| 3.0.1 - 3.0.4 | fix the resultSet data is parsed incorrectly sometimes. 3.0.1 is compiled on JDK 11, you are advised to use other version in the JDK 8 environment |
| 3.0.0 | Support for TDengine 3.0 |
| 2.0.42 | fix wasNull interface return value in WebSocket connection |
| 2.0.41 | fix decode method of username and password in REST connection |
| 3.0.1 - 3.0.4 | fix the resultSet data is parsed incorrectly sometimes. 3.0.1 is compiled on JDK 11, you are advised to use other version in the JDK 8 environment | - |
| 3.0.0 | Support for TDengine 3.0 | or later |
| 2.0.42 | fix wasNull interface return value in WebSocket connection | - |
| 2.0.41 | fix decode method of username and password in REST connection | - |
**Note**: adding `batchfetch` to the REST connection and setting it to true will enable the WebSocket connection.
@@ -102,6 +99,8 @@ For specific error codes, please refer to.
| 0x2319 | user is required | The user name information is missing when creating the connection |
| 0x231a | password is required | Password information is missing when creating a connection |
| 0x231c | httpEntity is null, sql: | Execution exception occurred during the REST connection |
| 0x231d | can't create connection with server within | Increase the connection time by adding the httpConnectTimeout parameter, or check the connection to the taos adapter. |
| 0x231e | failed to complete the task within the specified time | Increase the execution time by adding the messageWaitTimeout parameter, or check the connection to the taos adapter. |
| 0x2350 | unknown error | Unknown exception, please return to the developer on github. |
| 0x2352 | Unsupported encoding | An unsupported character encoding set is specified under the native Connection. |
| 0x2353 | internal error of database, please see taoslog for more details | An error occurs when the prepare statement is executed on the native connection. Check the taos log to locate the fault. |
@@ -117,8 +116,8 @@ For specific error codes, please refer to.
| 0x2376 | failed to set consumer topic, topic name is empty | During data subscription creation, the subscription topic name is empty. Check that the specified topic name is correct. |
| 0x2377 | consumer reference has been destroyed | The subscription data transfer channel has been closed. Please check the connection to TDengine. |
| 0x2378 | consumer create error | Failed to create a data subscription. Check the taos log according to the error message to locate the fault. |
| - | can't create connection with server within | Increase the connection time by adding the httpConnectTimeout parameter, or check the connection to the taos adapter. |
| - | failed to complete the task within the specified time | Increase the execution time by adding the messageWaitTimeout parameter, or check the connection to the taos adapter. |
| 0x2379 | seek offset must not be a negative number | The seek interface parameter cannot be negative. Use the correct parameter |
| 0x237a | vGroup not found in result set | subscription is not bound to the VGroup due to the rebalance mechanism |
| v0.8.10 | or later | TMQ: Get consuming progress and seek offset to consume. |
| v0.8.0 | | Support schemaless insert. |
| v0.7.6 | | Support req_id in query. |
| v0.6.0 | | Base features. |
The Rust Connector is still under rapid development and is not guaranteed to be backward compatible before 1.0. We recommend using TDengine version 3.0 or higher to avoid known issues.
The `consumer` in the connector contains the subscription api.
#### Create Consumer
The syntax for creating a consumer is `consumer = Consumer(configs)`. For more subscription api parameters, please refer to [Data Subscription](../../../develop/tmq/).
The `subscribe` function is used to subscribe to a list of topics.
consumer.subscribe(['topic1', 'topic2'])
#### Consume
The `poll` function is used to consume data in tmq. The parameter of the `poll` function is a value of type float representing the timeout in seconds. It returns a `Message` before timing out, or `None` on timing out. You have to handle error messages in response data.
while True:
res = consumer.poll(1)
if not res:
err = res.error()
if err is not None:
raise err
val = res.value()
for block in val:
#### assignment
The `assignment` function is used to get the assignment of the topic.
assignments = consumer.assignment()
#### Seek
The `seek` function is used to reset the assignment of the topic.
In addition to native connections, the connector also supports subscriptions via websockets.
#### Create Consumer
The syntax for creating a consumer is "consumer = consumer = Consumer(conf=configs)". You need to specify that the `td.connect.websocket.scheme` parameter is set to "ws" in the configuration. For more subscription api parameters, please refer to [Data Subscription](../../../develop/tmq/#create-a-consumer).
The `subscribe` function is used to subscribe to a list of topics.
consumer.subscribe(['topic1', 'topic2'])
#### Consume
The `poll` function is used to consume data in tmq. The parameter of the `poll` function is a value of type float representing the timeout in seconds. It returns a `Message` before timing out, or `None` on timing out. You have to handle error messages in response data.
while True:
res = consumer.poll(timeout=1.0)
if not res:
err = res.error()
if err is not None:
raise err
for block in message:
for row in block:
#### assignment
The `assignment` function is used to get the assignment of the topic.
assignments = consumer.assignment()
#### Seek
The `seek` function is used to reset the assignment of the topic.
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ description: This document describes the configuration parameters for the TDengi
## Configuration File on Server Side
On the server side, the actual service of TDengine is provided by an executable `taosd` whose parameters can be configured in file `taos.cfg` to meet the requirements of different use cases. The default location of `taos.cfg` is `/etc/taos`, but can be changed by using `-c` parameter on the CLI of `taosd`. For example, the configuration file can be put under `/home/user` and used like below
On the server side, the actual service of TDengine is provided by an executable `taosd` whose parameters can be configured in file `taos.cfg` to meet the requirements of different use cases. The default location of `taos.cfg` is `/etc/taos` on Linux system, it's located under `C:\TDengine` on Windows system. The location of configuration file can be specified by using `-c` parameter on the CLI of `taosd`. For example, on Linux system the configuration file can be put under `/home/user` and used like below
The above script first clones the project source code and then compiles and packages it with Maven. After the package is complete, the zip package of the plugin is generated in the `target/components/packages/` directory. Unzip this zip package to plugin path. We used `$CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/` above because it's a build in plugin path.
The above script first clones the project source code and then compiles and packages it with Maven. After the package is complete, the zip package of the plugin is generated in the `target/components/packages/` directory. Unzip this zip package to plugin path. We used `$KAFKA_HOME/components/` above because it's a build in plugin path.
### Install with confluent-hub
[Confluent Hub](https://www.confluent.io/hub) provides a service to download Kafka Connect plugins. After TDengine Kafka Connector is published to Confluent Hub, it can be installed using the command tool `confluent-hub`.
**TDengine Kafka Connector is currently not officially released and cannot be installed in this way**.
### Add configuration file
## Start Confluent
add kafka-connect-tdengine plugin path to `plugin.path` in `$KAFKA_HOME/config/connect-distributed.properties`.
confluent local services start
Be sure to install the plugin before starting Confluent. Otherwise, Kafka Connect will fail to discover the plugins.
## Start Kafka Services
If a component fails to start, try clearing the data and restarting. The data directory will be printed to the console at startup, e.g.:
```title="Console output log" {1}
Using CONFLUENT_CURRENT: /tmp/confluent.106668
Starting ZooKeeper
ZooKeeper is [UP]
Starting Kafka
Kafka is [UP]
Starting Schema Registry
Schema Registry is [UP]
Starting Kafka REST
Kafka REST is [UP]
Starting Connect
Connect is [UP]
Starting ksqlDB Server
ksqlDB Server is [UP]
Starting Control Center
Control Center is [UP]
Use command bellow to start all services:
To clear data, execute `rm -rf /tmp/confluent.106668`.
It should produce a path like:`/tmp/confluent.104086/connect/connect.stdout`
Besides log file `connect.stdout` there is a file named `connect.properties`. At the end of this file you can see the effective `plugin.path` which is a series of paths joined by comma. If Kafka Connect not found our plugins, it's probably because the installed path is not included in `plugin.path`.
@@ -291,31 +215,39 @@ The role of the TDengine Source Connector is to push all the data of a specific
TDengine Source Connector will convert the data in TDengine data table into [InfluxDB Line protocol format](/develop/insert-data/influxdb-line/) or [OpenTSDB JSON protocol format](/develop/insert-data/opentsdb-json) and then write to Kafka.
The following sample program synchronizes the data in the database test to the topic tdengine-source-test.
The following sample program synchronizes the data in the database test to the topic tdengine-test-meters.
@@ -340,40 +272,40 @@ INSERT INTO d1001 USING meters TAGS('California.SanFrancisco', 2) VALUES('2018-1
Use TDengine CLI to execute SQL script
taos -f prepare-source-data.sql
### Create Connector instance
confluent local services connect connector load TDengineSourceConnector --config source-demo.properties
curl -X POST -d @source-demo.json http://localhost:8083/connectors -H"Content-Type: application/json"
### View topic data
Use the kafka-console-consumer command-line tool to monitor data in the topic tdengine-source-test. In the beginning, all historical data will be output. After inserting two new data into TDengine, kafka-console-consumer immediately outputs the two new data. The output is in InfluxDB line protocol format.
Use the kafka-console-consumer command-line tool to monitor data in the topic tdengine-test-meters. In the beginning, all historical data will be output. After inserting two new data into TDengine, kafka-console-consumer immediately outputs the two new data. The output is in InfluxDB line protocol format.
@@ -427,22 +359,20 @@ The following configuration items apply to TDengine Sink Connector and TDengine
3.`timestamp.initial`: Data synchronization start time. The format is 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'. If it is not set, the data importing to Kafka will be started from the first/oldest row in the database.
4.`poll.interval.ms`: The time interval for checking newly created tables or removed tables, default value is 1000.
5.`fetch.max.rows`: The maximum number of rows retrieved when retrieving the database, default is 100.
6.`query.interval.ms`: The time range of reading data from TDengine each time, its unit is millisecond. It should be adjusted according to the data flow in rate, the default value is 1000.
7.`topic.per.stable`: If it's set to true, it means one super table in TDengine corresponds to a topic in Kafka, the topic naming rule is `<topic.prefix>-<connection.database>-<stable.name>`; if it's set to false, it means the whole DB corresponds to a topic in Kafka, the topic naming rule is `<topic.prefix>-<connection.database>`.
6.`query.interval.ms`: The time range of reading data from TDengine each time, its unit is millisecond. It should be adjusted according to the data flow in rate, the default value is 0, this means to get all the data to the latest time.
7.`out.format`: Result output format. `line` indicates that the output format is InfluxDB line protocol format, `json` indicates that the output format is json. The default is line.
8.`topic.per.stable`: If it's set to true, it means one super table in TDengine corresponds to a topic in Kafka, the topic naming rule is `<topic.prefix><topic.delimiter><connection.database><topic.delimiter><stable.name>`; if it's set to false, it means the whole DB corresponds to a topic in Kafka, the topic naming rule is `<topic.prefix><topic.delimiter><connection.database>`.
9.`topic.ignore.db`: Whether the topic naming rule contains the database name: true indicates that the rule is `<topic.prefix><topic.delimiter><stable.name>`, false indicates that the rule is `<topic.prefix><topic.delimiter><connection.database><topic.delimiter><stable.name>`, and the default is false. Does not take effect when `topic.per.stable` is set to false.
10.`topic.delimiter`: topic name delimiter,default is `-`。
## Other notes
1. To install plugin to a customized location, refer to https://docs.confluent.io/home/connect/self-managed/install.html#install-connector-manually.
2. To use Kafka Connect without confluent, refer to https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#connect.
1. To use Kafka Connect, refer to <https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#connect>.