提交 1cd331a3 编写于 作者: C Cary Xu

payload refactor to support 4096

上级 1236681f
......@@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ extern "C" {
#define UTIL_TABLE_IS_TMP_TABLE(metaInfo) \
(((metaInfo)->pTableMeta != NULL) && ((metaInfo)->pTableMeta->tableType == TSDB_TEMP_TABLE))
#define KvRowNColsThresh 1 // default 1200
#define KVRowRatio 0.85 // for NonVarType, we get value from SDataRow directly, while needs readdressing for SKVRow
#pragma pack(push,1)
// this struct is transfered as binary, padding two bytes to avoid
// an 'uid' whose low bytes is 0xff being recoginized as NULL,
......@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ extern "C" {
// forward declaration
struct SSqlInfo;
#define KvRowNColsThresh 128 // default 128
#define KVRowRatio 0.9 // for NonVarType, we get value from SDataRow directly, while needs readdressing for SKVRow
typedef void (*__async_cb_func_t)(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int32_t numOfRows);
typedef struct SNewVgroupInfo {
......@@ -87,12 +90,18 @@ typedef struct SBoundColumn {
bool hasVal; // denote if current column has bound or not
int32_t offset; // all column offset value
} SBoundColumn;
typedef struct {
uint16_t schemaColIdx;
uint16_t boundIdx;
uint16_t finalIdx;
} SBoundIdxInfo;
typedef struct SParsedDataColInfo {
int16_t numOfCols;
int16_t numOfBound;
int32_t *boundedColumns;
SBoundColumn *cols;
bool isOrdered; // bounded columns
int16_t numOfCols;
int16_t numOfBound;
int32_t * boundedColumns; // bounded column idx according to schema
SBoundColumn * cols;
SBoundIdxInfo *colIdxInfo;
} SParsedDataColInfo;
typedef struct {
......@@ -107,9 +116,12 @@ typedef struct {
void * pDataBlock;
SSubmitBlk *pSubmitBlk;
uint16_t allNullLen;
} SMemRowBuilder;
typedef struct {
TDRowLenT allNullLen;
} SMemRowHelper;
typedef struct STableDataBlocks {
SName tableName;
int8_t tsSource; // where does the UNIX timestamp come from, server or client
......@@ -130,7 +142,7 @@ typedef struct STableDataBlocks {
uint32_t numOfAllocedParams;
uint32_t numOfParams;
SParamInfo * params;
SMemRowBuilder rowBuilder;
SMemRowHelper rowHelper;
} STableDataBlocks;
typedef struct {
......@@ -398,7 +410,7 @@ extern int tscRefId;
extern int tscNumOfObj; // number of existed sqlObj in current process.
extern int (*tscBuildMsg[TSDB_SQL_MAX])(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo);
void tscBuildVgroupTableInfo(SSqlObj* pSql, STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, SArray* tables);
int16_t getNewResColId(SSqlCmd* pCmd);
......@@ -406,4 +418,4 @@ int16_t getNewResColId(SSqlCmd* pCmd);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -1433,6 +1433,7 @@ void tscFreeSqlObj(SSqlObj* pSql) {
void tscDestroyBoundColumnInfo(SParsedDataColInfo* pColInfo) {
void tscDestroyDataBlock(STableDataBlocks* pDataBlock, bool removeMeta) {
......@@ -1646,51 +1647,54 @@ int32_t tscGetDataBlockFromList(SHashObj* pHashList, int64_t id, int32_t size, i
static SMemRow tdGenMemRowFromBuilder(SMemRowBuilder* pBuilder) {
SSchema* pSchema = pBuilder->pSchema;
char* p = (char*)pBuilder->buf;
int toffset = 0;
uint16_t nCols = pBuilder->nCols;
// RawRow payload structure:
// |<---------- header ------------->|<------- column data array ------->|
// |SMemRowType| dataLen | nCols | colId | colType | value |...|...|
// +-----------+----------+----------+---------------------------------->|
// | uint8_t | uint16_t | uint16_t | int16_t | uint8_t | ??? |...|...|
// +-----------+----------+----------+---------------------------------->|
uint8_t memRowType = payloadType(p);
uint16_t nColsNotNull = payloadNCols(p);
if (pBuilder->nCols <= 0 || nColsNotNull <= 0) {
uint16_t nColsBound = payloadNCols(p);
if (pBuilder->nCols <= 0 || nColsBound <= 0) {
return NULL;
ASSERT(nColsNotNull <= nCols);
char* pVals = POINTER_SHIFT(p, payloadValuesOffset(p));
SMemRow* memRow = (SMemRow)pBuilder->pDataBlock;
memRowSetType(memRow, memRowType);
// ----------------- Raw payload structure for row:
/* |<------------ Head ------------->|<----------- body of column data tuple ------------------->|
* | |<----------------- flen ------------->|<--- value part --->|
* |SMemRowType| dataTLen | nCols | colId | colType | offset | ... | value |...|...|... |
* +-----------+----------+----------+--------------------------------------|--------------------|
* | uint8_t | uint32_t | uint16_t | int16_t | uint8_t | uint16_t | ... |.......|...|...|... |
* +-----------+----------+----------+--------------------------------------+--------------------|
* 1. offset in column data tuple starts from the value part in case of uint16_t overflow.
* 2. dataTLen: total length including the header and body.
if (memRowType == SMEM_ROW_DATA) {
ASSERT(nColsBound <= nCols);
SDataRow trow = (SDataRow)memRowDataBody(memRow);
dataRowSetLen(trow, (uint16_t)(TD_DATA_ROW_HEAD_SIZE + pBuilder->flen));
dataRowSetLen(trow, (TDRowLenT)(TD_DATA_ROW_HEAD_SIZE + pBuilder->flen));
dataRowSetVersion(trow, pBuilder->sversion);
p = (char*)payloadBody(pBuilder->buf);
uint16_t i = 0, j = 0;
while (j < pBuilder->nCols) {
if (i >= nColsNotNull) {
while (j < nCols) {
if (i >= nColsBound) {
int16_t colId = *(int16_t*)p;
int16_t colId = payloadColId(p);
if (colId == pSchema[j].colId) {
tdAppendColVal(trow, payloadColValue(p), pSchema[j].type, toffset);
// ASSERT(payloadColType(p) == pSchema[j].type);
tdAppendColVal(trow, POINTER_SHIFT(pVals, payloadColOffset(p)), pSchema[j].type, toffset);
toffset += TYPE_BYTES[pSchema[j].type];
p = skipToNextEles(p);
p = payloadNextCol(p);
} else if (colId < pSchema[j].colId) {
p = skipToNextEles(p);
p = payloadNextCol(p);
} else {
tdAppendColVal(trow, tdGetNullVal(pSchema[j].type), pSchema[j].type, toffset);
......@@ -1699,41 +1703,43 @@ static SMemRow tdGenMemRowFromBuilder(SMemRowBuilder* pBuilder) {
while (j < pBuilder->nCols) {
while (j < nCols) {
tdAppendColVal(trow, tdGetNullVal(pSchema[j].type), pSchema[j].type, toffset);
toffset += TYPE_BYTES[pSchema[j].type];
while (i < nColsNotNull) {
p = skipToNextEles(p);
#if 0 // no need anymore
while (i < nColsBound) {
p = payloadNextCol(p);
} else if (memRowType == SMEM_ROW_KV) {
ASSERT(nColsNotNull <= pBuilder->nCols);
ASSERT(nColsBound <= nCols);
SKVRow kvRow = (SKVRow)memRowKvBody(memRow);
uint16_t tlen = TD_KV_ROW_HEAD_SIZE + sizeof(SColIdx) * nColsNotNull;
kvRowSetLen(kvRow, tlen);
kvRowSetNCols(kvRow, nColsNotNull);
memRowKvSetVersion(memRow, pBuilder->sversion);
kvRowSetLen(kvRow, (TDRowLenT)(TD_KV_ROW_HEAD_SIZE + sizeof(SColIdx) * nColsBound));
kvRowSetNCols(kvRow, nColsBound);
memRowSetKvVersion(memRow, pBuilder->sversion);
p = (char*)payloadBody(pBuilder->buf);
int i = 0;
while (i < nColsNotNull) {
while (i < nColsBound) {
int16_t colId = payloadColId(p);
uint8_t colType = payloadColType(p);
tdAppendKvColVal(kvRow, payloadColValue(p), colId, colType, toffset);
tdAppendKvColVal(kvRow, POINTER_SHIFT(pVals,payloadColOffset(p)), colId, colType, toffset);
toffset += sizeof(SColIdx);
p = skipToNextEles(p);
p = payloadNextCol(p);
} else {
pBuilder->pDataBlock = (char*)pBuilder->pDataBlock + memRowTLen(memRow); // next row
pBuilder->pSubmitBlk->dataLen += memRowTLen(memRow);
int32_t rowTLen = memRowTLen(memRow);
pBuilder->pDataBlock = (char*)pBuilder->pDataBlock + rowTLen; // next row
pBuilder->pSubmitBlk->dataLen += rowTLen;
return memRow;
......@@ -1744,7 +1750,6 @@ static int trimDataBlock(void* pDataBlock, STableDataBlocks* pTableDataBlock, bo
STableMeta* pTableMeta = pTableDataBlock->pTableMeta;
STableComInfo tinfo = tscGetTableInfo(pTableMeta);
SSchema* pSchema = tscGetTableSchema(pTableMeta);
SMemRowBuilder* pBuilder = &pTableDataBlock->rowBuilder;
SSubmitBlk* pBlock = pDataBlock;
memcpy(pDataBlock, pTableDataBlock->pData, sizeof(SSubmitBlk));
......@@ -1780,18 +1785,19 @@ static int trimDataBlock(void* pDataBlock, STableDataBlocks* pTableDataBlock, bo
pBlock->dataLen = 0;
int32_t numOfRows = htons(pBlock->numOfRows);
pBuilder->pSchema = pSchema;
pBuilder->sversion = pTableMeta->sversion;
pBuilder->flen = flen;
pBuilder->nCols = tinfo.numOfColumns;
pBuilder->pDataBlock = pDataBlock;
pBuilder->pSubmitBlk = pBlock;
pBuilder->buf = p;
pBuilder->size = 0;
SMemRowBuilder rowBuilder;
rowBuilder.pSchema = pSchema;
rowBuilder.sversion = pTableMeta->sversion;
rowBuilder.flen = flen;
rowBuilder.nCols = tinfo.numOfColumns;
rowBuilder.pDataBlock = pDataBlock;
rowBuilder.pSubmitBlk = pBlock;
rowBuilder.buf = p;
rowBuilder.size = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfRows; ++i) {
pBuilder->buf = (blkKeyTuple+i)->payloadAddr;
rowBuilder.buf = (blkKeyTuple + i)->payloadAddr;
int32_t len = pBlock->dataLen + pBlock->schemaLen;
......@@ -1803,7 +1809,7 @@ static int trimDataBlock(void* pDataBlock, STableDataBlocks* pTableDataBlock, bo
static int32_t getRowExpandSize(STableMeta* pTableMeta) {
// add prefix len of KV type SMemRow(we may use SDataRow or SKVRow)
int32_t result = TD_MEM_ROW_DATA_HEAD_SIZE;
int32_t columns = tscGetNumOfColumns(pTableMeta);
SSchema* pSchema = tscGetTableSchema(pTableMeta);
for(int32_t i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
......@@ -186,18 +186,6 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int tkeyComparFn(const void *tkey1, const void *tkey2) {
return 0;
/* A memory data row, the format is like below:
*|---------+---------------------+--------------------------- len ---------------------------------->|
*|<- type->|<-- Head -->|<--------- flen -------------->| |
*| uint8_t | uint16_t | int16_t | | |
*| flag | len | sversion | First part | Second part |
* NOTE: timestamp in this row structure is TKEY instead of TSKEY
typedef void *SMemRow;
// ----------------- Data row structure
......@@ -216,7 +204,7 @@ typedef void *SDataRow;
#define TD_DATA_ROW_HEAD_SIZE (sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(int16_t))
#define dataRowLen(r) (*(uint16_t *)(r))
#define dataRowLen(r) (*(TDRowLenT *)(r)) // 0~65535
#define dataRowVersion(r) (*(int16_t *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, sizeof(int16_t)))
#define dataRowTuple(r) POINTER_SHIFT(r, TD_DATA_ROW_HEAD_SIZE)
#define dataRowTKey(r) (*(TKEY *)(dataRowTuple(r)))
......@@ -231,7 +219,6 @@ SDataRow tdNewDataRowFromSchema(STSchema *pSchema);
void tdFreeDataRow(SDataRow row);
void tdInitDataRow(SDataRow row, STSchema *pSchema);
SDataRow tdDataRowDup(SDataRow row);
SMemRow tdMemRowDup(SMemRow row);
// offset here not include dataRow header length
static FORCE_INLINE int tdAppendColVal(SDataRow row, const void *value, int8_t type, int32_t offset) {
......@@ -247,7 +234,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int tdAppendColVal(SDataRow row, const void *value, int8_t t
if (offset == 0) {
TKEY tvalue = tdGetTKEY(*(TSKEY *)value);
memcpy(POINTER_SHIFT(row, toffset), (void *)(&tvalue), TYPE_BYTES[type]);
memcpy(POINTER_SHIFT(row, toffset), (const void *)(&tvalue), TYPE_BYTES[type]);
} else {
memcpy(POINTER_SHIFT(row, toffset), value, TYPE_BYTES[type]);
......@@ -287,7 +274,7 @@ void dataColSetOffset(SDataCol *pCol, int nEle);
bool isNEleNull(SDataCol *pCol, int nEle);
void dataColSetNEleNull(SDataCol *pCol, int nEle, int maxPoints);
static FORCE_INLINE const void *tdGetNullVal(int8_t type) {
FORCE_INLINE const void *tdGetNullVal(int8_t type) {
switch (type) {
return &BoolNull;
......@@ -400,11 +387,11 @@ void tdResetDataCols(SDataCols *pCols);
int tdInitDataCols(SDataCols *pCols, STSchema *pSchema);
SDataCols *tdDupDataCols(SDataCols *pCols, bool keepData);
SDataCols *tdFreeDataCols(SDataCols *pCols);
void tdAppendMemRowToDataCol(SMemRow row, STSchema *pSchema, SDataCols *pCols);
int tdMergeDataCols(SDataCols *target, SDataCols *source, int rowsToMerge, int *pOffset);
// ----------------- K-V data row structure
/* |<-------------------------------------- len -------------------------------------------->|
* |<----- header ----->|<--------------------------- body -------------------------------->|
* +----------+----------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | uint16_t | int16_t | | |
* +----------+----------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------+
......@@ -420,7 +407,7 @@ typedef struct {
#define TD_KV_ROW_HEAD_SIZE (sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(int16_t))
#define kvRowLen(r) (*(uint16_t *)(r))
#define kvRowLen(r) (*(TDRowLenT *)(r))
#define kvRowNCols(r) (*(int16_t *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, sizeof(uint16_t)))
#define kvRowSetLen(r, len) kvRowLen(r) = (len)
#define kvRowSetNCols(r, n) kvRowNCols(r) = (n)
......@@ -532,7 +519,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int tdAddColToKVRow(SKVRowBuilder *pBuilder, int16_t colId,
// ----------------- SMemRow appended with sequential data row structure
* |-------------------------------+--------------------------- len ---------------------------------->|
* |---------|------------------------------------------------- len ---------------------------------->|
* |<-------- Head ------>|<--------- flen -------------->| |
* |---------+---------------------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | uint8_t | uint16_t | int16_t | | |
......@@ -544,7 +531,8 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int tdAddColToKVRow(SKVRowBuilder *pBuilder, int16_t colId,
// ----------------- SMemRow appended with extended K-V data row structure
/* |
/* |--------------------|------------------------------------------------ len ---------------------------------->|
* |<------------- Head ------------>|<--------- flen -------------->| |
* |--------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------+---------------------------------+
* | uint8_t | int16_t | uint16_t | int16_t | | |
* |---------+----------+----------+----------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------+
......@@ -552,11 +540,13 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int tdAddColToKVRow(SKVRowBuilder *pBuilder, int16_t colId,
* |---------+----------+----------+----------+---------------------------------+---------------------------------+
typedef void *SMemRow;
#define TD_MEM_ROW_TYPE_SIZE sizeof(uint8_t)
#define TD_MEM_ROW_KV_VER_SIZE sizeof(int16_t)
#define SMEM_ROW_DATA 0U // SDataRow
#define SMEM_ROW_KV 1U // SKVRow
......@@ -567,21 +557,22 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int tdAddColToKVRow(SKVRowBuilder *pBuilder, int16_t colId,
#define memRowDataBody(r) POINTER_SHIFT(r, TD_MEM_ROW_TYPE_SIZE) // section after flag
#define memRowKvBody(r) \
POINTER_SHIFT(r, TD_MEM_ROW_KV_TYPE_VER_SIZE) // section after flag + sversion as to reuse of SKVRow
// #define memRowBody(r) (isDataRow(r) ? memRowDataBody(r) : memRowKvBody(r))
POINTER_SHIFT(r, TD_MEM_ROW_KV_TYPE_VER_SIZE) // section after flag + sversion as to reuse SKVRow
#define memRowDataLen(r) (*(TDRowLenT *)memRowDataBody(r)) // 0~65535
#define memRowKvLen(r) (*(TDRowLenT *)memRowKvBody(r)) // 0~65535
#define memRowDataLen(r) (*(TDRowLenT *)memRowDataBody(r))
#define memRowKvLen(r) (*(TDRowLenT *)memRowKvBody(r))
#define memRowDataTLen(r) (memRowDataLen(r) + (TDRowLenT)TD_MEM_ROW_TYPE_SIZE)
#define memRowKvTLen(r) (memRowKvLen(r) + (TDRowLenT)TD_MEM_ROW_KV_TYPE_VER_SIZE)
#define memRowDataTLen(r) (memRowDataLen(r) + TD_MEM_ROW_TYPE_SIZE) // using uint32_t/int32_t to store the TLen
#define memRowKvTLen(r) (memRowKvLen(r) + TD_MEM_ROW_KV_TYPE_VER_SIZE)
#define memRowLen(r) (isDataRow(r) ? memRowDataLen(r) : memRowKvLen(r))
#define memRowTLen(r) (isDataRow(r) ? memRowDataTLen(r) : memRowKvTLen(r))
#define memRowTLen(r) (isDataRow(r) ? memRowDataTLen(r) : memRowKvTLen(r)) // using uint32_t/int32_t to store the TLen
#define memRowDataVersion(r) dataRowVersion(memRowDataBody(r))
#define memRowKvVersion(r) (*(int16_t *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, TD_MEM_ROW_TYPE_SIZE))
#define memRowVersion(r) (isDataRow(r) ? memRowDataVersion(r) : memRowKvVersion(r)) // schema version
#define memRowKvSetVersion(r, v) (memRowKvVersion(r) = (v))
#define memRowSetKvVersion(r, v) (memRowKvVersion(r) = (v))
#define memRowTuple(r) (isDataRow(r) ? dataRowTuple(memRowDataBody(r)) : kvRowValues(memRowKvBody(r)))
#define memRowTKey(r) (isDataRow(r) ? dataRowTKey(memRowDataBody(r)) : kvRowTKey(memRowKvBody(r)))
......@@ -594,6 +585,8 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int tdAddColToKVRow(SKVRowBuilder *pBuilder, int16_t colId,
#define memRowMaxBytesFromSchema(s) (schemaTLen(s) + TD_MEM_ROW_DATA_HEAD_SIZE)
#define memRowDeleted(r) TKEY_IS_DELETED(memRowTKey(r))
SMemRow tdMemRowDup(SMemRow row);
void tdAppendMemRowToDataCol(SMemRow row, STSchema *pSchema, SDataCols *pCols);
// NOTE: offset here including the header size
static FORCE_INLINE void *tdGetKvRowDataOfCol(void *row, int32_t offset) { return POINTER_SHIFT(row, offset); }
// NOTE: offset here including the header size
......@@ -608,50 +601,52 @@ static FORCE_INLINE void *tdGetMemRowDataOfCol(void *row, int8_t type, int32_t o
return NULL;
// RawRow payload structure:
// |<---------- header ------------->|<---- body: column data tuple ---->|
// |SMemRowType| dataLen | nCols | colId | colType | value |...|...|
// +-----------+----------+----------+---------------------------------->|
// | uint8_t | uint16_t | uint16_t | int16_t | uint8_t | ??? |...|...|
// +-----------+----------+----------+---------------------------------->|
// ----------------- Raw payload structure for row:
/* |<------------ Head ------------->|<----------- body of column data tuple ------------------->|
* | |<----------------- flen ------------->|<--- value part --->|
* |SMemRowType| dataTLen | nCols | colId | colType | offset | ... | value |...|...|... |
* +-----------+----------+----------+--------------------------------------|--------------------|
* | uint8_t | uint32_t | uint16_t | int16_t | uint8_t | uint16_t | ... |.......|...|...|... |
* +-----------+----------+----------+--------------------------------------+--------------------|
* 1. offset in column data tuple starts from the value part in case of uint16_t overflow.
* 2. dataTLen: total length including the header and body.
#define PAYLOAD_NCOLS_LEN sizeof(uint16_t)
#define PAYLOAD_NCOLS_OFFSET (sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(TDRowLenT))
#define PAYLOAD_NCOLS_OFFSET (sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(TDRowTLenT))
#define PAYLOAD_ID_LEN sizeof(int16_t)
#define PAYLOAD_ID_TYPE_LEN (sizeof(int16_t) + sizeof(uint8_t))
#define PAYLOAD_COL_HEAD_LEN (PAYLOAD_ID_TYPE_LEN + sizeof(uint16_t))
#define payloadBody(r) POINTER_SHIFT(r, PAYLOAD_HEADER_LEN)
#define payloadType(r) (*(uint8_t *)(r))
#define payloadSetType(r, t) (payloadType(r) = (t))
#define payloadTLen(r) (*(TDRowLenT *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, TD_MEM_ROW_TYPE_SIZE)) // including total header
#define payloadTLen(r) (*(TDRowTLenT *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, TD_MEM_ROW_TYPE_SIZE)) // including total header
#define payloadSetTLen(r, l) (payloadTLen(r) = (l))
#define payloadNCols(r) (*(TDRowLenT *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, PAYLOAD_NCOLS_OFFSET))
#define payloadSetNCols(r, n) (payloadNCols(r) = (n))
#define payloadColId(r) (*(int16_t *)(r))
#define payloadColType(r) (*(uint8_t *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, PAYLOAD_ID_LEN))
#define payloadColValue(r) POINTER_SHIFT(r, PAYLOAD_ID_TYPE_LEN)
#define payloadColSetId(r, i) (payloadColId(r) = (i))
#define payloadColSetType(r, t) (payloadColType(r) = (t))
#define payloadTKey(r) (*(TKEY *)(payloadKeyAddr(r)))
#define payloadValuesOffset(r) \
(PAYLOAD_HEADER_LEN + payloadNCols(r) * PAYLOAD_COL_HEAD_LEN) // avoid using the macro in loop
#define payloadValues(r) POINTER_SHIFT(r, payloadValuesOffset(r)) // avoid using the macro in loop
#define payloadColId(c) (*(int16_t *)(c))
#define payloadColType(c) (*(uint8_t *)POINTER_SHIFT(c, PAYLOAD_ID_LEN))
#define payloadColOffset(c) (*(uint16_t *)POINTER_SHIFT(c, PAYLOAD_ID_TYPE_LEN))
#define payloadColValue(c) POINTER_SHIFT(c, payloadColOffset(c))
#define payloadColSetId(c, i) (payloadColId(c) = (i))
#define payloadColSetType(c, t) (payloadColType(c) = (t))
#define payloadColSetOffset(c, o) (payloadColOffset(c) = (o))
#define payloadKeyOffset(r) (*(uint16_t *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, PAYLOAD_HEADER_LEN + PAYLOAD_ID_TYPE_LEN))
#define payloadTKey(r) (*(TKEY *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, payloadValuesOffset(r) + payloadKeyOffset(r)))
#define payloadKey(r) tdGetKey(payloadTKey(r))
static FORCE_INLINE char *skipToNextEles(char *p) {
uint8_t colType = payloadColType(p);
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(colType)) {
return (char *)POINTER_SHIFT(p, PAYLOAD_ID_TYPE_LEN + varDataTLen(payloadColValue(p)));
} else {
static FORCE_INLINE char *payloadNextCol(char *pCol) { return (char *)POINTER_SHIFT(pCol, PAYLOAD_COL_HEAD_LEN); }
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // _TD_DATA_FORMAT_H_
#endif // _TD_DATA_FORMAT_H_
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -195,7 +195,11 @@ do { \
#define TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW 65536
* Don't change to 65536. As in some scenarios uint16_t (0~65535) is used to store the row len.
* Finally, we use 65531(65535 - 4), as the SDataRow and SKVRow including 4 bits header.
#define TSDB_MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW 65531
#define TSDB_MAX_TAGS_LEN 16384
#define TSDB_MAX_TAGS 128
......@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ extern "C" {
#include "taosdef.h"
// ----------------- For variable data types such as TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY and TSDB_DATA_TYPE_NCHAR
typedef int32_t VarDataOffsetT;
typedef int16_t VarDataLenT; // maxVarDataLen: 32767
typedef uint16_t TDRowLenT;
typedef int32_t VarDataOffsetT;
typedef int16_t VarDataLenT; // maxVarDataLen: 32767
typedef uint16_t TDRowLenT; // not including overhead: 0 ~ 65535
typedef uint32_t TDRowTLenT; // total length, including overhead
typedef struct tstr {
VarDataLenT len;
......@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ static int tsdbCopyRowToMem(STsdbRepo *pRepo, SMemRow row, STable *pTable, void
void *pRow = tsdbAllocBytes(pRepo, memRowTLen(row));
if (pRow == NULL) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to insert row with key %" PRId64 " to table %s while allocate %d bytes since %s",
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to insert row with key %" PRId64 " to table %s while allocate %" PRIu64 " bytes since %s",
REPO_ID(pRepo), key, TABLE_CHAR_NAME(pTable), memRowTLen(row), tstrerror(terrno));
return -1;
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