@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ The following data types can be used in the schema for standard tables.
| - | :------- | :-------- | :------- |
| 1 | ALTER ACCOUNT | Deprecated| This Enterprise Edition-only statement has been removed. It returns the error "This statement is no longer supported."
| 2 | ALTER ALL DNODES | Added | Modifies the configuration of all dnodes.
| 3 | ALTER DATABASE | Modified | Deprecated<ul><li>QUORUM: Specified the required number of confirmations. STRICT is now used to specify strong or weak consistency. The STRICT parameter cannot be modified. </li><li>BLOCKS: Specified the memory blocks used by each vnode. BUFFER is now used to specify the size of the write cache pool for each vnode. </li><li>UPDATE: Specified whether update operations were supported. All databases now support updating data in certain columns. </li><li>CACHELAST: Specified how to cache the newest row of data. CACHEMODEL now replaces CACHELAST. </li><li>COMP: Cannot be modified. <br/>Added</li><li>CACHEMODEL: Specifies whether to cache the latest subtable data. </li><li>CACHESIZE: Specifies the size of the cache for the newest subtable data. </li><li>WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD: Replaces the FSYNC parameter. </li><li>WAL_LEVEL: Replaces the WAL parameter. </li><li>WAL_RETENTION_PERIOD: specifies the time after which WAL files are deleted. This parameter is used for data subscription. </li><li>WAL_RETENTION_SIZE: specifies the size at which WAL files are deleted. This parameter is used for data subscription. <br/>Modified</li><li>REPLICA: Cannot be modified. </li><li>KEEP: Now supports units. </li></ul>
| 3 | ALTER DATABASE | Modified | Deprecated<ul><li>QUORUM: Specified the required number of confirmations. TDengine 3.0 provides strict consistency by default and doesn't allow to change to weak consitency. </li><li>BLOCKS: Specified the memory blocks used by each vnode. BUFFER is now used to specify the size of the write cache pool for each vnode. </li><li>UPDATE: Specified whether update operations were supported. All databases now support updating data in certain columns. </li><li>CACHELAST: Specified how to cache the newest row of data. CACHEMODEL now replaces CACHELAST. </li><li>COMP: Cannot be modified. <br/>Added</li><li>CACHEMODEL: Specifies whether to cache the latest subtable data. </li><li>CACHESIZE: Specifies the size of the cache for the newest subtable data. </li><li>WAL_FSYNC_PERIOD: Replaces the FSYNC parameter. </li><li>WAL_LEVEL: Replaces the WAL parameter. </li><li>WAL_RETENTION_PERIOD: specifies the time after which WAL files are deleted. This parameter is used for data subscription. </li><li>WAL_RETENTION_SIZE: specifies the size at which WAL files are deleted. This parameter is used for data subscription. <br/>Modified</li><li>REPLICA: Cannot be modified. </li><li>KEEP: Now supports units. </li></ul>
| 4 | ALTER STABLE | Modified | Deprecated<ul><li>CHANGE TAG: Modified the name of a tag. Replaced by RENAME TAG. <br/>Added</li><li>RENAME TAG: Replaces CHANGE TAG. </li><li>COMMENT: Specifies comments for a supertable. </li></ul>
| 5 | ALTER TABLE | Modified | Deprecated<ul><li>CHANGE TAG: Modified the name of a tag. Replaced by RENAME TAG. <br/>Added</li><li>RENAME TAG: Replaces CHANGE TAG. </li><li>COMMENT: Specifies comments for a standard table. </li><li>TTL: Specifies the time-to-live for a standard table. </li></ul>
| 6 | ALTER USER | Modified | Deprecated<ul><li>PRIVILEGE: Specified user permissions. Replaced by GRANT and REVOKE. <br/>Added</li><li>ENABLE: Enables or disables a user. </li><li>SYSINFO: Specifies whether a user can query system information. </li></ul>
@@ -628,6 +628,16 @@ The charset that takes effect is UTF-8.
| Default Value | 1 |
| Note | The core file is generated under root directory `systemctl start taosd`/`launchctl start com.tdengine.taosd` is used to start, or under the working directory if `taosd` is started directly on Linux/macOS Shell. |
| 6 | ALTER USER | 调整 | 废除<ul><li>PRIVILEGE:修改用户权限。3.0版本使用GRANT和REVOKE来授予和回收权限。<br/>新增</li><li>ENABLE:启用或停用此用户。</li><li>SYSINFO:修改用户是否可查看系统信息。</li></ul>
TDengine is an open-source, cloud-native time-series database optimized for Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Cars, and Industrial IoT. With its built-in caching, stream processing, and data subscription capabilities, TDengine offers a simplified solution for time-series data processing.
To configure TDengine : edit /etc/taos/taos.cfg
To start service : launchctl start com.tdengine.taosd
To start Taos Adapter : launchctl start com.tdengine.taosadapter
To access TDengine : use taos in shell
• To configure TDengine, edit /etc/taos/taos.cfg
• To start service, run launchctl start com.tdengine.taosd
• To start Taos Adapter, run launchctl start com.tdengine.taosadapter
• To access TDengine from your local machine, run taos
If you're experiencing problems installing TDengine, check the file /var/log/taos/tdengine_install.log to help troubleshoot the installation.
TDengine is an open-source, cloud-native time-series database optimized for Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Cars, and Industrial IoT. With its built-in caching, stream processing, and data subscription capabilities, TDengine offers a simplified solution for time-series data processing.
Once it's installed, please take the steps below:
1: open a terminal/shell in Mac
2: if connecting to Cloud Service, follow the instructions on your cloud service account and configure the environment variable
3: if connecting to another TDengine Service, you can also view help information via "taos --help"
4: execute command taos
After the installation process is complete, perform the following steps to start using TDengine:
1: Open Terminal on your Mac.
2: To connect to a TDengine server using the default settings and credentials, run the taos command.
3: To connect to a TDengine server using custom settings or credentials, run taos --help for more information.
4: To connect to TDengine Cloud, follow the instructions on the Tools - TDengine CLI page in your TDengine Cloud account.
If you're experiencing problems installing TDengine, check the file /var/log/taos/tdengine_install.log to help troubleshoot the installation.
If any issues occur during installation, check the /var/log/taos/tdengine_install.log file to troubleshoot.
tqOffsetResetToLog(&pTaskInfo->streamInfo.currentOffset,pInfo->tqReader->pWalReader->curVersion-1);//curVersion move to next, so currentOffset = curVersion - 1
pInfo->tqReader->pWalReader->curVersion-1);// curVersion move to next, so currentOffset = curVersion - 1
qDebug("doQueueScan get data from log %"PRId64" rows, version:%"PRId64,ret.data.info.rows,pTaskInfo->streamInfo.currentOffset.version);
qDebug("doQueueScan get data from log %"PRId64" rows, version:%"PRId64,ret.data.info.rows,
qDebug("doQueueScan get data from log %"PRId64" rows, return, version:%"PRId64,pInfo->pRes->info.rows,pTaskInfo->streamInfo.currentOffset.version);
qDebug("doQueueScan get data from log %"PRId64" rows, return, version:%"PRId64,pInfo->pRes->info.rows,
qDebug("doQueueScan get none from log, return, version:%"PRId64,pTaskInfo->streamInfo.currentOffset.version);