tdSql.error("select %s( jtag->'location'='beijing') from jsons1 ;"%fn)
tdSql.error("select %s( jtag contains 'age') from jsons1 ;"%fn)
# Select_exprs is SQL function -Calculation function
tdSql.error(" select diff(dataint) from jsons1 where jtag->'location'= 'beijing' or jtag->'location'= 'tianjing'or jtag contains 'num' or jtag->'age'=35 ;")
@@ -500,13 +547,21 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.query("select ts,round(dataint),round(datafloat),round(datadouble) from jsons7 where jtag contains 'tea';")
tdSql.query("select round(dataint),round(datafloat),round(datadouble) from jsons7 where jtag contains 'tea';")
tdSql.error("select %s( jtag->'location'='beijing') from jsons1 ;"%fn)
tdSql.error("select %s( jtag contains 'age') from jsons1 ;"%fn)
#modify one same key and diffirent data type,include negative number of double
tdSql.execute("insert into jsons7_4 using jsons7 tags('{\"nv\":null,\"tea\":123,\"tag\":123,\"tea\":false}') values (now+1s,5,'true',4.01,2.2,'abc'); ")
tdSql.execute("insert into jsons7_5 using jsons7 tags('{\"nv\":null,\"tea\":\"app\",\"tag\":123,\"tea\":false}') values (now+2s,5,'true',4.01,2.2,'abc'); ")
tdSql.error("insert into jsons7_6 using jsons7 tags('{\"nv\":null,\"tea\":-1.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,\"tag\":123,\"tea\":false}') values (now+3s,5,'true',4.01,2.2,'123'); ")
tdSql.execute("insert into jsons7_6 using jsons7 tags('{\"nv\":null,\"tea\":-1.111111111,\"tag\":123,\"tea\":false}') values (now,5,'false',4.01,2.2,'t123'); ")
tdSql.query("select jtag from jsons7 where jtag->'tea'>-1.01;")
# tdSql.checkRows(2)
tdSql.query("select jtag from jsons7 where jtag->'tea'<-1.01;")
# test join
tdSql.execute("create table if not exists jsons6(ts timestamp, dataInt int, dataBool bool, dataStr nchar(50)) tags(jtag json)")
@@ -572,6 +627,36 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.query(" select stddev(dataint) from jsons8 group by datatime;")
tdSql.error(" select stddev(datatime) from jsons8 group by datadouble;")
# # verify the tag length of the super table and the child table
# TD-12389
# tdSql.query("describe jsons1;")
# jtagLengthSup=tdSql.queryResult[3][2]
# tdSql.query("describe jsons1_1;")
# tdSql.checkData(3, 2, jtagLengthSup)
# #test import and export
# tdSql.execute("select * from jsons1 >> jsons1_data.csv;")