提交 3b328e8d 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/3.0' into feature/dnode3

# Small Materialized Aggragates
**SMA** (**S**mall **M**aterialized **A**ggrates) is used to speed up the query process on materialized data cube in TDengine. TDengine 3.0 gives more flexibility on the SMA configurations.
There are two kinds of SMA in TDengine:
1. Block-wise SMA
2. Time-range-wise SMA
@startmindmap mind_map_test
** Block-wise SMA
** Time-range-wise SMA
``` -->
![SMA in TDengine 3.0](http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/png/Kr1GK70eBaaiAidDp4l9JInG0D7nG4PyIMfn2HTGMa5B8TZN4SBIKd3AoK_ErYtFB4v55Wt9p4tLBKhCIqz5bN981HeACHW0)
## Block-wise SMA
Block-wise SMA is created by default when the data are committed. Since time-series data are saved as block data in files, a corresponding SMA is create when the data block is written. The default block-wise SMA includes:
1. sum(*)
2. max(*)
3. min(*)
By default, the system will create SMA for each column except those columns with type *binary* and *nchar*. However, users can change the behavior by the keyword **NOSMA** to disable the SMA for a certain column like below:
# create a super table with the SMA on column b disabled
create table st (ts timestamp, a int, b int NOSMA, c double) tags (tg1 binary(10), tg2 int);
## Time-range-wise SMA
In addition to the default block-wise SMA, users can create their own SMAs ondemand. Below is an example to create a SMA.
# create a SMA every 10 minutes with SMA of sum, max and min
create sma_indx sma_10min on st (sum(*), max(*), min(*), twa(*)) interval(10m);
Users can also drop a time-range-wise SMA like below:
# drop the sma index
drop sma_index sma_5min on st;
**NOTE: Creating an SMA index is a heavy operation which may take a long time and block the write operation. So create the time-range-wise SMA when creating the table or when there are not too much data.**
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ typedef struct SVariant {
uint32_t nType;
int32_t nLen; // only used for string, for number, it is useless
union {
int64_t i64;
uint64_t u64;
int64_t i;
uint64_t u;
double d;
char *pz;
wchar_t *wpz;
......@@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ typedef struct SResultDataInfo {
int32_t intermediateBytes;
} SResultDataInfo;
typedef struct SMultiFunctionsDesc {
bool stableQuery;
bool groupbyColumn;
......@@ -203,6 +202,8 @@ typedef struct SMultiFunctionsDesc {
bool timewindow;
bool topbotQuery;
bool interpQuery;
bool distinct;
bool join;
} SMultiFunctionsDesc;
int32_t getResultDataInfo(int32_t dataType, int32_t dataBytes, int32_t functionId, int32_t param, SResultDataInfo* pInfo, int16_t extLength,
......@@ -222,6 +223,8 @@ const char* qGetFunctionName(int32_t functionId);
void extractFunctionDesc(SArray* pFunctionIdList, SMultiFunctionsDesc* pDesc);
tExprNode* exprdup(tExprNode* pTree);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ typedef struct SQueryStmtInfo {
int64_t vgroupLimit; // table limit in case of super table projection query + global order + limit
int32_t udColumnId; // current user-defined constant output field column id, monotonically decreases from TSDB_UD_COLUMN_INDEX
bool distinct; // distinct tag or not
int32_t bufLen;
char* buf;
SArray *pUdfInfo;
......@@ -231,6 +230,8 @@ SExprInfo* createExprInfo(STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, int16_t functionId, SC
int32_t copyExprInfoList(SArray* dst, const SArray* src, uint64_t uid, bool deepcopy);
STableMetaInfo* getMetaInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex);
SSchema *getOneColumnSchema(const STableMeta* pTableMeta, int32_t colIndex);
int32_t getNewResColId();
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ int32_t qOptimizeQueryPlan(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode);
* @param pQueryNode
* @return
int32_t qCreateQueryPlan(const struct SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode);
int32_t qCreateQueryPlan(const struct SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, struct SQueryPlanNode** pQueryNode);
* Convert the query plan to string, in order to display it in the shell.
......@@ -17,113 +17,114 @@
#define _TD_TQ_H_
#include "os.h"
#include "tutil.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct tmqMsgHead {
typedef struct TmqMsgHead {
int32_t protoVer;
int32_t msgType;
int64_t cgId;
int64_t clientId;
} tmqMsgHead;
} TmqMsgHead;
typedef struct tmqOneAck {
typedef struct TmqOneAck {
int64_t topicId;
int64_t consumeOffset;
} tmqOneAck;
} TmqOneAck;
typedef struct tmqAcks {
typedef struct TmqAcks {
int32_t ackNum;
//should be sorted
tmqOneAck acks[];
} tmqAcks;
TmqOneAck acks[];
} TmqAcks;
//TODO: put msgs into common
typedef struct tmqConnectReq {
tmqMsgHead head;
tmqAcks acks;
} tmqConnectReq;
typedef struct TmqConnectReq {
TmqMsgHead head;
TmqAcks acks;
} TmqConnectReq;
typedef struct tmqConnectRsp {
tmqMsgHead head;
typedef struct TmqConnectRsp {
TmqMsgHead head;
int8_t status;
} tmqConnectRsp;
} TmqConnectRsp;
typedef struct tmqDisconnectReq {
tmqMsgHead head;
} tmqDisconnectReq;
typedef struct TmqDisconnectReq {
TmqMsgHead head;
} TmqDiscconectReq;
typedef struct tmqDisconnectRsp {
tmqMsgHead head;
typedef struct TmqDisconnectRsp {
TmqMsgHead head;
int8_t status;
} tmqDiconnectRsp;
} TmqDisconnectRsp;
typedef struct tmqConsumeReq {
tmqMsgHead head;
tmqAcks acks;
} tmqConsumeReq;
typedef struct TmqConsumeReq {
TmqMsgHead head;
TmqAcks acks;
} TmqConsumeReq;
typedef struct tmqMsgContent {
typedef struct TmqMsgContent {
int64_t topicId;
int64_t msgLen;
char msg[];
} tmqMsgContent;
} TmqMsgContent;
typedef struct tmqConsumeRsp {
tmqMsgHead head;
typedef struct TmqConsumeRsp {
TmqMsgHead head;
int64_t bodySize;
tmqMsgContent msgs[];
} tmqConsumeRsp;
TmqMsgContent msgs[];
} TmqConsumeRsp;
typedef struct tmqMnodeSubscribeReq {
tmqMsgHead head;
int64_t topicLen;
char topic[];
} tmqSubscribeReq;
typedef struct TmqSubscribeReq {
TmqMsgHead head;
int32_t topicNum;
int64_t topic[];
} TmqSubscribeReq;
typedef struct tmqMnodeSubscribeRsp {
tmqMsgHead head;
typedef struct tmqSubscribeRsp {
TmqMsgHead head;
int64_t vgId;
char ep[]; //TSDB_EP_LEN
} tmqSubscribeRsp;
} TmqSubscribeRsp;
typedef struct tmqHeartbeatReq {
typedef struct TmqHeartbeatReq {
} tmqHeartbeatReq;
} TmqHeartbeatReq;
typedef struct tmqHeartbeatRsp {
typedef struct TmqHeartbeatRsp {
} tmqHeartbeatRsp;
} TmqHeartbeatRsp;
typedef struct tqTopicVhandle {
typedef struct TqTopicVhandle {
int64_t topicId;
//executor for filter
void* filterExec;
//callback for mnode
} tqTopicVhandle;
//trigger when vnode list associated topic change
void* (*mCallback)(void*, void*);
} TqTopicVhandle;
typedef struct STQ {
//the collection of group handle
//the handle of kvstore
} STQ;
#define TQ_BUFFER_SIZE 8
//TODO: define a serializer and deserializer
typedef struct tqBufferItem {
typedef struct TqBufferItem {
int64_t offset;
//executors are identical but not concurrent
//so it must be a copy in each item
void* executor;
int64_t size;
void* content;
} tqBufferItem;
} TqBufferItem;
typedef struct tqBufferHandle {
typedef struct TqBufferHandle {
//char* topic; //c style, end with '\0'
//int64_t cgId;
//void* ahandle;
......@@ -131,32 +132,32 @@ typedef struct tqBufferHandle {
int64_t topicId;
int32_t head;
int32_t tail;
tqBufferItem buffer[TQ_BUFFER_SIZE];
} tqBufferHandle;
TqBufferItem buffer[TQ_BUFFER_SIZE];
} TqBufferHandle;
typedef struct tqListHandle {
tqBufferHandle* bufHandle;
struct tqListHandle* next;
} tqListHandle;
typedef struct TqListHandle {
TqBufferHandle bufHandle;
struct TqListHandle* next;
} TqListHandle;
typedef struct tqGroupHandle {
typedef struct TqGroupHandle {
int64_t cId;
int64_t cgId;
void* ahandle;
int32_t topicNum;
tqListHandle *head;
} tqGroupHandle;
TqListHandle *head;
} TqGroupHandle;
typedef struct tqQueryExec {
typedef struct TqQueryExec {
void* src;
tqBufferItem* dest;
TqBufferItem* dest;
void* executor;
} tqQueryExec;
} TqQueryExec;
typedef struct tqQueryMsg {
tqQueryExec *exec;
struct tqQueryMsg *next;
} tqQueryMsg;
typedef struct TqQueryMsg {
TqQueryExec *exec;
struct TqQueryMsg *next;
} TqQueryMsg;
//init in each vnode
STQ* tqInit(void* ref_func(void*), void* unref_func(void*));
......@@ -166,32 +167,30 @@ void tqCleanUp(STQ*);
int tqPushMsg(STQ*, void* msg, int64_t version);
int tqCommit(STQ*);
int tqConsume(STQ*, tmqConsumeReq*);
int tqConsume(STQ*, TmqConsumeReq*);
tqGroupHandle* tqGetGroupHandle(STQ*, int64_t cId);
TqGroupHandle* tqGetGroupHandle(STQ*, int64_t cId);
int tqOpenTCGroup(STQ*, int64_t topicId, int64_t cgId, int64_t cId);
int tqCloseTCGroup(STQ*, int64_t topicId, int64_t cgId, int64_t cId);
int tqMoveOffsetToNext(tqGroupHandle*);
int tqMoveOffsetToNext(TqGroupHandle*);
int tqResetOffset(STQ*, int64_t topicId, int64_t cgId, int64_t offset);
int tqRegisterContext(tqGroupHandle*, void*);
int tqLaunchQuery(tqGroupHandle*);
int tqSendLaunchQuery(STQ*, int64_t topicId, int64_t cgId, void* query);
int tqSerializeGroupHandle(tqGroupHandle *gHandle, void** ppBytes, int32_t offset);
int tqSerializeListHandle(tqListHandle *listHandle, void** ppBytes, int32_t offset);
int tqSerializeBufHandle(tqBufferHandle *bufHandle, void** ppBytes, int32_t offset);
int tqSerializeBufItem(tqBufferItem *bufItem, void** ppBytes, int32_t offset);
int tqDeserializeGroupHandle(const void* pBytes, tqGroupHandle **pGhandle);
int tqDeserializeListHandle(const void* pBytes, tqListHandle **pListHandle);
int tqDeserializeBufHandle(const void* pBytes, tqBufferHandle **pBufHandle);
int tqDeserializeBufItem(const void* pBytes, tqBufferItem **pBufItem);
int tqGetGHandleSSize(const tqGroupHandle *gHandle);
int tqListHandleSSize(const tqListHandle *listHandle);
int tqBufHandleSSize(const tqBufferHandle *bufHandle);
int tqBufItemSSize(const tqBufferItem *bufItem);
int tqRegisterContext(TqGroupHandle*, void* ahandle);
int tqLaunchQuery(TqGroupHandle*);
int tqSendLaunchQuery(TqGroupHandle*);
int tqSerializeGroupHandle(TqGroupHandle *gHandle, void** ppBytes);
void* tqSerializeListHandle(TqListHandle *listHandle, void* ptr);
void* tqSerializeBufHandle(TqBufferHandle *bufHandle, void* ptr);
void* tqSerializeBufItem(TqBufferItem *bufItem, void* ptr);
const void* tqDeserializeGroupHandle(const void* pBytes, TqGroupHandle *ghandle);
const void* tqDeserializeBufHandle(const void* pBytes, TqBufferHandle *bufHandle);
const void* tqDeserializeBufItem(const void* pBytes, TqBufferItem *bufItem);
int tqGetGHandleSSize(const TqGroupHandle *gHandle);
int tqBufHandleSSize();
int tqBufItemSSize();
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ void taosVariantCreate(SVariant *pVar, char* z, int32_t n, int32_t type) {
switch (type) {
if (strncasecmp(z, "true", 4) == 0) {
pVar->i64 = TSDB_TRUE;
pVar->i = TSDB_TRUE;
} else if (strncasecmp(z, "false", 5) == 0) {
pVar->i64 = TSDB_FALSE;
pVar->i = TSDB_FALSE;
} else {
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ void taosVariantCreate(SVariant *pVar, char* z, int32_t n, int32_t type) {
base = 2;
ret = toInteger(z, n, base, &pVar->i64, &sign);
ret = toInteger(z, n, base, &pVar->i, &sign);
if (ret != 0) {
pVar->nType = -1; // -1 means error type
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ void taosVariantCreate(SVariant *pVar, char* z, int32_t n, int32_t type) {
pVar->i64 = taosGetTimestamp(TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO);
pVar->i = taosGetTimestamp(TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO);
......@@ -151,43 +151,43 @@ void taosVariantCreateFromBinary(SVariant *pVar, const char *pz, size_t len, uin
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->i64 = GET_INT8_VAL(pz);
pVar->i = GET_INT8_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->u64 = GET_UINT8_VAL(pz);
pVar->u = GET_UINT8_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->i64 = GET_INT16_VAL(pz);
pVar->i = GET_INT16_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->u64 = GET_UINT16_VAL(pz);
pVar->u = GET_UINT16_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->i64 = GET_INT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->i = GET_INT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->u64 = GET_UINT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->u = GET_UINT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->i64 = GET_INT64_VAL(pz);
pVar->i = GET_INT64_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
pVar->u64 = GET_UINT64_VAL(pz);
pVar->u = GET_UINT64_VAL(pz);
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ void taosVariantCreateFromBinary(SVariant *pVar, const char *pz, size_t len, uin
pVar->i64 = GET_INT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->i = GET_INT32_VAL(pz);
pVar->nLen = tDataTypes[TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT].bytes;
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ void taosVariantAssign(SVariant *pDst, const SVariant *pSrc) {
if (IS_NUMERIC_TYPE(pSrc->nType) || (pSrc->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL)) {
pDst->i64 = pSrc->i64;
pDst->i = pSrc->i;
} else if (pSrc->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_POINTER_ARRAY) { // this is only for string array
size_t num = taosArrayGetSize(pSrc->arr);
pDst->arr = taosArrayInit(num, sizeof(char*));
......@@ -322,16 +322,16 @@ int32_t taosVariantCompare(const SVariant* p1, const SVariant* p2) {
return p1->d > p2->d? 1:-1;
} else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(p1->nType)) {
if (p1->u64 == p2->u64) {
if (p1->u == p2->u) {
return 0;
} else {
return p1->u64 > p2->u64? 1:-1;
return p1->u > p2->u? 1:-1;
} else {
if (p1->i64 == p2->i64) {
if (p1->i == p2->i) {
return 0;
} else {
return p1->i64 > p2->i64? 1:-1;
return p1->i > p2->i? 1:-1;
......@@ -362,12 +362,12 @@ int32_t taosVariantToString(SVariant *pVar, char *dst) {
return sprintf(dst, "%d", (int32_t)pVar->i64);
return sprintf(dst, "%d", (int32_t)pVar->i);
return sprintf(dst, "%" PRId64, pVar->i64);
return sprintf(dst, "%" PRId64, pVar->i);
return sprintf(dst, "%" PRIu64, pVar->u64);
return sprintf(dst, "%" PRIu64, pVar->u);
return sprintf(dst, "%.9lf", pVar->d);
......@@ -426,11 +426,11 @@ static int32_t toBinary(SVariant *pVariant, char **pDest, int32_t *pDestSize) {
} else {
if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
sprintf(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, "%" PRId64, pVariant->i64);
sprintf(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, "%" PRId64, pVariant->i);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE || pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) {
sprintf(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, "%lf", pVariant->d);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL) {
sprintf(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, "%s", (pVariant->i64 == TSDB_TRUE) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
sprintf(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, "%s", (pVariant->i == TSDB_TRUE) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
} else if (pVariant->nType == 0) { // null data
setNull(pBuf == NULL ? *pDest : pBuf, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, 0);
......@@ -452,16 +452,16 @@ static int32_t toNchar(SVariant *pVariant, char **pDest, int32_t *pDestSize) {
// convert the number to string, than convert it to wchar string.
if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%" PRId64, pVariant->i64);
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%" PRId64, pVariant->i);
} else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%"PRIu64, pVariant->u64);
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%"PRIu64, pVariant->u);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE || pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT) {
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%lf", pVariant->d);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
pDst = pVariant->pz;
nLen = pVariant->nLen;
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL) {
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%s", (pVariant->i64 == TSDB_TRUE) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
nLen = sprintf(pDst, "%s", (pVariant->i == TSDB_TRUE) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
if (*pDest == pVariant->pz) {
......@@ -519,9 +519,9 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t convertToInteger(SVariant *pVariant, int64_t *result
#if 0
errno = 0;
if (IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType) || (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL)) {
*result = pVariant->i64;
*result = pVariant->i;
} else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
*result = pVariant->u64;
*result = pVariant->u;
} else if (IS_FLOAT_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
*result = (int64_t) pVariant->d;
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
......@@ -639,9 +639,9 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t convertToInteger(SVariant *pVariant, int64_t *result
static int32_t convertToBool(SVariant *pVariant, int64_t *pDest) {
if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL) {
*pDest = pVariant->i64; // in order to be compatible to null of bool
*pDest = pVariant->i; // in order to be compatible to null of bool
} else if (IS_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
*pDest = ((pVariant->i64 != 0) ? TSDB_TRUE : TSDB_FALSE);
*pDest = ((pVariant->i != 0) ? TSDB_TRUE : TSDB_FALSE);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT || pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
*pDest = ((pVariant->d != 0) ? TSDB_TRUE : TSDB_FALSE);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) {
......@@ -791,12 +791,12 @@ int32_t tVariantDumpEx(SVariant *pVariant, char *payload, int16_t type, bool inc
*converted = true;
if (pVariant->i64 > FLT_MAX || pVariant->i64 < -FLT_MAX) {
SET_EXT_INFO(converted, pVariant->i64, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, extInfo);
if (pVariant->i > FLT_MAX || pVariant->i < -FLT_MAX) {
SET_EXT_INFO(converted, pVariant->i, -FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, extInfo);
return -1;
SET_FLOAT_VAL(payload, pVariant->i64);
SET_FLOAT_VAL(payload, pVariant->i);
} else if (IS_FLOAT_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
if (converted) {
*converted = true;
......@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ int32_t tVariantDumpEx(SVariant *pVariant, char *payload, int16_t type, bool inc
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(payload, value);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL || IS_SIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType) || IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(payload, pVariant->i64);
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(payload, pVariant->i);
} else if (IS_FLOAT_TYPE(pVariant->nType)) {
SET_DOUBLE_VAL(payload, pVariant->d);
} else if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL) {
......@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ int32_t tVariantDumpEx(SVariant *pVariant, char *payload, int16_t type, bool inc
if (pVariant->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL) {
*((int64_t *)payload) = TSDB_DATA_BIGINT_NULL;
} else {
*((int64_t *)payload) = pVariant->i64;
*((int64_t *)payload) = pVariant->i;
......@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ int32_t taosVariantTypeSetType(SVariant *pVariant, char type) {
switch (type) {
case TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL: { // bool
if (convertToBool(pVariant, &pVariant->i64) < 0) {
if (convertToBool(pVariant, &pVariant->i) < 0) {
return -1;
......@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ int32_t taosVariantTypeSetType(SVariant *pVariant, char type) {
convertToInteger(pVariant, &(pVariant->i64), type, true, true, NULL);
convertToInteger(pVariant, &(pVariant->i), type, true, true, NULL);
pVariant->nType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT;
......@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ int32_t taosVariantTypeSetType(SVariant *pVariant, char type) {
pVariant->d = v;
} else if (pVariant->nType >= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL && pVariant->nType <= TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT) {
double tmp = (double) pVariant->i64;
double tmp = (double) pVariant->i;
pVariant->d = tmp;
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include "catalogInt.h"
struct SCatalog* getCatalogHandle(const SEpSet* pMgmtEps) {
return NULL;
return (struct SCatalog*) 0x1;
int32_t catalogGetMetaData(struct SCatalog* pCatalog, const SMetaReq* pMetaReq, SMetaData* pMetaData) {
......@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ typedef struct SExprTraverseSupp {
tExprNode* exprTreeFromBinary(const void* data, size_t size);
tExprNode* exprTreeFromTableName(const char* tbnameCond);
tExprNode* exprdup(tExprNode* pTree);
bool exprTreeApplyFilter(tExprNode *pExpr, const void *pItem, SExprTraverseSupp *param);
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ extern struct SScalarFunctionInfo scalarFunc[1];
#define FUNCTION_MAVG 41
#define FUNCTION_CSUM 42
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ void arithmeticTreeTraverse(tExprNode *pExprs, int32_t numOfRows, char *pOutput,
} else if (pRight->nodeType == TEXPR_VALUE_NODE) { // exprLeft + 12
_arithmetic_operator_fn_t OperatorFn = getArithmeticOperatorFn(pExprs->_node.optr);
OperatorFn(pLeftOutput, numOfRows, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, &pRight->pVal->i64, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(pLeftOutput, numOfRows, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, &pRight->pVal->i, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else if (pLeft->nodeType == TEXPR_COL_NODE) {
// column data specified on left-hand-side
......@@ -255,16 +255,16 @@ void arithmeticTreeTraverse(tExprNode *pExprs, int32_t numOfRows, char *pOutput,
if (order == TSDB_ORDER_DESC) {
reverseCopy(pdata, pLeftInputData, pLeft->pSchema->type, numOfRows);
OperatorFn(pdata, numOfRows, pLeft->pSchema->type, &pRight->pVal->i64, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(pdata, numOfRows, pLeft->pSchema->type, &pRight->pVal->i, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else {
OperatorFn(pLeftInputData, numOfRows, pLeft->pSchema->type, &pRight->pVal->i64, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(pLeftInputData, numOfRows, pLeft->pSchema->type, &pRight->pVal->i, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else {
// column data specified on left-hand-side
if (pRight->nodeType == TEXPR_BINARYEXPR_NODE) { // 12 + expr2
_arithmetic_operator_fn_t OperatorFn = getArithmeticOperatorFn(pExprs->_node.optr);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i64, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pRightOutput, numOfRows, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pRightOutput, numOfRows, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else if (pRight->nodeType == TEXPR_COL_NODE) { // 12 + columnRight
// column data specified on right-hand-side
......@@ -273,14 +273,14 @@ void arithmeticTreeTraverse(tExprNode *pExprs, int32_t numOfRows, char *pOutput,
if (order == TSDB_ORDER_DESC) {
reverseCopy(pdata, pRightInputData, pRight->pSchema->type, numOfRows);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i64, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pdata, numOfRows, pRight->pSchema->type, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pdata, numOfRows, pRight->pSchema->type, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else {
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i64, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pRightInputData, numOfRows, pRight->pSchema->type, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, pRightInputData, numOfRows, pRight->pSchema->type, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
} else if (pRight->nodeType == TEXPR_VALUE_NODE) { // 12 + 12
_arithmetic_operator_fn_t OperatorFn = getArithmeticOperatorFn(pExprs->_node.optr);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i64, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, &pRight->pVal->i64, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
OperatorFn(&pLeft->pVal->i, 1, pLeft->pVal->nType, &pRight->pVal->i, 1, pRight->pVal->nType, pOutput, TSDB_ORDER_ASC);
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ static void exprTreeToBinaryImpl(SBufferWriter* bw, tExprNode* expr) {
tbufWriteInt32(bw, pVal->nLen);
tbufWrite(bw, pVal->pz, pVal->nLen);
} else {
tbufWriteInt64(bw, pVal->i64);
tbufWriteInt64(bw, pVal->i);
} else if (expr->nodeType == TEXPR_COL_NODE) {
......@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ static tExprNode* exprTreeFromBinaryImpl(SBufferReader* br) {
pVal->pz = calloc(1, pVal->nLen + 1);
tbufReadToBuffer(br, pVal->pz, pVal->nLen);
} else {
pVal->i64 = tbufReadInt64(br);
pVal->i = tbufReadInt64(br);
} else if (pExpr->nodeType == TEXPR_COL_NODE) {
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ static void writeDataToDisk(STSBuf* pTSBuf) {
metaLen += (int32_t)fwrite(&tfloat, 1, (size_t) pBlock->tag.nLen, pTSBuf->f);
} else if (pBlock->tag.nType != TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL) {
metaLen += (int32_t)fwrite(&pBlock->tag.nLen, 1, sizeof(pBlock->tag.nLen), pTSBuf->f);
metaLen += (int32_t)fwrite(&pBlock->tag.i64, 1, (size_t) pBlock->tag.nLen, pTSBuf->f);
metaLen += (int32_t)fwrite(&pBlock->tag.i, 1, (size_t) pBlock->tag.nLen, pTSBuf->f);
} else {
trueLen = 0;
metaLen += (int32_t)fwrite(&trueLen, 1, sizeof(pBlock->tag.nLen), pTSBuf->f);
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ STSBlock* readDataFromDisk(STSBuf* pTSBuf, int32_t order, bool decomp) {
pBlock->tag.d = (double)tfloat;
} else if (pBlock->tag.nType != TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL) { //TODO check the return value
sz = fread(&pBlock->tag.i64, (size_t) pBlock->tag.nLen, 1, pTSBuf->f);
sz = fread(&pBlock->tag.i, (size_t) pBlock->tag.nLen, 1, pTSBuf->f);
......@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ void tsBufDisplay(STSBuf* pTSBuf) {
while (tsBufNextPos(pTSBuf)) {
STSElem elem = tsBufGetElem(pTSBuf);
if (elem.tag->nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT) {
printf("%d-%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 "\n", elem.id, elem.tag->i64, elem.ts);
printf("%d-%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 "\n", elem.id, elem.tag->i, elem.ts);
......@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ int32_t getNumOfColumns(const STableMeta* pTableMeta);
int32_t getNumOfTags(const STableMeta* pTableMeta);
SSchema *getTableColumnSchema(const STableMeta *pTableMeta);
SSchema *getTableTagSchema(const STableMeta* pTableMeta);
SSchema *getOneColumnSchema(const STableMeta* pTableMeta, int32_t colIndex);
size_t getNumOfExprs(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo);
SExprInfo* createBinaryExprInfo(struct tExprNode* pNode, SSchema* pResSchema);
......@@ -375,25 +375,25 @@ void tSqlExprEvaluate(tSqlExpr* pExpr) {
switch (optrType) {
case TK_PLUS: {
pExpr->value.i64 = pLeft->value.i64 + pRight->value.i64;
pExpr->value.i = pLeft->value.i + pRight->value.i;
case TK_MINUS: {
pExpr->value.i64 = pLeft->value.i64 - pRight->value.i64;
pExpr->value.i = pLeft->value.i - pRight->value.i;
case TK_STAR: {
pExpr->value.i64 = pLeft->value.i64 * pRight->value.i64;
pExpr->value.i = pLeft->value.i * pRight->value.i;
case TK_DIVIDE: {
pExpr->tokenId = TK_FLOAT;
pExpr->value.nType = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE;
pExpr->value.d = (double)pLeft->value.i64 / pRight->value.i64;
pExpr->value.d = (double)pLeft->value.i / pRight->value.i;
case TK_REM: {
pExpr->value.i64 = pLeft->value.i64 % pRight->value.i64;
pExpr->value.i = pLeft->value.i % pRight->value.i;
......@@ -411,8 +411,8 @@ void tSqlExprEvaluate(tSqlExpr* pExpr) {
pExpr->tokenId = TK_FLOAT;
pExpr->type = SQL_NODE_VALUE;
double left = (pLeft->value.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) ? pLeft->value.d : pLeft->value.i64;
double right = (pRight->value.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) ? pRight->value.d : pRight->value.i64;
double left = (pLeft->value.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) ? pLeft->value.d : pLeft->value.i;
double right = (pRight->value.nType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) ? pRight->value.d : pRight->value.i;
switch (optrType) {
case TK_PLUS: {
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ int32_t qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(const SSqlInfo* pSqlInfo, SMetaReq* pMet
// Let's assume that it is an UDF/UDAF, if it is not a built-in function.
if (!qIsBuiltinFunction(t->z, t->n)) {
if (qIsBuiltinFunction(t->z, t->n) < 0) {
char* fname = strndup(t->z, t->n);
taosArrayPush(pMetaInfo->pUdf, &fname);
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ void assignExprInfo(SExprInfo* dst, const SExprInfo* src) {
// dst->pExpr = exprdup(src->pExpr);
dst->pExpr = exprdup(src->pExpr);
memset(dst->base.param, 0, sizeof(SVariant) * tListLen(dst->base.param));
for (int32_t j = 0; j < src->base.numOfParams; ++j) {
taosVariantAssign(&dst->base.param[j], &src->base.param[j]);
PUBLIC os util common parser catalog transport gtest function
PUBLIC os util common parser catalog transport gtest function planner
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
#include "os.h"
#include "astGenerator.h"
#include "parserInt.h"
#include "taos.h"
#include "tdef.h"
#include "tvariant.h"
#include "planner.h"
namespace {
void setSchema(SSchema* p, int32_t type, int32_t bytes, const char* name, int32_t colId) {
p->colId = colId;
p->bytes = bytes;
p->type = type;
strcpy(p->name, name);
void setTableMetaInfo(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, SMetaReq *req) {
pQueryInfo->numOfTables = 1;
pQueryInfo->pTableMetaInfo = (STableMetaInfo**)calloc(1, POINTER_BYTES);
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = (STableMetaInfo*)calloc(1, sizeof(STableMetaInfo));
pQueryInfo->pTableMetaInfo[0] = pTableMetaInfo;
SName* name = (SName*)taosArrayGet(req->pTableName, 0);
memcpy(&pTableMetaInfo->name, taosArrayGet(req->pTableName, 0), sizeof(SName));
pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta = (STableMeta*)calloc(1, sizeof(STableMeta) + 4 * sizeof(SSchema));
strcpy(pTableMetaInfo->aliasName, name->tname);
STableMeta* pTableMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta;
pTableMeta->tableType = TSDB_NORMAL_TABLE;
pTableMeta->tableInfo.numOfColumns = 4;
pTableMeta->tableInfo.rowSize = 28;
pTableMeta->uid = 110;
pTableMetaInfo->tagColList = (SArray*) taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES);
SSchema* pSchema = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->schema;
setSchema(&pSchema[0], TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 8, "ts", 0);
setSchema(&pSchema[1], TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, 4, "a", 1);
setSchema(&pSchema[2], TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, 8, "b", 2);
setSchema(&pSchema[3], TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, 8, "col", 3);
TEST(testCase, planner_test) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select top(a*b / 99, 20) from `t.1abc` interval(10s, 1s)");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf buf;
buf.len = 128;
buf.buf = msg;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 2);
SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*) taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "top(a*b / 99, 20)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "top(a*b / 99, 20)");
ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 16);
ASSERT_EQ(p1->pExpr->_node.functionId, FUNCTION_TOP);
ASSERT_TRUE(p1->pExpr->_node.pRight == NULL);
tExprNode* pParam = p1->pExpr->_node.pLeft;
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pLeft->nodeType, TEXPR_BINARYEXPR_NODE);
ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pRight->nodeType, TEXPR_VALUE_NODE);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 3);
ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 2);
struct SQueryPlanNode* n = nullptr;
code = qCreateQueryPlan(pQueryInfo, &n);
char* str = NULL;
qQueryPlanToString(n, &str);
printf("%s\n", str);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -37,22 +37,22 @@ SToken createToken(char* s) {
} // namespace
static void _init_tvariant_bool(SVariant* t) {
t->i64 = TSDB_FALSE;
t->i = TSDB_FALSE;
static void _init_tvariant_tinyint(SVariant* t) {
t->i64 = -27;
t->i = -27;
static void _init_tvariant_int(SVariant* t) {
t->i64 = -23997659;
t->i = -23997659;
static void _init_tvariant_bigint(SVariant* t) {
t->i64 = -3333333333333;
t->i = -3333333333333;
......@@ -359,19 +359,19 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -394,23 +394,23 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
// 2. tinyint to other data types
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -27);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
// types//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT), 0);
......@@ -444,11 +444,11 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -23997659);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -23997659);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -23997659);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -23997659);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
// type//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_TINYINT), 0);
......@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -3333333333333);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -3333333333333);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -509,11 +509,11 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
// types////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -8991212199);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -8991212199);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -539,14 +539,14 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
t.nLen = strlen(t.pz);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), -1);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 200000);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 200000);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -572,14 +572,14 @@ TEST(testCase, tvariant_convert) {
t.nLen = wcslen(t.wpz);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, 0);
EXPECT_LE(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i64, -2000000);
EXPECT_EQ(t.i, -2000000);
EXPECT_EQ(taosVariantTypeSetType(&t, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT), 0);
......@@ -667,59 +667,59 @@ TEST(testCase, isValidNumber_test) {
EXPECT_EQ(tGetNumericStringType(&t1), TK_FLOAT);
//TEST(testCase, generateAST_test) {
// SSqlInfo info = doGenerateAST("select * from t1 where ts < now");
// ASSERT_EQ(info.valid, true);
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select * from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and col < 20+99");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMsgBuf msgBuf = {0};
// msgBuf.buf = msg;
// msgBuf.len = 128;
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &msgBuf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SSqlInfo info2 = doGenerateAST("select * from abc where ts<now+2");
// SSqlNode* pNode2 = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info2.list), 0);
// code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode2, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI, &msgBuf);
// ASSERT_NE(code, 0);
// destroySqlInfo(&info);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
// destroySqlInfo(&info2);
//TEST(testCase, evaluateAST_test) {
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select a, b+22 from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and `col` < 20 + 99");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMsgBuf msgBuf = {0};
// msgBuf.buf = msg;
// msgBuf.len = 128;
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &msgBuf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
//TEST(testCase, extractMeta_test) {
// SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select a, b+22 from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and `col` < 20 + 99");
// ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
// char msg[128] = {0};
// SMetaReq req = {0};
// int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
// qParserClearupMetaRequestInfo(&req);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
TEST(testCase, generateAST_test) {
SSqlInfo info = doGenerateAST("select * from t1 where ts < now");
ASSERT_EQ(info.valid, true);
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select * from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and col < 20+99");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf msgBuf = {0};
msgBuf.buf = msg;
msgBuf.len = 128;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &msgBuf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
SSqlInfo info2 = doGenerateAST("select * from abc where ts<now+2");
SSqlNode* pNode2 = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info2.list), 0);
code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode2, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI, &msgBuf);
ASSERT_NE(code, 0);
TEST(testCase, evaluateAST_test) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select a, b+22 from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and `col` < 20 + 99");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMsgBuf msgBuf = {0};
msgBuf.buf = msg;
msgBuf.len = 128;
SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*) taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &msgBuf);
ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
TEST(testCase, extractMeta_test) {
SSqlInfo info1 = doGenerateAST("select a, b+22 from `t.1abc` where ts<now+2h and `col` < 20 + 99");
ASSERT_EQ(info1.valid, true);
char msg[128] = {0};
SMetaReq req = {0};
int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
......@@ -9,4 +9,6 @@ target_include_directories(
PRIVATE os util common catalog parser transport function
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "parser.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
......@@ -46,23 +46,20 @@ typedef struct SJoinCond {
static SArray* createQueryPlanImpl(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo);
static void doDestroyQueryNode(SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode);
int32_t qOptimizeQueryPlan(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode) {
int32_t qOptimizeQueryPlan(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode) {
return 0;
int32_t qCreateQueryPlan(const struct SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode) {
int32_t qCreateQueryPlan(const struct SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, struct SQueryPlanNode** pQueryNode) {
SArray* upstream = createQueryPlanImpl((struct SQueryStmtInfo*) pQueryInfo);
assert(taosArrayGetSize(upstream) == 1);
/*SQueryPlanNode* p = */taosArrayGetP(upstream, 0);
*pQueryNode = taosArrayGetP(upstream, 0);
int32_t qQueryPlanToString(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, char** str) {
return 0;
int32_t qQueryPlanToSql(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, char** sql) {
return 0;
......@@ -108,10 +105,10 @@ static SQueryPlanNode* createQueryNode(int32_t type, const char* name, SQueryPla
pNode->numOfOutput = numOfOutput;
pNode->pExpr = calloc(numOfOutput, sizeof(SExprInfo));
pNode->pExpr = taosArrayInit(numOfOutput, POINTER_BYTES);
for(int32_t i = 0; i < numOfOutput; ++i) {
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = taosArrayGet(pNode->pExpr, i);
assignExprInfo(pExprInfo, pExpr[i]);
taosArrayPush(pNode->pExpr, &pExpr[i]);
pNode->pPrevNodes = taosArrayInit(4, POINTER_BYTES);
......@@ -167,7 +164,7 @@ static SQueryPlanNode* doAddTableColumnNode(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, STableMe
int32_t num = (int32_t) taosArrayGetSize(pExprs);
SQueryPlanNode* pNode = createQueryNode(QNODE_TAGSCAN, "TableTagScan", NULL, 0, pExprs->pData, num, info, NULL);
if (pQueryInfo->distinct) {
if (pQueryInfo->info.distinct) {
pNode = createQueryNode(QNODE_DISTINCT, "Distinct", &pNode, 1, pExprs->pData, num, info, NULL);
......@@ -184,22 +181,21 @@ static SQueryPlanNode* doAddTableColumnNode(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, STableMe
// table source column projection, generate the projection expr
int32_t numOfCols = (int32_t) taosArrayGetSize(tableCols);
SExprInfo** pExpr = calloc(numOfCols, POINTER_BYTES);
SSchema* pSchema = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->schema;
STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo1 = getMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0);
SSchema resultSchema = *pSchema;
resultSchema.colId = getNewResColId();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfCols; ++i) {
SColumn* pCol = taosArrayGetP(tableCols, i);
SColumnIndex index = {.tableIndex = 0, .columnIndex = pCol->columnIndex};
SSchema* pSchema = getOneColumnSchema(pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta, i);
SSchema resultSchema = *pSchema;
SExprInfo* p = createExprInfo(pTableMetaInfo1, FUNCTION_PRJ, &index, NULL, &resultSchema, 0);
pExpr[i] = p;
pNode = createQueryNode(QNODE_PROJECT, "Projection", &pNode, 1, pExpr, numOfCols, info, NULL);
// dropAllExprInfo(pExpr);
......@@ -254,7 +250,7 @@ static SQueryPlanNode* doCreateQueryPlanForOneTableImpl(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryIn
static SQueryPlanNode* doCreateQueryPlanForOneTable(SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo, STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, SArray* pExprs,
SArray* tableCols) {
char name[TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN] = {0};
tNameExtractFullName(&pTableMetaInfo->name, name);
tstrncpy(name, pTableMetaInfo->name.tname, TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN);
SQueryTableInfo info = {.tableName = strdup(name), .uid = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta->uid,};
......@@ -357,12 +353,6 @@ static void doDestroyQueryNode(SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode) {
bool hasAliasName(SExprInfo* pExpr) {
assert(pExpr != NULL);
return true;
// return strncmp(pExpr->base.token, pExpr->base., tListLen(pExpr->base.aliasName)) != 0;
static int32_t doPrintPlan(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t level, int32_t totalLen) {
if (level > 0) {
sprintf(buf + totalLen, "%*c", level, ' ');
......@@ -412,13 +402,7 @@ static int32_t doPrintPlan(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t level,
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = taosArrayGetP(pQueryNode->pExpr, i);
SSqlExpr* pExpr = &pExprInfo->base;
// if (hasAliasName(&pQueryNode->pExpr[i])) {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s #%s]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name);
// } else {
// len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s]", pExpr->token);
// }
len += len1;
len += sprintf(buf + len,"%s [%s #%d]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name, pExpr->resSchema.colId);
if (i < pQueryNode->numOfOutput - 1) {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len, ", ");
len += len1;
......@@ -435,13 +419,7 @@ static int32_t doPrintPlan(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t level,
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = taosArrayGetP(pQueryNode->pExpr, i);
SSqlExpr* pExpr = &pExprInfo->base;
if (hasAliasName(pExprInfo)) {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s #%s]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name);
} else {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s]", pExpr->token);
len += len1;
len += sprintf(buf + len,"%s [%s #%d]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name, pExpr->resSchema.colId);
if (i < pQueryNode->numOfOutput - 1) {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,", ");
len += len1;
......@@ -452,9 +430,11 @@ static int32_t doPrintPlan(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t level,
len += len1;
SInterval* pInterval = pQueryNode->pExtInfo;
len1 = sprintf(buf + len, "interval:%" PRId64 "(%s), sliding:%" PRId64 "(%s), offset:%" PRId64 "\n",
// todo dynamic return the time precision
len1 = sprintf(buf + len, "interval:%" PRId64 "(%s), sliding:%" PRId64 "(%s), offset:%" PRId64 "(%s)\n",
len += len1;
......@@ -465,12 +445,7 @@ static int32_t doPrintPlan(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t level,
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = taosArrayGetP(pQueryNode->pExpr, i);
SSqlExpr* pExpr = &pExprInfo->base;
if (hasAliasName(pExprInfo)) {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s #%s]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name);
} else {
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"[%s]", pExpr->token);
len1 = sprintf(buf + len,"%s [%s #%d]", pExpr->token, pExpr->resSchema.name, pExpr->resSchema.colId);
len += len1;
if (i < pQueryNode->numOfOutput - 1) {
......@@ -568,14 +543,15 @@ int32_t queryPlanToStringImpl(char* buf, SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, int32_t lev
return len;
char* queryPlanToString(SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode) {
int32_t qQueryPlanToString(struct SQueryPlanNode* pQueryNode, char** str) {
char* buf = calloc(1, 4096);
*str = calloc(1, 4096);
int32_t len = sprintf(buf, "===== logic plan =====\n");
queryPlanToStringImpl(buf, pQueryNode, 0, len);
return buf;
int32_t len = sprintf(*str, "===== logic plan =====\n");
queryPlanToStringImpl(*str, pQueryNode, 0, len);
SQueryPlanNode* queryPlanFromString() {
#include "tvariant.h"
#include "plannerUtil.h"
MESSAGE(STATUS "build planner unit test")
# GoogleTest requires at least C++11
PUBLIC os util common planner parser catalog transport gtest function
PUBLIC "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/libs/planner/"
PRIVATE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/source/libs/planner/inc"
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "os.h"
#include "taos.h"
#include "parser.h"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
TEST(testCase, planner_test) {
char msg[128] = {0};
const char* sql = "select top(a*b / 99, 20) from `t.1abc` interval(10s, 1s)";
SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = nullptr;
// int32_t code = qParseQuerySql(sql, strlen(sql), &pQueryInfo, 0, msg, sizeof(msg));
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SSqlNode* pNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(((SArray*)info1.list), 0);
// int32_t code = evaluateSqlNode(pNode, TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_NANO, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(code, 0);
// SMetaReq req = {0};
// int32_t ret = qParserExtractRequestedMetaInfo(&info1, &req, msg, 128);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(req.pTableName), 1);
// SQueryStmtInfo* pQueryInfo = createQueryInfo();
// setTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, &req);
// SSqlNode* pSqlNode = (SSqlNode*)taosArrayGetP(info1.list, 0);
// ret = validateSqlNode(pSqlNode, pQueryInfo, &buf);
// ASSERT_EQ(ret, 0);
// SArray* pExprList = pQueryInfo->exprList;
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pExprList), 2);
// SExprInfo* p1 = (SExprInfo*)taosArrayGetP(pExprList, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.uid, 110);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.numOfParams, 1);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.resSchema.type, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.resSchema.name, "top(a*b / 99, 20)");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.colInfo.flag, TSDB_COL_NORMAL);
// ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(p1->base.token, "top(a*b / 99, 20)");
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->base.interBytes, 16);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->pExpr->nodeType, TEXPR_UNARYEXPR_NODE);
// ASSERT_EQ(p1->pExpr->_node.functionId, FUNCTION_TOP);
// ASSERT_TRUE(p1->pExpr->_node.pRight == NULL);
// tExprNode* pParam = p1->pExpr->_node.pLeft;
// ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.optr, TSDB_BINARY_OP_DIVIDE);
// ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pLeft->nodeType, TEXPR_BINARYEXPR_NODE);
// ASSERT_EQ(pParam->_node.pRight->nodeType, TEXPR_VALUE_NODE);
// ASSERT_EQ(taosArrayGetSize(pQueryInfo->colList), 3);
// ASSERT_EQ(pQueryInfo->fieldsInfo.numOfOutput, 2);
// destroyQueryInfo(pQueryInfo);
// qParserClearupMetaRequestInfo(&req);
// destroySqlInfo(&info1);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ target_include_directories(
PUBLIC "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/libs/wal"
aux_source_directory(src VNODE_SRC)
add_library(vnode STATIC ${VNODE_SRC})
PUBLIC "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/server/vnode"
PUBLIC transport
PUBLIC cjson
# test
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
aux_source_directory(src VNODE_SRC)
add_library(vnode STATIC ${VNODE_SRC})
PUBLIC "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/server/vnode"
PUBLIC transport
PUBLIC cjson
# test
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ int32_t vnodeProcessQueryMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SReadMsg *pRead) {
int32_t vnodeProcessConsumeMsg(SVnode *pVnode, SReadMsg *pRead) {
//parse message and optionally move offset
void* pMsg = pRead->pCont;
tmqConsumeReq *pConsumeMsg = (tmqConsumeReq*) pMsg;
tmqMsgHead msgHead = pConsumeMsg->head;
TmqConsumeReq *pConsumeMsg = (TmqConsumeReq*) pMsg;
TmqMsgHead msgHead = pConsumeMsg->head;
//extract head
STQ *pTq = pVnode->pTQ;
/*tqBufferHandle *pHandle = tqGetHandle(pTq, msgHead.clientId);*/
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ SMeta *metaOpen(SMetaOpts *pMetaOpts) {
// TODO: need to figure out how to persist the START UID
tableUidGeneratorInit(&(pMeta->uidGenerator), IVLD_TB_UID);
return pMeta;
void metaClose(SMeta *pMeta) {
......@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ add_library(tq ${TQ_SRC})
PUBLIC "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/server/vnode/tq"
PUBLIC "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/libs/wal"
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
#include "tq.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _TQ_META_STORE_H_
#define _TQ_META_STORE_H_
#include "os.h"
#define TQ_INUSE_SIZE 0xFF
#define TQ_PAGE_SIZE 4096
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct TqMetaHandle {
int64_t key;
int64_t offset;
void *valueInUse;
void *valueInTxn;
} TqMetaHandle;
typedef struct TqMetaList {
TqMetaHandle handle;
struct TqMetaList* next;
struct TqMetaList* inTxnPrev;
struct TqMetaList* inTxnNext;
struct TqMetaList* unpersistPrev;
struct TqMetaList* unpersistNext;
} TqMetaList;
typedef struct TqMetaStore {
TqMetaList* inUse[TQ_INUSE_SIZE];
//a table head, key is empty
TqMetaList* unpersistHead;
int fileFd; //TODO:temporaral use
int idxFd; //TODO:temporaral use
void* (*serializer)(void*);
void* (*deserializer)(void*);
void (*deleter)(void*);
} TqMetaStore;
TqMetaStore* tqStoreOpen(const char* path, void* serializer(void* ), void* deserializer(void*), void deleter(void*));
int32_t tqStoreClose(TqMetaStore*);
int32_t tqStoreDelete(TqMetaStore*);
//int32_t TqStoreCommitAll(TqMetaStore*);
int32_t tqStorePersist(TqMetaStore*);
TqMetaHandle* tqHandleGetInUse(TqMetaStore*, int64_t key);
int32_t tqHandlePutInUse(TqMetaStore*, TqMetaHandle* handle);
TqMetaHandle* tqHandleGetInTxn(TqMetaStore*, int64_t key);
int32_t tqHandlePutInTxn(TqMetaStore*, TqMetaHandle* handle);
//delete in-use-handle, make in-txn-handle in use
int32_t tqHandleCommit(TqMetaStore*, int64_t key);
//delete in-txn-handle
int32_t tqHandleAbort(TqMetaStore*, int64_t key);
//delete in-use-handle
int32_t tqHandleDel(TqMetaStore*, int64_t key);
//delete in-use-handle and in-txn-handle
int32_t tqHandleClear(TqMetaStore*, int64_t key);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* ifndef _TQ_META_STORE_H_ */
......@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@
//handle management message
static int tqProtoCheck(tmqMsgHead *pMsg) {
static int tqProtoCheck(TmqMsgHead *pMsg) {
return pMsg->protoVer == 0;
static int tqAckOneTopic(tqBufferHandle *bhandle, tmqOneAck *pAck, tqQueryMsg** ppQuery) {
static int tqAckOneTopic(TqBufferHandle *bhandle, TmqOneAck *pAck, TqQueryMsg** ppQuery) {
//clean old item and move forward
int32_t consumeOffset = pAck->consumeOffset;
int idx = consumeOffset % TQ_BUFFER_SIZE;
ASSERT(bhandle->buffer[idx].content && bhandle->buffer[idx].executor);
if( 1 /* TODO: need to launch new query */) {
tqQueryMsg* pNewQuery = malloc(sizeof(tqQueryMsg));
TqQueryMsg* pNewQuery = malloc(sizeof(TqQueryMsg));
if(pNewQuery == NULL) {
//TODO: memory insufficient
return -1;
......@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ static int tqAckOneTopic(tqBufferHandle *bhandle, tmqOneAck *pAck, tqQueryMsg**
return 0;
static int tqAck(tqGroupHandle* ghandle, tmqAcks* pAcks) {
static int tqAck(TqGroupHandle* ghandle, TmqAcks* pAcks) {
int32_t ackNum = pAcks->ackNum;
tmqOneAck *acks = pAcks->acks;
TmqOneAck *acks = pAcks->acks;
//double ptr for acks and list
int i = 0;
tqListHandle* node = ghandle->head;
TqListHandle* node = ghandle->head;
int ackCnt = 0;
tqQueryMsg *pQuery = NULL;
TqQueryMsg *pQuery = NULL;
while(i < ackNum && node->next) {
if(acks[i].topicId == node->next->bufHandle->topicId) {
if(acks[i].topicId == node->next->bufHandle.topicId) {
tqAckOneTopic(node->next->bufHandle, &acks[i], &pQuery);
} else if(acks[i].topicId < node->next->bufHandle->topicId) {
tqAckOneTopic(&node->next->bufHandle, &acks[i], &pQuery);
} else if(acks[i].topicId < node->next->bufHandle.topicId) {
} else {
node = node->next;
......@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ static int tqAck(tqGroupHandle* ghandle, tmqAcks* pAcks) {
return ackCnt;
static int tqCommitTCGroup(tqGroupHandle* handle) {
static int tqCommitTCGroup(TqGroupHandle* handle) {
//persist modification into disk
return 0;
int tqCreateTCGroup(STQ *pTq, int64_t topicId, int64_t cgId, int64_t cId, tqGroupHandle** handle) {
int tqCreateTCGroup(STQ *pTq, int64_t topicId, int64_t cgId, int64_t cId, TqGroupHandle** handle) {
//create in disk
return 0;
......@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ int tqDropTCGroup(STQ* pTq, int64_t topicId, int64_t cgId, int64_t cId) {
return 0;
static int tqFetch(tqGroupHandle* ghandle, void** msg) {
tqListHandle* head = ghandle->head;
tqListHandle* node = head;
static int tqFetch(TqGroupHandle* ghandle, void** msg) {
TqListHandle* head = ghandle->head;
TqListHandle* node = head;
int totSize = 0;
//TODO: make it a macro
int sizeLimit = 4 * 1024;
tmqMsgContent* buffer = malloc(sizeLimit);
TmqMsgContent* buffer = malloc(sizeLimit);
if(buffer == NULL) {
//TODO:memory insufficient
return -1;
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ static int tqFetch(tqGroupHandle* ghandle, void** msg) {
//until all topic iterated or msgs over sizeLimit
while(node->next) {
node = node->next;
tqBufferHandle* bufHandle = node->bufHandle;
TqBufferHandle* bufHandle = &node->bufHandle;
int idx = bufHandle->nextConsumeOffset % TQ_BUFFER_SIZE;
if(bufHandle->buffer[idx].content != NULL &&
bufHandle->buffer[idx].offset == bufHandle->nextConsumeOffset
......@@ -140,28 +140,23 @@ static int tqFetch(tqGroupHandle* ghandle, void** msg) {
if(totSize == 0) {
//no msg
return -1;
return totSize;
tqGroupHandle* tqGetGroupHandle(STQ* pTq, int64_t cId) {
TqGroupHandle* tqGetGroupHandle(STQ* pTq, int64_t cId) {
return NULL;
int tqLaunchQuery(tqGroupHandle* ghandle) {
int tqLaunchQuery(TqGroupHandle* ghandle) {
return 0;
int tqSendLaunchQuery(STQ* pTq, int64_t topicId, int64_t cgId, void* query) {
int tqSendLaunchQuery(TqGroupHandle* gHandle) {
return 0;
/*int tqMoveOffsetToNext(tqGroupHandle* ghandle) {*/
/*int tqMoveOffsetToNext(TqGroupHandle* ghandle) {*/
/*return 0;*/
......@@ -176,13 +171,13 @@ int tqCommit(STQ* pTq) {
return 0;
int tqConsume(STQ* pTq, tmqConsumeReq* pMsg) {
if(!tqProtoCheck((tmqMsgHead *)pMsg)) {
int tqConsume(STQ* pTq, TmqConsumeReq* pMsg) {
if(!tqProtoCheck((TmqMsgHead *)pMsg)) {
//proto version invalid
return -1;
int64_t clientId = pMsg->head.clientId;
tqGroupHandle *ghandle = tqGetGroupHandle(pTq, clientId);
TqGroupHandle *ghandle = tqGetGroupHandle(pTq, clientId);
if(ghandle == NULL) {
//client not connect
return -1;
......@@ -194,9 +189,9 @@ int tqConsume(STQ* pTq, tmqConsumeReq* pMsg) {
tmqConsumeRsp *pRsp = (tmqConsumeRsp*) pMsg;
TmqConsumeRsp *pRsp = (TmqConsumeRsp*) pMsg;
if(tqFetch(ghandle, (void**)&pRsp->msgs) < 0) {
if(tqFetch(ghandle, (void**)&pRsp->msgs) <= 0) {
//fetch error
return -1;
......@@ -209,14 +204,9 @@ int tqConsume(STQ* pTq, tmqConsumeReq* pMsg) {
return 0;
int tqSerializeGroupHandle(tqGroupHandle *gHandle, void** ppBytes, int32_t offset) {
int tqSerializeGroupHandle(TqGroupHandle *gHandle, void** ppBytes) {
//calculate size
int sz = tqGetGHandleSSize(gHandle);
if(sz <= 0) {
//TODO: err
return -1;
void* ptr = realloc(*ppBytes, sz);
if(ptr == NULL) {
......@@ -224,29 +214,30 @@ int tqSerializeGroupHandle(tqGroupHandle *gHandle, void** ppBytes, int32_t offse
return -1;
*ppBytes = ptr;
//do serialize
//do serialization
*(int64_t*)ptr = gHandle->cId;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int64_t));
*(int64_t*)ptr = gHandle->cgId;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int64_t));
*(int32_t*)ptr = gHandle->topicNum;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int32_t));
if(gHandle->topicNum > 0) {
tqSerializeListHandle(gHandle->head, ppBytes, ptr - *ppBytes);
tqSerializeListHandle(gHandle->head, ptr);
return 0;
int tqSerializeListHandle(tqListHandle *listHandle, void** ppBytes, int32_t offset) {
void* ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(*ppBytes, offset);
tqListHandle *node = listHandle;
while(node->next) {
void* tqSerializeListHandle(TqListHandle *listHandle, void* ptr) {
TqListHandle *node = listHandle;
ASSERT(node != NULL);
while(node) {
ptr = tqSerializeBufHandle(&node->bufHandle, ptr);
node = node->next;
offset = tqSerializeBufHandle(node->bufHandle, ppBytes, offset);
return offset;
return ptr;
int tqSerializeBufHandle(tqBufferHandle *bufHandle, void** ppBytes, int32_t offset) {
void *ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(*ppBytes, offset);
void* tqSerializeBufHandle(TqBufferHandle *bufHandle, void* ptr) {
*(int64_t*)ptr = bufHandle->nextConsumeOffset;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int64_t));
*(int64_t*)ptr = bufHandle->topicId;
......@@ -256,41 +247,87 @@ int tqSerializeBufHandle(tqBufferHandle *bufHandle, void** ppBytes, int32_t offs
*(int32_t*)ptr = bufHandle->tail;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int32_t));
for(int i = 0; i < TQ_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
int sz = tqSerializeBufItem(&bufHandle->buffer[i], ppBytes, ptr - *ppBytes);
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sz);
ptr = tqSerializeBufItem(&bufHandle->buffer[i], ptr);
return ptr - *ppBytes;
return ptr;
int tqSerializeBufItem(tqBufferItem *bufItem, void** ppBytes, int32_t offset) {
void *ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(*ppBytes, offset);
void* tqSerializeBufItem(TqBufferItem *bufItem, void* ptr) {
//TODO: do we need serialize this?
return 0;
//mainly for executor
return ptr;
int tqDeserializeGroupHandle(const void* pBytes, tqGroupHandle **pGhandle) {
return 0;
int tqDeserializeListHandle(const void* pBytes, tqListHandle **pListHandle) {
return 0;
int tqDeserializeBufHandle(const void* pBytes, tqBufferHandle **pBufHandle) {
return 0;
int tqDeserializeBufItem(const void* pBytes, tqBufferItem **pBufItem) {
return 0;
const void* tqDeserializeGroupHandle(const void* pBytes, TqGroupHandle *gHandle) {
const void* ptr = pBytes;
gHandle->cId = *(int64_t*)ptr;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int64_t));
gHandle->cgId = *(int64_t*)ptr;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int64_t));
gHandle->ahandle = NULL;
gHandle->topicNum = *(int32_t*)ptr;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int32_t));
gHandle->head = NULL;
TqListHandle *node = gHandle->head;
for(int i = 0; i < gHandle->topicNum; i++) {
if(gHandle->head == NULL) {
if((node = malloc(sizeof(TqListHandle))) == NULL) {
//TODO: error
return NULL;
node->next= NULL;
ptr = tqDeserializeBufHandle(ptr, &node->bufHandle);
gHandle->head = node;
} else {
node->next = malloc(sizeof(TqListHandle));
if(node->next == NULL) {
//TODO: error
return NULL;
node->next->next = NULL;
ptr = tqDeserializeBufHandle(ptr, &node->next->bufHandle);
node = node->next;
return ptr;
const void* tqDeserializeBufHandle(const void* pBytes, TqBufferHandle *bufHandle) {
const void* ptr = pBytes;
bufHandle->nextConsumeOffset = *(int64_t*)ptr;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int64_t));
bufHandle->topicId = *(int64_t*)ptr;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int64_t));
bufHandle->head = *(int32_t*)ptr;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int32_t));
bufHandle->tail = *(int32_t*)ptr;
ptr = POINTER_SHIFT(ptr, sizeof(int32_t));
for(int i = 0; i < TQ_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
ptr = tqDeserializeBufItem(ptr, &bufHandle->buffer[i]);
return ptr;
int tqGetGHandleSSize(const tqGroupHandle *gHandle) {
return 0;
const void* tqDeserializeBufItem(const void* pBytes, TqBufferItem *bufItem) {
return pBytes;
int tqListHandleSSize(const tqListHandle *listHandle) {
return 0;
//TODO: make this a macro
int tqGetGHandleSSize(const TqGroupHandle *gHandle) {
return sizeof(int64_t) * 2
+ sizeof(int32_t)
+ gHandle->topicNum * tqBufHandleSSize();
int tqBufHandleSSize(const tqBufferHandle *bufHandle) {
return 0;
//TODO: make this a macro
int tqBufHandleSSize() {
return sizeof(int64_t) * 2
+ sizeof(int32_t) * 2
+ TQ_BUFFER_SIZE * tqBufItemSSize();
int tqBufItemSSize(const tqBufferItem *bufItem) {
int tqBufItemSSize() {
//TODO: do this need serialization?
//mainly for executor
return 0;
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "tqMetaStore.h"
//TODO:replace by a abstract file layer
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
typedef struct TqMetaPageBuf {
int16_t offset;
char buffer[TQ_PAGE_SIZE];
} TqMetaPageBuf;
TqMetaStore* tqStoreOpen(const char* path, void* serializer(void*),
void* deserializer(void*), void deleter(void*)) {
//concat data file name and index file name
int fileFd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0755);
if(fileFd < 0) return NULL;
TqMetaStore* pMeta = malloc(sizeof(TqMetaStore));
if(pMeta == NULL) {
return NULL;
memset(pMeta, 0, sizeof(TqMetaStore));
pMeta->fileFd = fileFd;
int idxFd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0755);
if(idxFd < 0) {
//close file
//free memory
return NULL;
pMeta->idxFd = idxFd;
pMeta->unpersistHead = malloc(sizeof(TqMetaList));
if(pMeta->unpersistHead == NULL) {
//close file
//free memory
return NULL;
pMeta->serializer = serializer;
pMeta->deserializer = deserializer;
pMeta->deleter = deleter;
return pMeta;
int32_t tqStoreClose(TqMetaStore* pMeta) {
//commit data and idx
//close file
//free memory
return 0;
int32_t tqStoreDelete(TqMetaStore* pMeta) {
//close file
//delete file
//free memory
return 0;
int32_t tqStorePersist(TqMetaStore* pMeta) {
TqMetaList *node = pMeta->unpersistHead;
while(node->unpersistNext) {
//append data
//write offset and idx
//remove from unpersist list
return 0;
int32_t tqHandlePutInUse(TqMetaStore* pMeta, TqMetaHandle* handle) {
return 0;
TqMetaHandle* tqHandleGetInUse(TqMetaStore* pMeta, int64_t key) {
return NULL;
int32_t tqHandlePutInTxn(TqMetaStore* pMeta, TqMetaHandle* handle) {
return 0;
TqMetaHandle* tqHandleGetInTxn(TqMetaStore* pMeta, int64_t key) {
return NULL;
int32_t tqHandleCommit(TqMetaStore* pMeta, int64_t key) {
return 0;
int32_t tqHandleAbort(TqMetaStore* pMeta, int64_t key) {
return 0;
int32_t tqHandleDel(TqMetaStore* pMeta, int64_t key) {
return 0;
int32_t tqHandleClear(TqMetaStore* pMeta, int64_t key) {
return 0;
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