提交 2cdcfcf5 编写于 作者: Z zyyang

describe how to use taosdemo in readme.md

上级 3d407ab5
cd tests/examples/JDBC/taosdemo
mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
# 先建表,再插入的
java -jar target/taosdemo-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -host [hostname] -database [database] -doCreateTable true -superTableSQL "create table weather(ts timestamp, f1 int) tags(t1 nchar(4))" -numOfTables 1000 -numOfRowsPerTable 100000000 -numOfThreadsForInsert 10 -numOfTablesPerSQL 10 -numOfValuesPerSQL 100
# 不建表,直接插入的
java -jar target/taosdemo-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -host [hostname] -database [database] -doCreateTable false -superTableSQL "create table weather(ts timestamp, f1 int) tags(t1 nchar(4))" -numOfTables 1000 -numOfRowsPerTable 100000000 -numOfThreadsForInsert 10 -numOfTablesPerSQL 10 -numOfValuesPerSQL 100
1. 可以读lowa的配置文件
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