提交 2f75cab6 编写于 作者: wmmhello's avatar wmmhello

[TD-12252]<feature>(connector,query,insert,other,tools,taosAdapter):deal with escape character

上级 03ca638e
......@@ -1851,3 +1851,24 @@ TDengine 中的表(列)名命名规则如下:
select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from stable) where jtag->'key'>0
## 转义字符说明
- 转义字符表
| 字符序列 | **代表的字符** |
| :--------: | ------- |
| `\'` | 单引号' |
| `\"` | 双引号" |
| \n | 换行符 |
| \r | 回车符 |
| \t | tab符 |
| `\\` | 斜杠\ |
| `\%` | % 规则见下 |
| `\%` | _ 规则见下 |
- 转义字符使用规则
1. 标识符里有转义字符(数据库名、表名、列名)
1. 普通标识符: 直接提示错误的标识符,因为标识符规定必须是数字、字母和下划线,并且不能以数字开头。
2. 反引号``标识符: 保持原样,不转义
2. 数据里有转义字符
1. 遇到上面定义的转义字符会转义(%和_见下面说明),如果没有匹配的转义字符会忽略掉转义符\。
2. 对于%和_,因为在like里这两个字符是通配符,所以在模式匹配like里用`\%`%和`\_`表示字符里本身的%和_,如果在like模式匹配上下文之外使用`\%`或`\_`,则它们的计算结果为字符串`\%`和`\_`,而不是%和_。
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -1335,3 +1335,24 @@ Is not null supports all types of columns. Non-null expression is < > "" and onl
select jtag->'key' from (select jtag from stable) where jtag->'key'>0
## Escape character description
- Special Character Escape Sequences
| Escape Sequence | **Character Represented by Sequence** |
| :--------: | ------------------- |
| `\'` | A single quote (') character |
| `\"` | A double quote (") character |
| \n | A newline (linefeed) character |
| \r | A carriage return character |
| \t | A tab character |
| `\\` | A backslash (\) character |
| `\%` | A % character; see note following the table |
| `\_` | A _ character; see note following the table |
- Escape character usage rules
- The escape characters that in a identifier (database name, table name, column name)
1. Normal identifier: The wrong identifier is prompted directly, because the identifier must be numbers, letters and underscores, and cannot start with a number.
2. Backquote`` identifier: Keep it as it is.
- The escape characters that in a data
3. The escape character defined above will be escaped (% and _ see the description below). If there is no matching escape character, the escape character will be ignored.
4. The `\%` and `\_` sequences are used to search for literal instances of % and _ in pattern-matching contexts where they would otherwise be interpreted as wildcard characters.If you use `\%` or `\_` outside of pattern-matching contexts, they evaluate to the strings `\%` and `\_`, not to % and _.
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -390,6 +390,7 @@ int WCSPatternMatch(const uint32_t *patterStr, const uint32_t *str, size_t size,
uint32_t c, c1;
uint32_t matchOne = (uint32_t) L'_'; // "_"
uint32_t matchAll = (uint32_t) L'%'; // "%"
uint32_t escape = (uint32_t) L'\\'; // "\"
int32_t i = 0;
int32_t j = 0;
......@@ -427,6 +428,8 @@ int WCSPatternMatch(const uint32_t *patterStr, const uint32_t *str, size_t size,
c1 = str[j++];
if (j <= size) {
if (c == escape && patterStr[i] == matchOne && c1 == matchOne) { i++; continue; }
if (c == escape && patterStr[i] == matchAll && c1 == matchAll) { i++; continue; }
if (c == c1 || towlower(c) == towlower(c1) || (c == matchOne && c1 != 0)) {
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
case1: [TD-12251] json type containing single quotes cannot be inserted
case2: [TD-12334] '\' escape unknown
case3: [TD-11071] escape table creation problem
case4: [TD-6232] fix abnormal escaping results about '\'
case5: [TD-12815] like wildcards (% _) are not supported nchar type
......@@ -105,7 +105,13 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.query(r"select * from tt where i='9'")
# [TD-12815] like wildcard(%, _) are not supported nchar
tdSql.execute(r"insert into tt values(1591070708000, 'h%d')")
tdSql.execute(r"insert into tt values(1591080708000, 'h_j')")
tdSql.query(r"select * from tt where i like 'h\%d'")
tdSql.query(r"select * from tt where i like 'h\_j'")
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
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