For the time being, TDengine only supports installation on Linux systems using [`systemd`]( as the service manager. To check if your system has *systemd*, use the _which_ command.
For the time being, TDengine only supports installation on Linux systems using [`systemd`]( as the service manager. To check if your system has *systemd* package, use the _which systemctl_ command.
which systemd
which systemctl
If the `systemd`command is not found, please [install from source code](#Install-from-Source).
If the `systemd`package is not found, please [install from source code](#Install-from-Source).
为有效提升查询处理的性能,针对物联网数据的不可更改的特点,在数据块头部记录该数据块中存储数据的统计信息:包括最大值、最小值、和。我们称之为预计算单元。如果查询处理涉及整个数据块的全部数据,直接使用预计算结果,完全不需要读取数据块的内容。由于预计算数据量远小于磁盘上存储的数据块数据的大小,对于磁盘IO为瓶颈的查询处理,使用预计算结果可以极大地减小读取IO压力,加速查询处理的流程。预计算机制与Postgre SQL的索引BRIN(block range index)有异曲同工之妙。