提交 27437d85 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan

test: valgrind case

上级 11d9ece1
system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c debugflag -v 131
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start -v
sql connect
print =============== step1: create drop show dnodes
......@@ -42,53 +41,16 @@ while $i < $tbNum
sql insert into $tb values ($ms , $x , $x , $x )
$x = $x + 1
$cc = $x * 60000
$ms = 1601481600000 + $cc
sql insert into $tb values ($ms , NULL , NULL , NULL )
$i = $i + 1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start -v
print =============== step3: tb
sql select avg(tbcol) from tb1
sql select avg(tbcol) from tb1 where ts <= 1601481840000
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from tb1
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from tb1 interval(1d)
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from tb1 where ts <= 1601481840000 interval(1m)
sql select bottom(tbcol, 2) from tb1 where ts <= 1601481840000
sql select top(tbcol, 2) from tb1 where ts <= 1601481840000
sql select percentile(tbcol, 2) from tb1 where ts <= 1601481840000
sql select leastsquares(tbcol, 1, 1) as b from tb1 where ts <= 1601481840000
sql show table distributed tb1
sql select count(tbcol) as b from tb1 where ts <= 1601481840000 interval(1m)
sql select diff(tbcol) from tb1 where ts <= 1601481840000
sql select diff(tbcol) from tb1 where tbcol > 5 and tbcol < 20
sql select first(tbcol), last(tbcol) as b from tb1 where ts <= 1601481840000 interval(1m)
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), max(tbcol), min(tbcol), sum(tbcol), stddev(tbcol) from tb1 where ts <= 1601481840000 partition by tgcol interval(1m)
#sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), max(tbcol), min(tbcol), count(tbcol) from tb1 where ts <= 1601481840000 and ts >= 1601481800000 partition by tgcol interval(1m) fill(value, 0)
sql select last_row(*) from tb1 where tbcol > 5 and tbcol < 20
print =============== step4: stb
sql select avg(tbcol) as c from stb
sql select avg(tbcol) as c from stb where ts <= 1601481840000
sql select avg(tbcol) as c from stb where tgcol < 5 and ts <= 1601481840000
sql select avg(tbcol) as c from stb interval(1m)
sql select avg(tbcol) as c from stb interval(1d)
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from stb where ts <= 1601481840000 interval(1m)
sql select avg(tbcol) as c from stb group by tgcol
sql select avg(tbcol) as b from stb where ts <= 1601481840000 partition by tgcol interval(1m)
sql show table distributed stb
sql select count(tbcol) as b from stb where ts <= 1601481840000 partition by tgcol interval(1m)
sql select diff(tbcol) from stb where ts <= 1601481840000
sql select first(tbcol), last(tbcol) as c from stb group by tgcol
sql select first(tbcol), last(tbcol) as b from stb where ts <= 1601481840000 and tbcol2 is null partition by tgcol interval(1m)
sql select first(tbcol), last(tbcol) as b from stb where ts <= 1601481840000 partition by tgcol interval(1m)
sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), max(tbcol), min(tbcol), sum(tbcol), stddev(tbcol) from stb where ts <= 1601481840000 partition by tgcol interval(1m)
#sql select count(tbcol), avg(tbcol), max(tbcol), min(tbcol), count(tbcol) from stb where ts <= 1601481840000 and ts >= 1601481800000 partition by tgcol interval(1m) fill(value, 0)
sql select last_row(tbcol), stddev(tbcol) from stb where tbcol > 5 and tbcol < 20 group by tgcol
sql select * from tb1 where ts in ('2018-07-10 16:31:01', '2022-07-10 16:31:03', 1657441865000);
sql select * from tb1 where tbcol2 in (257);
sql select * from tb1 where tbcol3 in (2, 257);
sql select * from stb where ts in ('2018-07-10 16:31:01', '2022-07-10 16:31:03', 1657441865000);
sql select * from stb where tbcol2 in (257);
sql select * from stb where tbcol3 in (2, 257);
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
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