提交 34e5bad7 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

refact row

上级 a52c089d
......@@ -64,18 +64,22 @@ int32_t tPutValue(uint8_t *p, SValue *pValue, int8_t type);
int32_t tGetValue(uint8_t *p, SValue *pValue, int8_t type);
int tValueCmprFn(const SValue *pValue1, const SValue *pValue2, int8_t type);
// STSRow2
// SColVal
#define COL_VAL_NONE(CID, TYPE) ((SColVal){.cid = (CID), .type = (TYPE), .isNone = 1})
#define COL_VAL_NULL(CID, TYPE) ((SColVal){.cid = (CID), .type = (TYPE), .isNull = 1})
#define COL_VAL_VALUE(CID, TYPE, V) ((SColVal){.cid = (CID), .type = (TYPE), .value = (V)})
// STSRow2
#define TSROW_LEN(PROW, V) tGetI32v((uint8_t *)(PROW)->data, (V) ? &(V) : NULL)
#define TSROW_SVER(PROW, V) tGetI32v((PROW)->data + TSROW_LEN(PROW, NULL), (V) ? &(V) : NULL)
int32_t tTSRowNew(STSRowBuilder *pBuilder, SArray *pArray, STSchema *pTSchema, STSRow2 **ppRow);
int32_t tTSRowClone(const STSRow2 *pRow, STSRow2 **ppRow);
void tTSRowFree(STSRow2 *pRow);
void tTSRowGet(STSRow2 *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema, int32_t iCol, SColVal *pColVal);
int32_t tTSRowToArray(STSRow2 *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema, SArray **ppArray);
int32_t tPutTSRow(uint8_t *p, STSRow2 *pRow);
int32_t tGetTSRow(uint8_t *p, STSRow2 *pRow);
int32_t tGetTSRow(uint8_t *p, STSRow2 **ppRow);
// STSRowBuilder
#define tsRowBuilderInit() ((STSRowBuilder){0})
......@@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ int32_t tEncodeTag(SEncoder *pEncoder, const STag *pTag);
int32_t tDecodeTag(SDecoder *pDecoder, STag **ppTag);
int32_t tTagToValArray(const STag *pTag, SArray **ppArray);
void debugPrintSTag(STag *pTag, const char *tag, int32_t ln); // TODO: remove
int32_t parseJsontoTagData(const char* json, SArray* pTagVals, STag** ppTag, void* pMsgBuf);
int32_t parseJsontoTagData(const char *json, SArray *pTagVals, STag **ppTag, void *pMsgBuf);
// STRUCT =================
struct STColumn {
......@@ -123,13 +127,13 @@ struct STSchema {
#define TSROW_KV_SMALL ((uint8_t)0x10U)
#define TSROW_KV_MID ((uint8_t)0x20U)
#define TSROW_KV_BIG ((uint8_t)0x40U)
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct STSRow2 {
uint8_t flags;
int32_t sver;
uint32_t nData;
uint8_t *pData;
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t data[];
#pragma pack(pop)
struct STSRowBuilder {
STSRow2 tsRow;
......@@ -343,97 +347,6 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tkeyComparFn(const void *tkey1, const void *tkey2) {
// ----------------- Data column structure
// SDataCol arrangement: data => bitmap => dataOffset
typedef struct SDataCol {
int8_t type; // column type
uint8_t bitmap : 1; // 0: no bitmap if all rows are NORM, 1: has bitmap if has NULL/NORM rows
uint8_t reserve : 7;
int16_t colId; // column ID
int32_t bytes; // column data bytes defined
int32_t offset; // data offset in a SDataRow (including the header size)
int32_t spaceSize; // Total space size for this column
int32_t len; // column data length
VarDataOffsetT *dataOff; // For binary and nchar data, the offset in the data column
void *pData; // Actual data pointer
void *pBitmap; // Bitmap pointer
TSKEY ts; // only used in last NULL column
} SDataCol;
#define isAllRowsNull(pCol) ((pCol)->len == 0)
#define isAllRowsNone(pCol) ((pCol)->len == 0)
static FORCE_INLINE void dataColReset(SDataCol *pDataCol) { pDataCol->len = 0; }
int32_t tdAllocMemForCol(SDataCol *pCol, int32_t maxPoints);
void dataColInit(SDataCol *pDataCol, STColumn *pCol, int32_t maxPoints);
int32_t dataColAppendVal(SDataCol *pCol, const void *value, int32_t numOfRows, int32_t maxPoints);
void *dataColSetOffset(SDataCol *pCol, int32_t nEle);
bool isNEleNull(SDataCol *pCol, int32_t nEle);
typedef struct {
col_id_t maxCols; // max number of columns
col_id_t numOfCols; // Total number of cols
int32_t maxPoints; // max number of points
int32_t numOfRows;
int32_t bitmapMode : 1; // default is 0(2 bits), otherwise 1(1 bit)
int32_t sversion : 31; // TODO: set sversion(not used yet)
SDataCol *cols;
} SDataCols;
static FORCE_INLINE bool tdDataColsIsBitmapI(SDataCols *pCols) { return pCols->bitmapMode != TSDB_BITMODE_DEFAULT; }
static FORCE_INLINE void tdDataColsSetBitmapI(SDataCols *pCols) { pCols->bitmapMode = TSDB_BITMODE_ONE_BIT; }
static FORCE_INLINE bool tdIsBitmapModeI(int8_t bitmapMode) { return bitmapMode != TSDB_BITMODE_DEFAULT; }
#define keyCol(pCols) (&((pCols)->cols[0])) // Key column
#define dataColsTKeyAt(pCols, idx) ((TKEY *)(keyCol(pCols)->pData))[(idx)] // the idx row of column-wised data
#define dataColsKeyAt(pCols, idx) tdGetKey(dataColsTKeyAt(pCols, idx))
static FORCE_INLINE TKEY dataColsTKeyFirst(SDataCols *pCols) {
if (pCols->numOfRows) {
return dataColsTKeyAt(pCols, 0);
} else {
static FORCE_INLINE TSKEY dataColsKeyAtRow(SDataCols *pCols, int32_t row) {
assert(row < pCols->numOfRows);
return dataColsKeyAt(pCols, row);
static FORCE_INLINE TSKEY dataColsKeyFirst(SDataCols *pCols) {
if (pCols->numOfRows) {
return dataColsKeyAt(pCols, 0);
} else {
static FORCE_INLINE TKEY dataColsTKeyLast(SDataCols *pCols) {
if (pCols->numOfRows) {
return dataColsTKeyAt(pCols, pCols->numOfRows - 1);
} else {
static FORCE_INLINE TSKEY dataColsKeyLast(SDataCols *pCols) {
if (pCols->numOfRows) {
return dataColsKeyAt(pCols, pCols->numOfRows - 1);
} else {
SDataCols *tdNewDataCols(int32_t maxCols, int32_t maxRows);
void tdResetDataCols(SDataCols *pCols);
int32_t tdInitDataCols(SDataCols *pCols, STSchema *pSchema);
SDataCols *tdDupDataCols(SDataCols *pCols, bool keepData);
SDataCols *tdFreeDataCols(SDataCols *pCols);
int32_t tdMergeDataCols(SDataCols *target, SDataCols *source, int32_t rowsToMerge, int32_t *pOffset, bool update,
TDRowVerT maxVer);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -223,9 +223,10 @@ int32_t tdSetBitmapValTypeN(void *pBitmap, int16_t nEle, TDR
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t tdGetBitmapValType(const void *pBitmap, int16_t colIdx, TDRowValT *pValType,
int8_t bitmapMode);
bool tdIsBitmapBlkNorm(const void *pBitmap, int32_t numOfBits, int8_t bitmapMode);
int32_t tdAppendValToDataCol(SDataCol *pCol, TDRowValT valType, const void *val, int32_t numOfRows, int32_t maxPoints,
int8_t bitmapMode, bool isMerge);
int32_t tdAppendSTSRowToDataCol(STSRow *pRow, STSchema *pSchema, SDataCols *pCols, bool isMerge);
// int32_t tdAppendValToDataCol(SDataCol *pCol, TDRowValT valType, const void *val, int32_t numOfRows, int32_t
// maxPoints,
// int8_t bitmapMode, bool isMerge);
// int32_t tdAppendSTSRowToDataCol(STSRow *pRow, STSchema *pSchema, SDataCols *pCols, bool isMerge);
int32_t tdGetBitmapValTypeII(const void *pBitmap, int16_t colIdx, TDRowValT *pValType);
int32_t tdSetBitmapValTypeI(void *pBitmap, int16_t colIdx, TDRowValT valType);
......@@ -318,12 +319,9 @@ bool tdSTSRowGetVal(STSRowIter *pIter, col_id_t colId, col_type_t colType, SC
bool tdGetTpRowDataOfCol(STSRowIter *pIter, col_type_t colType, int32_t offset, SCellVal *pVal);
bool tdGetKvRowValOfColEx(STSRowIter *pIter, col_id_t colId, col_type_t colType, col_id_t *nIdx, SCellVal *pVal);
bool tdSTSRowIterNext(STSRowIter *pIter, col_id_t colId, col_type_t colType, SCellVal *pVal);
STSRow *mergeTwoRows(void *buffer, STSRow *row1, STSRow *row2, STSchema *pSchema1, STSchema *pSchema2);
int32_t tdGetColDataOfRow(SCellVal *pVal, SDataCol *pCol, int32_t row, int8_t bitmapMode);
bool tdSTpRowGetVal(STSRow *pRow, col_id_t colId, col_type_t colType, int32_t flen, uint32_t offset, col_id_t colIdx,
SCellVal *pVal);
bool tdSKvRowGetVal(STSRow *pRow, col_id_t colId, col_id_t colIdx, SCellVal *pVal);
int32_t dataColGetNEleLen(SDataCol *pDataCol, int32_t rows, int8_t bitmapMode);
void tdSCellValPrint(SCellVal *pVal, int8_t colType);
void tdSRowPrint(STSRow *row, STSchema *pSchema, const char *tag);
......@@ -175,7 +175,8 @@ static void setBitMap(uint8_t *pb, uint8_t v, int32_t idx, uint8_t flags) {
} while (0)
int32_t tTSRowNew(STSRowBuilder *pBuilder, SArray *pArray, STSchema *pTSchema, STSRow2 **ppRow) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t code = 0;
#if 0
STColumn *pTColumn;
SColVal *pColVal;
int32_t nColVal = taosArrayGetSize(pArray);
......@@ -462,30 +463,22 @@ int32_t tTSRowNew(STSRowBuilder *pBuilder, SArray *pArray, STSchema *pTSchema, S
return code;
int32_t tTSRowClone(const STSRow2 *pRow, STSRow2 **ppRow) {
int32_t code = 0;
int32_t rLen;
(*ppRow) = (STSRow2 *)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(**ppRow));
TSROW_LEN(pRow, rLen);
(*ppRow) = (STSRow2 *)taosMemoryMalloc(rLen);
if (*ppRow == NULL) {
goto _exit;
**ppRow = *pRow;
(*ppRow)->pData = NULL;
if (pRow->nData) {
(*ppRow)->pData = taosMemoryMalloc(pRow->nData);
if ((*ppRow)->pData == NULL) {
goto _exit;
memcpy((*ppRow)->pData, pRow->pData, pRow->nData);
memcpy(*ppRow, pRow, rLen);
return code;
......@@ -493,12 +486,12 @@ _exit:
void tTSRowFree(STSRow2 *pRow) {
if (pRow) {
if (pRow->pData) taosMemoryFree(pRow->pData);
void tTSRowGet(STSRow2 *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema, int32_t iCol, SColVal *pColVal) {
#if 0
uint8_t isTuple = ((pRow->flags & 0xf0) == 0) ? 1 : 0;
STColumn *pTColumn = &pTSchema->columns[iCol];
uint8_t flags = pRow->flags & (uint8_t)0xf;
......@@ -643,10 +636,12 @@ _return_null:
*pColVal = COL_VAL_VALUE(pTColumn->colId, pTColumn->type, value);
int32_t tTSRowToArray(STSRow2 *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema, SArray **ppArray) {
int32_t code = 0;
#if 0
SColVal cv;
(*ppArray) = taosArrayInit(pTSchema->numOfCols, sizeof(SColVal));
......@@ -660,52 +655,27 @@ int32_t tTSRowToArray(STSRow2 *pRow, STSchema *pTSchema, SArray **ppArray) {
taosArrayPush(*ppArray, &cv);
return code;
int32_t tPutTSRow(uint8_t *p, STSRow2 *pRow) {
int32_t n = 0;
n += tPutI64(p ? p + n : p, pRow->ts);
n += tPutI8(p ? p + n : p, pRow->flags);
n += tPutI32v(p ? p + n : p, pRow->sver);
int32_t n;
ASSERT(pRow->flags & 0xf);
switch (pRow->flags & 0xf) {
ASSERT(pRow->nData == 0);
ASSERT(pRow->pData == NULL);
ASSERT(pRow->nData && pRow->pData);
n += tPutBinary(p ? p + n : p, pRow->pData, pRow->nData);
TSROW_LEN(pRow, n);
if (p) {
memcpy(p, pRow, n);
return n;
int32_t tGetTSRow(uint8_t *p, STSRow2 *pRow) {
int32_t n = 0;
int32_t tGetTSRow(uint8_t *p, STSRow2 **ppRow) {
int32_t n;
n += tGetI64(p + n, &pRow->ts);
n += tGetI8(p + n, &pRow->flags);
n += tGetI32v(p + n, &pRow->sver);
switch (pRow->flags & 0xf) {
pRow->nData = 0;
pRow->pData = NULL;
n += tGetBinary(p + n, &pRow->pData, &pRow->nData);
*ppRow = (STSRow2 *)p;
TSROW_LEN(*ppRow, n);
return n;
......@@ -904,15 +874,13 @@ static int32_t tGetTagVal(uint8_t *p, STagVal *pTagVal, int8_t isJson) {
return n;
bool tTagIsJson(const void *pTag){
return (((const STag *)pTag)->flags & TD_TAG_JSON);
bool tTagIsJson(const void *pTag) { return (((const STag *)pTag)->flags & TD_TAG_JSON); }
bool tTagIsJsonNull(void *data){
STag *pTag = (STag*)data;
int8_t isJson = tTagIsJson(pTag);
if(!isJson) return false;
return ((STag*)data)->nTag == 0;
bool tTagIsJsonNull(void *data) {
STag *pTag = (STag *)data;
int8_t isJson = tTagIsJson(pTag);
if (!isJson) return false;
return ((STag *)data)->nTag == 0;
int32_t tTagNew(SArray *pArray, int32_t version, int8_t isJson, STag **ppTag) {
......@@ -1097,46 +1065,6 @@ _err:
#if 1 // ===================================================================================================================
static void dataColSetNEleNull(SDataCol *pCol, int nEle);
int tdAllocMemForCol(SDataCol *pCol, int maxPoints) {
int spaceNeeded = pCol->bytes * maxPoints;
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pCol->type)) {
spaceNeeded += sizeof(VarDataOffsetT) * maxPoints;
int32_t nBitmapBytes = (int32_t)TD_BITMAP_BYTES(maxPoints);
spaceNeeded += (int)nBitmapBytes;
// TODO: Currently, the compression of bitmap parts is affiliated to the column data parts, thus allocate 1 more
// TYPE_BYTES as to comprise complete TYPE_BYTES. Otherwise, invalid read/write would be triggered.
// spaceNeeded += TYPE_BYTES[pCol->type]; // the bitmap part is append as a single part since 2022.04.03, thus
// remove the additional space
if (pCol->spaceSize < spaceNeeded) {
void *ptr = taosMemoryRealloc(pCol->pData, spaceNeeded);
if (ptr == NULL) {
uDebug("malloc failure, size:%" PRId64 " failed, reason:%s", (int64_t)spaceNeeded, strerror(errno));
return -1;
} else {
pCol->pData = ptr;
pCol->spaceSize = spaceNeeded;
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pCol->type)) {
pCol->pBitmap = POINTER_SHIFT(pCol->pData, pCol->bytes * maxPoints);
pCol->dataOff = POINTER_SHIFT(pCol->pBitmap, nBitmapBytes);
} else {
pCol->pBitmap = POINTER_SHIFT(pCol->pData, pCol->bytes * maxPoints);
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pCol->type)) {
pCol->dataOff = POINTER_SHIFT(pCol->pData, pCol->bytes * maxPoints);
return 0;
* Duplicate the schema and return a new object
......@@ -1290,136 +1218,4 @@ STSchema *tdGetSchemaFromBuilder(STSchemaBuilder *pBuilder) {
return pSchema;
void dataColInit(SDataCol *pDataCol, STColumn *pCol, int maxPoints) {
pDataCol->type = colType(pCol);
pDataCol->colId = colColId(pCol);
pDataCol->bytes = colBytes(pCol);
pDataCol->offset = colOffset(pCol) + 0; // TD_DATA_ROW_HEAD_SIZE;
pDataCol->len = 0;
static FORCE_INLINE const void *tdGetColDataOfRowUnsafe(SDataCol *pCol, int row) {
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(pCol->type)) {
return POINTER_SHIFT(pCol->pData, pCol->dataOff[row]);
} else {
return POINTER_SHIFT(pCol->pData, TYPE_BYTES[pCol->type] * row);
bool isNEleNull(SDataCol *pCol, int nEle) {
if (isAllRowsNull(pCol)) return true;
for (int i = 0; i < nEle; ++i) {
if (!isNull(tdGetColDataOfRowUnsafe(pCol, i), pCol->type)) return false;
return true;
void *dataColSetOffset(SDataCol *pCol, int nEle) {
ASSERT(((pCol->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY) || (pCol->type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR)));
void *tptr = pCol->pData;
// char *tptr = (char *)(pCol->pData);
VarDataOffsetT offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nEle; ++i) {
pCol->dataOff[i] = offset;
offset += varDataTLen(tptr);
tptr = POINTER_SHIFT(tptr, varDataTLen(tptr));
return POINTER_SHIFT(tptr, varDataTLen(tptr));
SDataCols *tdNewDataCols(int maxCols, int maxRows) {
SDataCols *pCols = (SDataCols *)taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SDataCols));
if (pCols == NULL) {
uDebug("malloc failure, size:%" PRId64 " failed, reason:%s", (int64_t)sizeof(SDataCols), strerror(errno));
return NULL;
pCols->maxPoints = maxRows;
pCols->maxCols = maxCols;
pCols->numOfRows = 0;
pCols->numOfCols = 0;
pCols->bitmapMode = TSDB_BITMODE_DEFAULT;
if (maxCols > 0) {
pCols->cols = (SDataCol *)taosMemoryCalloc(maxCols, sizeof(SDataCol));
if (pCols->cols == NULL) {
uDebug("malloc failure, size:%" PRId64 " failed, reason:%s", (int64_t)sizeof(SDataCol) * maxCols,
return NULL;
#if 0 // no need as calloc used
int i;
for (i = 0; i < maxCols; i++) {
pCols->cols[i].spaceSize = 0;
pCols->cols[i].len = 0;
pCols->cols[i].pData = NULL;
pCols->cols[i].dataOff = NULL;
return pCols;
int tdInitDataCols(SDataCols *pCols, STSchema *pSchema) {
int i;
int oldMaxCols = pCols->maxCols;
if (schemaNCols(pSchema) > oldMaxCols) {
pCols->maxCols = schemaNCols(pSchema);
void *ptr = (SDataCol *)taosMemoryRealloc(pCols->cols, sizeof(SDataCol) * pCols->maxCols);
if (ptr == NULL) return -1;
pCols->cols = ptr;
for (i = oldMaxCols; i < pCols->maxCols; ++i) {
pCols->cols[i].pData = NULL;
pCols->cols[i].dataOff = NULL;
pCols->cols[i].pBitmap = NULL;
pCols->cols[i].spaceSize = 0;
#if 0
tdResetDataCols(pCols); // redundant loop to reset len/blen to 0, already reset in following dataColInit(...)
pCols->numOfRows = 0;
pCols->bitmapMode = TSDB_BITMODE_DEFAULT;
pCols->numOfCols = schemaNCols(pSchema);
for (i = 0; i < schemaNCols(pSchema); ++i) {
dataColInit(pCols->cols + i, schemaColAt(pSchema, i), pCols->maxPoints);
return 0;
SDataCols *tdFreeDataCols(SDataCols *pCols) {
int i;
if (pCols) {
if (pCols->cols) {
int maxCols = pCols->maxCols;
for (i = 0; i < maxCols; ++i) {
SDataCol *pCol = &pCols->cols[i];
pCols->cols = NULL;
return NULL;
void tdResetDataCols(SDataCols *pCols) {
if (pCols != NULL) {
pCols->numOfRows = 0;
pCols->bitmapMode = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pCols->maxCols; ++i) {
dataColReset(pCols->cols + i);
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