未验证 提交 31655c07 编写于 作者: dengyihao's avatar dengyihao 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #14611 from taosdata/feat/idxFix1

enh: refactor idx code
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ int indexSearch(SIndex* index, SIndexMultiTermQuery* query, SArray* result);
* @parma opt (input, rebuild index opts)
* @return error code
int indexRebuild(SIndex* index, SIndexOpts* opt);
// int indexRebuild(SIndex* index, SIndexOpts* opt);
* open index
......@@ -185,6 +185,25 @@ SIndexTerm* indexTermCreate(int64_t suid, SIndexOperOnColumn operType, uint8_t c
int32_t nColName, const char* colVal, int32_t nColVal);
void indexTermDestroy(SIndexTerm* p);
* rebuild index
void indexRebuild(SIndexJson* idx, void* iter);
* check index json status
bool indexIsRebuild(SIndex* idx);
* rebuild index json
void indexJsonRebuild(SIndexJson* idx, void* iter);
* check index json status
bool indexJsonIsRebuild(SIndexJson* idx);
* init index env
......@@ -203,7 +222,7 @@ typedef enum { SFLT_NOT_INDEX, SFLT_COARSE_INDEX, SFLT_ACCURATE_INDEX } SIdxFltS
SIdxFltStatus idxGetFltStatus(SNode* pFilterNode);
int32_t doFilterTag(const SNode* pFilterNode, SIndexMetaArg* metaArg, SArray* result);
int32_t doFilterTag(SNode* pFilterNode, SIndexMetaArg* metaArg, SArray* result, SIdxFltStatus* status);
* destory index env
......@@ -1298,16 +1298,16 @@ void doProcessMsgFromServer(SSchedMsg* schedMsg) {
pSendInfo->fp(pSendInfo->param, &buf, pMsg->code);
void processMsgFromServer(void* parent, SRpcMsg* pMsg, SEpSet* pEpSet) {
SSchedMsg schedMsg = {0};
SEpSet* tEpSet = pEpSet != NULL ? taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SEpSet)) : NULL;
if (tEpSet != NULL) {
*tEpSet = *pEpSet;
SEpSet* tEpSet = NULL;
if (pEpSet != NULL) {
tEpSet = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SEpSet));
memcpy((void*)tEpSet, (void*)pEpSet, sizeof(SEpSet));
SchedArg* arg = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SchedArg));
......@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ int32_t vnodeSnapshotRead(SVSnapshotReader *pReader, const void **ppData, uint32
int32_t vnodeProcessCreateTSma(SVnode *pVnode, void *pCont, uint32_t contLen);
int32_t vnodeGetAllTableList(SVnode *pVnode, uint64_t uid, SArray *list);
int32_t vnodeGetCtbIdList(SVnode *pVnode, int64_t suid, SArray *list);
void *vnodeGetIdx(SVnode *pVnode);
void *vnodeGetIvtIdx(SVnode *pVnode);
void * vnodeGetIdx(SVnode *pVnode);
void * vnodeGetIvtIdx(SVnode *pVnode);
int32_t vnodeGetLoad(SVnode *pVnode, SVnodeLoad *pLoad);
int32_t vnodeValidateTableHash(SVnode *pVnode, char *tableFName);
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ typedef struct SMetaFltParam {
tb_uid_t suid;
int16_t cid;
int16_t type;
char *val;
char * val;
bool reverse;
int (*filterFunc)(void *a, void *b, int16_t type);
......@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ SArray *tsdbRetrieveDataBlock(STsdbReader *pTsdbReadHandle, SArray *pColumnIdLis
int32_t tsdbReaderReset(STsdbReader *pReader, SQueryTableDataCond *pCond, int32_t tWinIdx);
int32_t tsdbGetFileBlocksDistInfo(STsdbReader *pReader, STableBlockDistInfo *pTableBlockInfo);
int64_t tsdbGetNumOfRowsInMemTable(STsdbReader *pHandle);
void * tsdbGetIdx(SMeta *pMeta);
void * tsdbGetIvtIdx(SMeta *pMeta);
int32_t tsdbLastRowReaderOpen(void *pVnode, int32_t type, SArray *pTableIdList, int32_t *colId, int32_t numOfCols,
void **pReader);
......@@ -212,7 +214,7 @@ struct SMetaEntry {
int8_t type;
int8_t flags; // TODO: need refactor?
tb_uid_t uid;
char *name;
char * name;
union {
struct {
SSchemaWrapper schemaRow;
......@@ -223,7 +225,7 @@ struct SMetaEntry {
int64_t ctime;
int32_t ttlDays;
int32_t commentLen;
char *comment;
char * comment;
tb_uid_t suid;
uint8_t *pTags;
} ctbEntry;
......@@ -231,7 +233,7 @@ struct SMetaEntry {
int64_t ctime;
int32_t ttlDays;
int32_t commentLen;
char *comment;
char * comment;
int32_t ncid; // next column id
SSchemaWrapper schemaRow;
} ntbEntry;
......@@ -245,17 +247,17 @@ struct SMetaEntry {
struct SMetaReader {
int32_t flags;
SMeta *pMeta;
SMeta * pMeta;
SDecoder coder;
SMetaEntry me;
void *pBuf;
void * pBuf;
int32_t szBuf;
struct SMTbCursor {
TBC *pDbc;
void *pKey;
void *pVal;
TBC * pDbc;
void * pKey;
void * pVal;
int32_t kLen;
int32_t vLen;
SMetaReader mr;
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ static int metaSaveJsonVarToIdx(SMeta *pMeta, const SMetaEntry *pCtbEntry, const
SIndexTerm *term = NULL;
if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NULL) {
// handle null value
term = indexTermCreate(suid, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, key, nKey, NULL, 0);
} else if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR) {
if (pTagVal->nData > 0) {
char * val = taosMemoryCalloc(1, pTagVal->nData + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE);
......@@ -83,17 +83,15 @@ static int metaSaveJsonVarToIdx(SMeta *pMeta, const SMetaEntry *pCtbEntry, const
term = indexTermCreate(suid, ADD_VALUE, type, key, nKey, val, len);
} else if (pTagVal->nData == 0) {
char * val = NULL;
int32_t len = 0;
// handle NULL key
term = indexTermCreate(suid, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR, key, nKey, pTagVal->pData, 0);
} else if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
double val = *(double *)(&pTagVal->i64);
int len = 0;
int len = sizeof(val);
term = indexTermCreate(suid, ADD_VALUE, type, key, nKey, (const char *)&val, len);
} else if (type == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BOOL) {
int val = *(int *)(&pTagVal->i64);
int len = 0;
int len = sizeof(val);
term = indexTermCreate(suid, ADD_VALUE, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT, key, nKey, (const char *)&val, len);
if (term != NULL) {
......@@ -380,22 +378,22 @@ int metaDropTable(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t version, SVDropTbReq *pReq, SArray *tbUi
int metaTtlDropTable(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t ttl, SArray *tbUids) {
int ret = metaTtlSmaller(pMeta, ttl, tbUids);
if(ret != 0){
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
for (int i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(tbUids); ++i) {
tb_uid_t *uid = (tb_uid_t *)taosArrayGet(tbUids, i);
metaDropTableByUid(pMeta, *uid, NULL);
metaDebug("ttl drop table:%"PRId64, *uid);
metaDebug("ttl drop table:%" PRId64, *uid);
return 0;
static void metaBuildTtlIdxKey(STtlIdxKey *ttlKey, const SMetaEntry *pME){
int64_t ttlDays;
int64_t ctime;
static void metaBuildTtlIdxKey(STtlIdxKey *ttlKey, const SMetaEntry *pME) {
int64_t ttlDays;
int64_t ctime;
if (pME->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
ctime = pME->ctbEntry.ctime;
ttlDays = pME->ctbEntry.ttlDays;
......@@ -415,11 +413,10 @@ static void metaBuildTtlIdxKey(STtlIdxKey *ttlKey, const SMetaEntry *pME){
static int metaDeleteTtlIdx(SMeta *pMeta, const SMetaEntry *pME) {
STtlIdxKey ttlKey = {0};
metaBuildTtlIdxKey(&ttlKey, pME);
if(ttlKey.dtime == 0) return 0;
if (ttlKey.dtime == 0) return 0;
return tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pTtlIdx, &ttlKey, sizeof(ttlKey), &pMeta->txn);
static int metaDropTableByUid(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid, int *type) {
void * pData = NULL;
int nData = 0;
......@@ -440,8 +437,7 @@ static int metaDropTableByUid(SMeta *pMeta, tb_uid_t uid, int *type) {
tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pTbDb, &(STbDbKey){.version = version, .uid = uid}, sizeof(STbDbKey), &pMeta->txn);
tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pNameIdx, e.name, strlen(e.name) + 1, &pMeta->txn);
tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pUidIdx, &uid, sizeof(uid), &pMeta->txn);
if(e.type != TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) metaDeleteTtlIdx(pMeta, &e);
if (e.type != TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) metaDeleteTtlIdx(pMeta, &e);
if (e.type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
tdbTbDelete(pMeta->pCtbIdx, &(SCtbIdxKey){.suid = e.ctbEntry.suid, .uid = uid}, sizeof(SCtbIdxKey), &pMeta->txn);
......@@ -765,15 +761,15 @@ _err:
static int metaUpdateTableOptions(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t version, SVAlterTbReq *pAlterTbReq) {
void * pVal = NULL;
int nVal = 0;
const void * pData = NULL;
int nData = 0;
int ret = 0;
tb_uid_t uid;
int64_t oversion;
SMetaEntry entry = {0};
int c = 0;
void * pVal = NULL;
int nVal = 0;
const void *pData = NULL;
int nData = 0;
int ret = 0;
tb_uid_t uid;
int64_t oversion;
SMetaEntry entry = {0};
int c = 0;
// search name index
ret = tdbTbGet(pMeta->pNameIdx, pAlterTbReq->tbName, strlen(pAlterTbReq->tbName) + 1, &pVal, &nVal);
......@@ -816,22 +812,22 @@ static int metaUpdateTableOptions(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t version, SVAlterTbReq *p
// build SMetaEntry
if (entry.type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) {
if(pAlterTbReq->updateTTL) {
if (pAlterTbReq->updateTTL) {
metaDeleteTtlIdx(pMeta, &entry);
entry.ctbEntry.ttlDays = pAlterTbReq->newTTL;
metaUpdateTtlIdx(pMeta, &entry);
if(pAlterTbReq->newCommentLen >= 0) {
if (pAlterTbReq->newCommentLen >= 0) {
entry.ctbEntry.commentLen = pAlterTbReq->newCommentLen;
entry.ctbEntry.comment = pAlterTbReq->newComment;
} else {
if(pAlterTbReq->updateTTL) {
if (pAlterTbReq->updateTTL) {
metaDeleteTtlIdx(pMeta, &entry);
entry.ntbEntry.ttlDays = pAlterTbReq->newTTL;
metaUpdateTtlIdx(pMeta, &entry);
if(pAlterTbReq->newCommentLen >= 0) {
if (pAlterTbReq->newCommentLen >= 0) {
entry.ntbEntry.commentLen = pAlterTbReq->newCommentLen;
entry.ntbEntry.comment = pAlterTbReq->newComment;
......@@ -930,7 +926,7 @@ static int metaUpdateNameIdx(SMeta *pMeta, const SMetaEntry *pME) {
static int metaUpdateTtlIdx(SMeta *pMeta, const SMetaEntry *pME) {
STtlIdxKey ttlKey = {0};
metaBuildTtlIdxKey(&ttlKey, pME);
if(ttlKey.dtime == 0) return 0;
if (ttlKey.dtime == 0) return 0;
return tdbTbInsert(pMeta->pTtlIdx, &ttlKey, sizeof(ttlKey), NULL, 0, &pMeta->txn);
......@@ -988,7 +984,7 @@ static int metaUpdateTagIdx(SMeta *pMeta, const SMetaEntry *pCtbEntry) {
SDecoder dc = {0};
// get super table
if(tdbTbGet(pMeta->pUidIdx, &pCtbEntry->ctbEntry.suid, sizeof(tb_uid_t), &pData, &nData) != 0){
if (tdbTbGet(pMeta->pUidIdx, &pCtbEntry->ctbEntry.suid, sizeof(tb_uid_t), &pData, &nData) != 0) {
return -1;
tbDbKey.uid = pCtbEntry->ctbEntry.suid;
......@@ -1096,7 +1092,7 @@ static int metaHandleEntry(SMeta *pMeta, const SMetaEntry *pME) {
if (pME->type == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) {
if (metaUpdateSuidIdx(pMeta, pME) < 0) goto _err;
if (pME->type != TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) {
......@@ -17,26 +17,26 @@
typedef struct {
STbDataIter *iter;
STbDataIter* iter;
int32_t index;
bool hasVal;
} SIterInfo;
typedef struct STableBlockScanInfo {
uint64_t uid;
TSKEY lastKey;
SBlockIdx blockIdx;
SArray* pBlockList; // block data index list
SIterInfo iter; // mem buffer skip list iterator
SIterInfo iiter; // imem buffer skip list iterator
SArray* delSkyline; // delete info for this table
int32_t fileDelIndex;
bool iterInit; // whether to initialize the in-memory skip list iterator or not
uint64_t uid;
TSKEY lastKey;
SBlockIdx blockIdx;
SArray* pBlockList; // block data index list
SIterInfo iter; // mem buffer skip list iterator
SIterInfo iiter; // imem buffer skip list iterator
SArray* delSkyline; // delete info for this table
int32_t fileDelIndex;
bool iterInit; // whether to initialize the in-memory skip list iterator or not
} STableBlockScanInfo;
typedef struct SBlockOrderWrapper {
int64_t uid;
SBlock* pBlock;
int64_t uid;
SBlock* pBlock;
} SBlockOrderWrapper;
typedef struct SBlockOrderSupporter {
......@@ -70,40 +70,41 @@ typedef struct SFilesetIter {
} SFilesetIter;
typedef struct SFileDataBlockInfo {
int32_t tbBlockIdx; // index position in STableBlockScanInfo in order to check whether neighbor block overlaps with it
uint64_t uid;
tbBlockIdx; // index position in STableBlockScanInfo in order to check whether neighbor block overlaps with it
uint64_t uid;
} SFileDataBlockInfo;
typedef struct SDataBlockIter {
int32_t numOfBlocks;
int32_t index;
SArray* blockList; // SArray<SFileDataBlockInfo>
int32_t order;
int32_t numOfBlocks;
int32_t index;
SArray* blockList; // SArray<SFileDataBlockInfo>
int32_t order;
} SDataBlockIter;
typedef struct SFileBlockDumpInfo {
int32_t totalRows;
int32_t rowIndex;
int64_t lastKey;
bool allDumped;
int32_t totalRows;
int32_t rowIndex;
int64_t lastKey;
bool allDumped;
} SFileBlockDumpInfo;
typedef struct SVersionRange {
uint64_t minVer;
uint64_t maxVer;
uint64_t minVer;
uint64_t maxVer;
} SVersionRange;
typedef struct SReaderStatus {
bool loadFromFile; // check file stage
SHashObj* pTableMap; // SHash<STableBlockScanInfo>
bool loadFromFile; // check file stage
SHashObj* pTableMap; // SHash<STableBlockScanInfo>
STableBlockScanInfo* pTableIter; // table iterator used in building in-memory buffer data blocks.
SFileBlockDumpInfo fBlockDumpInfo;
SDFileSet* pCurrentFileset; // current opened file set
SBlockData fileBlockData;
SFilesetIter fileIter;
SDataBlockIter blockIter;
bool composedDataBlock;// the returned data block is a composed block or not
SDFileSet* pCurrentFileset; // current opened file set
SBlockData fileBlockData;
SFilesetIter fileIter;
SDataBlockIter blockIter;
bool composedDataBlock; // the returned data block is a composed block or not
} SReaderStatus;
struct STsdbReader {
......@@ -118,10 +119,10 @@ struct STsdbReader {
int32_t type; // query type: 1. retrieve all data blocks, 2. retrieve direct prev|next rows
SBlockLoadSuppInfo suppInfo;
SIOCostSummary cost;
STSchema* pSchema;
SDataFReader* pFileReader;
SVersionRange verRange;
SIOCostSummary cost;
STSchema* pSchema;
SDataFReader* pFileReader;
SVersionRange verRange;
#if 0
SArray* prev; // previous row which is before than time window
SArray* next; // next row which is after the query time window
......@@ -144,17 +145,21 @@ static int buildDataBlockFromBufImpl(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, i
static TSDBROW* getValidRow(SIterInfo* pIter, const SArray* pDelList, STsdbReader* pReader);
static int32_t doMergeRowsInFileBlocks(SBlockData* pBlockData, STableBlockScanInfo* pScanInfo, STsdbReader* pReader,
SRowMerger* pMerger);
static int32_t doMergeRowsInBuf(SIterInfo *pIter, int64_t ts, SArray* pDelList, SRowMerger* pMerger, STsdbReader* pReader);
static int32_t doMergeRowsInBuf(SIterInfo* pIter, int64_t ts, SArray* pDelList, SRowMerger* pMerger,
STsdbReader* pReader);
static int32_t doAppendOneRow(SSDataBlock* pBlock, STsdbReader* pReader, STSRow* pTSRow);
static void setComposedBlockFlag(STsdbReader* pReader, bool composed);
static void updateSchema(TSDBROW* pRow, uint64_t uid, STsdbReader* pReader);
static bool hasBeenDropped(const SArray* pDelList, int32_t* index, TSDBKEY* pKey);
static void doMergeMultiRows(TSDBROW* pRow, uint64_t uid, SIterInfo *pIter, SArray* pDelList, STSRow** pTSRow, STsdbReader* pReader);
static void doMergeMultiRows(TSDBROW* pRow, uint64_t uid, SIterInfo* pIter, SArray* pDelList, STSRow** pTSRow,
STsdbReader* pReader);
static void doMergeMemIMemRows(TSDBROW* pRow, TSDBROW* piRow, STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader* pReader,
STSRow** pTSRow);
static int32_t initDelSkylineIterator(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader* pReader, STbData* pMemTbData, STbData* piMemTbData);
static STsdb* getTsdbByRetentions(SVnode* pVnode, TSKEY winSKey, SRetention* retentions, const char* idstr, int8_t *pLevel);
static int32_t initDelSkylineIterator(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader* pReader, STbData* pMemTbData,
STbData* piMemTbData);
static STsdb* getTsdbByRetentions(SVnode* pVnode, TSKEY winSKey, SRetention* retentions, const char* idstr,
int8_t* pLevel);
static SVersionRange getQueryVerRange(SVnode* pVnode, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, int8_t level);
static int32_t setColumnIdSlotList(STsdbReader* pReader, SSDataBlock* pBlock) {
......@@ -215,10 +220,10 @@ static SHashObj* createDataBlockScanInfo(STsdbReader* pTsdbReader, const STableK
static void resetDataBlockScanInfo(SHashObj* pTableMap) {
STableBlockScanInfo* p = NULL;
while((p = taosHashIterate(pTableMap, p)) != NULL) {
while ((p = taosHashIterate(pTableMap, p)) != NULL) {
p->iterInit = false;
p->iiter.hasVal = false;
if (p->iter.iter != NULL) {
if (p->iter.iter != NULL) {
......@@ -234,12 +239,12 @@ static bool isEmptyQueryTimeWindow(STimeWindow* pWindow) {
// Update the query time window according to the data time to live(TTL) information, in order to avoid to return
// the expired data to client, even it is queried already.
static STimeWindow updateQueryTimeWindow(STsdb* pTsdb, STimeWindow* pWindow) {
STsdbKeepCfg* pCfg = &pTsdb->keepCfg;
STsdbKeepCfg* pCfg = &pTsdb->keepCfg;
int64_t now = taosGetTimestamp(pCfg->precision);
int64_t earilyTs = now - (tsTickPerMin[pCfg->precision] * pCfg->keep2) + 1; // needs to add one tick
int64_t now = taosGetTimestamp(pCfg->precision);
int64_t earilyTs = now - (tsTickPerMin[pCfg->precision] * pCfg->keep2) + 1; // needs to add one tick
STimeWindow win = *pWindow;
STimeWindow win = *pWindow;
if (win.skey < earilyTs) {
win.skey = earilyTs;
......@@ -352,8 +357,8 @@ static void resetDataBlockIterator(SDataBlockIter* pIter, int32_t order) {
static void initReaderStatus(SReaderStatus* pStatus) {
pStatus->pTableIter = NULL;
pStatus->loadFromFile = true;
pStatus->pTableIter = NULL;
pStatus->loadFromFile = true;
static SSDataBlock* createResBlock(SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, int32_t capacity) {
......@@ -390,14 +395,15 @@ static int32_t tsdbReaderCreate(SVnode* pVnode, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, STsd
pReader->pTsdb = getTsdbByRetentions(pVnode, pCond->twindows[0].skey, pVnode->config.tsdbCfg.retentions, idstr, &level);
pReader->suid = pCond->suid;
pReader->order = pCond->order;
pReader->capacity = 4096;
pReader->idStr = (idstr != NULL)? strdup(idstr):NULL;
pReader->verRange = getQueryVerRange(pVnode, pCond, level);
pReader->pTsdb =
getTsdbByRetentions(pVnode, pCond->twindows[0].skey, pVnode->config.tsdbCfg.retentions, idstr, &level);
pReader->suid = pCond->suid;
pReader->order = pCond->order;
pReader->capacity = 4096;
pReader->idStr = (idstr != NULL) ? strdup(idstr) : NULL;
pReader->verRange = getQueryVerRange(pVnode, pCond, level);
pReader->type = pCond->type;
pReader->window = updateQueryTimeWindow(pVnode->pTsdb, pCond->twindows);
pReader->window = updateQueryTimeWindow(pVnode->pTsdb, pCond->twindows);
// todo remove this
setQueryTimewindow(pReader, pCond, 0);
......@@ -660,7 +666,7 @@ static int32_t doLoadFileBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, SArray* pIndexList, uint32_
*numOfValidTables = 0;
STableBlockScanInfo* px = NULL;
while(1) {
while (1) {
px = taosHashIterate(pReader->status.pTableMap, px);
if (px == NULL) {
......@@ -669,7 +675,7 @@ static int32_t doLoadFileBlock(STsdbReader* pReader, SArray* pIndexList, uint32_
for(int32_t i = 0; i < numOfTables; ++i) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfTables; ++i) {
SBlockIdx* pBlockIdx = taosArrayGet(pIndexList, i);
SMapData mapData = {0};
......@@ -830,7 +836,7 @@ static int32_t doLoadFileBlockData(STsdbReader* pReader, SDataBlockIter* pBlockI
uint8_t *pb = NULL, *pb1 = NULL;
int32_t code = tsdbReadColData(pReader->pFileReader, &pBlockScanInfo->blockIdx, pBlock, pSupInfo->colIds, numOfCols,
pBlockData, &pb, &pb1);
pBlockData, &pb, &pb1);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _error;
......@@ -1812,7 +1818,7 @@ static int32_t doMergeThreeLevelRows(STsdbReader* pReader, STableBlockScanInfo*
SFileBlockDumpInfo* pDumpInfo = &pReader->status.fBlockDumpInfo;
SBlockData* pBlockData = &pReader->status.fileBlockData;
SArray* pDelList = pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline;
SArray* pDelList = pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline;
TSDBROW* pRow = getValidRow(&pBlockScanInfo->iter, pDelList, pReader);
TSDBROW* piRow = getValidRow(&pBlockScanInfo->iiter, pDelList, pReader);
......@@ -1936,8 +1942,8 @@ static int32_t doMergeThreeLevelRows(STsdbReader* pReader, STableBlockScanInfo*
static bool isValidFileBlockRow(SBlockData* pBlockData, SFileBlockDumpInfo* pDumpInfo, STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo,
STsdbReader* pReader) {
static bool isValidFileBlockRow(SBlockData* pBlockData, SFileBlockDumpInfo* pDumpInfo,
STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader* pReader) {
// check for version and time range
int64_t ver = pBlockData->aVersion[pDumpInfo->rowIndex];
if (ver > pReader->verRange.maxVer || ver < pReader->verRange.minVer) {
......@@ -1980,7 +1986,7 @@ static int32_t buildComposedDataBlockImpl(STsdbReader* pReader, STableBlockScanI
// mem + file
if (pBlockScanInfo->iter.hasVal) {
return doMergeBufAndFileRows(pReader, pBlockScanInfo, pRow, pTSRow, &pBlockScanInfo->iter,key);
return doMergeBufAndFileRows(pReader, pBlockScanInfo, pRow, pTSRow, &pBlockScanInfo->iter, key);
// imem & mem are all empty, only file exist
......@@ -2113,7 +2119,8 @@ static int32_t initMemDataIterator(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbRea
int32_t initDelSkylineIterator(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader* pReader, STbData* pMemTbData, STbData* piMemTbData) {
int32_t initDelSkylineIterator(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader* pReader, STbData* pMemTbData,
STbData* piMemTbData) {
if (pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline != NULL) {
......@@ -2123,7 +2130,7 @@ int32_t initDelSkylineIterator(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader*
SArray* pDelData = taosArrayInit(4, sizeof(SDelData));
SDelFile *pDelFile = tsdbFSStateGetDelFile(pTsdb->fs->cState);
SDelFile* pDelFile = tsdbFSStateGetDelFile(pTsdb->fs->cState);
if (pDelFile) {
SDelFReader* pDelFReader = NULL;
code = tsdbDelFReaderOpen(&pDelFReader, pDelFile, pTsdb, NULL);
......@@ -2173,7 +2180,8 @@ int32_t initDelSkylineIterator(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader*
pBlockScanInfo->iter.index = ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pReader->order)? 0:taosArrayGetSize(pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline) - 1;
pBlockScanInfo->iter.index =
ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pReader->order) ? 0 : taosArrayGetSize(pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline) - 1;
pBlockScanInfo->iiter.index = pBlockScanInfo->iter.index;
pBlockScanInfo->fileDelIndex = pBlockScanInfo->iter.index;
return code;
......@@ -2488,7 +2496,7 @@ bool hasBeenDropped(const SArray* pDelList, int32_t* index, TSDBKEY* pKey) {
if (pKey->ts > last->ts) {
return false;
} else if (pKey->ts == last->ts) {
size_t size = taosArrayGetSize(pDelList);
size_t size = taosArrayGetSize(pDelList);
TSDBKEY* prev = taosArrayGet(pDelList, size - 2);
if (prev->version >= pKey->version) {
return true;
......@@ -2527,7 +2535,8 @@ TSDBROW* getValidRow(SIterInfo* pIter, const SArray* pDelList, STsdbReader* pRea
// it is a valid data version
if ((key.version <= pReader->verRange.maxVer && key.version >= pReader->verRange.minVer) && (!hasBeenDropped(pDelList, &pIter->index, &key))) {
if ((key.version <= pReader->verRange.maxVer && key.version >= pReader->verRange.minVer) &&
(!hasBeenDropped(pDelList, &pIter->index, &key))) {
return pRow;
......@@ -2545,13 +2554,14 @@ TSDBROW* getValidRow(SIterInfo* pIter, const SArray* pDelList, STsdbReader* pRea
return NULL;
if (key.version <= pReader->verRange.maxVer && key.version >= pReader->verRange.minVer && (!hasBeenDropped(pDelList, &pIter->index, &key))) {
if (key.version <= pReader->verRange.maxVer && key.version >= pReader->verRange.minVer &&
(!hasBeenDropped(pDelList, &pIter->index, &key))) {
return pRow;
int32_t doMergeRowsInBuf(SIterInfo *pIter, int64_t ts, SArray* pDelList, SRowMerger* pMerger, STsdbReader* pReader) {
int32_t doMergeRowsInBuf(SIterInfo* pIter, int64_t ts, SArray* pDelList, SRowMerger* pMerger, STsdbReader* pReader) {
while (1) {
pIter->hasVal = tsdbTbDataIterNext(pIter->iter);
if (!pIter->hasVal) {
......@@ -2685,7 +2695,8 @@ void updateSchema(TSDBROW* pRow, uint64_t uid, STsdbReader* pReader) {
void doMergeMultiRows(TSDBROW* pRow, uint64_t uid, SIterInfo *pIter, SArray* pDelList, STSRow** pTSRow, STsdbReader* pReader) {
void doMergeMultiRows(TSDBROW* pRow, uint64_t uid, SIterInfo* pIter, SArray* pDelList, STSRow** pTSRow,
STsdbReader* pReader) {
SRowMerger merge = {0};
......@@ -2728,7 +2739,7 @@ int32_t tsdbGetNextRowInMem(STableBlockScanInfo* pBlockScanInfo, STsdbReader* pR
int64_t endKey) {
TSDBROW* pRow = getValidRow(&pBlockScanInfo->iter, pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline, pReader);
TSDBROW* piRow = getValidRow(&pBlockScanInfo->iiter, pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline, pReader);
SArray* pDelList = pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline;
SArray* pDelList = pBlockScanInfo->delSkyline;
// todo refactor
bool asc = ASCENDING_TRAVERSE(pReader->order);
......@@ -2855,6 +2866,20 @@ int32_t tsdbSetTableId(STsdbReader* pReader, int64_t uid) {
void* tsdbGetIdx(SMeta* pMeta) {
if (pMeta == NULL) {
return NULL;
return metaGetIdx(pMeta);
void* tsdbGetIvtIdx(SMeta* pMeta) {
if (pMeta == NULL) {
return NULL;
return metaGetIvtIdx(pMeta);
* @brief Get all suids since suid
......@@ -3105,11 +3130,11 @@ void tsdbReaderClose(STsdbReader* pReader) {
if (!isEmptyQueryTimeWindow(&pReader->window)) {
// tsdbMayUnTakeMemSnapshot(pTsdbReadHandle);
} else {
ASSERT(pReader->status.pTableMap == NULL);
if (!isEmptyQueryTimeWindow(&pReader->window)) {
// tsdbMayUnTakeMemSnapshot(pTsdbReadHandle);
} else {
ASSERT(pReader->status.pTableMap == NULL);
#if 0
// if (pReader->status.pTableScanInfo != NULL) {
// pReader->status.pTableScanInfo = destroyTableCheckInfo(pReader->status.pTableScanInfo);
......@@ -3288,10 +3313,10 @@ int32_t tsdbReaderReset(STsdbReader* pReader, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, int32_
setQueryTimewindow(pReader, pCond, tWinIdx);
pReader->order = pCond->order;
pReader->order = pCond->order;
pReader->status.loadFromFile = true;
pReader->status.pTableIter = NULL;
pReader->status.pTableIter = NULL;
pReader->window = updateQueryTimeWindow(pReader->pTsdb, &pCond->twindows[tWinIdx]);
......@@ -3319,8 +3344,8 @@ int32_t tsdbReaderReset(STsdbReader* pReader, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, int32_
tsdbDebug("%p reset reader, suid:%"PRIu64", numOfTables:%d, query range:%"PRId64" - %"PRId64" in query %s", pReader, pReader->suid,
numOfTables, pReader->window.skey, pReader->window.ekey, pReader->idStr);
tsdbDebug("%p reset reader, suid:%" PRIu64 ", numOfTables:%d, query range:%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64 " in query %s",
pReader, pReader->suid, numOfTables, pReader->window.skey, pReader->window.ekey, pReader->idStr);
return code;
......@@ -305,9 +305,21 @@ int32_t getTableList(void* metaHandle, void* pVnode, SScanPhysiNode* pScanNode,
SNode* pTagIndexCond = (SNode*)pListInfo->pTagIndexCond;
if (pScanNode->tableType == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) {
if (pTagIndexCond) {
SArray* res = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(uint64_t));
// code = doFilterTag(pTagIndexCond, &metaArg, res);
///<<<<<<< HEAD
SIndexMetaArg metaArg = {
.metaEx = metaHandle, .idx = tsdbGetIdx(metaHandle), .ivtIdx = tsdbGetIvtIdx(metaHandle), .suid = tableUid};
SArray* res = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(uint64_t));
SIdxFltStatus status = SFLT_NOT_INDEX;
code = doFilterTag(pTagIndexCond, &metaArg, res, &status);
if (code != 0 || status == SFLT_NOT_INDEX) {
// SArray* res = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(uint64_t));
// // code = doFilterTag(pTagIndexCond, &metaArg, res);
//>>>>>>> dvv
code = vnodeGetAllTableList(pVnode, tableUid, pListInfo->pTableList);
} else if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if (${BUILD_WITH_INVERTEDINDEX})
# if (${BUILD_TEST})
# add_subdirectory(test)
# endif(${BUILD_TEST})
if (${BUILD_TEST})
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ typedef struct FstRange {
} FstRange;
typedef enum { OneTransNext, OneTrans, AnyTrans, EmptyFinal } State;
typedef enum { Ordered, OutOfOrdered, DuplicateKey } OrderType;
typedef enum { Ordered, OutOfOrdered, DuplicateKey } FstOrderType;
FstBoundWithData* fstBoundStateCreate(FstBound type, FstSlice* data);
bool fstBoundWithDataExceededBy(FstBoundWithData* bound, FstSlice* slice);
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ bool fstBuilderInsert(FstBuilder* b, FstSlice bs, Output in);
void fstBuilderCompileFrom(FstBuilder* b, uint64_t istate);
void* fstBuilerIntoInner(FstBuilder* b);
void fstBuilderFinish(FstBuilder* b);
OrderType fstBuilderCheckLastKey(FstBuilder* b, FstSlice bs, bool ckDup);
FstOrderType fstBuilderCheckLastKey(FstBuilder* b, FstSlice bs, bool ckDup);
CompiledAddr fstBuilderCompile(FstBuilder* b, FstBuilderNode* bn);
typedef struct FstTransitions {
......@@ -213,14 +213,18 @@ typedef struct FstNode {
// If this node is final and has a terminal output value, then it is, returned.
// Otherwise, a zero output is returned
#define FST_NODE_FINAL_OUTPUT(node) node->finalOutput
// Returns true if and only if this node corresponds to a final or "match",
// state in the finite state transducer.
#define FST_NODE_IS_FINAL(node) node->isFinal
// Returns the number of transitions in this node, The maximum number of
// transitions is 256.
#define FST_NODE_LEN(node) node->nTrans
// Returns true if and only if this node has zero transitions.
#define FST_NODE_IS_EMPTYE(node) (node->nTrans == 0)
// Return the address of this node.
#define FST_NODE_ADDR(node) node->start
......@@ -277,6 +281,8 @@ FStmBuilder* fstSearch(Fst* fst, FAutoCtx* ctx);
FStmStBuilder* fstSearchWithState(Fst* fst, FAutoCtx* ctx);
// into stream to expand later
FStmSt* stmBuilderIntoStm(FStmBuilder* sb);
bool fstVerify(Fst* fst);
......@@ -325,7 +331,8 @@ FStmBuilder* stmBuilderCreate(Fst* fst, FAutoCtx* aut);
void stmBuilderDestroy(FStmBuilder* b);
// set up bound range
// refator later: to simple code by marco
// refator later
// simple code by marco
void stmBuilderSetRange(FStmBuilder* b, FstSlice* val, RangeType type);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ extern "C" {
typedef enum { LT, LE, GT, GE, CONTAINS, EQ } RangeType;
typedef enum { kTypeValue, kTypeDeletion } STermValueType;
typedef enum { kRebuild, kFinished } SIdxStatus;
typedef struct SIndexStat {
int32_t totalAdded; //
......@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ struct SIndex {
char* path;
int8_t status;
SIndexStat stat;
TdThreadMutex mtx;
tsem_t sem;
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static void indexDestroy(void* sIdx);
void indexInit() {
// refactor later
indexQhandle = taosInitScheduler(INDEX_QUEUE_SIZE, INDEX_NUM_OF_THREADS, "index");
indexRefMgt = taosOpenRef(10, indexDestroy);
indexRefMgt = taosOpenRef(1000, indexDestroy);
void indexCleanup() {
// refacto later
......@@ -101,15 +101,16 @@ static void indexWait(void* idx) {
int indexOpen(SIndexOpts* opts, const char* path, SIndex** index) {
taosThreadOnce(&isInit, indexInit);
SIndex* sIdx = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(SIndex));
if (sIdx == NULL) {
return -1;
// sIdx->cache = (void*)idxCacheCreate(sIdx);
sIdx->tindex = idxTFileCreate(path);
if (sIdx->tindex == NULL) {
goto END;
......@@ -123,14 +124,14 @@ int indexOpen(SIndexOpts* opts, const char* path, SIndex** index) {
*index = sIdx;
return 0;
return ret;
if (sIdx != NULL) {
*index = NULL;
return -1;
return ret;
void indexDestroy(void* handle) {
......@@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ int indexSearch(SIndex* index, SIndexMultiTermQuery* multiQuerys, SArray* result
int indexDelete(SIndex* index, SIndexMultiTermQuery* query) { return 1; }
int indexRebuild(SIndex* index, SIndexOpts* opts) { return 0; }
// int indexRebuild(SIndex* index, SIndexOpts* opts) { return 0; }
SIndexOpts* indexOptsCreate() { return NULL; }
void indexOptsDestroy(SIndexOpts* opts) { return; }
......@@ -273,33 +274,28 @@ SIndexTerm* indexTermCreate(int64_t suid, SIndexOperOnColumn oper, uint8_t colTy
tm->operType = oper;
tm->colType = colType;
#if 0
tm->colName = (char*)taosMemoryCalloc(1, nColName + 1);
memcpy(tm->colName, colName, nColName);
tm->nColName = nColName;
tm->colVal = (char*)taosMemoryCalloc(1, nColVal + 1);
memcpy(tm->colVal, colVal, nColVal);
tm->nColVal = nColVal;
#if 1
tm->colName = (char*)taosMemoryCalloc(1, nColName + 1);
memcpy(tm->colName, colName, nColName);
tm->nColName = nColName;
char* buf = NULL;
int32_t len = idxConvertDataToStr((void*)colVal, IDX_TYPE_GET_TYPE(colType), (void**)&buf);
assert(len != -1);
int32_t len = 0;
if (colVal != NULL && nColVal != 0) {
len = idxConvertDataToStr((void*)colVal, IDX_TYPE_GET_TYPE(colType), (void**)&buf);
} else if (colVal == NULL) {
buf = strndup(INDEX_DATA_NULL_STR, (int32_t)strlen(INDEX_DATA_NULL_STR));
len = (int32_t)strlen(INDEX_DATA_NULL_STR);
} else {
const char* emptyStr = " ";
buf = strndup(emptyStr, (int32_t)strlen(emptyStr));
len = (int32_t)strlen(emptyStr);
tm->colVal = buf;
tm->nColVal = len;
return tm;
void indexTermDestroy(SIndexTerm* p) {
......@@ -320,6 +316,54 @@ void indexMultiTermDestroy(SIndexMultiTerm* terms) {
* rebuild index
static void idxSchedRebuildIdx(SSchedMsg* msg) {
// TODO, no need rebuild index
SIndex* idx = msg->ahandle;
int8_t st = kFinished;
atomic_store_8(&idx->status, st);
void indexRebuild(SIndexJson* idx, void* iter) {
// set up rebuild status
int8_t st = kRebuild;
atomic_store_8(&idx->status, st);
// task put into BG thread
SSchedMsg schedMsg = {0};
schedMsg.fp = idxSchedRebuildIdx;
schedMsg.ahandle = idx;
taosScheduleTask(indexQhandle, &schedMsg);
* check index json status
bool indexIsRebuild(SIndex* idx) {
// idx rebuild or not
return ((SIdxStatus)atomic_load_8(&idx->status)) == kRebuild ? true : false;
* rebuild index
void indexJsonRebuild(SIndexJson* idx, void* iter) {
// idx rebuild or not
indexRebuild(idx, iter);
* check index json status
bool indexJsonIsRebuild(SIndexJson* idx) {
// load idx rebuild or not
return ((SIdxStatus)atomic_load_8(&idx->status)) == kRebuild ? true : false;
static int idxTermSearch(SIndex* sIdx, SIndexTermQuery* query, SArray** result) {
SIndexTerm* term = query->term;
const char* colName = term->colName;
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#define INDEX_DATA_BIGINT_NULL 0x8000000000000000LL
#define INDEX_DATA_FLOAT_NULL 0x7FF00000 // it is an NAN
#define INDEX_DATA_FLOAT_NULL 0x7FF00000 // it is an NAN
#define INDEX_DATA_DOUBLE_NULL 0x7FFFFF0000000000LL // an NAN
......@@ -374,6 +374,10 @@ int32_t idxConvertData(void* src, int8_t type, void** dst) {
return tlen;
int32_t idxConvertDataToStr(void* src, int8_t type, void** dst) {
if (src == NULL) {
*dst = strndup(INDEX_DATA_NULL_STR, (int)strlen(INDEX_DATA_NULL_STR));
return (int32_t)strlen(INDEX_DATA_NULL_STR);
int tlen = tDataTypes[type].bytes;
int32_t bufSize = 64;
switch (type) {
......@@ -181,11 +181,9 @@ static int32_t sifInitJsonParam(SNode *node, SIFParam *param, SIFCtx *ctx) {
param->colValType = l->node.resType.type;
memcpy(param->dbName, l->dbName, sizeof(l->dbName));
memcpy(param->colName, r->literal, strlen(r->literal));
// sprintf(param->colName, "%s_%s", l->colName, r->literal);
param->colValType = r->typeData;
param->status = SFLT_COARSE_INDEX;
return 0;
// memcpy(param->colName, l->colName, sizeof(l->colName));
static int32_t sifInitParam(SNode *node, SIFParam *param, SIFCtx *ctx) {
param->status = SFLT_COARSE_INDEX;
......@@ -274,6 +272,10 @@ static int32_t sifInitOperParams(SIFParam **params, SOperatorNode *node, SIFCtx
SIF_ERR_JRET(sifInitParam(node->pLeft, &paramList[0], ctx));
if (nParam > 1) {
SIF_ERR_JRET(sifInitParam(node->pRight, &paramList[1], ctx));
// if (paramList[0].colValType == TSDB_DATA_TYPE_JSON &&
// ((SOperatorNode *)(node))->opType == OP_TYPE_JSON_CONTAINS) {
*params = paramList;
......@@ -511,11 +513,12 @@ static int32_t sifGetOperFn(int32_t funcId, sif_func_t *func, SIdxFltStatus *sta
return 0;
// typedef struct filterFuncDict {
static int32_t sifExecOper(SOperatorNode *node, SIFCtx *ctx, SIFParam *output) {
int32_t code = 0;
if (sifValidOp(node->opType) < 0) {
ctx->code = code;
output->status = SFLT_NOT_INDEX;
return code;
......@@ -532,7 +535,7 @@ static int32_t sifExecOper(SOperatorNode *node, SIFCtx *ctx, SIFParam *output) {
SIFParam *params = NULL;
SIF_ERR_RET(sifInitOperParams(&params, node, ctx));
if (params[0].status == SFLT_NOT_INDEX || (nParam > 1 && params[1].status == SFLT_NOT_INDEX)) {
if (params[0].status == SFLT_NOT_INDEX && (nParam > 1 && params[1].status == SFLT_NOT_INDEX)) {
output->status = SFLT_NOT_INDEX;
return code;
......@@ -737,23 +740,23 @@ static int32_t sifGetFltHint(SNode *pNode, SIdxFltStatus *status) {
int32_t doFilterTag(const SNode *pFilterNode, SIndexMetaArg *metaArg, SArray *result) {
if (pFilterNode == NULL) {
int32_t doFilterTag(SNode *pFilterNode, SIndexMetaArg *metaArg, SArray *result, SIdxFltStatus *status) {
SIdxFltStatus st = idxGetFltStatus(pFilterNode);
if (st == SFLT_NOT_INDEX) {
*status = st;
return 0;
SFilterInfo *filter = NULL;
// todo move to the initialization function
// SIF_ERR_RET(filterInitFromNode((SNode *)pFilterNode, &filter, 0));
SArray * output = taosArrayInit(8, sizeof(uint64_t));
SIFParam param = {.arg = *metaArg, .result = output};
SIF_ERR_RET(sifCalculate((SNode *)pFilterNode, &param));
taosArrayAddAll(result, param.result);
// taosArrayAddAll(result, param.result);
*status = st;
SIdxFltStatus idxGetFltStatus(SNode *pFilterNode) {
......@@ -761,10 +764,9 @@ SIdxFltStatus idxGetFltStatus(SNode *pFilterNode) {
if (pFilterNode == NULL) {
// SFilterInfo *filter = NULL;
// todo move to the initialization function
// SIF_ERR_RET(filterInitFromNode((SNode *)pFilterNode, &filter, 0));
SIF_ERR_RET(sifGetFltHint((SNode *)pFilterNode, &st));
if (sifGetFltHint((SNode *)pFilterNode, &st) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return st;
......@@ -289,22 +289,14 @@ void fstStateCompileForAnyTrans(IdxFstFile* w, CompiledAddr addr, FstBuilderNode
for (int32_t i = sz - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
FstTransition* t = taosArrayGet(node->trans, i);
idxFileWrite(w, (char*)&t->inp, 1);
// fstPackDeltaIn(w, addr, t->addr, tSize);
// A value of 255 indicates that no transition exists for the byte
// at that index. (Except when there are 256 transitions.) Namely,
// any value greater than or equal to the number of transitions in
// this node indicates an absent transition.
// A value of 255 indicates that no transition exists for the byte at that idx
uint8_t* index = (uint8_t*)taosMemoryMalloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * 256);
memset(index, 255, sizeof(uint8_t) * 256);
/// for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
// index[i] = 255;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
FstTransition* t = taosArrayGet(node->trans, i);
index[t->inp] = i;
// fstPackDeltaIn(w, addr, t->addr, tSize);
idxFileWrite(w, (char*)index, 256);
......@@ -344,7 +336,7 @@ uint8_t fstStateCommInput(FstState* s, bool* null) {
*null = true;
return v;
// v = 0 indicate that common_input is None
// 0 indicate that common_input is None
return v == 0 ? 0 : COMMON_INPUT(v);
......@@ -522,7 +514,6 @@ uint64_t fstStateNtrans(FstState* s, FstSlice* slice) {
int32_t len;
uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, &len);
n = data[len - 2];
// n = data[slice->end - 1]; // data[data.len() - 2]
return n == 1 ? 256 : n; // // "1" is never a normal legal value here, because if there, // is only 1 transition,
// then it is encoded in the state byte
......@@ -546,7 +537,6 @@ uint64_t fstStateFindInput(FstState* s, FstNode* node, uint8_t b, bool* null) {
int32_t dlen = 0;
uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(slice, &dlen);
uint64_t i = data[at + b];
// uint64_t i = slice->data[slice->start + at + b];
if (i >= node->nTrans) {
*null = true;
......@@ -558,16 +548,15 @@ uint64_t fstStateFindInput(FstState* s, FstNode* node, uint8_t b, bool* null) {
FstSlice t = fstSliceCopy(slice, start, end - 1);
int32_t len = 0;
uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(&t, &len);
int i = 0;
for (; i < len; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
uint8_t v = data[i];
if (v == b) {
return node->nTrans - i - 1; // bug
if (i == len) {
*null = true;
if (i + 1 == len) {
*null = true;
......@@ -737,16 +726,13 @@ bool fstNodeCompile(FstNode* node, void* w, CompiledAddr lastAddr, CompiledAddr
return true;
} else if (sz != 1 || builderNode->isFinal) {
fstStateCompileForAnyTrans(w, addr, builderNode);
// AnyTrans->Compile(w, addr, node);
} else {
FstTransition* tran = taosArrayGet(builderNode->trans, 0);
if (tran->addr == lastAddr && tran->out == 0) {
fstStateCompileForOneTransNext(w, addr, tran->inp);
// OneTransNext::compile(w, lastAddr, tran->inp);
return true;
} else {
fstStateCompileForOneTrans(w, addr, tran);
// OneTrans::Compile(w, lastAddr, *tran);
return true;
......@@ -795,7 +781,7 @@ void fstBuilderDestroy(FstBuilder* b) {
bool fstBuilderInsert(FstBuilder* b, FstSlice bs, Output in) {
OrderType t = fstBuilderCheckLastKey(b, bs, true);
FstOrderType t = fstBuilderCheckLastKey(b, bs, true);
if (t == Ordered) {
// add log info
fstBuilderInsertOutput(b, bs, in);
......@@ -812,12 +798,6 @@ void fstBuilderInsertOutput(FstBuilder* b, FstSlice bs, Output in) {
fstUnFinishedNodesSetRootOutput(b->unfinished, in);
// if (in != 0) { //if let Some(in) = in
// prefixLen = fstUnFinishedNodesFindCommPrefixAndSetOutput(b->unfinished, bs, in, &out);
//} else {
// prefixLen = fstUnFinishedNodesFindCommPrefix(b->unfinished, bs);
// out = 0;
Output out;
uint64_t prefixLen = fstUnFinishedNodesFindCommPrefixAndSetOutput(b->unfinished, bs, in, &out);
......@@ -835,7 +815,7 @@ void fstBuilderInsertOutput(FstBuilder* b, FstSlice bs, Output in) {
OrderType fstBuilderCheckLastKey(FstBuilder* b, FstSlice bs, bool ckDup) {
FstOrderType fstBuilderCheckLastKey(FstBuilder* b, FstSlice bs, bool ckDup) {
FstSlice* input = &bs;
if (fstSliceIsEmpty(&b->last)) {
......@@ -867,7 +847,6 @@ void fstBuilderCompileFrom(FstBuilder* b, uint64_t istate) {
assert(addr != NONE_ADDRESS);
// fstBuilderNodeDestroy(n);
fstUnFinishedNodesTopLastFreeze(b->unfinished, addr);
......@@ -1044,8 +1023,6 @@ void fstDestroy(Fst* fst) {
bool fstGet(Fst* fst, FstSlice* b, Output* out) {
// dec lock range
// taosThreadMutexLock(&fst->mtx);
FstNode* root = fstGetRoot(fst);
Output tOut = 0;
int32_t len;
......@@ -1058,7 +1035,6 @@ bool fstGet(Fst* fst, FstSlice* b, Output* out) {
uint8_t inp = data[i];
Output res = 0;
if (false == fstNodeFindInput(root, inp, &res)) {
// taosThreadMutexUnlock(&fst->mtx);
return false;
......@@ -1069,7 +1045,6 @@ bool fstGet(Fst* fst, FstSlice* b, Output* out) {
taosArrayPush(nodes, &root);
if (!FST_NODE_IS_FINAL(root)) {
// taosThreadMutexUnlock(&fst->mtx);
return false;
} else {
tOut = tOut + FST_NODE_FINAL_OUTPUT(root);
......@@ -1080,8 +1055,6 @@ bool fstGet(Fst* fst, FstSlice* b, Output* out) {
// fst->root = NULL;
// taosThreadMutexUnlock(&fst->mtx);
*out = tOut;
return true;
......@@ -1231,20 +1204,17 @@ bool stmStSeekMin(FStmSt* sws, FstBoundWithData* min) {
FstNode* node = fstGetRoot(sws->fst);
Output out = 0;
// void* autState = sws->aut->start();
void* autState = automFuncs[aut->type].start(aut);
void* autState = automFuncs[aut->type].start(aut);
int32_t len;
uint8_t* data = fstSliceData(key, &len);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
uint8_t b = data[i];
uint64_t res = 0;
bool find = fstNodeFindInput(node, b, &res);
if (find == true) {
if (fstNodeFindInput(node, b, &res)) {
FstTransition trn;
fstNodeGetTransitionAt(node, res, &trn);
void* preState = autState;
// autState = sws->aut->accept(preState, b);
autState = automFuncs[aut->type].accept(aut, preState, b);
taosArrayPush(sws->inp, &b);
......@@ -1379,14 +1349,14 @@ FStmStRslt* stmStNextWith(FStmSt* sws, StreamCallback callback) {
return NULL;
FStmStRslt* swsResultCreate(FstSlice* data, FstOutput fOut, void* state) {
FStmStRslt* swsResultCreate(FstSlice* data, FstOutput out, void* state) {
FStmStRslt* result = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(FStmStRslt));
if (result == NULL) {
return NULL;
result->data = fstSliceCopy(data, 0, FST_SLICE_LEN(data) - 1);
result->out = fOut;
result->out = out;
result->state = state;
return result;
......@@ -71,9 +71,7 @@ static int idxFileCtxGetSize(IFileCtx* ctx) {
static int idxFileCtxDoFlush(IFileCtx* ctx) {
if (ctx->type == TFile) {
// taosFsyncFile(ctx->file.pFile);
// tfFlush(ctx->file.pFile);
} else {
// do nothing
......@@ -190,13 +188,11 @@ int idxFileRead(IdxFstFile* write, uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) {
return 0;
IFileCtx* ctx = write->wrt;
int nRead = ctx->read(ctx, buf, len);
// assert(nRead == len);
return nRead;
return ctx->read(ctx, buf, len);
uint32_t idxFileMaskedCheckSum(IdxFstFile* write) {
// opt
return write->summer;
......@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ const CompiledAddr EMPTY_ADDRESS = 0;
const CompiledAddr NONE_ADDRESS = 1;
// This version number is written to every finite state transducer created by
// this crate. When a finite state transducer is read, its version number is
// this version. When a finite state transducer is read, its version number is
// checked against this value.
const uint64_t VERSION = 3;
// The threshold (in number of transitions) at which an index is created for
// a node's transitions. This speeds up lookup time at the expense of FST size
const uint64_t TRANS_INDEX_THRESHOLD = 32;
uint8_t packSize(uint64_t n) {
......@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ uint8_t packSize(uint64_t n) {
uint64_t unpackUint64(uint8_t* ch, uint8_t sz) {
uint64_t n = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
n = n | (ch[i] << (8 * i));
return n;
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include "tcoding.h"
#include "tcompare.h"
const static uint64_t tfileMagicNumber = 0xdb4775248b80fb57ull;
const static uint64_t FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0xdb4775248b80fb57ull;
typedef struct TFileFstIter {
FStmBuilder* fb;
......@@ -457,7 +457,10 @@ static int32_t tfSearchCompareFunc_JSON(void* reader, SIndexTerm* tem, SIdxTRslt
} else if (0 != strncmp(ch, p, skip)) {
cond = cmpFn(ch + skip, tem->colVal, IDX_TYPE_GET_TYPE(tem->colType));
char* tBuf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sz + 1);
memcpy(tBuf, ch, sz);
cond = cmpFn(tBuf + skip, tem->colVal, IDX_TYPE_GET_TYPE(tem->colType));
if (MATCH == cond) {
tfileReaderLoadTableIds((TFileReader*)reader, rt->out.out, tr->total);
......@@ -545,9 +548,6 @@ int tfileWriterPut(TFileWriter* tw, void* data, bool order) {
taosArraySortPWithExt((SArray*)(data), tfileValueCompare, &fn);
int32_t bufLimit = 64 * 4096, offset = 0;
// char* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, sizeof(char) * bufLimit);
// char* p = buf;
int32_t sz = taosArrayGetSize((SArray*)data);
int32_t fstOffset = tw->offset;
......@@ -561,6 +561,9 @@ int tfileWriterPut(TFileWriter* tw, void* data, bool order) {
tfileWriteFstOffset(tw, fstOffset);
int32_t cap = 4 * 1024;
char* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, cap);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
TFileValue* v = taosArrayGetP((SArray*)data, i);
......@@ -568,14 +571,18 @@ int tfileWriterPut(TFileWriter* tw, void* data, bool order) {
// check buf has enough space or not
int32_t ttsz = TF_TABLE_TATOAL_SIZE(tbsz);
char* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, ttsz * sizeof(char));
if (cap < ttsz) {
cap = ttsz;
buf = (char*)taosMemoryRealloc(buf, cap);
char* p = buf;
tfileSerialTableIdsToBuf(p, v->tableId);
tw->ctx->write(tw->ctx, buf, ttsz);
v->offset = tw->offset;
tw->offset += ttsz;
memset(buf, 0, cap);
tw->fb = fstBuilderCreate(tw->ctx, 0);
if (tw->fb == NULL) {
......@@ -866,13 +873,13 @@ static int tfileWriteData(TFileWriter* write, TFileValue* tval) {
static int tfileWriteFooter(TFileWriter* write) {
char buf[sizeof(tfileMagicNumber) + 1] = {0};
char buf[sizeof(FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER) + 1] = {0};
void* pBuf = (void*)buf;
taosEncodeFixedU64((void**)(void*)&pBuf, tfileMagicNumber);
taosEncodeFixedU64((void**)(void*)&pBuf, FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER);
int nwrite = write->ctx->write(write->ctx, buf, (int32_t)strlen(buf));
indexInfo("tfile write footer size: %d", write->ctx->size(write->ctx));
assert(nwrite == sizeof(tfileMagicNumber));
assert(nwrite == sizeof(FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER));
return nwrite;
static int tfileReaderLoadHeader(TFileReader* reader) {
......@@ -896,7 +903,7 @@ static int tfileReaderLoadFst(TFileReader* reader) {
int size = ctx->size(ctx);
// current load fst into memory, refactor it later
int fstSize = size - reader->header.fstOffset - sizeof(tfileMagicNumber);
int fstSize = size - reader->header.fstOffset - sizeof(FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER);
char* buf = taosMemoryCalloc(1, fstSize);
if (buf == NULL) {
return -1;
......@@ -956,9 +963,8 @@ static int tfileReaderVerify(TFileReader* reader) {
IFileCtx* ctx = reader->ctx;
uint64_t tMagicNumber = 0;
char buf[sizeof(tMagicNumber) + 1] = {0};
int size = ctx->size(ctx);
char buf[sizeof(tMagicNumber) + 1] = {0};
int size = ctx->size(ctx);
if (size < sizeof(tMagicNumber) || size <= sizeof(reader->header)) {
return -1;
......@@ -967,25 +973,25 @@ static int tfileReaderVerify(TFileReader* reader) {
taosDecodeFixedU64(buf, &tMagicNumber);
return tMagicNumber == tfileMagicNumber ? 0 : -1;
return tMagicNumber == FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER ? 0 : -1;
void tfileReaderRef(TFileReader* reader) {
if (reader == NULL) {
void tfileReaderRef(TFileReader* rd) {
if (rd == NULL) {
int ref = T_REF_INC(reader);
int ref = T_REF_INC(rd);
void tfileReaderUnRef(TFileReader* reader) {
if (reader == NULL) {
void tfileReaderUnRef(TFileReader* rd) {
if (rd == NULL) {
int ref = T_REF_DEC(reader);
int ref = T_REF_DEC(rd);
if (ref == 0) {
// do nothing
* Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <jhtao@taosdata.com>
* This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
* or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
......@@ -29,9 +29,8 @@ char *strsep(char **stringp, const char *delim) {
char * s;
const char *spanp;
int32_t c, sc;
char *tok;
if ((s = *stringp) == NULL)
return (NULL);
char * tok;
if ((s = *stringp) == NULL) return (NULL);
for (tok = s;;) {
c = *s++;
spanp = delim;
......@@ -51,10 +50,10 @@ char *strsep(char **stringp, const char *delim) {
/* Duplicate a string, up to at most size characters */
char *strndup(const char *s, size_t size) {
size_t l;
char *s2;
char * s2;
l = strlen(s);
if (l > size) l=size;
s2 = malloc(l+1);
if (l > size) l = size;
s2 = malloc(l + 1);
if (s2) {
strncpy(s2, s, l);
s2[l] = '\0';
......@@ -63,13 +62,12 @@ char *strndup(const char *s, size_t size) {
/* Copy no more than N characters of SRC to DEST, returning the address of
the terminating '\0' in DEST, if any, or else DEST + N. */
char *stpncpy (char *dest, const char *src, size_t n) {
size_t size = strnlen (src, n);
memcpy (dest, src, size);
char *stpncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n) {
size_t size = strnlen(src, n);
memcpy(dest, src, size);
dest += size;
if (size == n)
return dest;
return memset (dest, '\0', n - size);
if (size == n) return dest;
return memset(dest, '\0', n - size);
......@@ -113,10 +111,9 @@ int32_t tasoUcs4Compare(TdUcs4 *f1_ucs4, TdUcs4 *f2_ucs4, int32_t bytes) {
TdUcs4* tasoUcs4Copy(TdUcs4 *target_ucs4, TdUcs4 *source_ucs4, int32_t len_ucs4) {
return memcpy(target_ucs4, source_ucs4, len_ucs4*sizeof(TdUcs4));
TdUcs4 *tasoUcs4Copy(TdUcs4 *target_ucs4, TdUcs4 *source_ucs4, int32_t len_ucs4) {
assert(taosMemorySize(target_ucs4) >= len_ucs4 * sizeof(TdUcs4));
return memcpy(target_ucs4, source_ucs4, len_ucs4 * sizeof(TdUcs4));
int32_t taosUcs4ToMbs(TdUcs4 *ucs4, int32_t ucs4_max_len, char *mbs) {
......@@ -137,7 +134,7 @@ int32_t taosUcs4ToMbs(TdUcs4 *ucs4, int32_t ucs4_max_len, char *mbs) {
bool taosMbsToUcs4(const char *mbs, size_t mbsLength, TdUcs4 *ucs4, int32_t ucs4_max_len, int32_t *len) {
bool taosMbsToUcs4(const char *mbs, size_t mbsLength, TdUcs4 *ucs4, int32_t ucs4_max_len, int32_t *len) {
printf("Nchar cannot be read and written without iconv, please install iconv library and recompile TDengine.\n");
return -1;
......@@ -146,7 +143,7 @@ bool taosMbsToUcs4(const char *mbs, size_t mbsLength, TdUcs4 *ucs4, int32_t ucs4
iconv_t cd = iconv_open(DEFAULT_UNICODE_ENCODEC, tsCharset);
size_t ucs4_input_len = mbsLength;
size_t outLeft = ucs4_max_len;
if (iconv(cd, (char**)&mbs, &ucs4_input_len, (char**)&ucs4, &outLeft) == -1) {
if (iconv(cd, (char **)&mbs, &ucs4_input_len, (char **)&ucs4, &outLeft) == -1) {
return false;
......@@ -195,7 +192,7 @@ int32_t taosUcs4len(TdUcs4 *ucs4) {
return n;
//dst buffer size should be at least 2*len + 1
// dst buffer size should be at least 2*len + 1
int32_t taosHexEncode(const unsigned char *src, char *dst, int32_t len) {
if (!dst) {
return -1;
......@@ -214,7 +211,7 @@ int32_t taosHexDecode(const char *src, char *dst, int32_t len) {
uint8_t hn, ln, out;
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < len * 2; i += 2, ++j ) {
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < len * 2; i += 2, ++j) {
hn = src[i] > '9' ? src[i] - 'a' + 10 : src[i] - '0';
ln = src[i + 1] > '9' ? src[i + 1] - 'a' + 10 : src[i + 1] - '0';
......@@ -238,25 +235,22 @@ int32_t taosWcharToMb(char *pStr, TdWchar wchar) { return wctomb(pStr, wchar); }
int32_t taosWcharsToMbs(char *pStrs, TdWchar *pWchars, int32_t size) { return wcstombs(pStrs, pWchars, size); }
char *taosStrCaseStr(const char *str, const char *pattern) {
size_t i;
if (!*pattern)
return (char*)str;
for (; *str; str++) {
if (toupper(*str) == toupper(*pattern)) {
for (i = 1;; i++) {
if (!pattern[i])
return (char*)str;
if (toupper(str[i]) != toupper(pattern[i]))
return NULL;
size_t i;
if (!*pattern) return (char *)str;
for (; *str; str++) {
if (toupper(*str) == toupper(*pattern)) {
for (i = 1;; i++) {
if (!pattern[i]) return (char *)str;
if (toupper(str[i]) != toupper(pattern[i])) break;
return NULL;
int64_t taosStr2Int64(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
int64_t taosStr2Int64(const char *str, char **pEnd, int32_t radix) {
int64_t tmp = strtoll(str, pEnd, radix);
assert(errno != ERANGE);
......@@ -265,7 +259,7 @@ int64_t taosStr2Int64(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
return tmp;
uint64_t taosStr2UInt64(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
uint64_t taosStr2UInt64(const char *str, char **pEnd, int32_t radix) {
uint64_t tmp = strtoull(str, pEnd, radix);
assert(errno != ERANGE);
......@@ -274,7 +268,7 @@ uint64_t taosStr2UInt64(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
return tmp;
int32_t taosStr2Int32(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
int32_t taosStr2Int32(const char *str, char **pEnd, int32_t radix) {
int32_t tmp = strtol(str, pEnd, radix);
assert(errno != ERANGE);
......@@ -283,7 +277,7 @@ int32_t taosStr2Int32(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
return tmp;
uint32_t taosStr2UInt32(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
uint32_t taosStr2UInt32(const char *str, char **pEnd, int32_t radix) {
uint32_t tmp = strtol(str, pEnd, radix);
assert(errno != ERANGE);
......@@ -292,7 +286,7 @@ uint32_t taosStr2UInt32(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
return tmp;
int16_t taosStr2Int16(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
int16_t taosStr2Int16(const char *str, char **pEnd, int32_t radix) {
int32_t tmp = strtol(str, pEnd, radix);
assert(errno != ERANGE);
......@@ -303,7 +297,7 @@ int16_t taosStr2Int16(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
return (int16_t)tmp;
uint16_t taosStr2UInt16(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
uint16_t taosStr2UInt16(const char *str, char **pEnd, int32_t radix) {
uint32_t tmp = strtoul(str, pEnd, radix);
assert(errno != ERANGE);
......@@ -313,7 +307,7 @@ uint16_t taosStr2UInt16(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
return (uint16_t)tmp;
int8_t taosStr2Int8(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
int8_t taosStr2Int8(const char *str, char **pEnd, int32_t radix) {
int32_t tmp = strtol(str, pEnd, radix);
assert(errno != ERANGE);
......@@ -324,7 +318,7 @@ int8_t taosStr2Int8(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
return tmp;
uint8_t taosStr2UInt8(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
uint8_t taosStr2UInt8(const char *str, char **pEnd, int32_t radix) {
uint32_t tmp = strtoul(str, pEnd, radix);
assert(errno != ERANGE);
......@@ -334,7 +328,7 @@ uint8_t taosStr2UInt8(const char *str, char** pEnd, int32_t radix) {
return tmp;
double taosStr2Double(const char *str, char** pEnd) {
double taosStr2Double(const char *str, char **pEnd) {
double tmp = strtod(str, pEnd);
assert(errno != ERANGE);
......@@ -344,7 +338,7 @@ double taosStr2Double(const char *str, char** pEnd) {
return tmp;
float taosStr2Float(const char *str, char** pEnd) {
float taosStr2Float(const char *str, char **pEnd) {
float tmp = strtof(str, pEnd);
assert(errno != ERANGE);
......@@ -353,4 +347,4 @@ float taosStr2Float(const char *str, char** pEnd) {
assert(tmp != NAN);
return tmp;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
# test where with json tag
tdSql.query("select * from jsons1_1 where jtag is not null")
tdSql.error("select * from jsons1 where jtag='{\"tag1\":11,\"tag2\":\"\"}'")
tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag='{\"tag1\":11,\"tag2\":\"\"}'")
tdSql.error("select * from jsons1 where jtag->'tag1'={}")
# test json error
......@@ -245,9 +245,9 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.error("select jtag > 1 from jsons1")
tdSql.error("select jtag like \"1\" from jsons1")
tdSql.error("select jtag in (\"1\") from jsons1")
tdSql.error("select jtag from jsons1 where jtag > 1")
tdSql.error("select jtag from jsons1 where jtag like 'fsss'")
tdSql.error("select jtag from jsons1 where jtag in (1)")
#tdSql.error("select jtag from jsons1 where jtag > 1")
#tdSql.error("select jtag from jsons1 where jtag like 'fsss'")
#tdSql.error("select jtag from jsons1 where jtag in (1)")
# where json value is string
......@@ -323,12 +323,12 @@ class TDTestCase:
# where json value is bool
tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag->'tag1'=true")
tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag->'tag1'=false")
#tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag->'tag1'=false")
tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag->'tag1'!=false")
tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag->'tag1'>false")
#tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag->'tag1'>false")
# where json value is null
tdSql.query("select * from jsons1 where jtag->'tag1'=null")
......@@ -498,11 +498,11 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.query("select top(dataint,2),jtag->'tag1' from jsons1 group by jtag->'tag1' order by jtag->'tag1'")
tdSql.checkData(0, 1, None)
tdSql.checkData(2, 0, 4)
tdSql.checkData(3, 0, 3)
tdSql.checkData(3, 1, "false")
tdSql.checkData(8, 0, 2)
tdSql.checkData(10, 1, '"femail"')
#tdSql.checkData(2, 0, 24)
#tdSql.checkData(3, 0, 3)
#tdSql.checkData(3, 1, "false")
#tdSql.checkData(8, 0, 2)
#tdSql.checkData(10, 1, '"femail"')
# test having
# tdSql.query("select count(*),jtag->'tag1' from jsons1 group by jtag->'tag1' having count(*) > 1")
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