提交 374c8b54 编写于 作者: D dapan1121

Merge branch 'feature/qnode' of github.com:taosdata/TDengine into feature/qnode

......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include "tarray.h"
#include "tcoding.h"
#include "tdataformat.h"
#include "thash.h"
#include "tlist.h"
/* ------------------------ MESSAGE DEFINITIONS ------------------------ */
......@@ -132,6 +133,73 @@ typedef enum _mgmt_table {
#define TSDB_COL_IS_UD_COL(f) ((f & (~(TSDB_COL_NULL))) == TSDB_COL_UDC)
#define TSDB_COL_REQ_NULL(f) (((f)&TSDB_COL_NULL) != 0)
typedef struct SKlv {
int32_t keyLen;
int32_t valueLen;
void* key;
void* value;
} SKlv;
static FORCE_INLINE int taosEncodeSKlv(void** buf, const SKlv* pKlv) {
int tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pKlv->keyLen);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pKlv->valueLen);
tlen += taosEncodeBinary(buf, pKlv->key, pKlv->keyLen);
tlen += taosEncodeBinary(buf, pKlv->value, pKlv->valueLen);
return tlen;
static FORCE_INLINE void* taosDecodeSKlv(void* buf, SKlv* pKlv) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pKlv->keyLen);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pKlv->valueLen);
buf = taosDecodeBinary(buf, &pKlv->key, pKlv->keyLen);
buf = taosDecodeBinary(buf, &pKlv->value, pKlv->valueLen);
return buf;
typedef struct SClientHbKey {
int32_t connId;
int32_t hbType;
} SClientHbKey;
static FORCE_INLINE int taosEncodeSClientHbKey(void** buf, const SClientHbKey* pKey) {
int tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pKey->connId);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pKey->hbType);
return tlen;
static FORCE_INLINE void* taosDecodeSClientHbKey(void* buf, SClientHbKey* pKey) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pKey->connId);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pKey->hbType);
return buf;
typedef struct SClientHbReq {
SClientHbKey connKey;
SHashObj* info; // hash<Slv.key, Sklv>
} SClientHbReq;
typedef struct SClientHbBatchReq {
int64_t reqId;
SArray* reqs; // SArray<SClientHbReq>
} SClientHbBatchReq;
int tSerializeSClientHbReq(void** buf, const SClientHbReq* pReq);
void* tDeserializeClientHbReq(void* buf, SClientHbReq* pReq);
typedef struct SClientHbRsp {
SClientHbKey connKey;
int32_t status;
int32_t bodyLen;
void* body;
} SClientHbRsp;
typedef struct SClientHbBatchRsp {
int64_t reqId;
int64_t rspId;
SArray* rsps; // SArray<SClientHbRsp>
} SClientHbBatchRsp;
typedef struct SBuildTableMetaInput {
int32_t vgId;
char* dbName;
......@@ -929,7 +997,7 @@ typedef struct {
char encrypt;
char secret[TSDB_PASSWORD_LEN];
} SAuthMsg, SAuthRsp;
} SAuthReq, SAuthRsp;
typedef struct {
int8_t finished;
......@@ -1124,7 +1192,7 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t topicNum;
int64_t consumerId;
char* consumerGroup;
SArray* topicNames; // SArray<char*>
SArray* topicNames; // SArray<char*>
} SCMSubscribeReq;
static FORCE_INLINE int tSerializeSCMSubscribeReq(void** buf, const SCMSubscribeReq* pReq) {
......@@ -1133,7 +1201,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int tSerializeSCMSubscribeReq(void** buf, const SCMSubscribe
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI64(buf, pReq->consumerId);
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, pReq->consumerGroup);
for(int i = 0; i < pReq->topicNum; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pReq->topicNum; i++) {
tlen += taosEncodeString(buf, (char*)taosArrayGetP(pReq->topicNames, i));
return tlen;
......@@ -1144,7 +1212,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE void* tDeserializeSCMSubscribeReq(void* buf, SCMSubscribeReq
buf = taosDecodeFixedI64(buf, &pReq->consumerId);
buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &pReq->consumerGroup);
pReq->topicNames = taosArrayInit(pReq->topicNum, sizeof(void*));
for(int i = 0; i < pReq->topicNum; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pReq->topicNum; i++) {
char* name = NULL;
buf = taosDecodeString(buf, &name);
taosArrayPush(pReq->topicNames, &name);
......@@ -1159,14 +1227,14 @@ typedef struct SMqSubTopic {
} SMqSubTopic;
typedef struct {
int32_t topicNum;
int32_t topicNum;
SMqSubTopic topics[];
} SCMSubscribeRsp;
static FORCE_INLINE int tSerializeSCMSubscribeRsp(void** buf, const SCMSubscribeRsp* pRsp) {
int tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pRsp->topicNum);
for(int i = 0; i < pRsp->topicNum; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pRsp->topicNum; i++) {
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pRsp->topics[i].vgId);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI64(buf, pRsp->topics[i].topicId);
tlen += taosEncodeSEpSet(buf, &pRsp->topics[i].epSet);
......@@ -1176,7 +1244,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int tSerializeSCMSubscribeRsp(void** buf, const SCMSubscribe
static FORCE_INLINE void* tDeserializeSCMSubscribeRsp(void* buf, SCMSubscribeRsp* pRsp) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pRsp->topicNum);
for(int i = 0; i < pRsp->topicNum; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pRsp->topicNum; i++) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pRsp->topics[i].vgId);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI64(buf, &pRsp->topics[i].topicId);
buf = taosDecodeSEpSet(buf, &pRsp->topics[i].epSet);
......@@ -20,118 +20,21 @@
typedef enum {
mq = 0,
// type can be added here
} EHbType;
typedef struct SKlv {
int32_t keyLen;
int32_t valueLen;
void* key;
void* value;
} SKlv;
static FORCE_INLINE int taosEncodeSKlv(void** buf, const SKlv* pKlv) {
int tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pKlv->keyLen);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pKlv->valueLen);
tlen += taosEncodeBinary(buf, pKlv->key, pKlv->keyLen);
tlen += taosEncodeBinary(buf, pKlv->value, pKlv->valueLen);
return tlen;
static FORCE_INLINE void* taosDecodeSKlv(void* buf, SKlv* pKlv) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pKlv->keyLen);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pKlv->valueLen);
buf = taosDecodeBinary(buf, &pKlv->key, pKlv->keyLen);
buf = taosDecodeBinary(buf, &pKlv->value, pKlv->valueLen);
return buf;
typedef struct SClientHbKey {
int32_t connId;
int32_t hbType;
} SClientHbKey;
static FORCE_INLINE int taosEncodeSClientHbKey(void** buf, const SClientHbKey* pKey) {
int tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pKey->connId);
tlen += taosEncodeFixedI32(buf, pKey->hbType);
return tlen;
static FORCE_INLINE void* taosDecodeSClientHbKey(void* buf, SClientHbKey* pKey) {
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pKey->connId);
buf = taosDecodeFixedI32(buf, &pKey->hbType);
return buf;
typedef struct SClientHbReq {
SClientHbKey hbKey;
SHashObj* info; // hash<Sklv>
} SClientHbReq;
static FORCE_INLINE int tSerializeSClientHbReq(void** buf, const SClientHbReq* pReq) {
int tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeSClientHbKey(buf, &pReq->hbKey);
void* pIter = NULL;
void* data;
SKlv klv;
data = taosHashIterate(pReq->info, pIter);
while (data != NULL) {
taosHashGetKey(data, &klv.key, (size_t*)&klv.keyLen);
klv.valueLen = taosHashGetDataLen(data);
klv.value = data;
taosEncodeSKlv(buf, &klv);
data = taosHashIterate(pReq->info, pIter);
return tlen;
static FORCE_INLINE void* tDeserializeClientHbReq(void* buf, SClientHbReq* pReq) {
ASSERT(pReq->info != NULL);
buf = taosDecodeSClientHbKey(buf, &pReq->hbKey);
//TODO: error handling
if(pReq->info == NULL) {
pReq->info = taosHashInit(64, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
SKlv klv;
buf = taosDecodeSKlv(buf, &klv);
taosHashPut(pReq->info, klv.key, klv.keyLen, klv.value, klv.valueLen);
return buf;
typedef struct SClientHbBatchReq {
int64_t reqId;
SArray* reqs; // SArray<SClientHbReq>
} SClientHbBatchReq;
typedef struct SClientHbHandleResult {
} SClientHbHandleResult;
typedef struct SClientHbRsp {
int32_t connId;
int32_t hbType;
} SClientHbRsp;
typedef struct SClientHbBatchRsp {
int64_t reqId;
int64_t rspId;
SArray* rsps; // SArray<SClientHbRsp>
} SClientHbBatchRsp;
typedef int32_t (*FHbRspHandle)(SClientHbReq* pReq);
typedef int32_t (*FGetConnInfo)(int32_t conn, void* self);
typedef int32_t (*FHbRspHandle)(SClientHbRsp* pReq);
typedef int32_t (*FGetConnInfo)(SClientHbKey connKey, void* param);
typedef struct SClientHbMgr {
int8_t inited;
int32_t reportInterval; // unit ms
int32_t stats;
SRWLatch lock;
SHashObj* info; //hash<SClientHbKey, SClientHbReq>
SHashObj* activeInfo; // hash<SClientHbKey, SClientHbReq>
SHashObj* getInfoFuncs; // hash<SClientHbKey, FGetConnInfo>
FHbRspHandle handle[HEARTBEAT_TYPE_MAX];
// input queue
} SClientHbMgr;
......@@ -140,9 +43,11 @@ static SClientHbMgr clientHbMgr = {0};
int hbMgrInit();
void hbMgrCleanUp();
int hbHandleRsp(void* hbMsg);
int hbRegisterConn(SClientHbKey connKey, FGetConnInfo func);
int registerConn(int32_t connId, FGetConnInfo func, FHbRspHandle rspHandle);
int registerHbRspHandle(int32_t connId, int32_t hbType, FHbRspHandle rspHandle);
int hbAddConnInfo(SClientHbKey connKey, void* key, void* value, int32_t keyLen, int32_t valueLen);
int HbAddConnInfo(int32_t connId, void* key, void* value, int32_t keyLen, int32_t valueLen);
......@@ -15,45 +15,62 @@
#include "clientHb.h"
static int32_t mqHbRspHandle(SClientHbReq* pReq) {
static int32_t mqHbRspHandle(SClientHbRsp* pReq) {
return 0;
uint32_t hbKeyHashFunc(const char* key, uint32_t keyLen) {
return 0;
static void hbMgrInitMqHbFunc() {
clientHbMgr.handle[mq] = mqHbRspHandle;
int hbMgrInit() {
//init once
//init lock
//init handle funcs
clientHbMgr.handle[mq] = mqHbRspHandle;
int8_t old = atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&clientHbMgr.inited, 0, 1);
if (old == 1) return 0;
//init config
clientHbMgr.reportInterval = 1500;
//init stat
clientHbMgr.stats = 0;
//init config
clientHbMgr.reportInterval = 1500;
//init lock
//init handle funcs
//init hash info
clientHbMgr.activeInfo = taosHashInit(64, hbKeyHashFunc, 1, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK);
//init getInfoFunc
clientHbMgr.getInfoFuncs = taosHashInit(64, hbKeyHashFunc, 1, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK);
return 0;
void hbMgrCleanUp() {
int8_t old = atomic_val_compare_exchange_8(&clientHbMgr.inited, 1, 0);
if (old == 0) return;
int registerConn(int32_t connId, FGetConnInfo func, FHbRspHandle rspHandle) {
return 0;
int registerHbRspHandle(int32_t connId, int32_t hbType, FHbRspHandle rspHandle) {
int hbRegisterConn(SClientHbKey connKey, FGetConnInfo func) {
return 0;
int HbAddConnInfo(int32_t connId, void* key, void* value, int32_t keyLen, int32_t valueLen) {
int hbAddConnInfo(SClientHbKey connKey, void* key, void* value, int32_t keyLen, int32_t valueLen) {
//find req by connection id
SClientHbReq* data = taosHashGet(clientHbMgr.activeInfo, &connKey, sizeof(SClientHbKey));
ASSERT(data != NULL);
taosHashPut(data->info, key, keyLen, value, valueLen);
return 0;
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ int32_t buildRequest(STscObj *pTscObj, const char *sql, int sqlLen, SRequestObj*
(*pRequest)->sqlstr[sqlLen] = 0;
(*pRequest)->sqlLen = sqlLen;
tscDebugL("0x%"PRIx64" SQL: %s, reqId:0x"PRIx64, (*pRequest)->self, (*pRequest)->sqlstr, (*pRequest)->requestId);
tscDebugL("0x%"PRIx64" SQL: %s, reqId:0x%"PRIx64, (*pRequest)->self, (*pRequest)->sqlstr, (*pRequest)->requestId);
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ int32_t execDdlQuery(SRequestObj* pRequest, SQueryNode* pQuery) {
if (pDcl->msgType == TDMT_VND_SHOW_TABLES) {
SShowReqInfo* pShowReqInfo = &pRequest->body.showInfo;
if (pShowReqInfo->pArray == NULL) {
pShowReqInfo->currentIndex = 0;
pShowReqInfo->currentIndex = 0; // set the first vnode/ then iterate the next vnode
pShowReqInfo->pArray = pDcl->pExtension;
......@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ TEST(testCase, show_user_Test) {
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show users");
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
......@@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ TEST(testCase, show_db_Test) {
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show databases");
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
......@@ -228,29 +228,29 @@ TEST(testCase, use_db_test) {
//TEST(testCase, drop_db_test) {
//// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
//// assert(pConn != NULL);
//// showDB(pConn);
//// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop database abc1");
//// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
//// printf("failed to drop db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
//// }
//// taos_free_result(pRes);
//// showDB(pConn);
//// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
//// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
//// printf("create to drop db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
//// }
//// taos_free_result(pRes);
//// taos_close(pConn);
// TEST(testCase, drop_db_test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// showDB(pConn);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop database abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to drop db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// showDB(pConn);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("create to drop db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
TEST(testCase, create_stable_Test) {
TEST(testCase, create_stable_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
......@@ -281,188 +281,100 @@ TEST(testCase, use_db_test) {
//TEST(testCase, create_table_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tm0(ts timestamp, k int)");
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
TEST(testCase, create_table_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
//TEST(testCase, create_ctable_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tm0 using st1 tags(1)");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to create child table tm0, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, show_stable_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show stables");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to show stables, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(false);
// }
// TAOS_ROW pRow = NULL;
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// char str[512] = {0};
// while((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
// int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
// printf("%s\n", str);
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
//TEST(testCase, show_vgroup_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show vgroups");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to show vgroups, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(false);
// }
// TAOS_ROW pRow = NULL;
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// char str[512] = {0};
// while((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
// int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
// printf("%s\n", str);
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tm0(ts timestamp, k int)");
//TEST(testCase, drop_stable_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in creating db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in using db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop stable st1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to drop stable, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
//TEST(testCase, create_topic_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in create db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create stable st1(ts timestamp, k int) tags(a int)");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in create stable, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(pFields == NULL);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// ASSERT_EQ(numOfFields, 0);
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// char* sql = "select * from st1";
// tmq_create_topic(pConn, "test_topic_1", sql, strlen(sql));
// taos_close(pConn);
TEST(testCase, create_ctable_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
//TEST(testCase, show_table_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show tables");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("failed to show vgroups, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(false);
// }
// TAOS_ROW pRow = NULL;
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// char str[512] = {0};
// while((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
// int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
// printf("%s\n", str);
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create table tm0 using st1 tags(1)");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to create child table tm0, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TEST(testCase, show_stable_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show stables");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to show stables, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
TEST(testCase, show_vgroup_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show vgroups");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to show vgroups, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
TEST(testCase, create_multiple_tables) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
......@@ -493,39 +405,125 @@ TEST(testCase, create_multiple_tables) {
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
for(int32_t i = 0; i < 200000; ++i) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
char sql[512] = {0};
snprintf(sql, tListLen(sql), "create table t_x_%d using st1 tags(2)", i);
snprintf(sql, tListLen(sql),
"create table t_x_%d using st1 tags(2) t_x_%d using st1 tags(5) t_x_%d using st1 tags(911)", i,
(i + 1) * 30, (i + 2) * 40);
TAOS_RES* pres = taos_query(pConn, sql);
if (taos_errno(pres) != 0) {
printf("failed to create table %d\n, reason:%s", i, taos_errstr(pres));
printf("%d\n", i);
TEST(testCase, show_table_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "show tables");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to show vgroups, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
char str[512] = {0};
while ((pRow = taos_fetch_row(pRes)) != NULL) {
int32_t code = taos_print_row(str, pRow, pFields, numOfFields);
printf("%s\n", str);
TEST(testCase, drop_stable_Test) {
TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
assert(pConn != NULL);
TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in creating db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("error in using db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
pRes = taos_query(pConn, "drop stable st1");
if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
printf("failed to drop stable, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// TEST(testCase, create_topic_Test) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// assert(pConn != NULL);
// TAOS_RES* pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create database abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in create db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "use abc1");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in use db, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// pRes = taos_query(pConn, "create stable st1(ts timestamp, k int) tags(a int)");
// if (taos_errno(pRes) != 0) {
// printf("error in create stable, reason:%s\n", taos_errstr(pRes));
// }
// TAOS_FIELD* pFields = taos_fetch_fields(pRes);
// ASSERT_TRUE(pFields == NULL);
// int32_t numOfFields = taos_num_fields(pRes);
// ASSERT_EQ(numOfFields, 0);
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// char* sql = "select * from st1";
// tmq_create_topic(pConn, "test_topic_1", sql, strlen(sql));
// taos_close(pConn);
TEST(testCase, generated_request_id_test) {
SHashObj *phash = taosHashInit(10000, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), false, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK);
SHashObj* phash = taosHashInit(10000, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT), false, HASH_ENTRY_LOCK);
for(int32_t i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) {
uint64_t v = generateRequestId();
void* result = taosHashGet(phash, &v, sizeof(v));
void* result = taosHashGet(phash, &v, sizeof(v));
if (result != nullptr) {
printf("0x%lx, index:%d\n", v, i);
......@@ -536,7 +534,7 @@ TEST(testCase, generated_request_id_test) {
//TEST(testCase, projection_query_tables) {
// TEST(testCase, projection_query_tables) {
// TAOS* pConn = taos_connect("localhost", "root", "taosdata", NULL, 0);
// ASSERT_EQ(pConn, nullptr);
......@@ -563,4 +561,3 @@ TEST(testCase, generated_request_id_test) {
// taos_free_result(pRes);
// taos_close(pConn);
......@@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ static void doInitGlobalConfig(void) {
cfg.option = "tsdbDebugFlag";
cfg.ptr = &tsdbDebugFlag;
cfg.valType = TAOS_CFG_VTYPE_INT32;
cfg.minValue = 0;
cfg.maxValue = 255;
cfg.ptrLength = 0;
......@@ -27,6 +27,40 @@
#include "tmsgdef.h"
int tSerializeSClientHbReq(void **buf, const SClientHbReq *pReq) {
int tlen = 0;
tlen += taosEncodeSClientHbKey(buf, &pReq->connKey);
void *pIter = NULL;
void *data;
SKlv klv;
data = taosHashIterate(pReq->info, pIter);
while (data != NULL) {
taosHashGetKey(data, &klv.key, (size_t *)&klv.keyLen);
klv.valueLen = taosHashGetDataLen(data);
klv.value = data;
taosEncodeSKlv(buf, &klv);
data = taosHashIterate(pReq->info, pIter);
return tlen;
void *tDeserializeClientHbReq(void *buf, SClientHbReq *pReq) {
ASSERT(pReq->info != NULL);
buf = taosDecodeSClientHbKey(buf, &pReq->connKey);
// TODO: error handling
if (pReq->info == NULL) {
pReq->info = taosHashInit(64, taosGetDefaultHashFunction(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY), true, HASH_NO_LOCK);
SKlv klv;
buf = taosDecodeSKlv(buf, &klv);
taosHashPut(pReq->info, klv.key, klv.keyLen, klv.value, klv.valueLen);
return buf;
int tSerializeSVCreateTbReq(void **buf, SVCreateTbReq *pReq) {
int tlen = 0;
......@@ -148,4 +182,4 @@ void *tSVCreateTbBatchReqDeserialize(void *buf, SVCreateTbBatchReq *pReq) {
return buf;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -305,18 +305,18 @@ static void dndBuildMnodeOpenOption(SDnode *pDnode, SMnodeOpt *pOption) {
memcpy(&pOption->replicas, pMgmt->replicas, sizeof(SReplica) * TSDB_MAX_REPLICA);
static int32_t dndBuildMnodeOptionFromMsg(SDnode *pDnode, SMnodeOpt *pOption, SDCreateMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
static int32_t dndBuildMnodeOptionFromReq(SDnode *pDnode, SMnodeOpt *pOption, SDCreateMnodeMsg *pReq) {
dndInitMnodeOption(pDnode, pOption);
pOption->dnodeId = dndGetDnodeId(pDnode);
pOption->clusterId = dndGetClusterId(pDnode);
pOption->replica = pMsg->replica;
pOption->replica = pReq->replica;
pOption->selfIndex = -1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pMsg->replica; ++i) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pReq->replica; ++i) {
SReplica *pReplica = &pOption->replicas[i];
pReplica->id = pMsg->replicas[i].id;
pReplica->port = pMsg->replicas[i].port;
memcpy(pReplica->fqdn, pMsg->replicas[i].fqdn, TSDB_FQDN_LEN);
pReplica->id = pReq->replicas[i].id;
pReplica->port = pReq->replicas[i].port;
memcpy(pReplica->fqdn, pReq->replicas[i].fqdn, TSDB_FQDN_LEN);
if (pReplica->id == pOption->dnodeId) {
pOption->selfIndex = i;
......@@ -423,26 +423,26 @@ static int32_t dndDropMnode(SDnode *pDnode) {
return 0;
static SDCreateMnodeMsg *dndParseCreateMnodeMsg(SRpcMsg *pRpcMsg) {
SDCreateMnodeMsg *pMsg = pRpcMsg->pCont;
pMsg->dnodeId = htonl(pMsg->dnodeId);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pMsg->replica; ++i) {
pMsg->replicas[i].id = htonl(pMsg->replicas[i].id);
pMsg->replicas[i].port = htons(pMsg->replicas[i].port);
static SDCreateMnodeMsg *dndParseCreateMnodeReq(SRpcMsg *pReq) {
SDCreateMnodeMsg *pCreate = pReq->pCont;
pCreate->dnodeId = htonl(pCreate->dnodeId);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pCreate->replica; ++i) {
pCreate->replicas[i].id = htonl(pCreate->replicas[i].id);
pCreate->replicas[i].port = htons(pCreate->replicas[i].port);
return pMsg;
return pCreate;
int32_t dndProcessCreateMnodeReq(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pRpcMsg) {
SDCreateMnodeMsg *pMsg = dndParseCreateMnodeMsg(pRpcMsg);
int32_t dndProcessCreateMnodeReq(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pReq) {
SDCreateMnodeMsg *pCreate = dndParseCreateMnodeReq(pReq);
if (pMsg->dnodeId != dndGetDnodeId(pDnode)) {
if (pCreate->dnodeId != dndGetDnodeId(pDnode)) {
return -1;
} else {
SMnodeOpt option = {0};
if (dndBuildMnodeOptionFromMsg(pDnode, &option, pMsg) != 0) {
if (dndBuildMnodeOptionFromReq(pDnode, &option, pCreate) != 0) {
return -1;
......@@ -450,16 +450,16 @@ int32_t dndProcessCreateMnodeReq(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pRpcMsg) {
int32_t dndProcessAlterMnodeReq(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pRpcMsg) {
SDAlterMnodeMsg *pMsg = dndParseCreateMnodeMsg(pRpcMsg);
int32_t dndProcessAlterMnodeReq(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pReq) {
SDAlterMnodeMsg *pAlter = dndParseCreateMnodeReq(pReq);
if (pMsg->dnodeId != dndGetDnodeId(pDnode)) {
if (pAlter->dnodeId != dndGetDnodeId(pDnode)) {
return -1;
SMnodeOpt option = {0};
if (dndBuildMnodeOptionFromMsg(pDnode, &option, pMsg) != 0) {
if (dndBuildMnodeOptionFromReq(pDnode, &option, pAlter) != 0) {
return -1;
......@@ -470,11 +470,11 @@ int32_t dndProcessAlterMnodeReq(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pRpcMsg) {
return dndWriteMnodeFile(pDnode);
int32_t dndProcessDropMnodeReq(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pRpcMsg) {
SDDropMnodeMsg *pMsg = pRpcMsg->pCont;
pMsg->dnodeId = htonl(pMsg->dnodeId);
int32_t dndProcessDropMnodeReq(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pReq) {
SDDropMnodeMsg *pDrop = pReq->pCont;
pDrop->dnodeId = htonl(pDrop->dnodeId);
if (pMsg->dnodeId != dndGetDnodeId(pDnode)) {
if (pDrop->dnodeId != dndGetDnodeId(pDnode)) {
return -1;
} else {
......@@ -143,26 +143,26 @@ static void dndInitMsgFp(STransMgmt *pMgmt) {
pMgmt->msgFp[TMSG_INDEX(TDMT_VND_SHOW_TABLES_FETCH)] = dndProcessVnodeFetchMsg;
static void dndProcessResponse(void *parent, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SEpSet *pEpSet) {
static void dndProcessResponse(void *parent, SRpcMsg *pRsp, SEpSet *pEpSet) {
SDnode *pDnode = parent;
STransMgmt *pMgmt = &pDnode->tmgmt;
tmsg_t msgType = pMsg->msgType;
tmsg_t msgType = pRsp->msgType;
if (dndGetStat(pDnode) == DND_STAT_STOPPED) {
if (pMsg == NULL || pMsg->pCont == NULL) return;
dTrace("RPC %p, rsp:%s is ignored since dnode is stopping", pMsg->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType));
if (pRsp == NULL || pRsp->pCont == NULL) return;
dTrace("RPC %p, rsp:%s is ignored since dnode is stopping", pRsp->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType));
DndMsgFp fp = pMgmt->msgFp[TMSG_INDEX(msgType)];
if (fp != NULL) {
dTrace("RPC %p, rsp:%s will be processed, code:0x%x", pMsg->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType), pMsg->code & 0XFFFF);
(*fp)(pDnode, pMsg, pEpSet);
dTrace("RPC %p, rsp:%s will be processed, code:0x%x", pRsp->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType), pRsp->code & 0XFFFF);
(*fp)(pDnode, pRsp, pEpSet);
} else {
dError("RPC %p, rsp:%s not processed", pMsg->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType));
dError("RPC %p, rsp:%s not processed", pRsp->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType));
......@@ -201,48 +201,48 @@ static void dndCleanupClient(SDnode *pDnode) {
static void dndProcessRequest(void *param, SRpcMsg *pMsg, SEpSet *pEpSet) {
static void dndProcessRequest(void *param, SRpcMsg *pReq, SEpSet *pEpSet) {
SDnode *pDnode = param;
STransMgmt *pMgmt = &pDnode->tmgmt;
tmsg_t msgType = pMsg->msgType;
tmsg_t msgType = pReq->msgType;
if (msgType == TDMT_DND_NETWORK_TEST) {
dTrace("RPC %p, network test req, app:%p will be processed, code:0x%x", pMsg->handle, pMsg->ahandle, pMsg->code);
dndProcessStartupReq(pDnode, pMsg);
dTrace("RPC %p, network test req, app:%p will be processed, code:0x%x", pReq->handle, pReq->ahandle, pReq->code);
dndProcessStartupReq(pDnode, pReq);
if (dndGetStat(pDnode) == DND_STAT_STOPPED) {
dError("RPC %p, req:%s app:%p is ignored since dnode exiting", pMsg->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType), pMsg->ahandle);
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pMsg->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_DND_OFFLINE};
dError("RPC %p, req:%s app:%p is ignored since dnode exiting", pReq->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType), pReq->ahandle);
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pReq->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_DND_OFFLINE};
} else if (dndGetStat(pDnode) != DND_STAT_RUNNING) {
dError("RPC %p, req:%s app:%p is ignored since dnode not running", pMsg->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType), pMsg->ahandle);
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pMsg->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_APP_NOT_READY};
dError("RPC %p, req:%s app:%p is ignored since dnode not running", pReq->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType), pReq->ahandle);
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pReq->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_APP_NOT_READY};
if (pMsg->pCont == NULL) {
dTrace("RPC %p, req:%s app:%p not processed since content is null", pMsg->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType),
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pMsg->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_DND_INVALID_MSG_LEN};
if (pReq->pCont == NULL) {
dTrace("RPC %p, req:%s app:%p not processed since content is null", pReq->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType),
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pReq->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_DND_INVALID_MSG_LEN};
DndMsgFp fp = pMgmt->msgFp[TMSG_INDEX(msgType)];
if (fp != NULL) {
dTrace("RPC %p, req:%s app:%p will be processed", pMsg->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType), pMsg->ahandle);
(*fp)(pDnode, pMsg, pEpSet);
dTrace("RPC %p, req:%s app:%p will be processed", pReq->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType), pReq->ahandle);
(*fp)(pDnode, pReq, pEpSet);
} else {
dError("RPC %p, req:%s app:%p is not processed since no handle", pMsg->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType), pMsg->ahandle);
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pMsg->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_MSG_NOT_PROCESSED};
dError("RPC %p, req:%s app:%p is not processed since no handle", pReq->handle, TMSG_INFO(msgType), pReq->ahandle);
SRpcMsg rspMsg = {.handle = pReq->handle, .code = TSDB_CODE_MSG_NOT_PROCESSED};
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ static void dndSendMsgToMnodeRecv(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pRpcMsg, SRpcMsg *pRp
rpcSendRecv(pMgmt->clientRpc, &epSet, pRpcMsg, pRpcRsp);
static int32_t dndAuthInternalMsg(SDnode *pDnode, char *user, char *spi, char *encrypt, char *secret, char *ckey) {
static int32_t dndAuthInternalReq(SDnode *pDnode, char *user, char *spi, char *encrypt, char *secret, char *ckey) {
if (strcmp(user, INTERNAL_USER) == 0) {
// A simple temporary implementation
char pass[TSDB_PASSWORD_LEN] = {0};
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ static int32_t dndAuthInternalMsg(SDnode *pDnode, char *user, char *spi, char *e
static int32_t dndRetrieveUserAuthInfo(void *parent, char *user, char *spi, char *encrypt, char *secret, char *ckey) {
SDnode *pDnode = parent;
if (dndAuthInternalMsg(parent, user, spi, encrypt, secret, ckey) == 0) {
if (dndAuthInternalReq(parent, user, spi, encrypt, secret, ckey) == 0) {
// dTrace("get internal auth success");
return 0;
......@@ -298,10 +298,10 @@ static int32_t dndRetrieveUserAuthInfo(void *parent, char *user, char *spi, char
// dDebug("user:%s, send auth msg to other mnodes", user);
SAuthMsg *pMsg = rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SAuthMsg));
tstrncpy(pMsg->user, user, TSDB_USER_LEN);
SAuthReq *pReq = rpcMallocCont(sizeof(SAuthReq));
tstrncpy(pReq->user, user, TSDB_USER_LEN);
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {.pCont = pMsg, .contLen = sizeof(SAuthMsg), .msgType = TDMT_MND_AUTH};
SRpcMsg rpcMsg = {.pCont = pReq, .contLen = sizeof(SAuthReq), .msgType = TDMT_MND_AUTH};
SRpcMsg rpcRsp = {0};
dndSendMsgToMnodeRecv(pDnode, &rpcMsg, &rpcRsp);
......@@ -381,19 +381,19 @@ void dndCleanupTrans(SDnode *pDnode) {
dInfo("dnode-transport is cleaned up");
int32_t dndSendReqToDnode(SDnode *pDnode, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t dndSendReqToDnode(SDnode *pDnode, SEpSet *pEpSet, SRpcMsg *pReq) {
STransMgmt *pMgmt = &pDnode->tmgmt;
if (pMgmt->clientRpc == NULL) {
return -1;
rpcSendRequest(pMgmt->clientRpc, pEpSet, pMsg, NULL);
rpcSendRequest(pMgmt->clientRpc, pEpSet, pReq, NULL);
return 0;
int32_t dndSendReqToMnode(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t dndSendReqToMnode(SDnode *pDnode, SRpcMsg *pReq) {
SEpSet epSet = {0};
dndGetMnodeEpSet(pDnode, &epSet);
return dndSendReqToDnode(pDnode, &epSet, pMsg);
return dndSendReqToDnode(pDnode, &epSet, pReq);
......@@ -24,3 +24,160 @@ class DndTestMnode : public ::testing::Test {
Testbase DndTestMnode::test;
#if 0
TEST_F(DndTestMnode, 01_Create_Mnode) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDCreateMnodeReq);
SDCreateMnodeReq* pReq = (SDCreateMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(2);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_CREATE_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDCreateMnodeReq);
SDCreateMnodeReq* pReq = (SDCreateMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(1);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_CREATE_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(pRsp->code, 0);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDCreateMnodeReq);
SDCreateMnodeReq* pReq = (SDCreateMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(1);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_CREATE_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDCreateMnodeReq);
SDCreateMnodeReq* pReq = (SDCreateMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(1);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_CREATE_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
TEST_F(DndTestMnode, 02_Alter_Mnode) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDCreateMnodeReq);
SDCreateMnodeReq* pReq = (SDCreateMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(2);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_CREATE_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDCreateMnodeReq);
SDCreateMnodeReq* pReq = (SDCreateMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(1);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_CREATE_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(pRsp->code, 0);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDCreateMnodeReq);
SDCreateMnodeReq* pReq = (SDCreateMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(1);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_CREATE_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDCreateMnodeReq);
SDCreateMnodeReq* pReq = (SDCreateMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(1);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_CREATE_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
TEST_F(DndTestMnode, 03_Drop_Mnode) {
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDDropMnodeReq);
SDDropMnodeReq* pReq = (SDDropMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(2);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_DROP_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDDropMnodeReq);
SDDropMnodeReq* pReq = (SDDropMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(1);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_DROP_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(pRsp->code, 0);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDDropMnodeReq);
SDDropMnodeReq* pReq = (SDDropMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(1);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_DROP_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDDropMnodeReq);
SDDropMnodeReq* pReq = (SDDropMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(1);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_DROP_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SDCreateMnodeReq);
SDCreateMnodeReq* pReq = (SDCreateMnodeReq*)rpcMallocCont(contLen);
pReq->dnodeId = htonl(1);
SRpcMsg* pRsp = test.SendReq(TDMT_DND_CREATE_MNODE, pReq, contLen);
ASSERT_NE(pRsp, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(pRsp->code, 0);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -419,10 +419,8 @@ int32_t ctgGetVgInfoFromHashValue(struct SCatalog *pCatalog, SDBVgroupInfo *dbIn
vgInfo = NULL;
ctgInfo("numOfVgroup:%d", taosHashGetSize(dbInfo->vgInfo));
if (NULL == vgInfo) {
ctgError("no hash range found for hashvalue[%u], db:%s", hashValue, db);
ctgError("no hash range found for hash value [%u], db:%s, numOfVgId:%d", hashValue, db, taosHashGetSize(dbInfo->vgInfo));
......@@ -1078,12 +1076,11 @@ int32_t catalogGetDBVgroup(struct SCatalog* pCatalog, void *pRpc, const SEpSet*
SDBVgroupInfo* db = NULL;
SDBVgroupInfo* db = NULL;
SVgroupInfo *vgInfo = NULL;
int32_t code = 0;
SArray *vgList = NULL;
CTG_ERR_JRET(ctgGetDBVgroup(pCatalog, pRpc, pMgmtEps, dbName, forceUpdate, &db));
vgList = taosArrayInit(taosHashGetSize(db->vgInfo), sizeof(SVgroupInfo));
......@@ -1109,7 +1106,6 @@ int32_t catalogGetDBVgroup(struct SCatalog* pCatalog, void *pRpc, const SEpSet*
vgList = NULL;
if (db) {
CTG_UNLOCK(CTG_READ, &db->lock);
taosHashRelease(pCatalog->dbCache.cache, db);
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ typedef struct SCreatedTableInfo {
SToken name; // table name token
SToken stbName; // super table name token , for using clause
SArray *pTagNames; // create by using super table, tag name
SArray *pTagVals; // create by using super table, tag value
SArray *pTagVals; // create by using super table, tag value. SArray<SToken>
char *fullname; // table full name
int8_t igExist; // ignore if exists
} SCreatedTableInfo;
......@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ void destroySqlNode(SSqlNode *pSqlNode) {
void freeCreateTableInfo(void* p) {
SCreatedTableInfo* pInfo = (SCreatedTableInfo*) p;
taosArrayDestroyEx(pInfo->pTagVals, freeItem);
......@@ -332,7 +332,6 @@ static int32_t doParseSerializeTagValue(SSchema* pTagSchema, int32_t numOfInputT
char* endPtr = NULL;
char tmpTokenBuf[TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN] = {0};
SKvParam param = {.builder = pKvRowBuilder, .schema = pSchema};
SToken* pItem = taosArrayGet(pTagValList, i);
......@@ -44,15 +44,7 @@ int32_t parseQuerySql(SParseContext* pCxt, SQueryNode** pQuery) {
if (!isDqlSqlStatement(&info)) {
// bool toVnode = false;
if (info.type == TSDB_SQL_CREATE_TABLE) {
// SCreateTableSql* pCreateSql = info.pCreateTableInfo;
// if (pCreateSql->type == TSQL_CREATE_CTABLE || pCreateSql->type == TSQL_CREATE_TABLE) {
// toVnode = true;
// }
// }
// if (toVnode) {
SVnodeModifOpStmtInfo * pModifStmtInfo = qParserValidateCreateTbSqlNode(&info, &pCxt->ctx, pCxt->pMsg, pCxt->msgLen);
if (pModifStmtInfo == NULL) {
return terrno;
......@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
#include "taos.h"
#include "tdef.h"
#define EXT_SIZE 1024
// the add ref count operation may trigger the warning if the reference count is greater than the MAX_WARNING_REF_COUNT
#define EXT_SIZE 1024
#define HASH_NEED_RESIZE(_h) ((_h)->size >= (_h)->capacity * HASH_DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR)
#define DO_FREE_HASH_NODE(_n) \
......@@ -924,8 +925,24 @@ void *taosHashIterate(SHashObj *pHashObj, void *p) {
if (pNode) {
SHashEntry *pe = pHashObj->hashList[slot];
data = GET_HASH_NODE_DATA(pNode);
uint16_t prevRef = atomic_load_16(&pNode->count);
uint16_t afterRef = atomic_add_fetch_16(&pNode->count, 1);
// the reference count value is overflow, which will cause the delete node operation immediately.
if (prevRef > afterRef) {
uError("hash entry ref count overflow, prev ref:%d, current ref:%d", prevRef, afterRef);
// restore the value
atomic_sub_fetch_16(&pNode->count, 1);
data = NULL;
} else {
data = GET_HASH_NODE_DATA(pNode);
if (afterRef >= MAX_WARNING_REF_COUNT) {
uWarn("hash entry ref count is abnormally high: %d", afterRef);
if (pHashObj->type == HASH_ENTRY_LOCK) {
......@@ -933,7 +950,6 @@ void *taosHashIterate(SHashObj *pHashObj, void *p) {
__rd_unlock((void*) &pHashObj->lock, pHashObj->type);
return data;
void taosHashCancelIterate(SHashObj *pHashObj, void *p) {
......@@ -25,20 +25,21 @@
char dbName[32] = "db";
char stbName[64] = "st";
int32_t numOfThreads = 1;
int32_t numOfTables = 10000;
int64_t numOfTables = 200000;
int32_t createTable = 1;
int32_t insertData = 0;
int32_t batchNum = 10;
int32_t batchNum = 100;
int32_t numOfVgroups = 2;
typedef struct {
int32_t tableBeginIndex;
int32_t tableEndIndex;
int64_t tableBeginIndex;
int64_t tableEndIndex;
int32_t threadIndex;
char dbName[32];
char stbName[64];
float createTableSpeed;
float insertDataSpeed;
int64_t startMs;
pthread_t thread;
} SThreadInfo;
......@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) {
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
SThreadInfo *pInfo = (SThreadInfo *)calloc(numOfThreads, sizeof(SThreadInfo));
int32_t numOfTablesPerThread = numOfTables / numOfThreads;
int64_t numOfTablesPerThread = numOfTables / numOfThreads;
numOfTables = numOfTablesPerThread * numOfThreads;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfThreads; ++i) {
pInfo[i].tableBeginIndex = i * numOfTablesPerThread;
......@@ -83,8 +84,10 @@ int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) {
insertDataSpeed += pInfo[i].insertDataSpeed;
pPrint("%s total %.1f tables/second, threads:%d %s", GREEN, createTableSpeed, numOfThreads, NC);
pPrint("%s total %.1f rows/second, threads:%d %s", GREEN, insertDataSpeed, numOfThreads, NC);
pPrint("%s total %" PRId64 " tables, %.1f tables/second, threads:%d %s", GREEN, numOfTables, createTableSpeed,
numOfThreads, NC);
pPrint("%s total %" PRId64 " tables, %.1f rows/second, threads:%d %s", GREEN, numOfTables, insertDataSpeed,
numOfThreads, NC);
......@@ -130,6 +133,26 @@ void createDbAndStb() {
void printCreateProgress(SThreadInfo *pInfo, int64_t t) {
int64_t endMs = taosGetTimestampMs();
int64_t totalTables = t - pInfo->tableBeginIndex;
float seconds = (endMs - pInfo->startMs) / 1000.0;
float speed = totalTables / seconds;
pInfo->createTableSpeed = speed;
pPrint("thread:%d, %" PRId64 " tables created, time:%.2f sec, speed:%.1f tables/second, ", pInfo->threadIndex,
totalTables, seconds, speed);
void printInsertProgress(SThreadInfo *pInfo, int64_t t) {
int64_t endMs = taosGetTimestampMs();
int64_t totalTables = t - pInfo->tableBeginIndex;
float seconds = (endMs - pInfo->startMs) / 1000.0;
float speed = totalTables / seconds;
pInfo->insertDataSpeed = speed;
pPrint("thread:%d, %" PRId64 " rows inserted, time:%.2f sec, speed:%.1f rows/second, ", pInfo->threadIndex,
totalTables, seconds, speed);
void *threadFunc(void *param) {
SThreadInfo *pInfo = (SThreadInfo *)param;
char *qstr = malloc(2000 * 1000);
......@@ -146,47 +169,55 @@ void *threadFunc(void *param) {
if (createTable) {
int64_t startMs = taosGetTimestampMs();
for (int32_t t = pInfo->tableBeginIndex; t < pInfo->tableEndIndex; ++t) {
int32_t batch = (pInfo->tableEndIndex - t);
pInfo->startMs = taosGetTimestampMs();
for (int64_t t = pInfo->tableBeginIndex; t < pInfo->tableEndIndex; ++t) {
int64_t batch = (pInfo->tableEndIndex - t);
batch = MIN(batch, batchNum);
int32_t len = sprintf(qstr, "create table");
for (int32_t i = 0; i < batch; ++i) {
len += sprintf(qstr + len, " t%d using %s tags(%d)", t + i, stbName, t + i);
len += sprintf(qstr + len, " t%" PRId64 " using %s tags(%" PRId64 ")", t + i, stbName, t + i);
TAOS_RES *pSql = taos_query(con, qstr);
code = taos_errno(pSql);
if (code != 0) {
pError("failed to create table t%d, reason:%s", t, tstrerror(code));
pError("failed to create table t%" PRId64 ", reason:%s", t, tstrerror(code));
if (t % 100000 == 0) {
printCreateProgress(pInfo, t);
t += (batch - 1);
int64_t endMs = taosGetTimestampMs();
int32_t totalTables = pInfo->tableEndIndex - pInfo->tableBeginIndex;
float seconds = (endMs - startMs) / 1000.0;
float speed = totalTables / seconds;
pInfo->createTableSpeed = speed;
pPrint("thread:%d, time:%.2f sec, speed:%.1f tables/second, ", pInfo->threadIndex, seconds, speed);
printCreateProgress(pInfo, pInfo->tableEndIndex);
if (insertData) {
int64_t startMs = taosGetTimestampMs();
for (int32_t t = pInfo->tableBeginIndex; t < pInfo->tableEndIndex; ++t) {
sprintf(qstr, "insert into %s%d values(now, 1)", stbName, t);
pInfo->startMs = taosGetTimestampMs();
for (int64_t t = pInfo->tableBeginIndex; t < pInfo->tableEndIndex; ++t) {
int64_t batch = (pInfo->tableEndIndex - t);
batch = MIN(batch, batchNum);
int32_t len = sprintf(qstr, "insert into");
for (int32_t i = 0; i < batch; ++i) {
len += sprintf(qstr + len, " t%" PRId64 " values(now, %" PRId64 ")", t + i, t + i);
TAOS_RES *pSql = taos_query(con, qstr);
code = taos_errno(pSql);
if (code != 0) {
pError("failed to create table %s%d, reason:%s", stbName, t, tstrerror(code));
pError("failed to insert table t%" PRId64 ", reason:%s", t, tstrerror(code));
if (t % 100000 == 0) {
printInsertProgress(pInfo, t);
t += (batch - 1);
int64_t endMs = taosGetTimestampMs();
int32_t totalTables = pInfo->tableEndIndex - pInfo->tableBeginIndex;
float seconds = (endMs - startMs) / 1000.0;
float speed = totalTables / seconds;
pInfo->insertDataSpeed = speed;
pPrint("thread:%d, time:%.2f sec, speed:%.1f rows/second, ", pInfo->threadIndex, seconds, speed);
printInsertProgress(pInfo, pInfo->tableEndIndex);
......@@ -207,7 +238,7 @@ void printHelp() {
printf("%s%s\n", indent, "-t");
printf("%s%s%s%d\n", indent, indent, "numOfThreads, default is ", numOfThreads);
printf("%s%s\n", indent, "-n");
printf("%s%s%s%d\n", indent, indent, "numOfTables, default is ", numOfTables);
printf("%s%s%s%" PRId64 "\n", indent, indent, "numOfTables, default is ", numOfTables);
printf("%s%s\n", indent, "-v");
printf("%s%s%s%d\n", indent, indent, "numOfVgroups, default is ", numOfVgroups);
printf("%s%s\n", indent, "-a");
......@@ -234,7 +265,7 @@ void parseArgument(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) {
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0) {
numOfThreads = atoi(argv[++i]);
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) {
numOfTables = atoi(argv[++i]);
numOfTables = atoll(argv[++i]);
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) {
numOfVgroups = atoi(argv[++i]);
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-a") == 0) {
......@@ -250,7 +281,7 @@ void parseArgument(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) {
pPrint("%s dbName:%s %s", GREEN, dbName, NC);
pPrint("%s stbName:%s %s", GREEN, stbName, NC);
pPrint("%s configDir:%s %s", GREEN, configDir, NC);
pPrint("%s numOfTables:%d %s", GREEN, numOfTables, NC);
pPrint("%s numOfTables:%" PRId64 " %s", GREEN, numOfTables, NC);
pPrint("%s numOfThreads:%d %s", GREEN, numOfThreads, NC);
pPrint("%s numOfVgroups:%d %s", GREEN, numOfVgroups, NC);
pPrint("%s createTable:%d %s", GREEN, createTable, NC);
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