pReq = POINTER_SHIFT(input, i * sizeof(SPackedData));
taosArrayPush(pInfo->pBlockLists, pReq);
} else if (type == STREAM_INPUT__DATA_SUBMIT) {
taosArrayPush(pInfo->pBlockLists, input);
......@@ -150,6 +152,7 @@ static int32_t doSetStreamBlock(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, void* input, size_t nu
SPackedData tmp = { .pDataBlock = pDataBlock };
taosArrayPush(pInfo->pBlockLists, &tmp);
pInfo->blockType = STREAM_INPUT__DATA_BLOCK;
} else {
......@@ -1797,9 +1797,10 @@ void streamScanOperatorDecode(void* pBuff, int32_t len, SStreamScanInfo* pInfo)
static SSDataBlock* doStreamScan(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
// NOTE: this operator does never check if current status is done or not
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo = pOperator->pTaskInfo;
SStorageAPI* pAPI = &pTaskInfo->storageAPI;
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo = pOperator->pTaskInfo;
const char* id = GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo);
SStorageAPI* pAPI = &pTaskInfo->storageAPI;
SStreamScanInfo* pInfo = pOperator->info;
qDebug("stream scan started, %s", GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo));
......@@ -1922,7 +1923,9 @@ FETCH_NEXT_BLOCK:
return NULL;
int32_t current = pInfo->validBlockIndex++;
int32_t current = pInfo->validBlockIndex++;
qDebug("process %d/%d input data blocks, %s", current, (int32_t) total, id);
SPackedData* pPacked = taosArrayGet(pInfo->pBlockLists, current);
SSDataBlock* pBlock = pPacked->pDataBlock;
if (pBlock->info.parTbName[0]) {
......@@ -2057,7 +2060,6 @@ FETCH_NEXT_BLOCK:
return pInfo->pUpdateRes;
const char* id = GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo);
SSDataBlock* pBlock = pInfo->pRes;
SDataBlockInfo* pBlockInfo = &pBlock->info;
int32_t totalBlocks = taosArrayGetSize(pInfo->pBlockLists);
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ int32_t streamTaskEnqueueBlocks(SStreamTask* pTask, const SStreamDispatchReq* pR
if (pBlock == NULL) {
qDebug("vgId:%d, s-task:%s failed to receive dispatch msg, reason: out of memory", pTask->pMeta->vgId,
qError("vgId:%d, s-task:%s failed to receive dispatch msg, reason: out of memory", pTask->pMeta->vgId,
} else {
int32_t code = tAppendDataToInputQueue(pTask, (SStreamQueueItem*)pBlock);
......@@ -233,11 +233,11 @@ int32_t streamProcessDispatchMsg(SStreamTask* pTask, SStreamDispatchReq* pReq, S
int32_t streamProcessDispatchRsp(SStreamTask* pTask, SStreamDispatchRsp* pRsp, int32_t code) {
qDebug("s-task:%s receive dispatch rsp, status:%d code:%d", pTask->id.idStr, pRsp->inputStatus, code);
qDebug("s-task:%s receive dispatch rsp, output status:%d code:%d", pTask->id.idStr, pRsp->inputStatus, code);
if (pTask->outputType == TASK_OUTPUT__SHUFFLE_DISPATCH) {
int32_t leftRsp = atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pTask->shuffleDispatcher.waitingRspCnt, 1);
qDebug("task %d is shuffle, left waiting rsp %d", pTask->id.taskId, leftRsp);
qDebug("s-task:%s is shuffle, left waiting rsp %d", pTask->id.idStr, leftRsp);
if (leftRsp > 0) {
return 0;
......@@ -251,6 +251,10 @@ int32_t streamProcessDispatchRsp(SStreamTask* pTask, SStreamDispatchRsp* pRsp, i
if (pRsp->inputStatus == TASK_INPUT_STATUS__BLOCKED) {
// TODO: init recover timer
qError("s-task:%s inputQ of downstream task:0x%x is full, need to block output", pTask->id.idStr, pRsp->downstreamTaskId);
atomic_store_8(&pTask->outputStatus, TASK_OUTPUT_STATUS__NORMAL);
qError("s-task:%s ignore error, and reset task output status:%d", pTask->id.idStr, pTask->outputStatus);
return 0;
......@@ -510,14 +510,17 @@ int32_t streamDispatchStreamBlock(SStreamTask* pTask) {
int8_t old =
atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&pTask->outputStatus, TASK_OUTPUT_STATUS__NORMAL, TASK_OUTPUT_STATUS__WAIT);
qDebug("s-task:%s task wait for dispatch rsp, not dispatch now", pTask->id.idStr);
qDebug("s-task:%s task wait for dispatch rsp, not dispatch now, output status:%d", pTask->id.idStr, old);
return 0;
qDebug("s-task:%s start to dispatch msg, output status:%d", pTask->id.idStr, pTask->outputStatus);
SStreamDataBlock* pDispatchedBlock = streamQueueNextItem(pTask->outputQueue);
if (pDispatchedBlock == NULL) {
qDebug("s-task:%s stop dispatching since no output in output queue", pTask->id.idStr);
atomic_store_8(&pTask->outputStatus, TASK_OUTPUT_STATUS__NORMAL);
qDebug("s-task:%s stop dispatching since no output in output queue, output status:%d", pTask->id.idStr,
return 0;
......@@ -527,6 +530,7 @@ int32_t streamDispatchStreamBlock(SStreamTask* pTask) {
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
atomic_store_8(&pTask->outputStatus, TASK_OUTPUT_STATUS__NORMAL);
qDebug("s-task:%s failed to dispatch msg to downstream, output status:%d", pTask->id.idStr, pTask->outputStatus);
// this block can be freed only when it has been pushed to down stream.
......@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
#include "streamInc.h"
// maximum allowed processed block batches. One block may include several submit blocks
static int32_t updateCheckPointInfo (SStreamTask* pTask);
......@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ int32_t streamExecForAll(SStreamTask* pTask) {
if (pTask->taskLevel == TASK_LEVEL__SINK) {
qDebug("s-task:%s sink node start to sink result. numOfBlocks:%d", pTask->id.idStr, batchSize);
qDebug("s-task:%s sink task start to sink %d blocks", pTask->id.idStr, batchSize);
streamTaskOutputResultBlock(pTask, (SStreamDataBlock*)pInput);
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