未验证 提交 33aa7419 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #15213 from taosdata/fix/mnode

test: restore 2.0 case
......@@ -154,19 +154,19 @@
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/set_tag_vals.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/single_row_in_tb.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/sliding.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/slimit_alter_tags.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/slimit.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/slimit1.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/slimit_alter_tags.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/stableOp.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/parser/stableOp.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/tags_dynamically_specifiy.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/tags_filter.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/tbnameIn.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/timestamp.sim
## ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/top_groupby.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/topbot.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/udf.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/udf_dll.sim
# jira ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/tbnameIn.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/parser/timestamp.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/parser/top_groupby.sim
./test.sh -f tsim/parser/topbot.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/udf_dll_stable.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/udf_dll.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/udf.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/union.sim
# ./test.sh -f tsim/parser/where.sim
......@@ -476,26 +476,26 @@ if $rows != 100 then
return -1
sql select sum(c2),c8,avg(c2), sum(c2)/count(*) from group_mt0 partition by c8 order by c8 slimit 2 soffset 99
sql select sum(c2),c8,avg(c2), sum(c2)/count(*) from group_mt0 partition by c8 slimit 2 soffset 99
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
if $data00 != 79200.000000000 then
return -1
#if $data00 != 79200.000000000 then
# return -1
if $data01 != @binary99@ then
return -1
#if $data01 != @binary99@ then
# return -1
if $data02 != 99.000000000 then
return -1
#if $data02 != 99.000000000 then
# return -1
if $data03 != 99.000000000 then
return -1
#if $data03 != 99.000000000 then
# return -1
print ============>td-1765
sql select percentile(c4, 49),min(c4),max(c4),avg(c4),stddev(c4) from group_tb0 group by c8 order by c8;
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $db = $dbPrefix . $i
$stb = $stbPrefix . $i
sql drop database if exists $db
sql create database $db maxrows 200 cache 16
sql create database $db maxrows 200
print ====== create tables
sql use $db
sql create table $stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 float, c4 double, c5 smallint, c6 tinyint, c7 bool, c8 binary(10), c9 nchar(10)) tags(t1 binary(15), t2 int, t3 bigint, t4 nchar(10), t5 double, t6 bool)
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ print ====== $db tables created
$db = $dbPrefix . 1
sql drop database if exists $db
sql create database $db maxrows 200 cache 16
sql create database $db maxrows 200
sql use $db
sql create table $stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 float, c4 double, c5 smallint, c6 tinyint, c7 bool, c8 binary(10), c9 nchar(10)) tags(t1 binary(15), t2 int, t3 bigint, t4 nchar(10), t5 double, t6 bool)
......@@ -93,11 +93,9 @@ run tsim/parser/slimit_query.sim
print ================== restart server to commit data into disk
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
sleep 500
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
print ================== server restart completed
sql connect
sleep 100
run tsim/parser/slimit_query.sim
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ sql_error insert into $tb values (now, 1, 2.0);
sql alter stable $stb add tag tag2 int;
sql alter stable $stb change tag tag2 tag3;
sql alter stable $stb rename tag tag2 tag3;
sql_error drop stable $tb
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ print create/alter/drop stable test passed
sql drop database $db
sql show databases
if $rows != 0 then
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
......@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ run tsim/parser/tbnameIn_query.sim
print ================== restart server to commit data into disk
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
sleep 500
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
print ================== server restart completed
sleep 100
sql connect
$dbPrefix = ti_db
......@@ -27,10 +26,11 @@ sql use $db
sql select count(*) from $stb where tbname in ('ti_tb1', 'ti_tb300') and t1 > 2
# tbname in used on meter
sql_error select count(*) from $tb where tbname in ('ti_tb1', 'ti_tb300')
sql select count(*) from $tb where tbname in ('ti_tb1', 'ti_tb300')
## tbname in + group by tag
sql select count(*) from $stb where tbname in ('ti_tb1', 'ti_tb300') group by t1 order by t1 asc
print select count(*) from $stb where tbname in ('ti_tb1', 'ti_tb300') group by t1 order by t1 asc
sql select count(*), t1 from $stb where tbname in ('ti_tb1', 'ti_tb300') group by t1 order by t1 asc
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ if $data11 != 300 then
## duplicated tbnames
sql select count(*) from $stb where tbname in ('ti_tb1', 'ti_tb1', 'ti_tb1', 'ti_tb2', 'ti_tb2', 'ti_tb3') group by t1 order by t1 asc
sql select count(*), t1 from $stb where tbname in ('ti_tb1', 'ti_tb1', 'ti_tb1', 'ti_tb2', 'ti_tb2', 'ti_tb3') group by t1 order by t1 asc
if $rows != 3 then
return -1
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ if $data21 != 3 then
## wrong tbnames
sql select count(*) from $stb where tbname in ('tbname in', 'ti_tb1', 'ti_stb0') group by t1 order by t1
sql select count(*), t1 from $stb where tbname in ('tbname in', 'ti_tb1', 'ti_stb0') group by t1 order by t1
if $rows != 1 then
return -1
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ if $data01 != 1 then
## tbname in + colummn filtering
sql select count(*) from $stb where tbname in ('tbname in', 'ti_tb1', 'ti_stb0', 'ti_tb2') and c8 like 'binary%' group by t1 order by t1 asc
sql select count(*), t1 from $stb where tbname in ('tbname in', 'ti_tb1', 'ti_stb0', 'ti_tb2') and c8 like 'binary%' group by t1 order by t1 asc
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
......@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@ if $data11 != 2 then
## tbname in can accpet Upper case table name
sql select count(*) from $stb where tbname in ('ti_tb0', 'TI_tb1', 'TI_TB2') group by t1 order by t1
print select count(*), t1 from $stb where tbname in ('ti_tb0', 'TI_tb1', 'TI_TB2') group by t1 order by t1
sql select count(*), t1 from $stb where tbname in ('ti_tb0', 'TI_tb1', 'TI_TB2') group by t1 order by t1
if $rows != 3 then
return -1
......@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ if $data21 != 2 then
# multiple tbname in is not allowed NOW
sql_error select count(*) from $stb where tbname in ('ti_tb1', 'ti_tb300') and tbname in ('ti_tb5', 'ti_tb1000') group by t1 order by t1 asc
sql select count(*), t1 from $stb where tbname in ('ti_tb1', 'ti_tb300') and tbname in ('ti_tb5', 'ti_tb1000') group by t1 order by t1 asc
#if $rows != 4 then
# return -1
......@@ -54,10 +54,8 @@ run tsim/parser/timestamp_query.sim
print ================== restart server to commit data into disk
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
sleep 100
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
print ================== server restart completed
sql connect
sleep 100
run tsim/parser/timestamp_query.sim
sleep 100
sql connect
$dbPrefix = ts_db
......@@ -22,14 +21,14 @@ $tsu = $tsu - $delta
$tsu = $tsu + $ts0
print ==================>issue #3481, normal column not allowed,
sql_error select ts,c1,min(c2) from ts_stb0
sql select ts,c1,min(c2) from ts_stb0
print ==================>issue #4681, not equal operator on primary timestamp not allowed
sql_error select * from ts_stb0 where ts <> $ts0
sql select * from ts_stb0 where ts <> $ts0
##### select from supertable
$tb = $tbPrefix . 0
sql select first(c1), last(c1), (1537325400 - 1537146000)/(5*60) v from $tb where ts >= $ts0 and ts < $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, -1)
sql select _wstart, first(c1), last(c1), (1537325400 - 1537146000)/(5*60) v from $tb where ts >= $ts0 and ts < $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, -1)
$res = $rowNum * 2
$n = $res - 2
print ============>$n
......@@ -43,13 +42,12 @@ if $data03 != 598.000000000 then
return -1
if $data13 != 598.000000000 then
print expect 598.000000000, actual $data03
return -1
sql select first(c1), last(c1), (1537325400 - 1537146000)/(5*60) v from $tb where ts >= $ts0 and ts < $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, NULL)
sql select _wstart, first(c1), last(c1), (1537325400 - 1537146000)/(5*60) v from $tb where ts >= $ts0 and ts < $tsu interval(5m) fill(value, NULL)
if $data13 != 598.000000000 then
print expect 598.000000000, actual $data03
return -1
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ $stb = $stbPrefix . $i
sql drop database $db -x step1
sql create database $db cache 16 maxrows 4096 keep 36500
sql create database $db maxrows 4096 keep 36500
print ====== create tables
sql use $db
sql create table $stb (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 float, c4 double, c5 smallint, c6 tinyint, c7 bool, c8 binary(10), c9 nchar(10)) tags(t1 int)
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ if $row != 100 then
return -1
sql select bottom(c3, 5) from tb_tb1 interval(1y);
sql select _wstart, bottom(c3, 5) from tb_tb1 interval(1y);
if $rows != 5 then
return -1
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ if $data31 != 0.00000 then
return -1
sql select top(c4, 5) from tb_tb1 interval(1y);
sql select _wstart, top(c4, 5) from tb_tb1 interval(1y);
if $rows != 5 then
return -1
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ if $data31 != 9.000000000 then
return -1
sql select top(c3, 5) from tb_tb1 interval(40h)
sql select _wstart, top(c3, 5) from tb_tb1 interval(40h)
if $rows != 25 then
return -1
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ sql insert into test1 values(1537146000006, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6.100000, 6.100000, 0, '
sql insert into test1 values(1537146000007, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7.100000, 7.100000, 1, 'taosdata8', '涛思数据8');
sql insert into test1 values(1537146000008, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8.100000, 8.100000, 0, 'taosdata9', '涛思数据9');
sql insert into test1 values(1537146000009, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9.100000, 9.100000, 1, 'taosdata10', '涛思数据10');
sql select bottom(col5, 10) from test
sql select ts, bottom(col5, 10) from test order by col5;
if $rows != 10 then
return -1
......@@ -177,13 +177,11 @@ sql insert into test values(29999, 1)(70000, 2)(80000, 3)
print ================== restart server to commit data into disk
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
sleep 500
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
print ================== server restart completed
sql connect
sleep 100
sql select count(*) from t1.test where ts>10000 and ts<90000 interval(5000a)
sql select count(*) from t1.test where ts > 10000 and ts < 90000 interval(5000a)
if $rows != 3 then
return -1
......@@ -218,7 +216,6 @@ endw
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sql connect
sleep 100
sql use db;
$ts = 1000
......@@ -270,10 +267,9 @@ sql insert into t2 values('2020-2-2 1:1:1', 1);
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sql connect
sleep 100
sql use db
sql select count(*), first(ts), last(ts) from t2 interval(1d);
sql select _wstart, count(*), first(ts), last(ts) from t2 interval(1d);
if $rows != 2 then
return -1
......@@ -367,9 +363,9 @@ if $row != 1 then
return -1
sql_error select * from ttm2 where k=null
sql_error select * from ttm2 where k<>null
sql select * from ttm2 where k=null
sql select * from ttm2 where k<>null
sql_error select * from ttm2 where k like null
sql_error select * from ttm2 where k<null
sql select * from ttm2 where k<null
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
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