提交 3ca38c41 编写于 作者: M Minglei Jin

meta: use meta cache to get uid's version instead of fetching from tdb

上级 f26a492c
......@@ -152,7 +152,8 @@ bool metaIsTableExist(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid) {
int metaGetTableEntryByUid(SMetaReader *pReader, tb_uid_t uid) {
SMeta *pMeta = pReader->pMeta;
SMeta *pMeta = pReader->pMeta;
int64_t version1;
// query uid.idx
......@@ -163,6 +164,14 @@ int metaGetTableEntryByUid(SMetaReader *pReader, tb_uid_t uid) {
version1 = ((SUidIdxVal *)pReader->pBuf)[0].version;
return metaGetTableEntryByVersion(pReader, version1, uid);
SMetaInfo info;
if (metaGetInfo(pMeta, uid, &info) == TSDB_CODE_NOT_FOUND) {
return -1;
return metaGetTableEntryByVersion(pReader, info.version, uid);
int metaGetTableEntryByName(SMetaReader *pReader, const char *name) {
......@@ -1126,7 +1135,7 @@ int32_t metaFilterTableName(SMeta *pMeta, SMetaFltParam *param, SArray *pUids) {
valid = tdbTbcGet(pCursor->pCur, (const void **)pEntryKey, &nEntryKey, (const void **)&pEntryVal, &nEntryVal);
if (valid < 0) break;
char *pTableKey = (char *)pEntryKey;
char *pTableKey = (char *)pEntryKey;
cmp = (*param->filterFunc)(pTableKey, pName, pCursor->type);
if (cmp == 0) {
tb_uid_t tuid = *(tb_uid_t *)pEntryVal;
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