提交 3b475d4c 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan

fix: adjust some log while split

上级 17112754
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ int32_t vmProcessAlterHashRangeReq(SVnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t srcVgId = req.srcVgId;
int32_t dstVgId = req.dstVgId;
dInfo("vgId:%d, start to alter vnode hashrange[%u, %u), dstVgId:%d", req.srcVgId, req.hashBegin, req.hashEnd,
dInfo("vgId:%d, start to alter vnode hashrange:[%u, %u], dstVgId:%d", req.srcVgId, req.hashBegin, req.hashEnd,
SVnodeObj *pVnode = vmAcquireVnode(pMgmt, srcVgId);
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ int32_t vmProcessAlterHashRangeReq(SVnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
return -1;
dInfo("vgId:%d, start to open vnode", dstVgId);
dInfo("vgId:%d, open vnode", dstVgId);
SVnode *pImpl = vnodeOpen(dstPath, pMgmt->pTfs, pMgmt->msgCb);
if (pImpl == NULL) {
dError("vgId:%d, failed to open vnode at %s since %s", dstVgId, dstPath, terrstr());
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ int32_t vmProcessAlterVnodeReplicaReq(SVnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t vgId = alterReq.vgId;
dInfo("vgId:%d, start to alter vnode, replica:%d selfIndex:%d strict:%d", vgId, alterReq.replica, alterReq.selfIndex,
dInfo("vgId:%d, start to alter vnode replica:%d selfIndex:%d strict:%d", vgId, alterReq.replica, alterReq.selfIndex,
for (int32_t i = 0; i < alterReq.replica; ++i) {
SReplica *pReplica = &alterReq.replicas[i];
......@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ int32_t vmProcessAlterVnodeReplicaReq(SVnodeMgmt *pMgmt, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
return -1;
dInfo("vgId:%d, start to open vnode", vgId);
dInfo("vgId:%d, close vnode", vgId);
SVnode *pImpl = vnodeOpen(path, pMgmt->pTfs, pMgmt->msgCb);
if (pImpl == NULL) {
dError("vgId:%d, failed to open vnode at %s since %s", vgId, path, terrstr());
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ static void vmProcessMgmtQueue(SQueueInfo *pInfo, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
if (IsReq(pMsg)) {
if (code != 0) {
if (terrno != 0) code = terrno;
dGError("msg:%p, failed to process since %s", pMsg, terrstr(code));
dGError("msg:%p, failed to process since %s, type:%s", pMsg, terrstr(code), TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType));
vmSendRsp(pMsg, code);
......@@ -669,9 +669,9 @@ _OVER:
"msg:%p, type:%s failed to process since %s, mnode restored:%d stopped:%d, sync restored:%d "
"role:%s, redirect numOfEps:%d inUse:%d",
"role:%s, redirect numOfEps:%d inUse:%d, type:%s",
pMsg, TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType), terrstr(), pMnode->restored, pMnode->stopped, state.restored,
syncStr(state.restored), epSet.numOfEps, epSet.inUse);
syncStr(state.restored), epSet.numOfEps, epSet.inUse, TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType));
if (epSet.numOfEps <= 0) return -1;
......@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ static void *mndBuildAlterVnodeHashRangeReq(SMnode *pMnode, SVgObj *pVgroup, int
.hashEnd = pVgroup->hashEnd,
mInfo("vgId:%d, build alter vnode hashrange req, dstVgId:%d, begin:%u, end:%u", pVgroup->vgId, dstVgId,
mInfo("vgId:%d, build alter vnode hashrange req, dstVgId:%d, hashrange:[%u, %u]", pVgroup->vgId, dstVgId,
pVgroup->hashBegin, pVgroup->hashEnd);
int32_t contLen = tSerializeSAlterVnodeHashRangeReq(NULL, 0, &alterReq);
if (contLen < 0) {
......@@ -1894,12 +1894,6 @@ static int32_t mndSplitVgroup(SMnode *pMnode, SRpcMsg *pReq, SDbObj *pDb, SVgObj
if (mndAddAlterVnodeConfirmAction(pMnode, pTrans, pDb, &newVg1) != 0) goto _OVER;
mInfo("vgId:%d, vgroup info after adjust replica, replica:%d hashBegin:%u hashEnd:%u vnode:0 dnode:%d", newVg1.vgId,
newVg1.replica, newVg1.hashBegin, newVg1.hashEnd, newVg1.vnodeGid[0].dnodeId);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < newVg1.replica; ++i) {
mInfo("vgId:%d, vnode:%d dnode:%d", newVg1.vgId, i, newVg1.vnodeGid[i].dnodeId);
SVgObj newVg2 = {0};
memcpy(&newVg2, &newVg1, sizeof(SVgObj));
newVg1.replica = 1;
......@@ -1911,13 +1905,13 @@ static int32_t mndSplitVgroup(SMnode *pMnode, SRpcMsg *pReq, SDbObj *pDb, SVgObj
memcpy(&newVg2.vnodeGid[0], &newVg2.vnodeGid[1], sizeof(SVnodeGid));
memset(&newVg2.vnodeGid[1], 0, sizeof(SVnodeGid));
mInfo("vgId:%d, vgroup info after adjust hash, replica:%d hashBegin:%u hashEnd:%u vnode:0 dnode:%d", newVg1.vgId,
newVg1.replica, newVg1.hashBegin, newVg1.hashEnd, newVg1.vnodeGid[0].dnodeId);
mInfo("vgId:%d, vgroup info after split, replica:%d hashrange:[%u, %u] vnode:0 dnode:%d", newVg1.vgId, newVg1.replica,
newVg1.hashBegin, newVg1.hashEnd, newVg1.vnodeGid[0].dnodeId);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < newVg1.replica; ++i) {
mInfo("vgId:%d, vnode:%d dnode:%d", newVg1.vgId, i, newVg1.vnodeGid[i].dnodeId);
mInfo("vgId:%d, vgroup info after adjust hash, replica:%d hashBegin:%u hashEnd:%u vnode:0 dnode:%d", newVg2.vgId,
newVg2.replica, newVg2.hashBegin, newVg2.hashEnd, newVg2.vnodeGid[0].dnodeId);
mInfo("vgId:%d, vgroup info after split, replica:%d hashrange:[%u, %u] vnode:0 dnode:%d", newVg2.vgId, newVg2.replica,
newVg2.hashBegin, newVg2.hashEnd, newVg2.vnodeGid[0].dnodeId);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < newVg1.replica; ++i) {
mInfo("vgId:%d, vnode:%d dnode:%d", newVg2.vgId, i, newVg2.vnodeGid[i].dnodeId);
......@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ int32_t vnodeAlterHashRange(const char *srcPath, const char *dstPath, SAlterVnod
return -1;
vInfo("vgId:%d, start to alter hashrange from [%u, %u) to [%u, %u)", pReq->srcVgId, info.config.hashBegin,
info.config.hashEnd, pReq->hashBegin, pReq->hashEnd);
vInfo("vgId:%d, alter hashrange from [%u, %u] to [%u, %u]", pReq->srcVgId, info.config.hashBegin, info.config.hashEnd,
pReq->hashBegin, pReq->hashEnd);
info.config.vgId = pReq->dstVgId;
info.config.hashBegin = pReq->hashBegin;
info.config.hashEnd = pReq->hashEnd;
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ int32_t vnodeAlterHashRange(const char *srcPath, const char *dstPath, SAlterVnod
return -1;
vInfo("vgId:%d, start to rename %s to %s", pReq->dstVgId, srcPath, dstPath);
vInfo("vgId:%d, rename %s to %s", pReq->dstVgId, srcPath, dstPath);
ret = vnodeRenameVgroupId(srcPath, dstPath, pReq->srcVgId, pReq->dstVgId, pTfs);
if (ret < 0) {
vError("vgId:%d, failed to rename vnode from %s to %s since %s", pReq->dstVgId, srcPath, dstPath,
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ void vnodeProposeWriteMsg(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numOfMsgs)
isWeak, isBlock, msg, numOfMsgs, arrayPos, pMsg->info.handle);
if (!pVnode->restored) {
vGError("vgId:%d, msg:%p failed to process since restore not finished", vgId, pMsg);
vGError("vgId:%d, msg:%p failed to process since restore not finished, type:%s", vgId, pMsg, TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType));
vnodeHandleProposeError(pVnode, pMsg, TSDB_CODE_SYN_RESTORING);
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ void vnodeProposeWriteMsg(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numOfMsgs)
if (pMsgArr == NULL || pIsWeakArr == NULL) {
vGError("vgId:%d, msg:%p failed to process since out of memory", vgId, pMsg);
vGError("vgId:%d, msg:%p failed to process since out of memory, type:%s", vgId, pMsg, TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType));
vnodeHandleProposeError(pVnode, pMsg, terrno);
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ void vnodeProposeWriteMsg(SQueueInfo *pInfo, STaosQall *qall, int32_t numOfMsgs)
vnodeIsMsgBlock(pMsg->msgType), msg, numOfMsgs, pMsg->info.handle);
if (!pVnode->restored) {
vGError("vgId:%d, msg:%p failed to process since restore not finished", vgId, pMsg);
vGError("vgId:%d, msg:%p failed to process since restore not finished, type:%s", vgId, pMsg, TMSG_INFO(pMsg->msgType));
vnodeHandleProposeError(pVnode, pMsg, TSDB_CODE_SYN_RESTORING);
......@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ int32_t vnodeSyncStart(SVnode *pVnode) {
void vnodeSyncPreClose(SVnode *pVnode) {
vInfo("vgId:%d, pre close sync", pVnode->config.vgId);
vInfo("vgId:%d, sync pre close", pVnode->config.vgId);
......@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ void vnodeSyncPreClose(SVnode *pVnode) {
void vnodeSyncPostClose(SVnode *pVnode) {
vInfo("vgId:%d, post close sync", pVnode->config.vgId);
vInfo("vgId:%d, sync post close", pVnode->config.vgId);
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ int32_t tfsRmdir(STfs *pTfs, const char *rname) {
for (int32_t id = 0; id < pTier->ndisk; id++) {
STfsDisk *pDisk = pTier->disks[id];
snprintf(aname, TMPNAME_LEN, "%s%s%s", pDisk->path, TD_DIRSEP, rname);
uInfo("tfs remove dir : path:%s aname:%s rname:[%s]", pDisk->path, aname, rname);
uInfo("tfs remove dir:%s aname:%s rname:[%s]", pDisk->path, aname, rname);
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