提交 1d35b186 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

fix TD-1387

上级 69180d74
......@@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ static int tsdbLoadBlockDataImpl(SRWHelper *pHelper, SCompBlock *pCompBlock, SDa
int dcol = 0; // loop iter for SDataCols object
while (dcol < pDataCols->numOfCols) {
SDataCol *pDataCol = &(pDataCols->cols[dcol]);
if (ccol >= pCompData->numOfCols) {
if (dcol != 0 && ccol >= pCompData->numOfCols) {
// Set current column as NULL and forward
dataColSetNEleNull(pDataCol, pCompBlock->numOfRows, pDataCols->maxPoints);
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