# tdLog.printNoPrefix("consumerId %d check data ok!"%(consumerId))
# reinit consume info, and start tmq_sim, then check consume result
queryString="select ts, c1,udf1(c1),sin(udf1(c2)), log(udf1(c2)) from %s.%s where udf1(c1) == 88 or sin(udf1(c1)) > 0"%(paraDict['dbName'],paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString="create topic %s as %s"%(topicNameList[1],queryString)
# tdLog.printNoPrefix("consumerId %d check data ok!"%(consumerId))
# reinit consume info, and start tmq_sim, then check consume result
queryString="select ts, c1,udf1(c1),sin(udf1(c2)), log(udf1(c2)) from %s.%s where udf1(c1) == 88 or sin(udf1(c1)) > 0"%(paraDict['dbName'],paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString="create topic %s as %s"%(topicNameList[1],queryString)
tdLog.printNoPrefix("consumerId %d check data ok!"%(consumerId))
# reinit consume info, and start tmq_sim, then check consume result
queryString="select ts, c1,udf1(c1),sin(udf1(c2)), log(udf1(c2)) from %s.%s where udf1(c1) == 88 or sin(udf1(c1)) > 0"%(paraDict['dbName'],paraDict['stbName'])
sqlString="create topic %s as %s"%(topicNameList[1],queryString)