提交 2f6c5653 编写于 作者: wmmhello's avatar wmmhello

fix:pHandle not load if taosd restart

上级 5fa58096
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void mndDropConsumerFromSdb(SMnode *pMnode, int64_t consumerId){
bool mndRebTryStart() {
int32_t old = atomic_val_compare_exchange_32(&mqRebInExecCnt, 0, 1);
mInfo("tq timer, rebalance counter old val:%d", old);
mDebug("tq timer, rebalance counter old val:%d", old);
return old == 0;
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ void mndRebCntDec() {
int32_t newVal = val - 1;
int32_t oldVal = atomic_val_compare_exchange_32(&mqRebInExecCnt, val, newVal);
if (oldVal == val) {
mInfo("rebalance trans end, rebalance counter:%d", newVal);
mDebug("rebalance trans end, rebalance counter:%d", newVal);
......@@ -522,10 +522,18 @@ int32_t tqProcessPollReq(STQ* pTq, SRpcMsg* pMsg) {
// 1. find handle
pHandle = taosHashGet(pTq->pHandle, req.subKey, strlen(req.subKey));
if (pHandle == NULL) {
tqError("tmq poll: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d subkey %s not found", consumerId, vgId, req.subKey);
return -1;
if (tqMetaGetHandle(pTq, req.subKey) == 0){
pHandle = taosHashGet(pTq->pHandle, req.subKey, strlen(req.subKey));
if(pHandle != NULL){
tqError("tmq poll: consumer:0x%" PRIx64 " vgId:%d subkey %s not found", consumerId, vgId, req.subKey);
return -1;
// 2. check re-balance status
......@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ static int buildHandle(STQ* pTq, STqHandle* handle){
return -1;
tqDebug("vgId:%d, tq try to get ctb for stb subscribe, suid:%" PRId64, pVnode->config.vgId, handle->execHandle.execTb.suid);
tqInfo("vgId:%d, tq try to get ctb for stb subscribe, suid:%" PRId64, pVnode->config.vgId, handle->execHandle.execTb.suid);
handle->execHandle.pTqReader = tqReaderOpen(pVnode);
tqReaderSetTbUidList(handle->execHandle.pTqReader, tbUidList, NULL);
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ static int restoreHandle(STQ* pTq, void* pVal, int vLen, STqHandle* handle){
if(buildHandle(pTq, handle) < 0){
return -1;
tqDebug("tq restore %s consumer %" PRId64 " vgId:%d", handle->subKey, handle->consumerId, vgId);
tqInfo("tq restore %s consumer %" PRId64 " vgId:%d", handle->subKey, handle->consumerId, vgId);
return taosHashPut(pTq->pHandle, handle->subKey, strlen(handle->subKey), handle, sizeof(STqHandle));
......@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ int32_t tqCreateHandle(STQ* pTq, SMqRebVgReq* req, STqHandle* handle){
if(buildHandle(pTq, handle) < 0){
return -1;
tqDebug("tq restore %s consumer %" PRId64 " vgId:%d", handle->subKey, handle->consumerId, vgId);
tqInfo("tq restore %s consumer %" PRId64 " vgId:%d", handle->subKey, handle->consumerId, vgId);
return taosHashPut(pTq->pHandle, handle->subKey, strlen(handle->subKey), handle, sizeof(STqHandle));
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