提交 3190ef65 编写于 作者: B Benguang Zhao

fix: deal with misaligned idx entries in walCheckAndRepairIdxFile

上级 23a4a376
......@@ -481,6 +481,10 @@ int walCheckAndRepairIdxFile(SWal* pWal, int32_t fileIdx) {
if (offset != (idxEntry.ver - pFileInfo->firstVer) * sizeof(SWalIdxEntry)) {
if (walReadLogHead(pLogFile, idxEntry.offset, &ckHead) < 0) {
wWarn("vgId:%d, failed to read log file since %s. file:%s, offset:%" PRId64 ", idx entry ver:%" PRId64 "",
pWal->cfg.vgId, terrstr(), fLogNameStr, idxEntry.offset, idxEntry.ver);
......@@ -493,6 +497,8 @@ int walCheckAndRepairIdxFile(SWal* pWal, int32_t fileIdx) {
offset += sizeof(SWalIdxEntry);
ASSERT(offset == (idxEntry.ver - pFileInfo->firstVer + 1) * sizeof(SWalIdxEntry));
// ftruncate idx file
if (offset < fileSize) {
if (taosFtruncateFile(pIdxFile, offset) < 0) {
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