提交 19a0b51c 编写于 作者: B Bomin Zhang

add stress test tool

上级 8a24b899
\ No newline at end of file
``` bash
$ ./stress [-server=<localhost>] [-db=<test>] [-concurrent=<1>] [-fetch=<false>] [scriptFile]
"sql": "select * from meters where id = %d and a >= %d and a <= %d and tbname='%s'",
"args": [{
"type": "int",
"min": -10,
"max": 20
}, {
"type": "range",
"min": 30,
"max": 60
}, {
"type": "string",
"min": 0,
"max": 10,
"list": [
\ No newline at end of file
module github.com/taosdata/stress
go 1.14
require github.com/taosdata/driver-go v0.0.0-20200606095205-b786bac1857f
package main
import (
_ "github.com/taosdata/driver-go/taosSql"
type argument struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Min int `json:"min"`
Max int `json:"max"`
List []interface{} `json:"list, omitempty"`
type script struct {
isQuery bool `json:"-"`
numArgs int `json:"-"`
Sql string `json:"sql"`
Args []argument `json:"args"`
func (arg *argument) check() (int, error) {
if arg.Type == "list" {
if len(arg.List) == 0 {
return 0, errors.New("list cannot be empty")
return 1, nil
if arg.Max < arg.Min {
return 0, errors.New("invalid min/max value")
if arg.Type == "string" {
if arg.Min < 0 {
return 0, errors.New("negative string length")
if arg.Type == "int" && arg.Min == 0 && arg.Max == 0 {
arg.Max = arg.Min + 100
if arg.Type == "range" {
return 2, nil
return 1, nil
func (arg *argument) generate(args []interface{}) []interface{} {
const chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
switch arg.Type {
case "bool":
if rand.Intn(2) == 1 {
args = append(args, true)
} else {
args = append(args, false)
case "int":
v := rand.Intn(arg.Max-arg.Min+1) + arg.Min
args = append(args, v)
case "range":
v := rand.Intn(arg.Max-arg.Min) + arg.Min
args = append(args, v)
v = rand.Intn(arg.Max-v+1) + v
args = append(args, v)
case "string":
l := rand.Intn(arg.Max-arg.Min+1) + arg.Min
sb := strings.Builder{}
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
args = append(args, sb.String())
case "list":
v := arg.List[rand.Intn(len(arg.List))]
args = append(args, v)
return args
type statitics struct {
succeeded int64
failed int64
succeededDuration int64
failedDuration int64
var (
server string
database string
fetch bool
concurrent uint
startAt time.Time
shouldStop int64
wg sync.WaitGroup
stat statitics
scripts []script
func loadScript(path string) error {
f, e := os.Open(path)
if e != nil {
return e
defer f.Close()
e = json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&scripts)
if e != nil {
return e
for i := 0; i < len(scripts); i++ {
s := &scripts[i]
s.Sql = strings.TrimSpace(s.Sql)
s.isQuery = strings.ToLower(s.Sql[:6]) == "select"
for j := 0; j < len(s.Args); j++ {
arg := &s.Args[j]
arg.Type = strings.ToLower(arg.Type)
n, e := arg.check()
if e != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("script %d argument %d: %s", i, j, e.Error())
s.numArgs += n
return nil
func buildSql() (string, bool) {
s := scripts[rand.Intn(len(scripts))]
args := make([]interface{}, 0, s.numArgs)
for i := 0; i < len(s.Args); i++ {
args = s.Args[i].generate(args)
return fmt.Sprintf(s.Sql, args...), s.isQuery
func runTest() {
defer wg.Done()
db, e := sql.Open("taosSql", "root:taosdata@tcp("+server+":0)/"+database)
if e != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to connect to database: %s\n", e.Error())
defer db.Close()
for atomic.LoadInt64(&shouldStop) == 0 {
str, isQuery := buildSql()
start := time.Now()
if isQuery {
var rows *sql.Rows
if rows, e = db.Query(str); rows != nil {
if fetch {
for rows.Next() {
} else {
_, e = db.Exec(str)
duration := time.Now().Sub(start).Microseconds()
if e != nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&stat.failed, 1)
atomic.AddInt64(&stat.failedDuration, duration)
} else {
atomic.AddInt64(&stat.succeeded, 1)
atomic.AddInt64(&stat.succeededDuration, duration)
func getStatPrinter() func(tm time.Time) {
var last statitics
lastPrintAt := startAt
return func(tm time.Time) {
var current statitics
current.succeeded = atomic.LoadInt64(&stat.succeeded)
current.failed = atomic.LoadInt64(&stat.failed)
current.succeededDuration = atomic.LoadInt64(&stat.succeededDuration)
current.failedDuration = atomic.LoadInt64(&stat.failedDuration)
seconds := int64(tm.Sub(startAt).Seconds())
format := "\033K %02v:%02v:%02v | TOTAL REQ | TOTAL TIME(us) | TOTAL AVG(us) | REQUEST | TIME(us) | AVERAGE(us) |\n"
fmt.Printf(format, seconds/3600, seconds%3600/60, seconds%60)
tr := current.succeeded + current.failed
td := current.succeededDuration + current.failedDuration
r := tr - last.succeeded - last.failed
d := td - last.succeededDuration - last.failedDuration
ta, a := 0.0, 0.0
if tr > 0 {
ta = float64(td) / float64(tr)
if r > 0 {
a = float64(d) / float64(r)
format = "\033[K TOTAL | %9v | %14v | %13.2f | %7v | %10v | % 13.2f |\n"
fmt.Printf(format, tr, td, ta, r, d, a)
tr = current.succeeded
td = current.succeededDuration
r = tr - last.succeeded
d = td - last.succeededDuration
ta, a = 0.0, 0.0
if tr > 0 {
ta = float64(td) / float64(tr)
if r > 0 {
a = float64(d) / float64(r)
format = "\033[K SUCCESS | \033[32m%9v\033[0m | \033[32m%14v\033[0m | \033[32m%13.2f\033[0m | \033[32m%7v\033[0m | \033[32m%10v\033[0m | \033[32m%13.2f\033[0m |\n"
fmt.Printf(format, tr, td, ta, r, d, a)
tr = current.failed
td = current.failedDuration
r = tr - last.failed
d = td - last.failedDuration
ta, a = 0.0, 0.0
if tr > 0 {
ta = float64(td) / float64(tr)
if r > 0 {
a = float64(d) / float64(r)
format = "\033[K FAIL | \033[31m%9v\033[0m | \033[31m%14v\033[0m | \033[31m%13.2f\033[0m | \033[31m%7v\033[0m | \033[31m%10v\033[0m | \033[31m%13.2f\033[0m |\n"
fmt.Printf(format, tr, td, ta, r, d, a)
last = current
lastPrintAt = tm
func main() {
flag.StringVar(&server, "server", "localhost", "host name or IP address of TDengine server")
flag.StringVar(&database, "db", "test", "database name")
flag.BoolVar(&fetch, "fetch", false, "fetch result or not")
flag.UintVar(&concurrent, "concurrent", 1, "number of concurrent queries")
scriptFile := flag.Arg(0)
if scriptFile == "" {
scriptFile = "script.json"
if e := loadScript(scriptFile); e != nil {
fmt.Println("failed to load script file:", e.Error())
} else if len(scripts) == 0 {
fmt.Println("there's no script in the script file")
fmt.Printf("SERVER: %s DATABASE: %s CONCURRENT QUERIES: %d FETCH DATA: %v\n", server, database, concurrent, fetch)
startAt = time.Now()
printStat := getStatPrinter()
for i := uint(0); i < concurrent; i++ {
go runTest()
interrupt := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt)
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
fmt.Println("Ctrl + C to exit....\033[1A")
for {
select {
case <-interrupt:
break LOOP
case tm := <-ticker.C:
atomic.StoreInt64(&shouldStop, 1)
fmt.Print("\033[100D'Ctrl + C' received, Waiting started query to stop...")
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