
上级 c2432e6b
ver ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver-2.1.0 ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- ver- tq- release/ver- mac-enter-test autoaddcol_07161651 autoaddcol_07161108 autoaddcol_07150626 autoaddcol_0720_1434 autoaddcol_0719_1122 autoaddcol_0718_2208 TDB-ver0.8 TDB-ver-0.7
......@@ -314,22 +314,6 @@ static int taos_options_imp(TSDB_OPTION option, const char *pStr) {
cfg = taosGetConfigOption("sockettype");
assert(cfg != NULL);
if (cfg->cfgStatus <= TAOS_CFG_CSTATUS_OPTION) {
// if (strcasecmp(pStr, TAOS_SOCKET_TYPE_NAME_UDP) != 0 && strcasecmp(pStr, TAOS_SOCKET_TYPE_NAME_TCP) != 0) {
// tscError("only 'tcp' or 'udp' allowed for configuring the socket type");
// return -1;
// }
tstrncpy(tsSocketType, pStr, sizeof(tsSocketType));
tscPrint("socket type is set:%s", tsSocketType);
// TODO return the correct error code to client in the format for taos_errstr()
tscError("Invalid option %d", option);
......@@ -20,60 +20,51 @@
extern "C" {
extern char configDir[];
extern char tsVnodeDir[];
extern char tsDnodeDir[];
extern char tsMnodeDir[];
extern char tsDataDir[];
extern char tsLogDir[];
extern char tsScriptDir[];
extern char tsOsName[];
// system info
extern int64_t tsPageSize;
extern int64_t tsOpenMax;
extern int64_t tsStreamMax;
extern int32_t tsNumOfCores;
extern int32_t tsAlternativeRole;
extern float tsTotalLogDirGB;
extern float tsTotalTmpDirGB;
extern float tsTotalDataDirGB;
extern float tsAvailLogDirGB;
extern float tsAvailTmpDirGB;
extern float tsAvailDataDirGB;
extern float tsMinimalLogDirGB;
extern float tsMinimalTmpDirGB;
extern float tsMinimalDataDirGB;
extern int32_t tsEnableCoreFile;
extern int32_t tsTotalMemoryMB;
extern int32_t tsVersion;
extern int32_t tscEmbedded;
extern int64_t tsMsPerDay[3];
extern char tsFirst[];
extern char tsSecond[];
extern char tsLocalFqdn[];
extern char tsLocalEp[];
// cluster
extern char tsFirst[];
extern char tsSecond[];
extern char tsLocalFqdn[];
extern char tsLocalEp[];
extern uint16_t tsServerPort;
extern uint16_t tsDnodeShellPort;
extern uint16_t tsDnodeDnodePort;
extern uint16_t tsSyncPort;
extern int32_t tsStatusInterval;
extern int32_t tsShellActivityTimer;
extern int32_t tsVnodePeerHBTimer;
extern int32_t tsMgmtPeerHBTimer;
extern int32_t tsTableMetaKeepTimer;
extern float tsNumOfThreadsPerCore;
extern float tsRatioOfQueryThreads;
extern char tsPublicIp[];
extern char tsPrivateIp[];
extern int32_t tsStatusInterval;
extern int16_t tsNumOfVnodesPerCore;
extern int16_t tsNumOfTotalVnodes;
extern uint32_t tsPublicIpInt;
extern int32_t tsNumOfMnodes;
// common
extern int tsRpcTimer;
extern int tsRpcMaxTime;
extern int32_t tsMaxConnections;
extern int32_t tsMaxShellConns;
extern int32_t tsShellActivityTimer;
extern uint32_t tsMaxTmrCtrl;
extern float tsNumOfThreadsPerCore;
extern float tsRatioOfQueryThreads;
extern int8_t tsDaylight;
extern char tsTimezone[64];
extern char tsLocale[64];
extern char tsCharset[64]; // default encode string
extern int32_t tsEnableCoreFile;
extern int32_t tsCompressMsgSize;
// client
extern int32_t tsTableMetaKeepTimer;
extern int32_t tsMaxSQLStringLen;
extern int32_t tsTscEnableRecordSql;
extern int32_t tsMaxNumOfOrderedResults;
extern int32_t tsMinSlidingTime;
extern int32_t tsMinIntervalTime;
extern int32_t tsMaxStreamComputDelay;
extern int32_t tsStreamCompStartDelay;
extern int32_t tsStreamCompRetryDelay;
extern float tsStreamComputDelayRatio; // the delayed computing ration of the whole time window
extern int32_t tsProjectExecInterval;
extern int64_t tsMaxRetentWindow;
// db parameters in client
extern int32_t tsCacheBlockSize;
extern int32_t tsBlocksPerVnode;
extern int32_t tsMaxTablePerVnode;
......@@ -87,42 +78,16 @@ extern int16_t tsCompression;
extern int16_t tsWAL;
extern int32_t tsReplications;
extern int16_t tsAffectedRowsMod;
extern int32_t tsNumOfMnodes;
extern int32_t tsMaxShellConns;
extern int32_t tsMaxTables;
extern char tsMqttBrokerAddress[];
extern char tsMqttBrokerClientId[];
extern int32_t tsMaxConnections;
// balance
extern int32_t tsEnableBalance;
extern int32_t tsAlternativeRole;
extern int32_t tsBalanceInterval;
extern int32_t tsOfflineThreshold;
extern int32_t tsMnodeEqualVnodeNum;
extern int32_t tsEnableHttpModule;
extern int32_t tsEnableMqttModule;
extern int32_t tsEnableMonitorModule;
extern int32_t tsRestRowLimit;
extern int32_t tsMaxSQLStringLen;
extern int32_t tsCompressMsgSize;
extern int32_t tsMaxNumOfOrderedResults;
extern char tsSocketType[4];
extern int32_t tsMinSlidingTime;
extern int32_t tsMinIntervalTime;
extern int32_t tsMaxStreamComputDelay;
extern int32_t tsStreamCompStartDelay;
extern int32_t tsStreamCompRetryDelay;
extern float tsStreamComputDelayRatio; // the delayed computing ration of the whole time window
extern int tsProjectExecInterval;
extern int64_t tsMaxRetentWindow;
extern char tsHttpIp[];
// restful
extern int32_t tsEnableHttpModule;
extern int32_t tsRestRowLimit;
extern uint16_t tsHttpPort;
extern int32_t tsHttpCacheSessions;
extern int32_t tsHttpSessionExpire;
......@@ -131,12 +96,54 @@ extern int32_t tsHttpEnableCompress;
extern int32_t tsHttpEnableRecordSql;
extern int32_t tsTelegrafUseFieldNum;
extern int32_t tsTscEnableRecordSql;
// mqtt
extern int32_t tsEnableMqttModule;
extern char tsMqttBrokerAddress[];
extern char tsMqttBrokerClientId[];
// monitor
extern int32_t tsEnableMonitorModule;
extern char tsMonitorDbName[];
extern char tsInternalPass[];
extern int32_t tsMonitorInterval;
// internal
extern int32_t tscEmbedded;
extern char configDir[];
extern char tsVnodeDir[];
extern char tsDnodeDir[];
extern char tsMnodeDir[];
extern char tsDataDir[];
extern char tsLogDir[];
extern char tsScriptDir[];
extern int64_t tsMsPerDay[3];
// system info
extern char tsOsName[];
extern int64_t tsPageSize;
extern int64_t tsOpenMax;
extern int64_t tsStreamMax;
extern int32_t tsNumOfCores;
extern float tsTotalLogDirGB;
extern float tsTotalTmpDirGB;
extern float tsTotalDataDirGB;
extern float tsAvailLogDirGB;
extern float tsAvailTmpDirGB;
extern float tsAvailDataDirGB;
extern float tsMinimalLogDirGB;
extern float tsMinimalTmpDirGB;
extern float tsMinimalDataDirGB;
extern int32_t tsTotalMemoryMB;
extern int32_t tsVersion;
extern char tsMonitorDbName[];
extern char tsInternalPass[];
extern int32_t tsMonitorInterval;
// build info
extern char version[];
extern char compatible_version[];
extern char gitinfo[];
extern char gitinfoOfInternal[];
extern char buildinfo[];
// log
extern int32_t tsAsyncLog;
extern int32_t tsNumOfLogLines;
extern int32_t dDebugFlag;
......@@ -155,22 +162,6 @@ extern int32_t debugFlag;
extern int32_t odbcDebugFlag;
extern int32_t qDebugFlag;
extern uint32_t taosMaxTmrCtrl;
extern int tsRpcTimer;
extern int tsRpcMaxTime;
extern int tsUdpDelay;
extern char version[];
extern char compatible_version[];
extern char gitinfo[];
extern char gitinfoOfInternal[];
extern char buildinfo[];
extern int8_t tsDaylight;
extern char tsTimezone[64];
extern char tsLocale[64];
extern char tsCharset[64]; // default encode string
#define NEEDTO_COMPRESSS_MSG(size) (tsCompressMsgSize != -1 && (size) > tsCompressMsgSize)
void taosInitGlobalCfg();
......@@ -27,68 +27,77 @@
#include "ttimezone.h"
#include "tsync.h"
char configDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "/etc/taos";
char tsVnodeDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
char tsDnodeDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
char tsMnodeDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
char tsDataDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "/var/lib/taos";
char tsScriptDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "/etc/taos";
char tsOsName[10] = "Linux";
// system info, not configurable
int64_t tsPageSize;
int64_t tsOpenMax;
int64_t tsStreamMax;
int32_t tsNumOfCores = 1;
int32_t tsAlternativeRole = 0;
float tsTotalTmpDirGB = 0;
float tsTotalDataDirGB = 0;
float tsAvailTmpDirGB = 0;
float tsAvailDataDirGB = 0;
float tsMinimalTmpDirGB = 0.1;
float tsMinimalDataDirGB = 0.5;
int32_t tsTotalMemoryMB = 0;
int32_t tsVersion = 0;
int32_t tsEnableCoreFile = 0;
// global, not configurable
int32_t tscEmbedded = 0;
* minimum scale for whole system, millisecond by default
int64_t tsMsPerDay[] = {86400000L, 86400000000L, 86400000000000L};
char tsFirst[TSDB_EP_LEN] = {0};
char tsSecond[TSDB_EP_LEN] = {0};
char tsArbitrator[TSDB_EP_LEN] = {0};
char tsLocalFqdn[TSDB_FQDN_LEN] = {0};
char tsLocalEp[TSDB_EP_LEN] = {0}; // Local End Point, hostname:port
// cluster
char tsFirst[TSDB_EP_LEN] = {0};
char tsSecond[TSDB_EP_LEN] = {0};
char tsArbitrator[TSDB_EP_LEN] = {0};
char tsLocalFqdn[TSDB_FQDN_LEN] = {0};
char tsLocalEp[TSDB_EP_LEN] = {0}; // Local End Point, hostname:port
uint16_t tsServerPort = 6030;
uint16_t tsDnodeShellPort = 6030; // udp[6035-6039] tcp[6035]
uint16_t tsDnodeDnodePort = 6035; // udp/tcp
uint16_t tsDnodeDnodePort = 6035; // udp/tcp
uint16_t tsSyncPort = 6040;
int32_t tsStatusInterval = 1; // second
int16_t tsNumOfVnodesPerCore = 8;
int16_t tsNumOfTotalVnodes = TSDB_INVALID_VNODE_NUM;
int32_t tsNumOfMnodes = 3;
int32_t tsStatusInterval = 1; // second
int32_t tsShellActivityTimer = 3; // second
int32_t tsTableMetaKeepTimer = 7200; // second
// common
int32_t tsRpcTimer = 300;
int32_t tsRpcMaxTime = 600; // seconds;
int32_t tsRpcMaxTime = 600; // seconds;
int32_t tsMaxShellConns = 5000;
int32_t tsMaxConnections = 5000;
int32_t tsShellActivityTimer = 3; // second
float tsNumOfThreadsPerCore = 1.0;
float tsRatioOfQueryThreads = 0.5;
int16_t tsNumOfVnodesPerCore = 8;
int16_t tsNumOfTotalVnodes = TSDB_INVALID_VNODE_NUM;
int8_t tsDaylight = 0;
char tsTimezone[64] = {0};
char tsLocale[TSDB_LOCALE_LEN] = {0};
char tsCharset[TSDB_LOCALE_LEN] = {0}; // default encode string
int32_t tsEnableCoreFile = 0;
int32_t tsMaxBinaryDisplayWidth = 30;
#ifdef _TD_ARM_32_
int32_t tsMaxTablePerVnode = 100;
int32_t tsMaxTablePerVnode = TSDB_DEFAULT_TABLES;
* denote if the server needs to compress response message at the application layer to client, including query rsp,
* metricmeta rsp, and multi-meter query rsp message body. The client compress the submit message to server.
* 0: all data are compressed
* -1: all data are not compressed
* other values: if the message payload size is greater than the tsCompressMsgSize, the message will be compressed.
int32_t tsCompressMsgSize = -1;
// client
int32_t tsTableMetaKeepTimer = 7200; // second
int32_t tsMaxSQLStringLen = TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN;
int32_t tsTscEnableRecordSql = 0;
// the maximum number of results for projection query on super table that are returned from
// one virtual node, to order according to timestamp
int32_t tsMaxNumOfOrderedResults = 100000;
// 10 ms for sliding time, the value will changed in case of time precision changed
int32_t tsMinSlidingTime = 10;
// 10 ms for interval time range, changed accordingly
int32_t tsMinIntervalTime = 10;
// 20sec, the maximum value of stream computing delay, changed accordingly
int32_t tsMaxStreamComputDelay = 20000;
// 10sec, the first stream computing delay time after system launched successfully, changed accordingly
int32_t tsStreamCompStartDelay = 10000;
// the stream computing delay time after executing failed, change accordingly
int32_t tsStreamCompRetryDelay = 10;
// The delayed computing ration. 10% of the whole computing time window by default.
float tsStreamComputDelayRatio = 0.1;
int32_t tsProjectExecInterval = 10000; // every 10sec, the projection will be executed once
int64_t tsMaxRetentWindow = 24 * 3600L; // maximum time window tolerance
// db parameters
int32_t tsCacheBlockSize = TSDB_DEFAULT_CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE;
int32_t tsBlocksPerVnode = TSDB_DEFAULT_TOTAL_BLOCKS;
int16_t tsDaysPerFile = TSDB_DEFAULT_DAYS_PER_FILE;
......@@ -101,27 +110,74 @@ int16_t tsCompression = TSDB_DEFAULT_COMP_LEVEL;
int32_t tsReplications = TSDB_DEFAULT_REPLICA_NUM;
* Change the meaning of affected rows:
* 0: affected rows not include those duplicate records
* 1: affected rows include those duplicate records
int16_t tsAffectedRowsMod = 0;
int32_t tsNumOfMnodes = 3;
int32_t tsMaxShellConns = 5000;
int32_t tsMaxConnections = 5000;
#ifdef _TD_ARM_32_
int32_t tsMaxTablePerVnode = 100;
int32_t tsMaxTablePerVnode = TSDB_DEFAULT_TABLES;
// balance
int32_t tsEnableBalance = 1;
int32_t tsAlternativeRole = 0;
int32_t tsBalanceInterval = 300; // seconds
int32_t tsOfflineThreshold = 86400*100; // seconds 10days
int32_t tsMnodeEqualVnodeNum = 4;
int32_t tsEnableHttpModule = 1;
int32_t tsEnableMqttModule = 0; // not finished yet, not started it by default
// restful
int32_t tsEnableHttpModule = 1;
int32_t tsRestRowLimit = 10240;
uint16_t tsHttpPort = 6020; // only tcp, range tcp[6020]
int32_t tsHttpCacheSessions = 100;
int32_t tsHttpSessionExpire = 36000;
int32_t tsHttpMaxThreads = 2;
int32_t tsHttpEnableCompress = 0;
int32_t tsHttpEnableRecordSql = 0;
int32_t tsTelegrafUseFieldNum = 0;
// mqtt
int32_t tsEnableMqttModule = 0; // not finished yet, not started it by default
char tsMqttBrokerAddress[128] = {0};
char tsMqttBrokerClientId[128] = {0};
// monitor
int32_t tsEnableMonitorModule = 0;
char tsMonitorDbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN] = "log";
char tsInternalPass[] = "secretkey";
int32_t tsMonitorInterval = 30; // seconds
int32_t tsRestRowLimit = 10240;
int32_t tsMaxSQLStringLen = TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN;
// internal
int32_t tscEmbedded = 0;
char configDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "/etc/taos";
char tsVnodeDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
char tsDnodeDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
char tsMnodeDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = {0};
char tsDataDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "/var/lib/taos";
char tsScriptDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "/etc/taos";
* minimum scale for whole system, millisecond by default
int64_t tsMsPerDay[] = {86400000L, 86400000000L, 86400000000000L};
// system info
char tsOsName[10] = "Linux";
int64_t tsPageSize;
int64_t tsOpenMax;
int64_t tsStreamMax;
int32_t tsNumOfCores = 1;
float tsTotalTmpDirGB = 0;
float tsTotalDataDirGB = 0;
float tsAvailTmpDirGB = 0;
float tsAvailDataDirGB = 0;
float tsMinimalTmpDirGB = 0.1;
float tsMinimalDataDirGB = 0.5;
int32_t tsTotalMemoryMB = 0;
int32_t tsVersion = 0;
// log
int32_t tsNumOfLogLines = 10000000;
int32_t mDebugFlag = 135;
int32_t sdbDebugFlag = 135;
......@@ -140,69 +196,6 @@ int32_t debugFlag = 131;
int32_t sDebugFlag = 135;
int32_t tsdbDebugFlag = 135;
// the maximum number of results for projection query on super table that are returned from
// one virtual node, to order according to timestamp
int32_t tsMaxNumOfOrderedResults = 100000;
* denote if the server needs to compress response message at the application layer to client, including query rsp,
* metricmeta rsp, and multi-meter query rsp message body. The client compress the submit message to server.
* 0: all data are compressed
* -1: all data are not compressed
* other values: if the message payload size is greater than the tsCompressMsgSize, the message will be compressed.
int32_t tsCompressMsgSize = -1;
// use UDP by default[option: udp, tcp]
char tsSocketType[4] = "udp";
// 10 ms for sliding time, the value will changed in case of time precision changed
int32_t tsMinSlidingTime = 10;
// 10 ms for interval time range, changed accordingly
int32_t tsMinIntervalTime = 10;
// 20sec, the maximum value of stream computing delay, changed accordingly
int32_t tsMaxStreamComputDelay = 20000;
// 10sec, the first stream computing delay time after system launched successfully, changed accordingly
int32_t tsStreamCompStartDelay = 10000;
// the stream computing delay time after executing failed, change accordingly
int32_t tsStreamCompRetryDelay = 10;
// The delayed computing ration. 10% of the whole computing time window by default.
float tsStreamComputDelayRatio = 0.1;
int32_t tsProjectExecInterval = 10000; // every 10sec, the projection will be executed once
int64_t tsMaxRetentWindow = 24 * 3600L; // maximum time window tolerance
uint16_t tsHttpPort = 6020; // only tcp, range tcp[6020]
// uint16_t tsNginxPort = 6060; //only tcp, range tcp[6060]
int32_t tsHttpCacheSessions = 100;
int32_t tsHttpSessionExpire = 36000;
int32_t tsHttpMaxThreads = 2;
int32_t tsHttpEnableCompress = 0;
int32_t tsHttpEnableRecordSql = 0;
int32_t tsTelegrafUseFieldNum = 0;
int32_t tsTscEnableRecordSql = 0;
uint32_t tsPublicIpInt = 0;
char tsMonitorDbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN] = "log";
char tsInternalPass[] = "secretkey";
int32_t tsMonitorInterval = 30; // seconds
int8_t tsDaylight = 0;
char tsTimezone[64] = {0};
char tsLocale[TSDB_LOCALE_LEN] = {0};
char tsCharset[TSDB_LOCALE_LEN] = {0}; // default encode string
char tsMqttBrokerAddress[128] = {0};
char tsMqttBrokerClientId[128] = {0};
int32_t tsMaxBinaryDisplayWidth = 30;
static pthread_once_t tsInitGlobalCfgOnce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
void taosSetAllDebugFlag() {
......@@ -426,6 +419,16 @@ static void doInitGlobalConfig() {
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
cfg.option = "balance";
cfg.ptr = &tsEnableBalance;
cfg.valType = TAOS_CFG_VTYPE_INT32;
cfg.minValue = 0;
cfg.maxValue = 1;
cfg.ptrLength = 1;
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
cfg.option = "balanceInterval";
cfg.ptr = &tsBalanceInterval;
cfg.valType = TAOS_CFG_VTYPE_INT32;
......@@ -447,19 +450,9 @@ static void doInitGlobalConfig() {
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
cfg.option = "affectedRowsMod";
cfg.ptr = &tsAffectedRowsMod;
cfg.valType = TAOS_CFG_VTYPE_INT16;
cfg.minValue = 0;
cfg.maxValue = 1;
cfg.ptrLength = 0;
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
// timer
cfg.option = "maxTmrCtrl";
cfg.ptr = &taosMaxTmrCtrl;
cfg.ptr = &tsMaxTmrCtrl;
cfg.valType = TAOS_CFG_VTYPE_INT32;
cfg.minValue = 8;
......@@ -669,16 +662,6 @@ static void doInitGlobalConfig() {
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
cfg.option = "ctime";
cfg.ptr = &tsCommitTime;
cfg.valType = TAOS_CFG_VTYPE_INT16;
cfg.minValue = TSDB_MIN_COMMIT_TIME;
cfg.maxValue = TSDB_MAX_COMMIT_TIME;
cfg.ptrLength = 0;
cfg.option = "comp";
cfg.ptr = &tsCompression;
cfg.valType = TAOS_CFG_VTYPE_INT16;
......@@ -729,17 +712,6 @@ static void doInitGlobalConfig() {
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
// socket type; udp by default
cfg.option = "sockettype";
cfg.ptr = tsSocketType;
cfg.minValue = 0;
cfg.maxValue = 0;
cfg.ptrLength = 3;
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
cfg.option = "compressMsgSize";
cfg.ptr = &tsCompressMsgSize;
cfg.valType = TAOS_CFG_VTYPE_INT32;
......@@ -873,7 +845,6 @@ static void doInitGlobalConfig() {
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
cfg.option = "mqtt";
cfg.ptr = &tsEnableMqttModule;
cfg.valType = TAOS_CFG_VTYPE_INT32;
......@@ -894,16 +865,6 @@ static void doInitGlobalConfig() {
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
cfg.option = "monitorDbName";
cfg.ptr = tsMonitorDbName;
cfg.minValue = 0;
cfg.maxValue = 0;
cfg.ptrLength = TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN - 1;
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
// http configs
cfg.option = "httpCacheSessions";
cfg.ptr = &tsHttpCacheSessions;
......@@ -955,16 +916,6 @@ static void doInitGlobalConfig() {
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
cfg.option = "httpEnableCompress";
cfg.ptr = &tsHttpEnableCompress;
cfg.valType = TAOS_CFG_VTYPE_INT32;
cfg.minValue = 0;
cfg.maxValue = 1;
cfg.ptrLength = 1;
cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE;
// debug flag
cfg.option = "numOfLogLines";
cfg.ptr = &tsNumOfLogLines;
......@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ typedef enum {
......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ struct SDnodeObj;
int32_t balanceInit();
void balanceCleanUp();
void balanceNotify();
void balanceUpdateMnode();
void balanceAsyncNotify();
void balanceSyncNotify();
void balanceReset();
int32_t balanceAllocVnodes(struct SVgObj *pVgroup);
int32_t balanceDropDnode(struct SDnodeObj *pDnode);
......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
int32_t balanceInit() { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; }
void balanceCleanUp() {}
void balanceNotify() {}
void balanceUpdateMnode() {}
void balanceAsyncNotify() {}
void balanceSyncNotify() {}
void balanceReset() {}
int32_t balanceAllocVnodes(SVgObj *pVgroup) {
......@@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ static int32_t mnodeAlterDbCb(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, int32_t code) {
mTrace("db:%s, all vgroups is altered", pDb->name);
mLPrint("db:%s, is alterd by %s", pDb->name, mnodeGetUserFromMsg(pMsg));
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ static int32_t mnodeDnodeActionDelete(SSdbOper *pOper) {
mTrace("dnode:%d, all vgroups is dropped from sdb", pDnode->dnodeId);
......@@ -382,8 +382,8 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessDnodeStatusMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
mTrace("dnode:%d, from offline to online", pDnode->dnodeId);
pDnode->status = TAOS_DN_STATUS_READY;
if (openVnodes != pDnode->openVnodes) {
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ typedef void *tmr_h;
typedef void (*TAOS_TMR_CALLBACK)(void *, void *);
extern int taosTmrThreads;
extern uint32_t taosMaxTmrCtrl;
extern uint32_t tsMaxTmrCtrl;
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ typedef struct time_wheel_t {
} time_wheel_t;
int32_t tmrDebugFlag = 131;
uint32_t taosMaxTmrCtrl = 512;
uint32_t tsMaxTmrCtrl = 512;
static pthread_once_t tmrModuleInit = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static pthread_mutex_t tmrCtrlMutex;
......@@ -492,17 +492,17 @@ bool taosTmrReset(TAOS_TMR_CALLBACK fp, int mseconds, void* param, void* handle,
static void taosTmrModuleInit(void) {
tmrCtrls = malloc(sizeof(tmr_ctrl_t) * taosMaxTmrCtrl);
tmrCtrls = malloc(sizeof(tmr_ctrl_t) * tsMaxTmrCtrl);
if (tmrCtrls == NULL) {
tmrError("failed to allocate memory for timer controllers.");
for (int i = 0; i < taosMaxTmrCtrl - 1; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < tsMaxTmrCtrl - 1; ++i) {
tmr_ctrl_t* ctrl = tmrCtrls + i;
ctrl->next = ctrl + 1;
(tmrCtrls + taosMaxTmrCtrl - 1)->next = NULL;
(tmrCtrls + tsMaxTmrCtrl - 1)->next = NULL;
unusedTmrCtrl = tmrCtrls;
pthread_mutex_init(&tmrCtrlMutex, NULL);
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