提交 2c656a2c 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

Merge branch 'feature/3_liaohj' of github.com:taosdata/tdengine into feature/3_liaohj

......@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ static void getTableCacheKey(tb_uid_t uid, int cacheType, char *key, int *len) {
*len = sizeof(uint64_t);
static void deleteTableCacheLastrow(const void *key, size_t keyLen, void *value) { taosMemoryFree(value); }
static void deleteTableCacheLast(const void *key, size_t keyLen, void *value) { taosArrayDestroy(value); }
int32_t tsdbCacheDeleteLastrow(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, TSKEY eKey) {
......@@ -75,13 +73,23 @@ int32_t tsdbCacheDeleteLastrow(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, TSKEY eKey) {
getTableCacheKey(uid, 0, key, &keyLen);
LRUHandle *h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen);
if (h) {
STSRow *pRow = (STSRow *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h);
if (pRow->ts <= eKey) {
SArray *pLast = (SArray *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h);
bool invalidate = false;
int16_t nCol = taosArrayGetSize(pLast);
for (int16_t iCol = 0; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) {
SLastCol *tTsVal = (SLastCol *)taosArrayGet(pLast, iCol);
if (eKey >= tTsVal->ts) {
invalidate = true;
if (invalidate) {
taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, true);
} else {
taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, false);
// void taosLRUCacheErase(SLRUCache * cache, const void *key, size_t keyLen);
......@@ -130,14 +138,23 @@ int32_t tsdbCacheDelete(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, TSKEY eKey) {
getTableCacheKey(uid, 0, key, &keyLen);
LRUHandle *h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen);
if (h) {
STSRow *pRow = (STSRow *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h);
if (pRow->ts <= eKey) {
SArray *pLast = (SArray *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h);
bool invalidate = false;
int16_t nCol = taosArrayGetSize(pLast);
for (int16_t iCol = 0; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) {
SLastCol *tTsVal = (SLastCol *)taosArrayGet(pLast, iCol);
if (eKey >= tTsVal->ts) {
invalidate = true;
if (invalidate) {
taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, true);
} else {
taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, false);
// void taosLRUCacheErase(SLRUCache * cache, const void *key, size_t keyLen);
// getTableCacheKey(uid, "l", key, &keyLen);
......@@ -177,6 +194,46 @@ int32_t tsdbCacheInsertLastrow(SLRUCache *pCache, STsdb *pTsdb, tb_uid_t uid, ST
getTableCacheKey(uid, 0, key, &keyLen);
LRUHandle *h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen);
if (h) {
STSchema *pTSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, uid, -1, 1);
TSKEY keyTs = row->ts;
bool invalidate = false;
SArray *pLast = (SArray *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h);
int16_t nCol = taosArrayGetSize(pLast);
int16_t iCol = 0;
SLastCol *tTsVal = (SLastCol *)taosArrayGet(pLast, iCol);
if (keyTs > tTsVal->ts) {
STColumn *pTColumn = &pTSchema->columns[0];
SColVal tColVal = COL_VAL_VALUE(pTColumn->colId, pTColumn->type, (SValue){.val = keyTs});
taosArraySet(pLast, iCol, &(SLastCol){.ts = keyTs, .colVal = tColVal});
for (++iCol; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) {
SLastCol *tTsVal1 = (SLastCol *)taosArrayGet(pLast, iCol);
if (keyTs >= tTsVal1->ts) {
SColVal *tColVal = &tTsVal1->colVal;
SColVal colVal = {0};
tTSRowGetVal(row, pTSchema, iCol, &colVal);
if (!COL_VAL_IS_NONE(&colVal)) {
if (keyTs == tTsVal1->ts && !COL_VAL_IS_NONE(tColVal)) {
invalidate = true;
} else {
taosArraySet(pLast, iCol, &(SLastCol){.ts = keyTs, .colVal = colVal});
taosLRUCacheRelease(pCache, h, invalidate);
cacheRow = (STSRow *)taosLRUCacheValue(pCache, h);
if (row->ts >= cacheRow->ts) {
if (row->ts == cacheRow->ts) {
......@@ -218,9 +275,9 @@ int32_t tsdbCacheInsertLastrow(SLRUCache *pCache, STsdb *pTsdb, tb_uid_t uid, ST
if (status != TAOS_LRU_STATUS_OK) {
code = -1;
/* tsdbCacheInsertLastrow(pCache, uid, row, dup); */
// tsdbCacheInsertLastrow(pCache, uid, row, dup);
} /*else {
if (dup) {
cacheRow = tdRowDup(row);
......@@ -1049,7 +1106,7 @@ _err:
return code;
static int32_t mergeLastRow(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, bool *dup, STSRow **ppRow) {
static int32_t mergeLastRow(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, bool *dup, SArray **ppColArray) {
int32_t code = 0;
STSchema *pTSchema = metaGetTbTSchema(pTsdb->pVnode->pMeta, uid, -1, 1);
......@@ -1073,12 +1130,14 @@ static int32_t mergeLastRow(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, bool *dup, STSRow **ppRo
if (lastRowTs == TSKEY_MAX) {
lastRowTs = TSDBROW_TS(pRow);
lastRowTs = rowTs;
STColumn *pTColumn = &pTSchema->columns[0];
*pColVal = COL_VAL_VALUE(pTColumn->colId, pTColumn->type, (SValue){.val = lastRowTs});
if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, pColVal) == NULL) {
if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, &(SLastCol){.ts = lastRowTs, .colVal = *pColVal}) == NULL) {
goto _err;
......@@ -1086,7 +1145,7 @@ static int32_t mergeLastRow(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, bool *dup, STSRow **ppRo
for (iCol = 1; iCol < nCol; ++iCol) {
tsdbRowGetColVal(pRow, pTSchema, iCol, pColVal);
if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, pColVal) == NULL) {
if (taosArrayPush(pColArray, &(SLastCol){.ts = lastRowTs, .colVal = *pColVal}) == NULL) {
goto _err;
......@@ -1097,15 +1156,15 @@ static int32_t mergeLastRow(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, bool *dup, STSRow **ppRo
if (!setNoneCol) {
// goto build the result ts row
// done, goto return pColArray
} else {
if ((TSDBROW_TS(pRow) < lastRowTs)) {
// goto build the result ts row
if ((rowTs < lastRowTs)) {
// done, goto return pColArray
......@@ -1117,7 +1176,7 @@ static int32_t mergeLastRow(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, bool *dup, STSRow **ppRo
tsdbRowGetColVal(pRow, pTSchema, iCol, pColVal);
if (COL_VAL_IS_NONE(tColVal) && !COL_VAL_IS_NONE(pColVal)) {
taosArraySet(pColArray, iCol, pColVal);
taosArraySet(pColArray, iCol, &(SLastCol){.ts = rowTs, .colVal = *pColVal});
} else if (COL_VAL_IS_NONE(tColVal) && COL_VAL_IS_NONE(pColVal) && !setNoneCol) {
noneCol = iCol;
setNoneCol = true;
......@@ -1128,14 +1187,13 @@ static int32_t mergeLastRow(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, bool *dup, STSRow **ppRo
// build the result ts row here
*dup = false;
if (taosArrayGetSize(pColArray) == nCol) {
code = tdSTSRowNew(pColArray, pTSchema, ppRow);
if (code) goto _err;
*ppColArray = NULL;
} else {
*ppRow = NULL;
*ppColArray = pColArray;
return code;
......@@ -1196,7 +1254,7 @@ static int32_t mergeLast(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, SArray **ppLastArray) {
if (!setNoneCol) {
// goto build the result ts row
// done, goto return pColArray
} else {
......@@ -1220,7 +1278,6 @@ static int32_t mergeLast(tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, SArray **ppLastArray) {
} while (setNoneCol);
// build the result ts row here
if (taosArrayGetSize(pColArray) <= 0) {
*ppLastArray = NULL;
......@@ -1253,13 +1310,13 @@ int32_t tsdbCacheGetLastrowH(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, LRUH
h = taosLRUCacheLookup(pCache, key, keyLen);
if (!h) {
STSRow *pRow = NULL;
SArray *pArray = NULL;
bool dup = false; // which is always false for now
code = mergeLastRow(uid, pTsdb, &dup, &pRow);
code = mergeLastRow(uid, pTsdb, &dup, &pArray);
// if table's empty or error, return code of -1
if (code < 0 || pRow == NULL) {
if (!dup && pRow) {
if (code < 0 || pArray == NULL) {
if (!dup && pArray) {
......@@ -1269,9 +1326,9 @@ int32_t tsdbCacheGetLastrowH(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, LRUH
return 0;
_taos_lru_deleter_t deleter = deleteTableCacheLastrow;
_taos_lru_deleter_t deleter = deleteTableCacheLast;
LRUStatus status =
taosLRUCacheInsert(pCache, key, keyLen, pRow, TD_ROW_LEN(pRow), deleter, NULL, TAOS_LRU_PRIORITY_LOW);
taosLRUCacheInsert(pCache, key, keyLen, pArray, pArray->capacity, deleter, NULL, TAOS_LRU_PRIORITY_LOW);
if (status != TAOS_LRU_STATUS_OK) {
code = -1;
......@@ -1329,7 +1386,6 @@ int32_t tsdbCacheGetLastH(SLRUCache *pCache, tb_uid_t uid, STsdb *pTsdb, LRUHand
SArray *pLastArray = NULL;
code = mergeLast(uid, pTsdb, &pLastArray);
// if table's empty or error, return code of -1
// if (code < 0 || pRow == NULL) {
if (code < 0 || pLastArray == NULL) {
......@@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ static int32_t doExtractCacheRow(SCacheRowsReader* pr, SLRUCache* lruCache, uint
// no data in the table of Uid
if (*h != NULL) {
*pRow = (STSRow*)taosLRUCacheValue(lruCache, *h);
//*pRow = (STSRow*)taosLRUCacheValue(lruCache, *h);
SArray* pLastrow = (SArray*)taosLRUCacheValue(lruCache, *h);
} else {
code = tsdbCacheGetLastH(lruCache, uid, pr->pVnode->pTsdb, h);
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