未验证 提交 355f18e6 编写于 作者: S shenglian-zhou 提交者: GitHub

Update tscSQLParser.c

上级 f41a0823
......@@ -7475,10 +7475,8 @@ int32_t doFunctionsCompatibleCheck(SSqlCmd* pCmd, SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, char*
if (pQueryInfo->groupbyExpr.numOfGroupCols > 0) {
// check if all the tags prj columns belongs to the group by columns
if (onlyTagPrjFunction(pQueryInfo) && allTagPrjInGroupby(pQueryInfo)) {
if (!tscIsDiffDerivLikeQuery(pQueryInfo)) {
// It is a groupby aggregate query, the tag project function is not suitable for this case.
// It is a groupby aggregate query, the tag project function is not suitable for this case.
return doAddGroupbyColumnsOnDemand(pCmd, pQueryInfo);
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