提交 1b8c5d92 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

enh(query): add api to extract scan status

上级 02e450c5
......@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ typedef struct SReadHandle {
void* vnode;
void* mnd;
SMsgCb* pMsgCb;
// int8_t initTsdbReader;
} SReadHandle;
enum {
......@@ -140,12 +139,6 @@ int32_t qKillTask(qTaskInfo_t tinfo);
int32_t qAsyncKillTask(qTaskInfo_t tinfo);
* return whether query is completed or not
* @param tinfo
* @return
int32_t qIsTaskCompleted(qTaskInfo_t tinfo);
* destroy query info structure
......@@ -176,6 +169,15 @@ int32_t qSerializeTaskStatus(qTaskInfo_t tinfo, char** pOutput, int32_t* len);
int32_t qDeserializeTaskStatus(qTaskInfo_t tinfo, const char* pInput, int32_t len);
* return the scan info, in the form of tuple of two items, including table uid and current timestamp
* @param tinfo
* @param uid
* @param ts
* @return
int32_t qGetStreamScanStatus(qTaskInfo_t tinfo, uint64_t* uid, int64_t* ts);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -253,18 +253,15 @@ typedef struct STableScanInfo {
SReadHandle readHandle;
SFileBlockLoadRecorder readRecorder;
int64_t numOfRows;
SScanInfo scanInfo;
int32_t scanTimes;
SNode* pFilterNode; // filter info, which is push down by optimizer
SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx; // which belongs to the direct upstream operator operator query context
SResultRowInfo* pResultRowInfo;
int32_t* rowEntryInfoOffset;
SExprInfo* pExpr;
SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx; // which belongs to the direct upstream operator operator query context,todo: remove this by using SExprSup
int32_t* rowEntryInfoOffset; // todo: remove this by using SExprSup
SExprInfo* pExpr;// todo: remove this by using SExprSup
SSDataBlock* pResBlock;
SArray* pColMatchInfo;
int32_t numOfOutput;
SExprSupp pseudoSup;
SQueryTableDataCond cond;
int32_t scanFlag; // table scan flag to denote if it is a repeat/reverse/main scan
......@@ -275,8 +272,13 @@ typedef struct STableScanInfo {
int32_t curTWinIdx;
int32_t currentGroupId;
uint64_t queryId;
uint64_t taskId;
uint64_t queryId; // todo remove it
uint64_t taskId; // todo remove it
struct {
uint64_t uid;
int64_t t;
} scanStatus;
} STableScanInfo;
typedef struct STagScanInfo {
......@@ -321,31 +323,31 @@ typedef struct SessionWindowSupporter {
} SessionWindowSupporter;
typedef struct SStreamBlockScanInfo {
uint64_t tableUid; // queried super table uid
SExprInfo* pPseudoExpr;
int32_t numOfPseudoExpr;
int32_t primaryTsIndex; // primary time stamp slot id
SReadHandle readHandle;
SInterval interval; // if the upstream is an interval operator, the interval info is also kept here.
SArray* pColMatchInfo; //
SNode* pCondition;
SArray* pBlockLists; // multiple SSDatablock.
SSDataBlock* pRes; // result SSDataBlock
SSDataBlock* pUpdateRes; // update SSDataBlock
int32_t updateResIndex;
int32_t blockType; // current block type
int32_t validBlockIndex; // Is current data has returned?
SColumnInfo* pCols; // the output column info
uint64_t numOfExec; // execution times
void* streamBlockReader;// stream block reader handle
SArray* pColMatchInfo; //
SNode* pCondition;
int32_t tsArrayIndex;
SArray* tsArray;
uint64_t groupId;
SUpdateInfo* pUpdateInfo;
SExprInfo* pPseudoExpr;
int32_t numOfPseudoExpr;
int32_t primaryTsIndex; // primary time stamp slot id
SReadHandle readHandle;
uint64_t tableUid; // queried super table uid
EStreamScanMode scanMode;
SOperatorInfo* pSnapshotReadOp;
SInterval interval; // if the upstream is an interval operator, the interval info is also kept here.
SArray* childIds;
SessionWindowSupporter sessionSup;
bool assignBlockUid; // assign block uid to groupId, temporarily used for generating rollup SMA.
......@@ -683,7 +685,7 @@ int32_t appendDownstream(SOperatorInfo* p, SOperatorInfo** pDownstream, int32_t
void initBasicInfo(SOptrBasicInfo* pInfo, SSDataBlock* pBlock);
void cleanupBasicInfo(SOptrBasicInfo* pInfo);
int32_t initExprSupp(SExprSupp* pSup, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfExpr);
void cleanupExprSup(SExprSupp* pSup);
void cleanupExprSupp(SExprSupp* pSup);
int32_t initAggInfo(SExprSupp *pSup, SAggSupporter* pAggSup, SExprInfo* pExprInfo, int32_t numOfCols, size_t keyBufSize,
const char* pkey);
void initResultSizeInfo(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, int32_t numOfRows);
......@@ -707,7 +709,7 @@ void destroyBasicOperatorInfo(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput);
void appendOneRowToDataBlock(SSDataBlock* pBlock, STupleHandle* pTupleHandle);
void setTbNameColData(void* pMeta, const SSDataBlock* pBlock, SColumnInfoData* pColInfoData, int32_t functionId);
void cleanupExecSupp(SExprSupp* pSupp);
int32_t doGetScanStatus(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, uint64_t* uid, int64_t* ts);
SSDataBlock* loadNextDataBlock(void* param);
......@@ -191,16 +191,6 @@ int32_t qAsyncKillTask(qTaskInfo_t qinfo) {
int32_t qIsTaskCompleted(qTaskInfo_t qinfo) {
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo = (SExecTaskInfo*)qinfo;
if (pTaskInfo == NULL) {
return isTaskKilled(pTaskInfo);
void qDestroyTask(qTaskInfo_t qTaskHandle) {
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo = (SExecTaskInfo*)qTaskHandle;
qDebug("%s execTask completed, numOfRows:%" PRId64, GET_TASKID(pTaskInfo), pTaskInfo->pRoot->resultInfo.totalRows);
......@@ -236,3 +226,10 @@ int32_t qDeserializeTaskStatus(qTaskInfo_t tinfo, const char* pInput, int32_t le
int32_t qGetStreamScanStatus(qTaskInfo_t tinfo, uint64_t* uid, int64_t* ts) {
SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo = (SExecTaskInfo*) tinfo;
......@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ static uint32_t doFilterByBlockTimeWindow(STableScanInfo* pTableScanInfo, SSData
SqlFunctionCtx* pCtx = pTableScanInfo->pCtx;
uint32_t status = BLK_DATA_NOT_LOAD;
int32_t numOfOutput = pTableScanInfo->numOfOutput;
int32_t numOfOutput = 0;//pTableScanInfo->numOfOutput;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfOutput; ++i) {
int32_t functionId = pCtx[i].functionId;
int32_t colId = pTableScanInfo->pExpr[i].base.pParam[0].pCol->colId;
......@@ -2822,6 +2822,24 @@ int32_t getTableScanInfo(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, int32_t* order, int32_t* scan
int32_t doGetScanStatus(SOperatorInfo* pOperator, uint64_t* uid, int64_t* ts) {
int32_t type = pOperator->operatorType;
SStreamBlockScanInfo* pScanInfo = pOperator->info;
STableScanInfo* pSnapShotScanInfo = pScanInfo->pSnapshotReadOp->info;
*uid = pSnapShotScanInfo->scanStatus.uid;
*ts = pSnapShotScanInfo->scanStatus.t;
} else {
if (pOperator->pDownstream[0] == NULL) {
} else {
doGetScanStatus(pOperator->pDownstream[0], uid, ts);
// this is a blocking operator
static int32_t doOpenAggregateOptr(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
if (OPTR_IS_OPENED(pOperator)) {
......@@ -3544,7 +3562,7 @@ static void destroyProjectOperatorInfo(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput) {
void cleanupExecSupp(SExprSupp* pSupp) {
void cleanupExprSupp(SExprSupp* pSupp) {
destroySqlFunctionCtx(pSupp->pCtx, pSupp->numOfExprs);
destroyExprInfo(pSupp->pExprInfo, pSupp->numOfExprs);
......@@ -3557,7 +3575,7 @@ static void destroyIndefinitOperatorInfo(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput) {
void destroyExchangeOperatorInfo(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput) {
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ static void destroyGroupOperatorInfo(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput) {
static int32_t initGroupOptrInfo(SArray** pGroupColVals, int32_t* keyLen, char** keyBuf, const SArray* pGroupColList) {
......@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ static void destroyPartitionOperatorInfo(void* param, int32_t numOfOutput) {
SOperatorInfo* createPartitionOperatorInfo(SOperatorInfo* downstream, SPartitionPhysiNode* pPartNode, SExecTaskInfo* pTaskInfo) {
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <executorimpl.h>
#include <vnode.h>
#include "filter.h"
#include "function.h"
......@@ -413,6 +414,11 @@ static SSDataBlock* doTableScanImpl(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
pTableScanInfo->readRecorder.elapsedTime += (taosGetTimestampUs() - st) / 1000.0;
pOperator->cost.totalCost = pTableScanInfo->readRecorder.elapsedTime;
// todo refactor
pTableScanInfo->scanStatus.uid = pBlock->info.uid;
pTableScanInfo->scanStatus.t = pBlock->info.window.ekey;
return pBlock;
return NULL;
......@@ -459,7 +465,7 @@ static SSDataBlock* doTableScanGroup(SOperatorInfo* pOperator) {
int32_t total = pTableScanInfo->scanInfo.numOfAsc + pTableScanInfo->scanInfo.numOfDesc;
if (pTableScanInfo->scanTimes < total) {
if (pTableScanInfo->cond.order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) {
prepareForDescendingScan(pTableScanInfo, pTableScanInfo->pCtx, pTableScanInfo->numOfOutput);
prepareForDescendingScan(pTableScanInfo, pTableScanInfo->pCtx, 0);
tsdbResetReadHandle(pTableScanInfo->dataReader, &pTableScanInfo->cond, 0);
pTableScanInfo->curTWinIdx = 0;
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