提交 2bf6b3de 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

[td-225] update test

上级 a39fbb1f
......@@ -12,65 +12,65 @@ int32_t tsMaxMeterConnections = 200;
// test cache
TEST(testCase, client_cache_test) {
const int32_t REFRESH_TIME_IN_SEC = 2;
SCacheObj* tscCacheHandle = taosCacheInit(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, REFRESH_TIME_IN_SEC, 0, NULL, "test");
SCacheObj* tscMetaCache = taosCacheInit(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, REFRESH_TIME_IN_SEC, 0, NULL, "test");
const char* key1 = "test1";
char data1[] = "test11";
char* cachedObj = (char*) taosCachePut(tscCacheHandle, key1, strlen(key1), data1, strlen(data1)+1, 1);
char* cachedObj = (char*) taosCachePut(tscMetaCache, key1, strlen(key1), data1, strlen(data1)+1, 1);
printf("obj is still valid: %s\n", cachedObj);
char data2[] = "test22";
taosCacheRelease(tscCacheHandle, (void**) &cachedObj, false);
taosCacheRelease(tscMetaCache, (void**) &cachedObj, false);
/* the object is cleared by cache clean operation */
cachedObj = (char*) taosCachePut(tscCacheHandle, key1, strlen(key1), data2, strlen(data2)+1, 20);
cachedObj = (char*) taosCachePut(tscMetaCache, key1, strlen(key1), data2, strlen(data2)+1, 20);
printf("after updated: %s\n", cachedObj);
printf("start to remove data from cache\n");
taosCacheRelease(tscCacheHandle, (void**) &cachedObj, false);
taosCacheRelease(tscMetaCache, (void**) &cachedObj, false);
printf("end of removing data from cache\n");
const char* key3 = "test2";
const char* data3 = "kkkkkkk";
char* cachedObj2 = (char*) taosCachePut(tscCacheHandle, key3, strlen(key3), data3, strlen(data3) + 1, 1);
char* cachedObj2 = (char*) taosCachePut(tscMetaCache, key3, strlen(key3), data3, strlen(data3) + 1, 1);
printf("%s\n", cachedObj2);
taosCacheRelease(tscCacheHandle, (void**) &cachedObj2, false);
taosCacheRelease(tscMetaCache, (void**) &cachedObj2, false);
char* d = (char*) taosCacheAcquireByKey(tscCacheHandle, key3, strlen(key3));
char* d = (char*) taosCacheAcquireByKey(tscMetaCache, key3, strlen(key3));
// assert(d == NULL);
char key5[] = "test5";
char data5[] = "data5kkkkk";
cachedObj2 = (char*) taosCachePut(tscCacheHandle, key5, strlen(key5), data5, strlen(data5) + 1, 20);
cachedObj2 = (char*) taosCachePut(tscMetaCache, key5, strlen(key5), data5, strlen(data5) + 1, 20);
const char* data6= "new Data after updated";
taosCacheRelease(tscCacheHandle, (void**) &cachedObj2, false);
taosCacheRelease(tscMetaCache, (void**) &cachedObj2, false);
cachedObj2 = (char*) taosCachePut(tscCacheHandle, key5, strlen(key5), data6, strlen(data6) + 1, 20);
cachedObj2 = (char*) taosCachePut(tscMetaCache, key5, strlen(key5), data6, strlen(data6) + 1, 20);
printf("%s\n", cachedObj2);
taosCacheRelease(tscCacheHandle, (void**) &cachedObj2, true);
taosCacheRelease(tscMetaCache, (void**) &cachedObj2, true);
const char* data7 = "add call update procedure";
cachedObj2 = (char*) taosCachePut(tscCacheHandle, key5, strlen(key5), data7, strlen(data7) + 1, 20);
cachedObj2 = (char*) taosCachePut(tscMetaCache, key5, strlen(key5), data7, strlen(data7) + 1, 20);
printf("%s\n=======================================\n\n", cachedObj2);
char* cc = (char*) taosCacheAcquireByKey(tscCacheHandle, key5, strlen(key5));
char* cc = (char*) taosCacheAcquireByKey(tscMetaCache, key5, strlen(key5));
taosCacheRelease(tscCacheHandle, (void**) &cachedObj2, true);
taosCacheRelease(tscCacheHandle, (void**) &cc, false);
taosCacheRelease(tscMetaCache, (void**) &cachedObj2, true);
taosCacheRelease(tscMetaCache, (void**) &cc, false);
const char* data8 = "ttft";
const char* key6 = "key6";
char* ft = (char*) taosCachePut(tscCacheHandle, key6, strlen(key6), data8, strlen(data8), 20);
taosCacheRelease(tscCacheHandle, (void**) &ft, false);
char* ft = (char*) taosCachePut(tscMetaCache, key6, strlen(key6), data8, strlen(data8), 20);
taosCacheRelease(tscMetaCache, (void**) &ft, false);
* 140ns
......@@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ TEST(testCase, client_cache_test) {
uint64_t startTime = taosGetTimestampUs();
printf("Cache Performance Test\nstart time:%" PRIu64 "\n", startTime);
for(int32_t i=0; i<1000; ++i) {
char* dd = (char*) taosCacheAcquireByKey(tscCacheHandle, key6, strlen(key6));
char* dd = (char*) taosCacheAcquireByKey(tscMetaCache, key6, strlen(key6));
if (dd != NULL) {
// printf("get the data\n");
} else {
printf("data has been released\n");
taosCacheRelease(tscCacheHandle, (void**) &dd, false);
taosCacheRelease(tscMetaCache, (void**) &dd, false);
uint64_t endTime = taosGetTimestampUs();
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ TEST(testCase, client_cache_test) {
printf("End of Test, %" PRIu64 "\nTotal Elapsed Time:%" PRIu64 " us.avg:%f us\n", endTime, el, el/1000.0);
TEST(testCase, cache_resize_test) {
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