提交 2b599bfc 编写于 作者: W wenzhouwww@live.cn

add test case for stop all dnodes

上级 4e067f5d
# author : wenzhouwww
import taos
import sys
import time
import os
from util.log import *
from util.sql import *
from util.cases import *
from util.dnodes import TDDnodes
from util.dnodes import TDDnode
from util.cluster import *
import datetime
import inspect
import time
import socket
import subprocess
import threading
class TDTestCase:
def init(self,conn ,logSql):
tdLog.debug(f"start to excute {__file__}")
self.host = socket.gethostname()
self.mnode_list = {}
self.dnode_list = {}
self.ts = 1483200000000
self.ts_step =1000
self.db_name ='testdb'
self.replica = 3
self.vgroups = 1
self.tb_nums = 10
self.row_nums = 100
self.stop_dnode_id = None
self.loop_restart_times = 5
self.current_thread = None
self.max_restart_time = 10
self.try_check_times = 10
def getBuildPath(self):
selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
if ("community" in selfPath):
projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("community")]
projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("tests")]
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath):
if ("taosd" in files):
rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root))
if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath):
buildPath = root[:len(root) - len("/build/bin")]
return buildPath
def check_setup_cluster_status(self):
tdSql.query("show mnodes")
for mnode in tdSql.queryResult:
name = mnode[1]
info = mnode
self.mnode_list[name] = info
tdSql.query("show dnodes")
for dnode in tdSql.queryResult:
name = dnode[1]
info = dnode
self.dnode_list[name] = info
count = 0
is_leader = False
mnode_name = ''
for k,v in self.mnode_list.items():
count +=1
# only for 1 mnode
mnode_name = k
if v[2] =='leader':
if count==1 and is_leader:
tdLog.notice("===== depoly cluster success with 1 mnode as leader =====")
tdLog.exit("===== depoly cluster fail with 1 mnode as leader =====")
for k ,v in self.dnode_list.items():
if k == mnode_name:
if v[3]==0:
tdLog.notice("===== depoly cluster mnode only success at {} , support_vnodes is {} ".format(mnode_name,v[3]))
tdLog.exit("===== depoly cluster mnode only fail at {} , support_vnodes is {} ".format(mnode_name,v[3]))
def create_database(self, dbname, replica_num ,vgroup_nums ):
drop_db_sql = "drop database if exists {}".format(dbname)
create_db_sql = "create database {} replica {} vgroups {}".format(dbname,replica_num,vgroup_nums)
tdLog.notice(" ==== create database {} and insert rows begin =====".format(dbname))
tdSql.execute("use {}".format(dbname))
def create_stable_insert_datas(self,dbname ,stablename , tb_nums , row_nums):
tdSql.execute("use {}".format(dbname))
'''create table {}
(ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 smallint, c4 tinyint, c5 float, c6 double, c7 bool, c8 binary(32),c9 nchar(32), c10 timestamp)
tags (t1 int)
for i in range(tb_nums):
sub_tbname = "sub_{}_{}".format(stablename,i)
tdSql.execute("create table {} using {} tags({})".format(sub_tbname, stablename ,i))
# insert datas about new database
for row_num in range(row_nums):
ts = self.ts + self.ts_step*row_num
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {sub_tbname} values ({ts}, {row_num} ,{row_num}, 10 ,1 ,{row_num} ,{row_num},true,'bin_{row_num}','nchar_{row_num}',now) ")
tdLog.notice(" ==== stable {} insert rows execute end =====".format(stablename))
def append_rows_of_exists_tables(self,dbname ,stablename , tbname , append_nums ):
tdSql.execute("use {}".format(dbname))
for row_num in range(append_nums):
tdSql.execute(f"insert into {tbname} values (now, {row_num} ,{row_num}, 10 ,1 ,{row_num} ,{row_num},true,'bin_{row_num}','nchar_{row_num}',now) ")
# print(f"insert into {tbname} values (now, {row_num} ,{row_num}, 10 ,1 ,{row_num} ,{row_num},true,'bin_{row_num}','nchar_{row_num}',now) ")
tdLog.notice(" ==== append new rows of table {} belongs to stable {} execute end =====".format(tbname,stablename))
os.system("taos -s 'select count(*) from {}.{}';".format(dbname,stablename))
def check_insert_rows(self, dbname, stablename , tb_nums , row_nums, append_rows):
tdSql.execute("use {}".format(dbname))
tdSql.query("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
while not tdSql.queryResult:
tdSql.query("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
status_OK = self.mycheckData("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename) ,0 , 0 , tb_nums*row_nums+append_rows)
count = 0
while not status_OK :
if count > self.try_check_times:
os.system("taos -s ' show {}.vgroups; '".format(dbname))
tdLog.exit(" ==== check insert rows failed after {} try check {} times of database {}".format(count , self.try_check_times ,dbname))
tdSql.query("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
while not tdSql.queryResult:
tdSql.query("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
status_OK = self.mycheckData("select count(*) from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename) ,0 , 0 , tb_nums*row_nums+append_rows)
tdLog.debug(" ==== check insert rows first failed , this is {}_th retry check rows of database {}".format(count , dbname))
count += 1
tdSql.query("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
while not tdSql.queryResult:
tdSql.query("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
status_OK = self.mycheckRows("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename) ,tb_nums)
count = 0
while not status_OK :
if count > self.try_check_times:
os.system("taos -s ' show {}.vgroups;'".format(dbname))
tdLog.exit(" ==== check insert rows failed after {} try check {} times of database {}".format(count , self.try_check_times ,dbname))
tdSql.query("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
while not tdSql.queryResult:
tdSql.query("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename))
status_OK = self.mycheckRows("select distinct tbname from {}.{}".format(dbname,stablename) ,tb_nums)
tdLog.debug(" ==== check insert tbnames first failed , this is {}_th retry check tbnames of database {}".format(count , dbname))
count += 1
def _get_stop_dnode_id(self , dbname , role):
tdSql.query("show {}.vgroups".format(dbname))
vgroup_infos = tdSql.queryResult
for vgroup_info in vgroup_infos:
leader_infos = vgroup_info[3:-4]
# print(vgroup_info)
for ind ,role in enumerate(leader_infos):
if role == role:
# print(ind,leader_infos)
self.stop_dnode_id = leader_infos[ind-1]
return self.stop_dnode_id
def wait_stop_dnode_OK(self ,newTdSql ):
def _get_status():
# newTdSql=tdCom.newTdSql()
status = ""
newTdSql.query("show dnodes")
dnode_infos = newTdSql.queryResult
for dnode_info in dnode_infos:
id = dnode_info[0]
dnode_status = dnode_info[4]
if id == self.stop_dnode_id:
status = dnode_status
return status
status = _get_status()
while status !="offline":
status = _get_status()
# tdLog.notice("==== stop dnode has not been stopped , endpoint is {}".format(self.stop_dnode))
tdLog.notice("==== stop_dnode has stopped , id is {} ====".format(self.stop_dnode_id))
def wait_start_dnode_OK(self , newTdSql):
def _get_status():
# newTdSql=tdCom.newTdSql()
status = ""
newTdSql.query("show dnodes")
dnode_infos = newTdSql.queryResult
for dnode_info in dnode_infos:
id = dnode_info[0]
dnode_status = dnode_info[4]
if id == self.stop_dnode_id:
status = dnode_status
return status
status = _get_status()
while status !="ready":
status = _get_status()
# tdLog.notice("==== stop dnode has not been stopped , endpoint is {}".format(self.stop_dnode))
tdLog.notice("==== stop_dnode has restart , id is {} ====".format(self.stop_dnode_id))
def _parse_datetime(self,timestr):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
except ValueError:
return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
except ValueError:
def mycheckRowCol(self, sql, row, col):
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[2][0])
if row < 0:
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, row)
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, row:%d is smaller than zero" % args)
if col < 0:
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, row)
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, col:%d is smaller than zero" % args)
if row > tdSql.queryRows:
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, row, tdSql.queryRows)
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, row:%d is larger than queryRows:%d" % args)
if col > tdSql.queryCols:
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, col, tdSql.queryCols)
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, col:%d is larger than queryCols:%d" % args)
def mycheckData(self, sql ,row, col, data):
check_status = True
self.mycheckRowCol(sql ,row, col)
if tdSql.queryResult[row][col] != data:
if tdSql.cursor.istype(col, "TIMESTAMP"):
# suppose user want to check nanosecond timestamp if a longer data passed
if (len(data) >= 28):
if pd.to_datetime(tdSql.queryResult[row][col]) == pd.to_datetime(data):
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%d == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
if tdSql.queryResult[row][col] == self._parse_datetime(data):
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
if str(tdSql.queryResult[row][col]) == str(data):
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
elif isinstance(data, float) and abs(tdSql.queryResult[row][col] - data) <= 0.000001:
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%f == expect:%f" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data)
tdLog.info("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s row:%d col:%d data:%s != expect:%s" % args)
check_status = False
if data is None:
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
elif isinstance(data, str):
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
# elif isinstance(data, datetime.date):
# tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
# (sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
elif isinstance(data, float):
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%s" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
tdLog.info("sql:%s, row:%d col:%d data:%s == expect:%d" %
(sql, row, col, tdSql.queryResult[row][col], data))
return check_status
def mycheckRows(self, sql, expectRows):
check_status = True
if len(tdSql.queryResult) == expectRows:
tdLog.info("sql:%s, queryRows:%d == expect:%d" % (sql, len(tdSql.queryResult), expectRows))
return True
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, len(tdSql.queryResult), expectRows)
tdLog.info("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, queryRows:%d != expect:%d" % args)
check_status = False
return check_status
def stop_All(self):
tdDnodes = cluster.dnodes
# ==== stop all dnode =====
for k ,v in self.dnode_list.items():
dnode_id = v[0]
def start_All(self):
tdDnodes = cluster.dnodes
for k ,v in self.dnode_list.items():
dnode_id = v[0]
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
time_cost = int(end -start)
if time_cost > self.max_restart_time:
tdLog.exit(" ==== restart dnode {} cost too much time , please check ====".format(self.stop_dnode_id))
def stop_All_dnodes_check_datas(self):
# stop follower and insert datas , update tables and create new stables
self.create_database(dbname = self.db_name ,replica_num= self.replica , vgroup_nums= 1)
self.create_stable_insert_datas(dbname = self.db_name , stablename = "stb1" , tb_nums= self.tb_nums ,row_nums= self.row_nums )
self.check_insert_rows(self.db_name ,'stb1' ,tb_nums = self.tb_nums , row_nums= self.row_nums ,append_rows=0)
os.system(" taos -s ' select count(*) from {}.{} ;'".format(self.db_name ,'stb1' ))
for i in range(self.loop_restart_times):
# begin to stop All taosd
# begin to start All taosd
tdLog.debug(" ==== cluster has restart , this is {}_th restart cluster ==== ".format(i))
self.check_insert_rows(self.db_name ,'stb1' ,tb_nums = self.tb_nums , row_nums= self.row_nums ,append_rows=0)
os.system(" taos -s ' select count(*) from {}.{} ;'".format(self.db_name ,'stb1' ))
self.append_rows_of_exists_tables(self.db_name ,"stb1" , "sub_stb1_0" , 100 )
os.system(" taos -s ' select count(*) from {}.{} ;'".format(self.db_name ,'stb1' ))
def run(self):
# basic insert and check of cluster
def stop(self):
tdLog.success(f"{__file__} successfully executed")
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
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