提交 3110aac5 编写于 作者: wmmhello's avatar wmmhello


上级 e01fc30a
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ static pthread_once_t tscinit = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
// pthread_once can not return result code, so result code is set to a global variable.
static volatile int tscInitRes = 0;
void tscCheckDiskUsage(void *UNUSED_PARAM(para), void *UNUSED_PARAM(param)) {
taosTmrReset(tscCheckDiskUsage, 20 * 1000, NULL, tscTmr, &tscCheckDiskUsageTmr);
......@@ -480,11 +480,11 @@ static setConfRet taos_set_config_imp(const char *config){
if (strlen(ret.retMsg) == 0){
snprintf(ret.retMsg, RET_MSG_LENGTH, "part error|%s", item->string);
int leftSize = RET_MSG_LENGTH - 1 - strlen(ret.retMsg);
leftSize = leftSize >= 0 ? leftSize : 0;
int tmp = RET_MSG_LENGTH - 1 - (int)strlen(ret.retMsg);
size_t leftSize = tmp >= 0 ? tmp : 0;
strncat(ret.retMsg, "|", leftSize);
leftSize = RET_MSG_LENGTH - 1 - strlen(ret.retMsg);
leftSize = leftSize >= 0 ? leftSize : 0;
tmp = RET_MSG_LENGTH - 1 - (int)strlen(ret.retMsg);
leftSize = tmp >= 0 ? tmp : 0;
strncat(ret.retMsg, item->string, leftSize);
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