提交 39c06f13 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

[td-11818] refactor sort, and sort operator.

上级 d11c44fc
......@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@ typedef struct SBlockOrderInfo {
int32_t order;
int32_t colIndex;
SColumnInfoData *pColData;
// int32_t type;
// int32_t bytes;
// bool hasNull;
} SBlockOrderInfo;
int taosGetFqdnPortFromEp(const char *ep, SEp *pEp);
......@@ -93,6 +90,8 @@ size_t blockDataGetRowSize(const SSDataBlock* pBlock);
double blockDataGetSerialRowSize(const SSDataBlock* pBlock);
size_t blockDataGetSerialMetaSize(const SSDataBlock* pBlock);
SSchema* blockDataExtractSchema(const SSDataBlock* pBlock, int32_t* numOfCols);
size_t blockDataNumOfRowsForSerialize(const SSDataBlock* pBlock, int32_t blockSize);
int32_t blockDataSort(SSDataBlock* pDataBlock, SArray* pOrderInfo, bool nullFirst);
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void setBufPageDirty(SFilePage* pPageInfo, bool dirty);
* Print the statistics when closing this buffer
* @param pBuf
void printStatisBeforeClose(SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf);
void setPrintStatis(SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf);
* return buf statistics.
......@@ -411,7 +411,6 @@ SSDataBlock* blockDataExtractBlock(SSDataBlock* pBlock, int32_t startIndex, int3
return pDst;
* +------------------+---------------+--------------------+
......@@ -522,6 +521,22 @@ size_t blockDataGetSerialMetaSize(const SSDataBlock* pBlock) {
return sizeof(int32_t) + pBlock->info.numOfCols * sizeof(int32_t);
SSchema* blockDataExtractSchema(const SSDataBlock* pBlock, int32_t* numOfCols) {
SSchema* pSchema = calloc(pBlock->info.numOfCols, sizeof(SSchema));
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pBlock->info.numOfCols; ++i) {
SColumnInfoData* pColInfoData = taosArrayGet(pBlock->pDataBlock, i);
pSchema[i].bytes = pColInfoData->info.bytes;
pSchema[i].type = pColInfoData->info.type;
pSchema[i].colId = pColInfoData->info.colId;
if (numOfCols != NULL) {
*numOfCols = pBlock->info.numOfCols;
return pSchema;
double blockDataGetSerialRowSize(const SSDataBlock* pBlock) {
ASSERT(pBlock != NULL);
double rowSize = 0;
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "tsort.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
......@@ -557,10 +558,6 @@ typedef struct SSortMergeOperatorInfo {
char** currentGroupColData;
SArray* udfInfo;
int32_t numOfSources;
// char** prevRow;
// int32_t resultRowFactor;
// bool multiGroupResults;
// bool hasGroupColData;
} SSortMergeOperatorInfo;
typedef struct SMsortComparParam {
......@@ -571,19 +568,16 @@ typedef struct SMsortComparParam {
} SMsortComparParam;
typedef struct SOrderOperatorInfo {
int32_t sourceId;
uint32_t sortBufSize; // max buffer size for in-memory sort
SSDataBlock *pDataBlock;
bool hasVarCol; // has variable length column, such as binary/varchar/nchar
int32_t numOfCompleted;
SDiskbasedBuf *pSortInternalBuf;
SMultiwayMergeTreeInfo *pMergeTree;
SArray *pSources; // SArray<SExternalMemSource*>
SArray *orderInfo;
bool nullFirst;
SSortHandle *pSortHandle;
int32_t bufPageSize;
int32_t numOfRowsInRes;
SMsortComparParam cmpParam;
// TODO extact struct
int64_t startTs; // sort start time
uint64_t sortElapsed; // sort elapsed time, time to flush to disk not included.
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "common.h"
#include "os.h"
enum {
typedef struct SMultiMergeSource {
int32_t type;
int32_t rowIndex;
SSDataBlock *pBlock;
} SMultiMergeSource;
typedef struct SExternalMemSource {
SMultiMergeSource src;
SArray* pageIdList;
int32_t pageIndex;
} SExternalMemSource;
typedef struct SOperatorSource {
SMultiMergeSource src;
void* param;
} SOperatorSource;
typedef struct SSortHandle SSortHandle;
typedef struct STupleHandle STupleHandle;
typedef SSDataBlock* (*_sort_fetch_block_fn_t)(void* param);
typedef int32_t (*_sort_merge_compar_fn_t)(const void* p1, const void* p2, void* param);
* @param type
* @return
SSortHandle* createSortHandle(SArray* pOrderInfo, bool nullFirst, int32_t type, int32_t pageSize, int32_t numOfPages, SSchema* pSchema, int32_t numOfCols, const char* idstr);
* @param pSortHandle
void destroySortHandle(SSortHandle* pSortHandle);
* @param pHandle
* @return
int32_t sortOpen(SSortHandle* pHandle);
* @param pHandle
* @return
int32_t sortClose(SSortHandle* pHandle);
* @return
int32_t setFetchRawDataFp(SSortHandle* pHandle, _sort_fetch_block_fn_t fp);
* @param pHandle
* @param fp
* @return
int32_t setComparFn(SSortHandle* pHandle, _sort_merge_compar_fn_t fp);
* @param pHandle
* @param pSource
* @return success or failed
int32_t sortAddSource(SSortHandle* pSortHandle, void* pSource);
* @param pHandle
* @return
STupleHandle* sortNextTuple(SSortHandle* pHandle);
* @param pHandle
* @param colIndex
* @return
bool sortIsValueNull(STupleHandle* pVHandle, int32_t colIndex);
* @param pHandle
* @param colIndex
* @return
void* sortGetValue(STupleHandle* pVHandle, int32_t colIndex);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
#if 0
TEST(testCase, build_executor_tree_Test) {
const char* msg = "{\n"
......@@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ TEST(testCase, external_sort_Test) {
printStatisBeforeClose(((SOrderOperatorInfo*) pOperator->info)->pSortInternalBuf);
// setPrintStatis(((SOrderOperatorInfo*) pOperator->info)->pSortInternalBuf);
int64_t s2 = taosGetTimestampUs();
printf("total:%ld\n", s2 - s1);
......@@ -341,4 +342,7 @@ TEST(testCase, external_sort_Test) {
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <executorimpl.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <tglobal.h>
#include <tsort.h>
#include <iostream>
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-compare"
#include "os.h"
#include "executor.h"
#include "stub.h"
#include "taos.h"
#include "tdef.h"
#include "tep.h"
#include "trpc.h"
#include "tvariant.h"
namespace {
typedef struct {
int32_t startVal;
int32_t count;
int32_t pageRows;
} _info;
SSDataBlock* getSingleColDummyBlock(void* param) {
_info* pInfo = (_info*) param;
if (--pInfo->count < 0) {
return NULL;
SSDataBlock* pBlock = static_cast<SSDataBlock*>(calloc(1, sizeof(SSDataBlock)));
pBlock->pDataBlock = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SColumnInfoData));
SColumnInfoData colInfo = {0};
colInfo.info.type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
colInfo.info.bytes = sizeof(int32_t);
colInfo.info.colId = 1;
colInfo.pData = static_cast<char*>(calloc(pInfo->pageRows, sizeof(int32_t)));
colInfo.nullbitmap = static_cast<char*>(calloc(1, (pInfo->pageRows + 7) / 8));
taosArrayPush(pBlock->pDataBlock, &colInfo);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pInfo->pageRows; ++i) {
SColumnInfoData* pColInfo = static_cast<SColumnInfoData*>(TARRAY_GET_ELEM(pBlock->pDataBlock, 0));
int32_t v = ++pInfo->startVal;
colDataAppend(pColInfo, i, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&v), false);
pBlock->info.rows = pInfo->pageRows;
pBlock->info.numOfCols = 1;
return pBlock;
int32_t docomp(const void* p1, const void* p2, void* param) {
int32_t pLeftIdx = *(int32_t *)p1;
int32_t pRightIdx = *(int32_t *)p2;
SMsortComparParam *pParam = (SMsortComparParam *)param;
SOperatorSource** px = reinterpret_cast<SOperatorSource**>(pParam->pSources);
SArray *pInfo = pParam->orderInfo;
SOperatorSource* pLeftSource = px[pLeftIdx];
SOperatorSource* pRightSource = px[pRightIdx];
// this input is exhausted, set the special value to denote this
if (pLeftSource->src.rowIndex == -1) {
return 1;
if (pRightSource->src.rowIndex == -1) {
return -1;
SSDataBlock* pLeftBlock = pLeftSource->src.pBlock;
SSDataBlock* pRightBlock = pRightSource->src.pBlock;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pInfo->size; ++i) {
SBlockOrderInfo* pOrder = (SBlockOrderInfo*)TARRAY_GET_ELEM(pInfo, i);
SColumnInfoData* pLeftColInfoData = (SColumnInfoData*)TARRAY_GET_ELEM(pLeftBlock->pDataBlock, pOrder->colIndex);
bool leftNull = false;
if (pLeftColInfoData->hasNull) {
leftNull = colDataIsNull(pLeftColInfoData, pLeftBlock->info.rows, pLeftSource->src.rowIndex, pLeftBlock->pBlockAgg);
SColumnInfoData* pRightColInfoData = (SColumnInfoData*) TARRAY_GET_ELEM(pRightBlock->pDataBlock, pOrder->colIndex);
bool rightNull = false;
if (pRightColInfoData->hasNull) {
rightNull = colDataIsNull(pRightColInfoData, pRightBlock->info.rows, pRightSource->src.rowIndex, pRightBlock->pBlockAgg);
if (leftNull && rightNull) {
continue; // continue to next slot
if (rightNull) {
return pParam->nullFirst? 1:-1;
if (leftNull) {
return pParam->nullFirst? -1:1;
void* left1 = colDataGet(pLeftColInfoData, pLeftSource->src.rowIndex);
void* right1 = colDataGet(pRightColInfoData, pRightSource->src.rowIndex);
switch(pLeftColInfoData->info.type) {
int32_t leftv = *(int32_t*)left1;
int32_t rightv = *(int32_t*)right1;
if (leftv == rightv) {
} else {
if (pOrder->order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) {
return leftv < rightv? -1 : 1;
} else {
return leftv < rightv? 1 : -1;
} // namespace
//TEST(testCase, inMem_sort_Test) {
// SArray* pOrderVal = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SOrder));
// SOrder o = {.order = TSDB_ORDER_ASC};
// o.col.info.colId = 1;
// o.col.info.type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
// taosArrayPush(pOrderVal, &o);
// int32_t numOfRows = 1000;
// SBlockOrderInfo oi = {0};
// oi.order = TSDB_ORDER_ASC;
// oi.colIndex = 0;
// SArray* orderInfo = taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(SBlockOrderInfo));
// taosArrayPush(orderInfo, &oi);
// SSortHandle* phandle = createSortHandle(orderInfo, false, SORT_SINGLESOURCE, 1024, 5, "test_abc");
// setFetchRawDataFp(phandle, getSingleColDummyBlock);
// sortAddSource(phandle, &numOfRows);
// int32_t code = sortOpen(phandle);
// int32_t row = 1;
// while(1) {
// STupleHandle* pTupleHandle = sortNextTuple(phandle);
// if (pTupleHandle == NULL) {
// break;
// }
// void* v = sortGetValue(pTupleHandle, 0);
// printf("%d: %d\n", row++, *(int32_t*) v);
// }
// destroySortHandle(phandle);
//TEST(testCase, external_mem_sort_Test) {
// totalcount = 50;
// startVal = 100000;
// SArray* pOrderVal = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SOrder));
// SOrder o = {.order = TSDB_ORDER_ASC};
// o.col.info.colId = 1;
// o.col.info.type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
// taosArrayPush(pOrderVal, &o);
// int32_t numOfRows = 1000;
// SBlockOrderInfo oi = {0};
// oi.order = TSDB_ORDER_ASC;
// oi.colIndex = 0;
// SArray* orderInfo = taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(SBlockOrderInfo));
// taosArrayPush(orderInfo, &oi);
// SSortHandle* phandle = createSortHandle(orderInfo, false, SORT_SINGLESOURCE, 1024, 5, "test_abc");
// setFetchRawDataFp(phandle, getSingleColDummyBlock);
// sortAddSource(phandle, &numOfRows);
// int32_t code = sortOpen(phandle);
// int32_t row = 1;
// while(1) {
// STupleHandle* pTupleHandle = sortNextTuple(phandle);
// if (pTupleHandle == NULL) {
// break;
// }
// void* v = sortGetValue(pTupleHandle, 0);
// printf("%d: %d\n", row++, *(int32_t*) v);
// }
// destroySortHandle(phandle);
TEST(testCase, ordered_merge_sort_Test) {
SArray* pOrderVal = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SOrder));
SOrder o = {.order = TSDB_ORDER_ASC};
o.col.info.colId = 1;
o.col.info.type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT;
taosArrayPush(pOrderVal, &o);
int32_t numOfRows = 1000;
SBlockOrderInfo oi = {0};
oi.order = TSDB_ORDER_ASC;
oi.colIndex = 0;
SArray* orderInfo = taosArrayInit(1, sizeof(SBlockOrderInfo));
taosArrayPush(orderInfo, &oi);
SSchema s = {.type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, .colId = 1, .bytes = 4};
SSortHandle* phandle = createSortHandle(orderInfo, false, SORT_MULTIWAY_MERGE, 1024, 5, &s, 1,"test_abc");
setFetchRawDataFp(phandle, getSingleColDummyBlock);
setComparFn(phandle, docomp);
for(int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
SOperatorSource* p = static_cast<SOperatorSource*>(calloc(1, sizeof(SOperatorSource)));
_info* c = static_cast<_info*>(calloc(1, sizeof(_info)));
c->count = 1;
c->pageRows = 1000;
c->startVal = 0;
p->param = c;
sortAddSource(phandle, p);
int32_t code = sortOpen(phandle);
int32_t row = 1;
while(1) {
STupleHandle* pTupleHandle = sortNextTuple(phandle);
if (pTupleHandle == NULL) {
void* v = sortGetValue(pTupleHandle, 0);
printf("%d: %d\n", row++, *(int32_t*) v);
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ typedef struct SDiskbasedBuf {
static void printStatisData(const SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf);
int32_t createDiskbasedBuffer(SDiskbasedBuf** pBuf, int32_t pagesize, int32_t inMemBufSize, uint64_t qId, const char* dir) {
int32_t createDiskbasedBuffer(SDiskbasedBuf** pBuf, int32_t pagesize, int32_t inMemBufSize, uint64_t qId, const char* dir) {
*pBuf = calloc(1, sizeof(SDiskbasedBuf));
SDiskbasedBuf* pResBuf = *pBuf;
......@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ void setBufPageDirty(SFilePage* pPage, bool dirty) {
ppi->dirty = dirty;
void printStatisBeforeClose(SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf) {
void setPrintStatis(SDiskbasedBuf* pBuf) {
pBuf->printStatis = true;
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