提交 3f3c1b9e 编写于 作者: S slzhou

Merge branch '3.0' of github.com:taosdata/TDengine into szhou/fixbugs

import taos
from taos.tmq import *
conn = taos.connect()
# create database
conn.execute("drop database if exists py_tmq")
conn.execute("create database if not exists py_tmq vgroups 2")
# create table and stables
conn.execute("create stable if not exists stb1 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10)) tags(t1 int)")
conn.execute("create table if not exists tb1 using stb1 tags(1)")
conn.execute("create table if not exists tb2 using stb1 tags(2)")
conn.execute("create table if not exists tb3 using stb1 tags(3)")
# create topic
conn.execute("drop topic if exists topic_ctb_column")
conn.execute("create topic if not exists topic_ctb_column as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from stb1")
# set consumer configure options
conf = TaosTmqConf()
conf.set("group.id", "tg2")
conf.set("td.connect.user", "root")
conf.set("td.connect.pass", "taosdata")
conf.set("enable.auto.commit", "true")
conf.set("msg.with.table.name", "true")
def tmq_commit_cb_print(tmq, resp, offset, param=None):
print(f"commit: {resp}, tmq: {tmq}, offset: {offset}, param: {param}")
conf.set_auto_commit_cb(tmq_commit_cb_print, None)
# build consumer
tmq = conf.new_consumer()
# build topic list
topic_list = TaosTmqList()
# subscribe consumer
# check subscriptions
sub_list = tmq.subscription()
print("subscribed topics: ",sub_list)
# start subscribe
while 1:
res = tmq.poll(1000)
if res:
topic = res.get_topic_name()
vg = res.get_vgroup_id()
db = res.get_db_name()
print(f"topic: {topic}\nvgroup id: {vg}\ndb: {db}")
for row in res:
tb = res.get_table_name()
print(f"from table: {tb}")
from taos.tmq import TaosConsumer
consumer = TaosConsumer('topic_ctb_column', group_id='vg2')
for msg in consumer:
for row in msg:
......@@ -2,11 +2,8 @@
sidebar_label: Docker
title: 通过 Docker 快速体验 TDengine
如果您希望为 TDengine 贡献代码或对内部技术实现感兴趣,请参考[TDengine GitHub 主页](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine) 下载源码构建和安装.
本节首先介绍如何通过 Docker 快速体验 TDengine,然后介绍如何在 Docker 环境下体验 TDengine 的写入和查询功能。
本节首先介绍如何通过 Docker 快速体验 TDengine,然后介绍如何在 Docker 环境下体验 TDengine 的写入和查询功能。如果你不熟悉 Docker,请使用[安装包的方式快速体验](../../get-started/package/)。如果您希望为 TDengine 贡献代码或对内部技术实现感兴趣,请参考 [TDengine GitHub 主页](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine) 下载源码构建和安装.
## 启动 TDengine
......@@ -5,49 +5,21 @@ title: 使用安装包立即开始
import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
import PkgListV3 from "/components/PkgListV3";
如果您希望对 TDengine 贡献代码或对内部实现感兴趣,请参考我们的 [TDengine GitHub 主页](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine) 下载源码构建和安装.
在 Linux 系统上,TDengine 开源版本提供 deb 和 rpm 格式安装包,用户可以根据自己的运行环境选择合适的安装包。其中 deb 支持 Debian/Ubuntu 及衍生系统,rpm 支持 CentOS/RHEL/SUSE 及衍生系统。同时我们也为企业用户提供 tar.gz 格式安装包,也支持通过 `apt-get` 工具从线上进行安装。TDengine 也提供 Windows x64 平台的安装包。
在 Linux 系统上,TDengine 开源版本提供 deb 和 rpm 格式安装包,用户可以根据自己的运行环境选择合适的安装包。其中 deb 支持 Debian/Ubuntu 及衍生系统,rpm 支持 CentOS/RHEL/SUSE 及衍生系统。同时我们也为企业用户提供 tar.gz 格式安装包,也支持通过 `apt-get` 工具从线上进行安装。TDengine 也提供 Windows x64 平台的安装包。您也可以[用Docker立即体验](../../get-started/docker/)。如果您希望对 TDengine 贡献代码或对内部实现感兴趣,请参考我们的 [TDengine GitHub 主页](https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine) 下载源码构建和安装.
## 安装
<TabItem value="apt-get" label="apt-get">
可以使用 apt-get 工具从官方仓库安装。
wget -qO - http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine.key | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine-stable stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tdengine-stable.list
如果安装 Beta 版需要安装包仓库
wget -qO - http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine.key | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine-beta beta main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tdengine-beta.list
**使用 apt-get 命令安装**
sudo apt-get update
apt-cache policy tdengine
sudo apt-get install tdengine
下载其他组件、最新 Beta 版及之前版本的安装包,请点击[发布历史页面](../../releases)
apt-get 方式只适用于 Debian 或 Ubuntu 系统
<TabItem label="Deb 安装" value="debinst">
1.[发布历史页面](../../releases) 下载获得 deb 安装包,例如 TDengine-server-;
1. 从列表中下载获得 deb 安装包,例如 TDengine-server-;
<PkgListV3 type={6}/>
2. 进入到 TDengine-server- 安装包所在目录,执行如下的安装命令:
......@@ -58,7 +30,8 @@ sudo dpkg -i TDengine-server-
<TabItem label="RPM 安装" value="rpminst">
1.[发布历史页面](../../releases) 下载获得 rpm 安装包,例如 TDengine-server-;
1. 从列表中下载获得 rpm 安装包,例如 TDengine-server-;
<PkgListV3 type={5}/>
2. 进入到 TDengine-server- 安装包所在目录,执行如下的安装命令:
......@@ -69,7 +42,8 @@ sudo rpm -ivh TDengine-server-
<TabItem label="tar.gz 安装" value="tarinst">
1.[发布历史页面](../../releases) 下载获得 tar.gz 安装包,例如 TDengine-server-;
1. 从列表中下载获得 tar.gz 安装包,例如 TDengine-server-;
<PkgListV3 type={0}/>
2. 进入到 TDengine-server- 安装包所在目录,先解压文件后,进入子目录,执行其中的 install.sh 安装脚本:
......@@ -84,16 +58,45 @@ sudo ./install.sh
install.sh 安装脚本在执行过程中,会通过命令行交互界面询问一些配置信息。如果希望采取无交互安装方式,那么可以用 -e no 参数来执行 install.sh 脚本。运行 `./install.sh -h` 指令可以查看所有参数的详细说明信息。
<TabItem label="Windows 安装" value="windows">
<TabItem label="Windows 安装" value="windows">
1.[发布历史页面](../../releases) 下载获得 exe 安装程序,例如 TDengine-server-;
1. 从列表中下载获得 exe 安装程序,例如 TDengine-server-;
<PkgListV3 type={3}/>
2. 运行 TDengine-server- 来安装 TDengine。
<TabItem value="apt-get" label="apt-get">
可以使用 apt-get 工具从官方仓库安装。
wget -qO - http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine.key | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine-stable stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tdengine-stable.list
如果安装 Beta 版需要安装包仓库
wget -qO - http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine.key | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://repos.taosdata.com/tdengine-beta beta main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tdengine-beta.list
**使用 apt-get 命令安装**
sudo apt-get update
apt-cache policy tdengine
sudo apt-get install tdengine
apt-get 方式只适用于 Debian 或 Ubuntu 系统
......@@ -88,6 +88,72 @@ void close() throws SQLException;
<TabItem value="Python" label="Python">
class TaosConsumer():
def __init__(self, *topics, **configs)
def __iter__(self)
def __next__(self)
def sync_next(self)
def subscription(self)
def unsubscribe(self)
def close(self)
def __del__(self)
<TabItem label="Go" value="Go">
func NewConsumer(conf *Config) (*Consumer, error)
func (c *Consumer) Close() error
func (c *Consumer) Commit(ctx context.Context, message unsafe.Pointer) error
func (c *Consumer) FreeMessage(message unsafe.Pointer)
func (c *Consumer) Poll(timeout time.Duration) (*Result, error)
func (c *Consumer) Subscribe(topics []string) error
func (c *Consumer) Unsubscribe() error
<TabItem value="C#" label="C#">
ConsumerBuilder(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> config)
virtual IConsumer Build()
Consumer(ConsumerBuilder builder)
void Subscribe(IEnumerable<string> topics)
void Subscribe(string topic)
ConsumeResult Consume(int millisecondsTimeout)
List<string> Subscription()
void Unsubscribe()
void Commit(ConsumeResult consumerResult)
void Close()
## 写入数据
......@@ -230,6 +296,105 @@ public class MetersDeserializer extends ReferenceDeserializer<Meters> {
<TabItem value="Python" label="Python">
Python 使用以下配置项创建一个 Consumer 实例。
| 参数名称 | 类型 | 参数说明 | 备注 |
| :----------------------------: | :-----: | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| `td_connect_ip` | string | 用于创建连接,同 `taos_connect` | |
| `td_connect_user` | string | 用于创建连接,同 `taos_connect` | |
| `td_connect_pass` | string | 用于创建连接,同 `taos_connect` | |
| `td_connect_port` | string | 用于创建连接,同 `taos_connect` | |
| `group_id` | string | 消费组 ID,同一消费组共享消费进度 | **必填项**。最大长度:192。 |
| `client_id` | string | 客户端 ID | 最大长度:192。 |
| `auto_offset_reset` | string | 消费组订阅的初始位置 | 可选:`earliest`, `latest`, `none`(default) |
| `enable_auto_commit` | string | 启用自动提交 | 合法值:`true`, `false`。 |
| `auto_commit_interval_ms` | string | 以毫秒为单位的自动提交时间间隔 | |
| `enable_heartbeat_background` | string | 启用后台心跳,启用后即使长时间不 poll 消息也不会造成离线 | 合法值:`true`, `false` |
| `experimental_snapshot_enable` | string | 从 WAL 开始消费,还是从 TSBS 开始消费 | 合法值:`true`, `false` |
| `msg_with_table_name` | string | 是否允许从消息中解析表名 | 合法值:`true`, `false` |
| `timeout` | int | 消费者拉去的超时时间 | |
<TabItem label="Go" value="Go">
config := tmq.NewConfig()
defer config.Destroy()
err = config.SetGroupID("test")
if err != nil {
err = config.SetAutoOffsetReset("earliest")
if err != nil {
err = config.SetConnectIP("")
if err != nil {
err = config.SetConnectUser("root")
if err != nil {
err = config.SetConnectPass("taosdata")
if err != nil {
err = config.SetConnectPort("6030")
if err != nil {
err = config.SetMsgWithTableName(true)
if err != nil {
err = config.EnableHeartBeat()
if err != nil {
err = config.EnableAutoCommit(func(result *wrapper.TMQCommitCallbackResult) {
if result.ErrCode != 0 {
errStr := wrapper.TMQErr2Str(result.ErrCode)
err := errors.NewError(int(result.ErrCode), errStr)
if err != nil {
<TabItem value="C#" label="C#">
using TDengineTMQ;
// 根据需要,设置消费组 (GourpId)、自动提交 (EnableAutoCommit)、
// 自动提交时间间隔 (AutoCommitIntervalMs)、用户名 (TDConnectUser)、密码 (TDConnectPasswd) 等参数
var cfg = new ConsumerConfig
EnableAutoCommit = "true"
AutoCommitIntervalMs = "1000"
GourpId = "TDengine-TMQ-C#",
TDConnectUser = "root",
TDConnectPasswd = "taosdata",
AutoOffsetReset = "earliest"
MsgWithTableName = "true",
TDConnectIp = "",
TDConnectPort = "6030"
var consumer = new ConsumerBuilder(cfg).Build();
上述配置中包括 consumer group ID,如果多个 consumer 指定的 consumer group ID 一样,则自动形成一个 consumer group,共享消费进度。
......@@ -261,6 +426,42 @@ consumer.subscribe(topics);
<TabItem value="Go" label="Go">
consumer, err := tmq.NewConsumer(config)
if err != nil {
err = consumer.Subscribe([]string{"example_tmq_topic"})
if err != nil {
<TabItem value="C#" label="C#">
// 创建订阅 topics 列表
List<String> topics = new List<string>();
// 启动订阅
<TabItem value="Python" label="Python">
consumer = TaosConsumer('topic_ctb_column', group_id='vg2')
......@@ -293,9 +494,50 @@ while(running){
<TabItem value="Python" label="Python">
for msg in consumer:
for row in msg:
<TabItem value="Go" label="Go">
for {
result, err := consumer.Poll(time.Second)
if err != nil {
consumer.Commit(context.Background(), result.Message)
<TabItem value="C#" label="C#">
// 消费数据
while (true)
var consumerRes = consumer.Consume(100);
// process ConsumeResult
## 结束消费
......@@ -323,6 +565,35 @@ consumer.close();
<TabItem value="Python" label="Python">
/* 取消订阅 */
/* 关闭消费 */
<TabItem value="Go" label="Go">
<TabItem value="C#" label="C#">
// 取消订阅
// 关闭消费
## 删除 *topic*
......@@ -671,64 +942,14 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
import taos
from taos.tmq import *
from taos.tmq import TaosConsumer
conn = taos.connect()
# create database
conn.execute("drop database if exists py_tmq")
conn.execute("create database if not exists py_tmq vgroups 2")
# create table and stables
conn.execute("create stable if not exists stb1 (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 float, c3 binary(10)) tags(t1 int)")
conn.execute("create table if not exists tb1 using stb1 tags(1)")
conn.execute("create table if not exists tb2 using stb1 tags(2)")
conn.execute("create table if not exists tb3 using stb1 tags(3)")
# create topic
conn.execute("drop topic if exists topic_ctb_column")
conn.execute("create topic if not exists topic_ctb_column as select ts, c1, c2, c3 from stb1")
# set consumer configure options
conf = TaosTmqConf()
conf.set("group.id", "tg2")
conf.set("td.connect.user", "root")
conf.set("td.connect.pass", "taosdata")
conf.set("enable.auto.commit", "true")
conf.set("msg.with.table.name", "true")
def tmq_commit_cb_print(tmq, resp, offset, param=None):
print(f"commit: {resp}, tmq: {tmq}, offset: {offset}, param: {param}")
conf.set_auto_commit_cb(tmq_commit_cb_print, None)
# build consumer
tmq = conf.new_consumer()
# build topic list
topic_list = TaosTmqList()
# subscribe consumer
# check subscriptions
sub_list = tmq.subscription()
print("subscribed topics: ",sub_list)
# start subscribe
while 1:
res = tmq.poll(1000)
if res:
topic = res.get_topic_name()
vg = res.get_vgroup_id()
db = res.get_db_name()
print(f"topic: {topic}\nvgroup id: {vg}\ndb: {db}")
for row in res:
tb = res.get_table_name()
print(f"from table: {tb}")
import taos
from taos.tmq import *
consumer = TaosConsumer('topic_ctb_column', group_id='vg2')
for msg in consumer:
for row in msg:
......@@ -745,3 +966,5 @@ while 1:
......@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ description: "TDengine 3.0 版本的语法变更说明"
## SQL 基本元素变更
| # | **元素** | **差异性** | **说明** |
| - | :------- | :--------: | :------- |
| 1 | VARCHAR | <div style="width: 40pt">新增</div> | BINARY类型的别名。
| # | **元素** | **<div style={{width: 60}}>差异性</div>** | **说明** |
| - | :------- | :-------- | :------- |
| 1 | VARCHAR | 新增 | BINARY类型的别名。
| 2 | TIMESTAMP字面量 | 新增 | 新增支持 TIMESTAMP 'timestamp format' 语法。
| 3 | _ROWTS伪列 | 新增 | 表示时间戳主键。是_C0伪列的别名。
| 4 | INFORMATION_SCHEMA | 新增 | 包含各种SCHEMA定义的系统数据库。
......@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ description: "TDengine 3.0 版本的语法变更说明"
在 TDengine 中,普通表的数据模型中可使用以下数据类型。
| # | **语句** | **差异性** | **说明** |
| - | :------- | :--------: | :------- |
| 1 | ALTER ACCOUNT | <div style="width: 40pt">废除</div> | 2.x中为企业版功能,3.0不再支持。语法暂时保留了,执行报“This statement is no longer supported”错误。
| # | **语句** | **<div style={{width: 60}}>差异性</div>** | **说明** |
| - | :------- | :-------- | :------- |
| 1 | ALTER ACCOUNT | 废除 | 2.x中为企业版功能,3.0不再支持。语法暂时保留了,执行报“This statement is no longer supported”错误。
| 2 | ALTER ALL DNODES | 新增 | 修改所有DNODE的参数。
| 3 | ALTER DATABASE | 调整 | 废除<ul><li>QUORUM:写入需要的副本确认数。3.0版本使用STRICT来指定强一致还是弱一致。3.0.0版本STRICT暂不支持修改。</li><li>BLOCKS:VNODE使用的内存块数。3.0版本使用BUFFER来表示VNODE写入内存池的大小。</li><li>UPDATE:更新操作的支持模式。3.0版本所有数据库都支持部分列更新。</li><li>CACHELAST:缓存最新一行数据的模式。3.0版本用CACHEMODEL代替。</li><li>COMP:3.0版本暂不支持修改。<br/>新增</li><li>CACHEMODEL:表示是否在内存中缓存子表的最近数据。</li><li>CACHESIZE:表示缓存子表最近数据的内存大小。</li><li>WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD:代替原FSYNC参数。</li><li>WAL_LEVEL:代替原WAL参数。<br/>调整</li><li>REPLICA:3.0.0版本暂不支持修改。</li><li>KEEP:3.0版本新增支持带单位的设置方式。</li></ul>
| 4 | ALTER STABLE | 调整 | 废除<ul><li>CHANGE TAG:修改标签列的名称。3.0版本使用RENAME TAG代替。<br/>新增</li><li>RENAME TAG:代替原CHANGE TAG子句。</li><li>COMMENT:修改超级表的注释。</li></ul>
......@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ description: "TDengine 3.0 版本的语法变更说明"
## SQL 函数变更
| # | **函数** | **差异性** | **说明** |
| - | :------- | :--------: | :------- |
| 1 | TWA | <div style="width: 40pt">增强</div> | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
| # | **函数** | ** <div style={{width: 60}}>差异性</div> ** | **说明** |
| - | :------- | :-------- | :------- |
| 1 | TWA | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
| 2 | IRATE | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
| 3 | LEASTSQUARES | 增强 | 可以用于超级表了。
| 4 | ELAPSED | 增强 | 可以直接用于超级表了。没有PARTITION BY时,超级表的数据会被合并成一条时间线。
import PkgList from "/components/PkgList";
import PkgListV3 from "/components/PkgListV3";
1. 下载客户端安装包
<PkgList type={1} sys="Linux" />
<PkgListV3 type={1} sys="Linux" />
2. 解压缩软件包
import PkgList from "/components/PkgList";
import PkgListV3 from "/components/PkgListV3";
1. 下载客户端安装包
<PkgList type={1} sys="Windows" />
<PkgListV3 type={4} sys="Windows" />
2. 执行安装程序,按提示选择默认值,完成安装
3. 安装路径
......@@ -93,12 +93,12 @@ Maven 项目中,在 pom.xml 中添加以下依赖:
可以通过下载 TDengine 的源码,自己编译最新版本的 Java connector
git clone https://github.com/taosdata/taos-connector-jdbc.git --branch 2.0
git clone https://github.com/taosdata/taos-connector-jdbc.git
cd taos-connector-jdbc
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
编译后,在 target 目录下会产生 taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.XX-dist.jar 的 jar 包,并自动将编译的 jar 文件放在本地的 Maven 仓库中。
编译后,在 target 目录下会产生 taos-jdbcdriver-3.0.*-dist.jar 的 jar 包,并自动将编译的 jar 文件放在本地的 Maven 仓库中。
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ url 中的配置参数如下:
- user:登录 TDengine 用户名,默认值 'root'。
- password:用户登录密码,默认值 'taosdata'。
- batchfetch: true:在执行查询时批量拉取结果集;false:逐行拉取结果集。默认值为:false。逐行拉取结果集使用 HTTP 方式进行数据传输。从 taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.38 开始,JDBC REST 连接增加批量拉取数据功能。taos-jdbcdriver 与 TDengine 之间通过 WebSocket 连接进行数据传输。相较于 HTTP,WebSocket 可以使 JDBC REST 连接支持大数据量查询,并提升查询性能。
- batchfetch: true:在执行查询时批量拉取结果集;false:逐行拉取结果集。默认值为:false。逐行拉取结果集使用 HTTP 方式进行数据传输。JDBC REST 连接支持批量拉取数据功能。taos-jdbcdriver 与 TDengine 之间通过 WebSocket 连接进行数据传输。相较于 HTTP,WebSocket 可以使 JDBC REST 连接支持大数据量查询,并提升查询性能。
- charset: 当开启批量拉取数据时,指定解析字符串数据的字符集。
- batchErrorIgnore:true:在执行 Statement 的 executeBatch 时,如果中间有一条 SQL 执行失败,继续执行下面的 SQL 了。false:不再执行失败 SQL 后的任何语句。默认值为:false。
- httpConnectTimeout: 连接超时时间,单位 ms, 默认值为 5000。
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ url 中的配置参数如下:
INSERT INTO test.t1 USING test.weather (ts, temperature) TAGS('California.SanFrancisco') VALUES(now, 24.6);
- 从 taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.36 开始,如果在 url 中指定了 dbname,那么,JDBC REST 连接会默认使用/rest/sql/dbname 作为 restful 请求的 url,在 SQL 中不需要指定 dbname。例如:url 为 jdbc:TAOS-RS://,那么,可以执行 sql:insert into t1 using weather(ts, temperature) tags('California.SanFrancisco') values(now, 24.6);
- 如果在 url 中指定了 dbname,那么,JDBC REST 连接会默认使用/rest/sql/dbname 作为 restful 请求的 url,在 SQL 中不需要指定 dbname。例如:url 为 jdbc:TAOS-RS://,那么,可以执行 sql:insert into t1 using weather(ts, temperature) tags('California.SanFrancisco') values(now, 24.6);
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ INSERT INTO test.t1 USING test.weather (ts, temperature) TAGS('California.SanFra
- 应用中设置的 client parameter 为进程级别的,即如果要更新 client 的参数,需要重启应用。这是因为 client parameter 是全局参数,仅在应用程序的第一次设置生效。
- 以下示例代码基于 taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.36
- 以下示例代码基于 taos-jdbcdriver-3.0.0
public Connection getConn() throws Exception{
......@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ TDengine 的 JDBC 原生连接实现大幅改进了参数绑定方式对数据
- JDBC REST 连接目前不支持参数绑定
- 以下示例代码基于 taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.36
- 以下示例代码基于 taos-jdbcdriver-3.0.0
- binary 类型数据需要调用 setString 方法,nchar 类型数据需要调用 setNString 方法
- setString 和 setNString 都要求用户在 size 参数里声明表定义中对应列的列宽
......@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ TDengine 支持无模式写入功能。无模式写入兼容 InfluxDB 的 行协
- JDBC REST 连接目前不支持无模式写入
- 以下示例代码基于 taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.36
- 以下示例代码基于 taos-jdbcdriver-3.0.0
public class SchemalessInsertTest {
......@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ public class SchemalessInsertTest {
### 订阅
### 数据订阅
TDengine Java 连接器支持订阅功能,应用 API 如下:
......@@ -717,9 +717,14 @@ while(true) {
#### 关闭订阅
// 取消订阅
// 关闭消费
### 使用示例如下:
......@@ -734,7 +739,7 @@ public abstract class ConsumerLoop {
config.setProperty("msg.with.table.name", "true");
config.setProperty("enable.auto.commit", "true");
config.setProperty("group.id", "group1");
config.setProperty("value.deserializer", "com.taosdata.jdbc.tmq.ConsumerTest.ResultDeserializer");
config.setProperty("value.deserializer", "com.taosdata.jdbc.tmq.ConsumerTest.ConsumerLoop$ResultDeserializer");
this.consumer = new TaosConsumer<>(config);
this.topics = Collections.singletonList("topic_speed");
......@@ -754,8 +759,9 @@ public abstract class ConsumerLoop {
} finally {
......@@ -875,6 +881,7 @@ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
| taos-jdbcdriver 版本 | 主要变化 |
| :------------------: | :----------------------------: |
| 3.0.0 | 支持 TDengine 3.0 |
| 2.0.39 - 2.0.40 | 增加 REST 连接/请求 超时设置 |
| 2.0.38 | JDBC REST 连接增加批量拉取功能 |
| 2.0.37 | 增加对 json tag 支持 |
......@@ -25,33 +25,34 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct SUpdateInfo {
SArray *pTsBuckets;
uint64_t numBuckets;
SArray *pTsSBFs;
uint64_t numSBFs;
int64_t interval;
int64_t watermark;
SScalableBf* pCloseWinSBF;
SHashObj* pMap;
STimeWindow scanWindow;
uint64_t scanGroupId;
uint64_t maxVersion;
SArray *pTsBuckets;
uint64_t numBuckets;
SArray *pTsSBFs;
uint64_t numSBFs;
int64_t interval;
int64_t watermark;
SScalableBf *pCloseWinSBF;
SHashObj *pMap;
STimeWindow scanWindow;
uint64_t scanGroupId;
uint64_t maxVersion;
} SUpdateInfo;
SUpdateInfo *updateInfoInitP(SInterval* pInterval, int64_t watermark);
SUpdateInfo *updateInfoInitP(SInterval *pInterval, int64_t watermark);
SUpdateInfo *updateInfoInit(int64_t interval, int32_t precision, int64_t watermark);
bool updateInfoIsUpdated(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, uint64_t tableId, TSKEY ts);
void updateInfoSetScanRange(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, STimeWindow* pWin, uint64_t groupId, uint64_t version);
bool updateInfoIgnore(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, STimeWindow* pWin, uint64_t groupId, uint64_t version);
void updateInfoDestroy(SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
void updateInfoAddCloseWindowSBF(SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
void updateInfoDestoryColseWinSBF(SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
int32_t updateInfoSerialize(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, const SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
int32_t updateInfoDeserialize(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
bool updateInfoIsUpdated(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, uint64_t tableId, TSKEY ts);
bool updateInfoIsTableInserted(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, int64_t tbUid);
void updateInfoSetScanRange(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, STimeWindow *pWin, uint64_t groupId, uint64_t version);
bool updateInfoIgnore(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, STimeWindow *pWin, uint64_t groupId, uint64_t version);
void updateInfoDestroy(SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
void updateInfoAddCloseWindowSBF(SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
void updateInfoDestoryColseWinSBF(SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
int32_t updateInfoSerialize(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, const SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
int32_t updateInfoDeserialize(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* ifndef _TSTREAMUPDATE_H_ */
\ No newline at end of file
#endif /* ifndef _TSTREAMUPDATE_H_ */
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ extern bool gRaftDetailLog;
#define SYNC_SPEED_UP_AFTER_MS (1000 * 20)
......@@ -210,9 +211,12 @@ void syncStop(int64_t rid);
int32_t syncSetStandby(int64_t rid);
ESyncState syncGetMyRole(int64_t rid);
bool syncIsReady(int64_t rid);
bool syncIsReadyForRead(int64_t rid);
const char* syncGetMyRoleStr(int64_t rid);
bool syncRestoreFinish(int64_t rid);
SyncTerm syncGetMyTerm(int64_t rid);
SyncIndex syncGetLastIndex(int64_t rid);
SyncIndex syncGetCommitIndex(int64_t rid);
SyncGroupId syncGetVgId(int64_t rid);
void syncGetEpSet(int64_t rid, SEpSet* pEpSet);
void syncGetRetryEpSet(int64_t rid, SEpSet* pEpSet);
......@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ struct tmq_conf_t {
int8_t autoCommit;
int8_t resetOffset;
int8_t withTbName;
int8_t ssEnable;
int32_t ssBatchSize;
int8_t snapEnable;
int32_t snapBatchSize;
bool hbBgEnable;
......@@ -287,16 +287,21 @@ tmq_conf_res_t tmq_conf_set(tmq_conf_t* conf, const char* key, const char* value
if (strcmp(key, "experimental.snapshot.enable") == 0) {
if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) {
conf->ssEnable = true;
conf->snapEnable = true;
return TMQ_CONF_OK;
} else if (strcmp(value, "false") == 0) {
conf->ssEnable = false;
conf->snapEnable = false;
return TMQ_CONF_OK;
} else {
if (strcmp(key, "experimental.snapshot.batch.size") == 0) {
conf->snapBatchSize = atoi(value);
return TMQ_CONF_OK;
if (strcmp(key, "enable.heartbeat.background") == 0) {
if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) {
conf->hbBgEnable = true;
......@@ -310,11 +315,6 @@ tmq_conf_res_t tmq_conf_set(tmq_conf_t* conf, const char* key, const char* value
return TMQ_CONF_OK;
if (strcmp(key, "experimental.snapshot.batch.size") == 0) {
conf->ssBatchSize = atoi(value);
return TMQ_CONF_OK;
if (strcmp(key, "td.connect.ip") == 0) {
conf->ip = strdup(value);
return TMQ_CONF_OK;
......@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ tmq_t* tmq_consumer_new(tmq_conf_t* conf, char* errstr, int32_t errstrLen) {
strcpy(pTmq->clientId, conf->clientId);
strcpy(pTmq->groupId, conf->groupId);
pTmq->withTbName = conf->withTbName;
pTmq->useSnapshot = conf->ssEnable;
pTmq->useSnapshot = conf->snapEnable;
pTmq->autoCommit = conf->autoCommit;
pTmq->autoCommitInterval = conf->autoCommitInterval;
pTmq->commitCb = conf->commitCb;
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ void vnodeSyncStart(SVnode* pVnode);
void vnodeSyncClose(SVnode* pVnode);
void vnodeRedirectRpcMsg(SVnode* pVnode, SRpcMsg* pMsg);
bool vnodeIsLeader(SVnode* pVnode);
bool vnodeIsReadyForRead(SVnode* pVnode);
bool vnodeIsRoleLeader(SVnode* pVnode);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#include "tmsg.h"
#include "tq.h"
int32_t tdBuildDeleteReq(SVnode* pVnode, const char* stbFullName, const SSDataBlock* pDataBlock,
int32_t tqBuildDeleteReq(SVnode* pVnode, const char* stbFullName, const SSDataBlock* pDataBlock,
SBatchDeleteReq* deleteReq) {
ASSERT(pDataBlock->info.type == STREAM_DELETE_RESULT);
int32_t totRow = pDataBlock->info.rows;
......@@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ SSubmitReq* tqBlockToSubmit(SVnode* pVnode, const SArray* pBlocks, const STSchem
SSDataBlock* pDataBlock = taosArrayGet(pBlocks, i);
if (pDataBlock->info.type == STREAM_DELETE_RESULT) {
int32_t padding1 = 0;
void* padding2 = taosMemoryMalloc(1);
void* padding2 = NULL;
taosArrayPush(schemaReqSz, &padding1);
taosArrayPush(schemaReqs, &padding2);
STagVal tagVal = {
......@@ -138,8 +139,7 @@ SSubmitReq* tqBlockToSubmit(SVnode* pVnode, const SArray* pBlocks, const STSchem
int32_t rows = pDataBlock->info.rows;
// TODO min
int32_t rowSize = pDataBlock->info.rowSize;
/*int32_t rowSize = pDataBlock->info.rowSize;*/
int32_t maxLen = TD_ROW_MAX_BYTES_FROM_SCHEMA(pTSchema);
int32_t schemaLen = 0;
......@@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ SSubmitReq* tqBlockToSubmit(SVnode* pVnode, const SArray* pBlocks, const STSchem
// assign data
ret = rpcMallocCont(cap);
ret->header.vgId = pVnode->config.vgId;
ret->length = sizeof(SSubmitReq);
......@@ -161,13 +160,12 @@ SSubmitReq* tqBlockToSubmit(SVnode* pVnode, const SArray* pBlocks, const STSchem
SSDataBlock* pDataBlock = taosArrayGet(pBlocks, i);
if (pDataBlock->info.type == STREAM_DELETE_RESULT) {
pDeleteReq->suid = suid;
tdBuildDeleteReq(pVnode, stbFullName, pDataBlock, pDeleteReq);
tqBuildDeleteReq(pVnode, stbFullName, pDataBlock, pDeleteReq);
blkHead->numOfRows = htonl(pDataBlock->info.rows);
blkHead->sversion = htonl(pTSchema->version);
blkHead->suid = htobe64(suid);
// uid is assigned by vnode
blkHead->uid = 0;
......@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ int32_t tsdbDeleteTableData(STsdb *pTsdb, int64_t version, tb_uid_t suid, tb_uid
tsdbCacheDeleteLast(pTsdb->lruCache, pTbData->uid, eKey);
tsdbError("vgId:%d, delete data from table suid:%" PRId64 " uid:%" PRId64 " skey:%" PRId64 " eKey:%" PRId64
" since %s",
TD_VID(pTsdb->pVnode), suid, uid, sKey, eKey, tstrerror(code));
tsdbInfo("vgId:%d, delete data from table suid:%" PRId64 " uid:%" PRId64 " skey:%" PRId64 " eKey:%" PRId64
" since %s",
TD_VID(pTsdb->pVnode), suid, uid, sKey, eKey, tstrerror(code));
return code;
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ int32_t vnodePreprocessQueryMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t vnodeProcessQueryMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
vTrace("message in vnode query queue is processing");
if ((pMsg->msgType == TDMT_SCH_QUERY) && !vnodeIsLeader(pVnode)) {
if ((pMsg->msgType == TDMT_SCH_QUERY) && !vnodeIsReadyForRead(pVnode)) {
vnodeRedirectRpcMsg(pVnode, pMsg);
return 0;
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ int32_t vnodeProcessFetchMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SQueueInfo *pInfo) {
vTrace("vgId:%d, msg:%p in fetch queue is processing", pVnode->config.vgId, pMsg);
if ((pMsg->msgType == TDMT_SCH_FETCH || pMsg->msgType == TDMT_VND_TABLE_META || pMsg->msgType == TDMT_VND_TABLE_CFG ||
pMsg->msgType == TDMT_VND_BATCH_META) &&
!vnodeIsLeader(pVnode)) {
!vnodeIsReadyForRead(pVnode)) {
vnodeRedirectRpcMsg(pVnode, pMsg);
return 0;
......@@ -781,3 +781,17 @@ bool vnodeIsLeader(SVnode *pVnode) {
return true;
bool vnodeIsReadyForRead(SVnode *pVnode) {
if (syncIsReady(pVnode->sync)) {
return true;
if (syncIsReadyForRead(pVnode->sync)) {
return true;
vDebug("vgId:%d, vnode not ready for read, state:%s, last:%ld, cmt:%ld", pVnode->config.vgId,
syncGetMyRoleStr(pVnode->sync), syncGetLastIndex(pVnode->sync), syncGetCommitIndex(pVnode->sync));
return false;
......@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "os.h"
#include "executorimpl.h"
#include "filter.h"
#include "function.h"
#include "functionMgt.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "querynodes.h"
#include "systable.h"
#include "tname.h"
......@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ static SResultRow* getTableGroupOutputBuf(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, uint64_t gro
STableScanInfo* pTableScanInfo = pOperator->info;
SResultRowPosition* p1 =
(SResultRowPosition*)taosHashGet(pTableScanInfo->pdInfo.pAggSup->pResultRowHashTable, buf, GET_RES_WINDOW_KEY_LEN(sizeof(groupId)));
SResultRowPosition* p1 = (SResultRowPosition*)taosHashGet(pTableScanInfo->pdInfo.pAggSup->pResultRowHashTable, buf,
if (p1 == NULL) {
return NULL;
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE bool doFilterByBlockSMA(const SNode* pFilterNode, SColumnDat
// todo move to the initialization function
int32_t code = filterInitFromNode((SNode*)pFilterNode, &filter, 0);
bool keep = filterRangeExecute(filter, pColsAgg, numOfCols, numOfRows);
bool keep = filterRangeExecute(filter, pColsAgg, numOfCols, numOfRows);
return keep;
......@@ -312,9 +312,9 @@ static int32_t loadDataBlock(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, STableScanInfo* pTableSca
} else if (*status == FUNC_DATA_REQUIRED_STATIS_LOAD) {
pCost->loadBlockStatis += 1;
loadSMA = true; // mark the operation of load sma;
loadSMA = true; // mark the operation of load sma;
bool success = doLoadBlockSMA(pTableScanInfo, pBlock, pTaskInfo);
if (success) { // failed to load the block sma data, data block statistics does not exist, load data block instead
if (success) { // failed to load the block sma data, data block statistics does not exist, load data block instead
qDebug("%s data block SMA loaded, brange:%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 ", rows:%d", GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo),
pBlockInfo->window.skey, pBlockInfo->window.ekey, pBlockInfo->rows);
......@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ int32_t addTagPseudoColumnData(SReadHandle* pHandle, SExprInfo* pPseudoExpr, int
colDataAppendNNULL(pColInfoData, 0, pBlock->info.rows);
} else if (pColInfoData->info.type != TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON) {
colDataAppendNItems(pColInfoData, 0, data, pBlock->info.rows);
} else { // todo opt for json tag
} else { // todo opt for json tag
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pBlock->info.rows; ++i) {
colDataAppend(pColInfoData, i, data, false);
......@@ -570,7 +570,10 @@ static SSDataBlock* doTableScanGroup(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
if (pTableScanInfo->scanTimes < pTableScanInfo->scanInfo.numOfAsc) {
setTaskStatus(pTaskInfo, TASK_NOT_COMPLETED);
pTableScanInfo->scanFlag = REPEAT_SCAN;
qDebug("%s start to repeat ascending order scan data SELECT last_row(*),hostname from cpu group by hostname;blocks due to query func required", GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo));
"%s start to repeat ascending order scan data SELECT last_row(*),hostname from cpu group by hostname;blocks "
"due to query func required",
// do prepare for the next round table scan operation
tsdbReaderReset(pTableScanInfo->dataReader, &pTableScanInfo->cond);
......@@ -1174,16 +1177,18 @@ static void checkUpdateData(SStreamScanInfo* pInfo, bool invertible, SSDataBlock
for (int32_t rowId = 0; rowId < pBlock->info.rows; rowId++) {
SResultRowInfo dumyInfo;
dumyInfo.cur.pageId = -1;
bool isClosed = false;
bool isClosed = false;
STimeWindow win = {.skey = INT64_MIN, .ekey = INT64_MAX};
if (isOverdue(tsCol[rowId], &pInfo->twAggSup)) {
win = getActiveTimeWindow(NULL, &dumyInfo, tsCol[rowId], &pInfo->interval, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
isClosed = isCloseWindow(&win, &pInfo->twAggSup);
bool inserted = updateInfoIsTableInserted(pInfo->pUpdateInfo, pBlock->info.uid);
// must check update info first.
bool update = updateInfoIsUpdated(pInfo->pUpdateInfo, pBlock->info.uid, tsCol[rowId]);
if ((update || (isSignleIntervalWindow(pInfo) && isClosed &&
isDeletedWindow(&win, pBlock->info.groupId, pInfo->sessionSup.pIntervalAggSup))) && out) {
bool closedWin = isClosed && inserted && isSignleIntervalWindow(pInfo) &&
isDeletedWindow(&win, pBlock->info.groupId, pInfo->sessionSup.pIntervalAggSup);
if ((update || closedWin) && out) {
appendOneRow(pInfo->pUpdateDataRes, tsCol + rowId, tsCol + rowId, &pBlock->info.uid);
......@@ -1390,8 +1395,8 @@ static SSDataBlock* doStreamScan(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
SSDataBlock* pSDB = doRangeScan(pInfo, pInfo->pUpdateRes, pInfo->primaryTsIndex, &pInfo->updateResIndex);
if (pSDB) {
STableScanInfo* pTableScanInfo = pInfo->pTableScanOp->info;
uint64_t version = getReaderMaxVersion(pTableScanInfo->dataReader);
updateInfoSetScanRange(pInfo->pUpdateInfo, &pTableScanInfo->cond.twindows, pInfo->groupId,version);
uint64_t version = getReaderMaxVersion(pTableScanInfo->dataReader);
updateInfoSetScanRange(pInfo->pUpdateInfo, &pTableScanInfo->cond.twindows, pInfo->groupId, version);
checkUpdateData(pInfo, true, pSDB, false);
return pSDB;
......@@ -1445,7 +1450,8 @@ static SSDataBlock* doStreamScan(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
setBlockIntoRes(pInfo, &block);
if (updateInfoIgnore(pInfo->pUpdateInfo, &pInfo->pRes->info.window, pInfo->pRes->info.groupId, pInfo->pRes->info.version)) {
if (updateInfoIgnore(pInfo->pUpdateInfo, &pInfo->pRes->info.window, pInfo->pRes->info.groupId,
pInfo->pRes->info.version)) {
printDataBlock(pInfo->pRes, "stream scan ignore");
......@@ -2248,7 +2254,7 @@ static SSDataBlock* doSysTableScan(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
// build message and send to mnode to fetch the content of system tables.
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo = pOperator->pTaskInfo;
SSysTableScanInfo* pInfo = pOperator->info;
char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN] = {0};
char dbName[TSDB_DB_NAME_LEN] = {0};
const char* name = tNameGetTableName(&pInfo->name);
if (pInfo->showRewrite) {
......@@ -2260,8 +2266,8 @@ static SSDataBlock* doSysTableScan(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
return sysTableScanUserTables(pOperator);
} else if (strncasecmp(name, TSDB_INS_TABLE_TAGS, TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN) == 0) {
return sysTableScanUserTags(pOperator);
} else if (strncasecmp(name, TSDB_INS_TABLE_STABLES, TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN) == 0 &&
pInfo->showRewrite && IS_SYS_DBNAME(dbName)) {
} else if (strncasecmp(name, TSDB_INS_TABLE_STABLES, TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN) == 0 && pInfo->showRewrite &&
IS_SYS_DBNAME(dbName)) {
return sysTableScanUserSTables(pOperator);
} else { // load the meta from mnode of the given epset
if (pOperator->status == OP_EXEC_DONE) {
......@@ -2541,7 +2547,7 @@ static void destroyTagScanOperatorInfo(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput) {
pInfo->pRes = blockDataDestroy(pInfo->pRes);
......@@ -2597,7 +2603,6 @@ _error:
int32_t createScanTableListInfo(SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode, SNodeList* pGroupTags, bool groupSort, SReadHandle* pHandle,
STableListInfo* pTableListInfo, SNode* pTagCond, SNode* pTagIndexCond,
const char* idStr) {
int64_t st = taosGetTimestampUs();
int32_t code = getTableList(pHandle->meta, pHandle->vnode, pScanNode, pTagCond, pTagIndexCond, pTableListInfo);
......@@ -2606,7 +2611,7 @@ int32_t createScanTableListInfo(SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode, SNodeList* pGroupTags
int64_t st1 = taosGetTimestampUs();
qDebug("generate queried table list completed, elapsed time:%.2f ms %s", (st1-st)/1000.0, idStr);
qDebug("generate queried table list completed, elapsed time:%.2f ms %s", (st1 - st) / 1000.0, idStr);
if (taosArrayGetSize(pTableListInfo->pTableList) == 0) {
qDebug("no table qualified for query, %s" PRIx64, idStr);
......@@ -2620,7 +2625,7 @@ int32_t createScanTableListInfo(SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode, SNodeList* pGroupTags
int64_t st2 = taosGetTimestampUs();
qDebug("generate group id map completed, elapsed time:%.2f ms %s", (st2-st1)/1000.0, idStr);
qDebug("generate group id map completed, elapsed time:%.2f ms %s", (st2 - st1) / 1000.0, idStr);
......@@ -4918,6 +4918,16 @@ int32_t mavgFunction(SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx) {
return numOfElems;
static SSampleInfo* getSampleOutputInfo(SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx) {
SResultRowEntryInfo* pResInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
SSampleInfo* pInfo = GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pResInfo);
pInfo->data = (char*)pInfo + sizeof(SSampleInfo);
pInfo->tuplePos = (STuplePos*)((char*)pInfo + sizeof(SSampleInfo) + pInfo->samples * pInfo->colBytes);
return pInfo;
bool getSampleFuncEnv(SFunctionNode* pFunc, SFuncExecEnv* pEnv) {
SColumnNode* pCol = (SColumnNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 0);
SValueNode* pVal = (SValueNode*)nodesListGetNode(pFunc->pParameterList, 1);
......@@ -4972,7 +4982,7 @@ static void doReservoirSample(SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, SSampleInfo* pInfo, char* da
int32_t sampleFunction(SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx) {
SResultRowEntryInfo* pResInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
SSampleInfo* pInfo = GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pResInfo);
SSampleInfo* pInfo = getSampleOutputInfo(pCtx);
SInputColumnInfoData* pInput = &pCtx->input;
......@@ -4998,7 +5008,7 @@ int32_t sampleFunction(SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx) {
int32_t sampleFinalize(SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx, SSDataBlock* pBlock) {
SResultRowEntryInfo* pEntryInfo = GET_RES_INFO(pCtx);
SSampleInfo* pInfo = GET_ROWCELL_INTERBUF(pEntryInfo);
SSampleInfo* pInfo = getSampleOutputInfo(pCtx);
pEntryInfo->complete = true;
int32_t slotId = pCtx->pExpr->base.resSchema.slotId;
......@@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@ static int32_t translateTimelineFunc(STranslateContext* pCxt, SFunctionNode* pFu
"%s function must be used in select statements", pFunc->functionName);
SSelectStmt* pSelect = (SSelectStmt*)pCxt->pCurrStmt;
if (QUERY_NODE_TEMP_TABLE == nodeType(pSelect->pFromTable) &&
if (NULL != pSelect->pFromTable && QUERY_NODE_TEMP_TABLE == nodeType(pSelect->pFromTable) &&
!isTimeLineQuery(((STempTableNode*)pSelect->pFromTable)->pSubquery)) {
return generateSyntaxErrMsgExt(&pCxt->msgBuf, TSDB_CODE_PAR_NOT_ALLOWED_FUNC,
"%s function requires valid time series input", pFunc->functionName);
......@@ -2037,16 +2037,13 @@ static int32_t setVnodeSysTableVgroupList(STranslateContext* pCxt, SName* pName,
code = getDBVgInfoImpl(pCxt, pName, &vgroupList);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code &&
0 == strcmp(pRealTable->table.dbName, TSDB_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DB) &&
0 == strcmp(pRealTable->table.tableName, TSDB_INS_TABLE_TAGS) &&
isSelectStmt(pCxt->pCurrStmt) &&
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code && 0 == strcmp(pRealTable->table.dbName, TSDB_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DB) &&
0 == strcmp(pRealTable->table.tableName, TSDB_INS_TABLE_TAGS) && isSelectStmt(pCxt->pCurrStmt) &&
0 == taosArrayGetSize(vgroupList)) {
((SSelectStmt*)pCxt->pCurrStmt)->isEmptyResult = true;
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code &&
0 == strcmp(pRealTable->table.dbName, TSDB_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DB) &&
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS == code && 0 == strcmp(pRealTable->table.dbName, TSDB_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_DB) &&
0 == strcmp(pRealTable->table.tableName, TSDB_INS_TABLE_TABLES)) {
code = addMnodeToVgroupList(&pCxt->pParseCxt->mgmtEpSet, &vgroupList);
......@@ -13,33 +13,31 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "tstreamUpdate.h"
#include "query.h"
#include "tencode.h"
#include "tstreamUpdate.h"
#include "ttime.h"
#include "query.h"
#define DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE 1310720
#define DEFAULT_MAP_CAPACITY 1310720
#define MAX_NUM_SCALABLE_BF 100000
static int64_t adjustExpEntries(int64_t entries) {
#define DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE 1310720
#define DEFAULT_MAP_CAPACITY 1310720
#define MAX_NUM_SCALABLE_BF 100000
static int64_t adjustExpEntries(int64_t entries) { return TMIN(DEFAULT_EXPECTED_ENTRIES, entries); }
static void windowSBfAdd(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, uint64_t count) {
if (pInfo->numSBFs < count) {
count = pInfo->numSBFs;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
int64_t rows = adjustExpEntries(pInfo->interval * ROWS_PER_MILLISECOND);
int64_t rows = adjustExpEntries(pInfo->interval * ROWS_PER_MILLISECOND);
SScalableBf *tsSBF = tScalableBfInit(rows, DEFAULT_FALSE_POSITIVE);
taosArrayPush(pInfo->pTsSBFs, &tsSBF);
......@@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ static int64_t adjustInterval(int64_t interval, int32_t precision) {
static int64_t adjustWatermark(int64_t adjInterval, int64_t originInt, int64_t watermark) {
if (watermark <= adjInterval) {
watermark = TMAX(originInt/adjInterval, 1) * adjInterval;
watermark = TMAX(originInt / adjInterval, 1) * adjInterval;
} else if (watermark > MAX_NUM_SCALABLE_BF * adjInterval) {
watermark = MAX_NUM_SCALABLE_BF * adjInterval;
}/* else if (watermark < MIN_NUM_SCALABLE_BF * adjInterval) {
......@@ -158,11 +156,17 @@ static SScalableBf *getSBf(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, TSKEY ts) {
return res;
bool updateInfoIsTableInserted(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, int64_t tbUid) {
void *pVal = taosHashGet(pInfo->pMap, &tbUid, sizeof(int64_t));
if (pVal || taosHashGetSize(pInfo->pMap) >= DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE) return true;
return false;
bool updateInfoIsUpdated(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, uint64_t tableId, TSKEY ts) {
int32_t res = TSDB_CODE_FAILED;
TSKEY* pMapMaxTs = taosHashGet(pInfo->pMap, &tableId, sizeof(uint64_t));
uint64_t index = ((uint64_t)tableId) % pInfo->numBuckets;
TSKEY maxTs = *(TSKEY *)taosArrayGet(pInfo->pTsBuckets, index);
int32_t res = TSDB_CODE_FAILED;
TSKEY *pMapMaxTs = taosHashGet(pInfo->pMap, &tableId, sizeof(uint64_t));
uint64_t index = ((uint64_t)tableId) % pInfo->numBuckets;
TSKEY maxTs = *(TSKEY *)taosArrayGet(pInfo->pTsBuckets, index);
if (ts < maxTs - pInfo->watermark) {
// this window has been closed.
if (pInfo->pCloseWinSBF) {
......@@ -178,42 +182,47 @@ bool updateInfoIsUpdated(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, uint64_t tableId, TSKEY ts) {
int32_t size = taosHashGetSize(pInfo->pMap);
if ( (!pMapMaxTs && size < DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE) || (pMapMaxTs && *pMapMaxTs < ts)) {
if ((!pMapMaxTs && size < DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE) || (pMapMaxTs && *pMapMaxTs < ts)) {
taosHashPut(pInfo->pMap, &tableId, sizeof(uint64_t), &ts, sizeof(TSKEY));
return false;
if ( !pMapMaxTs && maxTs < ts ) {
if (!pMapMaxTs && maxTs < ts) {
taosArraySet(pInfo->pTsBuckets, index, &ts);
return false;
if (ts < pInfo->minTS) {
qDebug("===stream===Update. tableId:%" PRIu64 ", maxTs:%" PRIu64 ", mapMaxTs:%" PRIu64 ", ts:%" PRIu64 , tableId, maxTs, *pMapMaxTs, ts);
qDebug("===stream===Update. tableId:%" PRIu64 ", maxTs:%" PRIu64 ", mapMaxTs:%" PRIu64 ", ts:%" PRIu64, tableId,
maxTs, *pMapMaxTs, ts);
return true;
} else if (res == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return false;
qDebug("===stream===Update. tableId:%" PRIu64 ", maxTs:%" PRIu64 ", mapMaxTs:%" PRIu64 ", ts:%" PRIu64 , tableId, maxTs, *pMapMaxTs, ts);
qDebug("===stream===Update. tableId:%" PRIu64 ", maxTs:%" PRIu64 ", mapMaxTs:%" PRIu64 ", ts:%" PRIu64, tableId,
maxTs, *pMapMaxTs, ts);
// check from tsdb api
return true;
void updateInfoSetScanRange(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, STimeWindow* pWin, uint64_t groupId, uint64_t version) {
qDebug("===stream===groupId:%" PRIu64 ", startTs:%" PRIu64 ", endTs:%" PRIu64 ", version:%" PRIu64 , groupId, pWin->skey, pWin->ekey, version);
void updateInfoSetScanRange(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, STimeWindow *pWin, uint64_t groupId, uint64_t version) {
qDebug("===stream===groupId:%" PRIu64 ", startTs:%" PRIu64 ", endTs:%" PRIu64 ", version:%" PRIu64, groupId,
pWin->skey, pWin->ekey, version);
pInfo->scanWindow = *pWin;
pInfo->scanGroupId = groupId;
pInfo->maxVersion = version;
bool updateInfoIgnore(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, STimeWindow* pWin, uint64_t groupId, uint64_t version) {
bool updateInfoIgnore(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, STimeWindow *pWin, uint64_t groupId, uint64_t version) {
if (!pInfo) {
return false;
qDebug("===stream===check groupId:%" PRIu64 ", startTs:%" PRIu64 ", endTs:%" PRIu64 ", version:%" PRIu64 , groupId, pWin->skey, pWin->ekey, version);
if (pInfo->scanGroupId == groupId && pInfo->scanWindow.skey <= pWin->skey &&
pWin->ekey <= pInfo->scanWindow.ekey && version <= pInfo->maxVersion ) {
qDebug("===stream===ignore groupId:%" PRIu64 ", startTs:%" PRIu64 ", endTs:%" PRIu64 ", version:%" PRIu64 , groupId, pWin->skey, pWin->ekey, version);
qDebug("===stream===check groupId:%" PRIu64 ", startTs:%" PRIu64 ", endTs:%" PRIu64 ", version:%" PRIu64, groupId,
pWin->skey, pWin->ekey, version);
if (pInfo->scanGroupId == groupId && pInfo->scanWindow.skey <= pWin->skey && pWin->ekey <= pInfo->scanWindow.ekey &&
version <= pInfo->maxVersion) {
qDebug("===stream===ignore groupId:%" PRIu64 ", startTs:%" PRIu64 ", endTs:%" PRIu64 ", version:%" PRIu64, groupId,
pWin->skey, pWin->ekey, version);
return true;
return false;
......@@ -261,7 +270,7 @@ int32_t updateInfoSerialize(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, const SUpdateInfo *pInfo)
int32_t size = taosArrayGetSize(pInfo->pTsBuckets);
if (tEncodeI32(&encoder, size) < 0) return -1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
TSKEY* pTs = (TSKEY*)taosArrayGet(pInfo->pTsBuckets, i);
TSKEY *pTs = (TSKEY *)taosArrayGet(pInfo->pTsBuckets, i);
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, *pTs) < 0) return -1;
......@@ -270,7 +279,7 @@ int32_t updateInfoSerialize(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, const SUpdateInfo *pInfo)
int32_t sBfSize = taosArrayGetSize(pInfo->pTsSBFs);
if (tEncodeI32(&encoder, sBfSize) < 0) return -1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < sBfSize; i++) {
SScalableBf* pSBf = taosArrayGetP(pInfo->pTsSBFs, i);
SScalableBf *pSBf = taosArrayGetP(pInfo->pTsSBFs, i);
if (tScalableBfEncode(pSBf, &encoder) < 0) return -1;
......@@ -278,17 +287,17 @@ int32_t updateInfoSerialize(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, const SUpdateInfo *pInfo)
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, pInfo->interval) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, pInfo->watermark) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, pInfo->minTS) < 0) return -1;
if (tScalableBfEncode(pInfo->pCloseWinSBF, &encoder) < 0) return -1;
int32_t mapSize = taosHashGetSize(pInfo->pMap);
if (tEncodeI32(&encoder, mapSize) < 0) return -1;
void* pIte = NULL;
void *pIte = NULL;
size_t keyLen = 0;
while ((pIte = taosHashIterate(pInfo->pMap, pIte)) != NULL) {
void* key = taosHashGetKey(pIte, &keyLen);
if (tEncodeU64(&encoder, *(uint64_t*)key) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, *(TSKEY*)pIte) < 0) return -1;
void *key = taosHashGetKey(pIte, &keyLen);
if (tEncodeU64(&encoder, *(uint64_t *)key) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, *(TSKEY *)pIte) < 0) return -1;
if (tEncodeI64(&encoder, pInfo->scanWindow.skey) < 0) return -1;
......@@ -311,7 +320,7 @@ int32_t updateInfoDeserialize(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SUpdateInfo *pInfo) {
int32_t size = 0;
if (tDecodeI32(&decoder, &size) < 0) return -1;
pInfo->pTsBuckets = taosArrayInit(size, sizeof(TSKEY));
pInfo->pTsBuckets = taosArrayInit(size, sizeof(TSKEY));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (tDecodeI64(&decoder, &ts) < 0) return -1;
......@@ -324,7 +333,7 @@ int32_t updateInfoDeserialize(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SUpdateInfo *pInfo) {
if (tDecodeI32(&decoder, &sBfSize) < 0) return -1;
pInfo->pTsSBFs = taosArrayInit(sBfSize, sizeof(void *));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < sBfSize; i++) {
SScalableBf* pSBf = tScalableBfDecode(&decoder);
SScalableBf *pSBf = tScalableBfDecode(&decoder);
if (!pSBf) return -1;
taosArrayPush(pInfo->pTsSBFs, &pSBf);
......@@ -337,11 +346,11 @@ int32_t updateInfoDeserialize(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SUpdateInfo *pInfo) {
int32_t mapSize = 0;
if (tDecodeI32(&decoder, &mapSize) < 0) return -1;
_hash_fn_t hashFn = taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY);
_hash_fn_t hashFn = taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_UBIGINT);
pInfo->pMap = taosHashInit(mapSize, hashFn, true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
uint64_t uid = 0;
ts = INT64_MIN;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) {
if (tDecodeU64(&decoder, &uid) < 0) return -1;
if (tDecodeI64(&decoder, &ts) < 0) return -1;
taosHashPut(pInfo->pMap, &uid, sizeof(uint64_t), &ts, sizeof(TSKEY));
......@@ -392,6 +392,29 @@ bool syncIsReady(int64_t rid) {
return b;
bool syncIsReadyForRead(int64_t rid) {
SSyncNode* pSyncNode = (SSyncNode*)taosAcquireRef(tsNodeRefId, rid);
if (pSyncNode == NULL) {
return false;
ASSERT(rid == pSyncNode->rid);
// TODO: last not noop?
SyncIndex lastIndex = syncNodeGetLastIndex(pSyncNode);
bool b = (pSyncNode->state == TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER) && (pSyncNode->commitIndex >= lastIndex - SYNC_MAX_READ_RANGE);
taosReleaseRef(tsNodeRefId, pSyncNode->rid);
// if false, set error code
if (false == b) {
if (pSyncNode->state != TAOS_SYNC_STATE_LEADER) {
} else {
return b;
bool syncIsRestoreFinish(int64_t rid) {
SSyncNode* pSyncNode = (SSyncNode*)taosAcquireRef(tsNodeRefId, rid);
if (pSyncNode == NULL) {
......@@ -519,6 +542,30 @@ SyncTerm syncGetMyTerm(int64_t rid) {
return term;
SyncIndex syncGetLastIndex(int64_t rid) {
SSyncNode* pSyncNode = (SSyncNode*)taosAcquireRef(tsNodeRefId, rid);
if (pSyncNode == NULL) {
ASSERT(rid == pSyncNode->rid);
SyncIndex lastIndex = syncNodeGetLastIndex(pSyncNode);
taosReleaseRef(tsNodeRefId, pSyncNode->rid);
return lastIndex;
SyncIndex syncGetCommitIndex(int64_t rid) {
SSyncNode* pSyncNode = (SSyncNode*)taosAcquireRef(tsNodeRefId, rid);
if (pSyncNode == NULL) {
ASSERT(rid == pSyncNode->rid);
SyncIndex cmtIndex = pSyncNode->commitIndex;
taosReleaseRef(tsNodeRefId, pSyncNode->rid);
return cmtIndex;
SyncGroupId syncGetVgId(int64_t rid) {
SSyncNode* pSyncNode = (SSyncNode*)taosAcquireRef(tsNodeRefId, rid);
if (pSyncNode == NULL) {
......@@ -828,6 +875,15 @@ int32_t syncNodePropose(SSyncNode* pSyncNode, SRpcMsg* pMsg, bool isWeak) {
pSyncNode->changing = true;
// not restored, vnode enable
if (!pSyncNode->restoreFinish && pSyncNode->vgId != 1) {
ret = -1;
sError("vgId:%d, failed to sync propose since not ready, type:%s, last:%ld, cmt:%ld", pSyncNode->vgId,
TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType), syncNodeGetLastIndex(pSyncNode), pSyncNode->commitIndex);
goto _END;
SRespStub stub;
stub.createTime = taosGetTimestampMs();
stub.rpcMsg = *pMsg;
......@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/distributeInterval0.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/distributeIntervalRetrive0.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/distributeSession0.sim
#./test.sh -f tsim/stream/session0.sim
#./test.sh -f tsim/stream/session1.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/session0.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/session1.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/state0.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/triggerInterval0.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/stream/triggerSession0.sim
......@@ -83,22 +83,22 @@ if $data11 != 3 then
goto loop0
if $data12 != NULL then
if $data12 != 10 then
print ======data12=$data12
goto loop0
if $data13 != NULL then
if $data13 != 10 then
print ======data13=$data13
goto loop0
if $data14 != NULL then
if $data14 != 1.100000000 then
print ======data14=$data14
return -1
if $data15 != NULL then
if $data15 != 0.000000000 then
print ======data15=$data15
return -1
......@@ -141,38 +141,38 @@ if $data01 != 7 then
goto loop1
if $data02 != NULL then
if $data02 != 18 then
print =====data02=$data02
goto loop1
if $data03 != NULL then
if $data03 != 4 then
print =====data03=$data03
goto loop1
if $data04 != NULL then
print ======$data04
if $data04 != 1.000000000 then
print ======data04=$data04
return -1
if $data05 != NULL then
print ======$data05
if $data05 != 1.154700538 then
print ======data05=$data05
return -1
if $data06 != 4 then
print ======$data06
print ======data06=$data06
return -1
if $data07 != 1.000000000 then
print ======$data07
print ======data07=$data07
return -1
if $data08 != 13 then
print ======$data08
print ======data08=$data08
return -1
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