未验证 提交 29c6211f 编写于 作者: D dapan1121 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #8759 from taosdata/fix/TD-10809

[TD-10809]<fix>: client assertion failure in doInitSubState
......@@ -3086,12 +3086,16 @@ int tscRenewTableMeta(SSqlObj *pSql, int32_t tableIndex) {
pSql->rootObj->retryReason = pSql->retryReason;
SSqlObj *tmpSql = pSql->rootObj;
SArray* pNameList = taosArrayInit(1, POINTER_BYTES);
SArray* vgroupList = taosArrayInit(1, POINTER_BYTES);
char* n = strdup(name);
taosArrayPush(pNameList, &n);
code = getMultiTableMetaFromMnode(pSql, pNameList, vgroupList, NULL, tscTableMetaCallBack, true);
code = getMultiTableMetaFromMnode(tmpSql, pNameList, vgroupList, NULL, tscTableMetaCallBack, true);
taosArrayDestroyEx(pNameList, freeElem);
taosArrayDestroyEx(vgroupList, freeElem);
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