提交 3ccf82a7 编写于 作者: W wade zhang

TD-13873: add the description of CSUM, MAVG and SAMPLE functions

上级 3a4330bc
......@@ -1776,6 +1776,59 @@ TDengine支持针对数据的聚合查询。提供支持的聚合和选择函数
- **CSUM**
SELECT CSUM(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
功能说明:累加和(Cumulative sum),输出行与输入行数相同。
返回结果类型: 输入列如果是整数类型返回值为长整型 (int64_t),浮点数返回值为双精度浮点数(Double)。无符号整数类型返回值为无符号长整型(uint64_t)。 返回结果中同时带有每行记录对应的时间戳。
适用数据类型:不能应用在 timestamp、binary、nchar、bool 类型字段上;在超级表查询中使用时,不能应用在标签之上。
嵌套子查询支持: 适用于内层查询和外层查询。
补充说明: 不支持 +、-、*、/ 运算,如 csum(col1) + csum(col2)。只能与聚合(Aggregation)函数一起使用。 该函数可以应用在普通表和超级表上。 使用在超级表上的时候,需要搭配 Group by tbname使用,将结果强制规约到单个时间线。
支持版本: 从2.3.0.x开始支持
- **MAVG**
SELECT MAVG(field_name, K) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
功能说明: 计算连续 k 个值的移动平均数(moving average)。如果输入行数小于 k,则无结果输出。参数 k 的合法输入范围是 1≤ k ≤ 1000。
返回结果类型: 返回双精度浮点数类型。
适用数据类型: 不能应用在 timestamp、binary、nchar、bool 类型上;在超级表查询中使用时,不能应用在标签之上。
嵌套子查询支持: 适用于内层查询和外层查询。
补充说明: 不支持 +、-、*、/ 运算,如 mavg(col1, k1) + mavg(col2, k1); 只能与普通列,选择(Selection)、投影(Projection)函数一起使用,不能与聚合(Aggregation)函数一起使用;该函数可以应用在普通表和超级表上;使用在超级表上的时候,需要搭配 Group by tbname使用,将结果强制规约到单个时间线。
支持版本: 从2.3.0.x开始支持
- **SAMPLE**
SELECT SAMPLE(field_name, K) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
功能说明: 获取数据的 k 个采样值。参数 k 的合法输入范围是 1≤ k ≤ 1000。
返回结果类型: 同原始数据类型, 返回结果中带有该行记录的时间戳。
适用数据类型: 在超级表查询中使用时,不能应用在标签之上。
嵌套子查询支持: 适用于内层查询和外层查询。
补充说明: 不能参与表达式计算;该函数可以应用在普通表和超级表上;使用在超级表上的时候,需要搭配 Group by tbname 使用,将结果强制规约到单个时间线。
支持版本: 从2.3.0.x开始支持
- **ASIN**
SELECT ASIN(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
......@@ -1304,6 +1304,62 @@ TDengine supports aggregations over data, they are listed below:
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.000836s)
- **CSUM**
SELECT CSUM(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
Function: Cumulative sum computes the running total of one time series. It occurs in select clause of SQL statement.
Input: Input column data type should be a numeric type.
Output: If the input data type is unsigned int type, the result data type is uint64_t. If the input data type is signed int type, the result data type is int64_t. If the input data type is float or double, the result data type is double. The function also outputs the timestamp of the current row.
Table: The csum function only applies to the normal table, child table, and super table with group by tbname.
Nested Query: The csum function applies to both outer query and nested query.
Note: Can't be used with +-*/ arithmatic operations,like csum(col1) + csum(col2), can only be used with aggragation functions.
- **MAVG**
SELECT MAVG(field_name, K) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
Function: Moving Average Function Computes the rolling simple average over k values of one time series. It occurs in select clause of SQL statement. If the input time series has less than k values, no result is calculated.
Input: Input column data should be a numeric type.
Output: The Result data type is double. The function also outputs the timestamp of the current row.
Parameter: K is an integer between 1 and 1000.
Table: The mavg function only applies to the normal table, child table, and super table with group by tbname.
Nested Query: The mavg function applies to both outer query and nested query.
Note: Can't be used with +-*/ arithmatic operations, like mavg(col1, k1) + mavg(col2, k1); can only be used with normal columns, selection and projection functions,can't be used with aggragation functions.
- **SAMPLE**
SELECT SAMPLE(field_name, K) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
Function: Sample function samples k values from a specific time series with equal probability. It occurs in select clause of SQL statement
Input: There are no restrictions on the input data type.
Output: The output data type is the same as the input data type. The function also outputs the timestamp of the current row.
Parameter: K is an integer between 1 and 1000.
Table: he sample function only applies to the normal table, child table, and super table with group by tbname.
Nested Query: The sample function applies to both outer query and nested query.
Note: Can't be used as operand in an expression
- **ASIN**
SELECT ASIN(field_name) FROM { tb_name | stb_name } [WHERE clause]
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