提交 2821e815 编写于 作者: G Ganlin Zhao

fix windows compilation error

上级 53f77b41
......@@ -391,37 +391,27 @@ SOCKET taosOpenTcpClientSocket(uint32_t destIp, uint16_t destPort, uint32_t clie
ret = connect(sockFd, (struct sockaddr *)&serverAddr, sizeof(serverAddr));
if (ret == -1) {
if (errno == EHOSTUNREACH) {
uError("failed to connect socket, ip:0x%x, port:%hu(%s)", destIp, destPort, strerror(errno));
return -1;
} else if (errno == EINPROGRESS || errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
struct timeval timeout;
fd_set set;
struct timeval timeout;
fd_set set;
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = tsTcpConnTimeout * 1000;
FD_SET(sockFd, &set);
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = tsTcpConnTimeout * 1000;
FD_SET(sockFd, &set);
if (select(sockFd + 1, NULL, &set, NULL, &timeout) <= 0) {
uError("failed to connect socket, ip:0x%x, port:%hu(poll error/conn timeout)", destIp, destPort);
taosCloseSocket(sockFd); //
return -1;
if (select(sockFd + 1, NULL, &set, NULL, &timeout) <= 0) {
uError("failed to connect socket, ip:0x%x, port:%hu(select error/conn timeout)", destIp, destPort);
taosCloseSocket(sockFd); //
return -1;
int optVal = -1, optLen = sizeof(int);
if ((0 != taosGetSockOpt(sockFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &optVal, &optLen)) || (optVal != 0)) {
uError("failed to connect socket, ip:0x%x, port:%hu(connect host error)", destIp, destPort);
taosCloseSocket(sockFd); //
return -1;
ret = 0;
} else {
uError("failed to connect socket, ip:0x%x, port:%hu(target host cannot be reached)", destIp, destPort);
int optVal = -1, optLen = sizeof(int);
if ((0 != taosGetSockOpt(sockFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &optVal, &optLen)) || (optVal != 0)) {
uError("failed to connect socket, ip:0x%x, port:%hu(connect host error)", destIp, destPort);
taosCloseSocket(sockFd); //
return -1;
ret = 0;
taosSetNonblocking(sockFd, 0);
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