提交 20cf55c1 编写于 作者: W wenzhouwww@live.cn

add case for cosin function

上级 c1cc6417
......@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ class TDTestCase:
tdSql.execute('insert into tb2 values (now(), {}, {})'.format(PI*2.5 ,PI*2.5))
for i in range(100):
tdSql.execute('insert into tb3 values (now()+{}s, {}, {})'.format(i,PI*(2.5+i) ,PI*(2.5+i)))
tdSql.execute('insert into tb3 values (now()+{}s, {}, {})'.format(i,PI*(5+i)/2 ,PI*(5+i)/2))
self.check_result_auto_sin("select num1,num2 from tb3;" , "select sin(num1),sin(num2) from tb3")
......@@ -24,4 +24,5 @@ python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/floor.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/round.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/log.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/pow.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/sin.py
\ No newline at end of file
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/sin.py
python3 ./test.py -f 2-query/cos.py
\ No newline at end of file
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