提交 19686d9a 编写于 作者: dengyihao's avatar dengyihao

update transport

上级 914b5387
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ void checkFstCheckIterator() {
// prefix search
std::vector<uint64_t> result;
AutomationCtx* ctx = automCtxCreate((void*)"ab", AUTOMATION_ALWAYS);
AutomationCtx* ctx = automCtxCreate((void*)"H", AUTOMATION_PREFIX);
m->Search(ctx, result);
std::cout << "size: " << result.size() << std::endl;
// assert(result.size() == count);
......@@ -328,11 +328,11 @@ void iterTFileReader(char* path, char* uid, char* colName, char* ver) {
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// tool to check all kind of fst test
// if (argc > 1) { validateTFile(argv[1]); }
if (argc > 4) {
// path suid colName ver
iterTFileReader(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
// checkFstCheckIterator();
// if (argc > 4) {
// path suid colName ver
// iterTFileReader(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
// checkFstLongTerm();
// checkFstPrefixSearch();
......@@ -123,9 +123,8 @@ typedef struct {
} SRpcReqContext;
typedef struct {
SRpcInfo* pTransInst; // associated SRpcInfo
SEpSet epSet; // ip list provided by app
void* ahandle; // handle provided by app
SEpSet epSet; // ip list provided by app
void* ahandle; // handle provided by app
// struct SRpcConn* pConn; // pConn allocated
tmsg_t msgType; // message type
uint8_t* pCont; // content provided by app
......@@ -244,6 +243,7 @@ int transDestroyBuffer(SConnBuffer* buf);
int transAllocBuffer(SConnBuffer* connBuf, uv_buf_t* uvBuf);
bool transReadComplete(SConnBuffer* connBuf);
int transSetConnOption(uv_tcp_t* stream);
// int transPackMsg(SRpcMsg *rpcMsg, bool sercured, bool auth, char **msg, int32_t *msgLen);
// int transUnpackMsg(char *msg, SRpcMsg *pMsg, bool );
......@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@
#define CONN_HOST_THREAD_INDEX(conn) (conn ? ((SCliConn*)conn)->hThrdIdx : -1)
#define CONN_PERSIST_TIME(para) (para * 1000 * 10)
#define CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn) (((SRpcInfo*)(((SCliThrdObj*)conn->hostThrd)->pTransInst))->label)
typedef struct SCliConn {
uv_connect_t connReq;
uv_stream_t* stream;
uv_write_t* writeReq;
......@@ -32,8 +35,7 @@ typedef struct SCliConn {
int8_t ctnRdCnt; // continue read count
int hThrdIdx;
SRpcPush* push;
int persist; //
int persist; //
// spi configure
char spi;
char secured;
......@@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ typedef struct SCliConn {
// debug and log info
struct sockaddr_in addr;
struct sockaddr_in locaddr;
} SCliConn;
typedef struct SCliMsg {
......@@ -54,14 +57,17 @@ typedef struct SCliThrdObj {
pthread_t thread;
uv_loop_t* loop;
// uv_async_t* cliAsync; //
SAsyncPool* asyncPool;
uv_timer_t* timer;
void* pool; // conn pool
SAsyncPool* asyncPool;
uv_timer_t* timer;
void* pool; // conn pool
// msg queue
queue msg;
pthread_mutex_t msgMtx;
uint64_t nextTimeout; // next timeout
void* pTransInst; //
bool quit;
uint64_t nextTimeout; // next timeout
void* pTransInst; //
bool quit;
} SCliThrdObj;
typedef struct SClientObj {
......@@ -96,7 +102,7 @@ static void clientAsyncCb(uv_async_t* handle);
static void clientDestroy(uv_handle_t* handle);
static void clientConnDestroy(SCliConn* pConn, bool clear /*clear tcp handle or not*/);
// process data read from server, auth/decompress etc later
// process data read from server, add decompress etc later
static void clientHandleResp(SCliConn* conn);
// handle except about conn
static void clientHandleExcept(SCliConn* conn);
......@@ -104,9 +110,10 @@ static void clientHandleExcept(SCliConn* conn);
static void clientHandleReq(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd);
static void clientHandleQuit(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd);
static void clientSendQuit(SCliThrdObj* thrd);
static void destroyUserdata(SRpcMsg* userdata);
static int clientRBChoseIdx(SRpcInfo* pTransInst);
static void destroyCmsg(SCliMsg* cmsg);
static void transDestroyConnCtx(STransConnCtx* ctx);
// thread obj
......@@ -115,10 +122,13 @@ static void destroyThrdObj(SCliThrdObj* pThrd);
// thread
static void* clientThread(void* arg);
static void clientHandleResp(SCliConn* conn) {
static void* clientNotifyApp() {}
static void clientHandleResp(SCliConn* conn) {
SCliMsg* pMsg = conn->data;
STransConnCtx* pCtx = pMsg->ctx;
SRpcInfo* pRpc = pCtx->pTransInst;
SCliThrdObj* pThrd = conn->hostThrd;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
STransMsgHead* pHead = (STransMsgHead*)(conn->readBuf.buf);
pHead->code = htonl(pHead->code);
......@@ -134,26 +144,24 @@ static void clientHandleResp(SCliConn* conn) {
rpcMsg.msgType = pHead->msgType;
rpcMsg.ahandle = pCtx->ahandle;
if (pRpc->pfp != NULL && (pRpc->pfp)(pRpc->parent, rpcMsg.msgType)) {
if (pTransInst->pfp != NULL && (pTransInst->pfp)(pTransInst->parent, rpcMsg.msgType)) {
rpcMsg.handle = conn;
conn->persist = 1;
tDebug("client conn %p persist by app", conn);
tDebug("%s client conn %p %s received from %s:%d, local info: %s:%d, msg size: %d", pRpc->label, conn,
tDebug("%s client conn %p %s received from %s:%d, local info: %s:%d, msg size: %d", pTransInst->label, conn,
TMSG_INFO(pHead->msgType), inet_ntoa(conn->addr.sin_addr), ntohs(conn->addr.sin_port),
inet_ntoa(conn->locaddr.sin_addr), ntohs(conn->locaddr.sin_port), rpcMsg.contLen);
conn->secured = pHead->secured;
if (conn->push != NULL && conn->ctnRdCnt != 0) {
(*conn->push->callback)(conn->push->arg, &rpcMsg);
conn->push = NULL;
} else {
if (pCtx->pSem == NULL) {
if (pCtx->pSem == NULL) {
tTrace("%s client conn %p handle resp", pRpc->label, conn);
(pRpc->cfp)(pRpc->parent, &rpcMsg, NULL);
tTrace("%s client conn %p handle resp", pTransInst->label, conn);
(pTransInst->cfp)(pTransInst->parent, &rpcMsg, NULL);
} else {
tTrace("%s client conn(sync) %p handle resp", pRpc->label, conn);
tTrace("%s client conn(sync) %p handle resp", pTransInst->label, conn);
memcpy((char*)pCtx->pRsp, (char*)&rpcMsg, sizeof(rpcMsg));
......@@ -162,28 +170,33 @@ static void clientHandleResp(SCliConn* conn) {
uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)conn->stream, clientAllocBufferCb, clientReadCb);
SCliThrdObj* pThrd = conn->hostThrd;
// user owns conn->persist = 1
if (conn->push == NULL && conn->persist == 0) {
if (pRpc->noPool == true) {
if (conn->persist == 0) {
if (pTransInst->noPool == true) {
clientConnDestroy(conn, true);
} else {
addConnToPool(pThrd->pool, pCtx->ip, pCtx->port, conn);
conn->data = NULL;
} else {
// app decide to free or not
conn->data = NULL;
// start thread's timer of conn pool if not active
if (!uv_is_active((uv_handle_t*)pThrd->timer) && pRpc->idleTime > 0) {
if (!uv_is_active((uv_handle_t*)pThrd->timer) && pTransInst->idleTime > 0) {
// uv_timer_start((uv_timer_t*)pThrd->timer, clientTimeoutCb, CONN_PERSIST_TIME(pRpc->idleTime) / 2, 0);
static void clientHandleExcept(SCliConn* pConn) {
if (pConn->data == NULL && pConn->push == NULL) {
if (pConn->data == NULL) {
// handle conn except in conn pool
clientConnDestroy(pConn, true);
SCliThrdObj* pThrd = pConn->hostThrd;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
SCliMsg* pMsg = pConn->data;
STransConnCtx* pCtx = pMsg->ctx;
......@@ -192,29 +205,14 @@ static void clientHandleExcept(SCliConn* pConn) {
rpcMsg.msgType = pMsg->msg.msgType + 1;
if (pConn->push != NULL && pConn->ctnRdCnt != 0) {
(*pConn->push->callback)(pConn->push->arg, &rpcMsg);
pConn->push = NULL;
if (pCtx->pSem == NULL) {
(pTransInst->cfp)(pTransInst->parent, &rpcMsg, NULL);
} else {
if (pCtx->pSem == NULL) {
(pCtx->pTransInst->cfp)(pCtx->pTransInst->parent, &rpcMsg, NULL);
} else {
memcpy((char*)(pCtx->pRsp), (char*)(&rpcMsg), sizeof(rpcMsg));
if (pConn->push != NULL) {
(*pConn->push->callback)(pConn->push->arg, &rpcMsg);
pConn->push = NULL;
memcpy((char*)(pCtx->pRsp), (char*)(&rpcMsg), sizeof(rpcMsg));
tTrace("%s client conn %p start to destroy", pCtx->pTransInst->label, pConn);
if (pConn->push == NULL) {
pConn->data = NULL;
// transDestroyConnCtx(pCtx);
tTrace("%s client conn %p start to destroy", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn);
clientConnDestroy(pConn, true);
pConn->ctnRdCnt += 1;
static void clientTimeoutCb(uv_timer_t* handle) {
......@@ -316,17 +314,14 @@ static void clientReadCb(uv_stream_t* handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf
if (nread > 0) {
pBuf->len += nread;
if (transReadComplete(pBuf)) {
tTrace("client conn %p read complete", conn);
tTrace("%s client conn %p read complete", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn);
} else {
tTrace("client conn %p read partial packet, continue to read", conn);
tTrace("%s client conn %p read partial packet, continue to read", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn);
if (nread == UV_EOF) {
tError("client conn %p read error: %s", conn, uv_err_name(nread));
assert(nread <= 0);
if (nread == 0) {
// ref http://docs.libuv.org/en/v1.x/stream.html?highlight=uv_read_start#c.uv_read_cb
......@@ -335,18 +330,16 @@ static void clientReadCb(uv_stream_t* handle, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf
if (nread < 0) {
tError("client conn %p read error: %s", conn, uv_err_name(nread));
tError("%s client conn %p read error: %s", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn, uv_err_name(nread));
// tDebug("Read error %s\n", uv_err_name(nread));
// uv_close((uv_handle_t*)handle, clientDestroy);
static void clientConnDestroy(SCliConn* conn, bool clear) {
if (conn->ref == 0) {
tTrace("client conn %p remove from conn pool", conn);
tTrace("%s client conn %p remove from conn pool", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn);
if (clear) {
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)conn->stream, clientDestroy);
......@@ -367,8 +360,9 @@ static void clientDestroy(uv_handle_t* handle) {
static void clientWriteCb(uv_write_t* req, int status) {
SCliConn* pConn = req->data;
if (status == 0) {
tTrace("client conn %p data already was written out", pConn);
tTrace("%s client conn %p data already was written out", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn);
SCliMsg* pMsg = pConn->data;
if (pMsg == NULL) {
// handle
......@@ -376,18 +370,19 @@ static void clientWriteCb(uv_write_t* req, int status) {
} else {
tError("client conn %p failed to write: %s", pConn, uv_err_name(status));
tError("%s client conn %p failed to write: %s", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn, uv_err_name(status));
SCliThrdObj* pThrd = pConn->hostThrd;
uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)pConn->stream, clientAllocBufferCb, clientReadCb);
static void clientWrite(SCliConn* pConn) {
SCliMsg* pCliMsg = pConn->data;
STransConnCtx* pCtx = pCliMsg->ctx;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pCtx->pTransInst;
SCliThrdObj* pThrd = pConn->hostThrd;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
SRpcMsg* pMsg = (SRpcMsg*)(&pCliMsg->msg);
......@@ -416,20 +411,18 @@ static void clientWrite(SCliConn* pConn) {
pHead->msgType = pMsg->msgType;
pHead->msgLen = (int32_t)htonl((uint32_t)msgLen);
// if (pHead->msgType == TDMT_VND_QUERY || pHead->msgType == TDMT_VND_)
uv_buf_t wb = uv_buf_init((char*)pHead, msgLen);
tDebug("client conn %p %s is send to %s:%d, local info %s:%d", pConn, TMSG_INFO(pHead->msgType),
inet_ntoa(pConn->addr.sin_addr), ntohs(pConn->addr.sin_port), inet_ntoa(pConn->locaddr.sin_addr),
tDebug("%s client conn %p %s is send to %s:%d, local info %s:%d", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn,
TMSG_INFO(pHead->msgType), inet_ntoa(pConn->addr.sin_addr), ntohs(pConn->addr.sin_port),
inet_ntoa(pConn->locaddr.sin_addr), ntohs(pConn->locaddr.sin_port));
uv_write(pConn->writeReq, (uv_stream_t*)pConn->stream, &wb, 1, clientWriteCb);
static void clientConnCb(uv_connect_t* req, int status) {
// impl later
SCliConn* pConn = req->data;
if (status != 0) {
// tError("failed to connect server(%s, %d), errmsg: %s", pCtx->ip, pCtx->port, uv_strerror(status));
tError("client conn %p failed to connect server: %s", pConn, uv_strerror(status));
tError("%s client conn %p failed to connect server: %s", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn, uv_strerror(status));
......@@ -439,7 +432,7 @@ static void clientConnCb(uv_connect_t* req, int status) {
addrlen = sizeof(pConn->locaddr);
uv_tcp_getsockname((uv_tcp_t*)pConn->stream, (struct sockaddr*)&pConn->locaddr, &addrlen);
tTrace("client conn %p connect to server successfully", pConn);
tTrace("%s client conn %p connect to server successfully", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(pConn), pConn);
assert(pConn->stream == req->handle);
......@@ -462,20 +455,18 @@ static void clientHandleReq(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) {
et = taosGetTimestampUs();
STransConnCtx* pCtx = pMsg->ctx;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = pThrd->pTransInst;
SCliConn* conn = NULL;
SCliConn* conn = NULL;
if (pMsg->msg.handle == NULL) {
if (pCtx->pTransInst->noPool == true) {
} else {
conn = getConnFromPool(pThrd->pool, pCtx->ip, pCtx->port);
if (pMsg->msg.handle != NULL) {
conn = (SCliConn*)(pMsg->msg.handle);
if (conn != NULL) {
tTrace("client conn %p get from conn pool", conn);
tTrace("%s client conn %p reused", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn);
} else {
conn = (SCliConn*)(pMsg->msg.handle);
if (conn != NULL) {
tTrace("client conn %p reused", conn);
if (pTransInst->noPool == false) {
conn = getConnFromPool(pThrd->pool, pCtx->ip, pCtx->port);
if (conn != NULL) tTrace("%s client conn %p get from conn pool", CONN_GET_INST_LABEL(conn), conn);
......@@ -489,7 +480,6 @@ static void clientHandleReq(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) {
} else {
conn = calloc(1, sizeof(SCliConn));
......@@ -497,12 +487,7 @@ static void clientHandleReq(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) {
conn->stream = (uv_stream_t*)malloc(sizeof(uv_tcp_t));
uv_tcp_init(pThrd->loop, (uv_tcp_t*)(conn->stream));
conn->stream->data = conn;
uv_tcp_nodelay((uv_tcp_t*)conn->stream, 1);
int ret = uv_tcp_keepalive((uv_tcp_t*)conn->stream, 1, 1);
if (ret) {
tTrace("client conn %p failed to set keepalive, %s", conn, uv_err_name(ret));
// write req handle
conn->writeReq = malloc(sizeof(uv_write_t));
conn->writeReq->data = conn;
......@@ -512,17 +497,17 @@ static void clientHandleReq(SCliMsg* pMsg, SCliThrdObj* pThrd) {
conn->data = pMsg;
conn->hostThrd = pThrd;
// conn->push = pMsg->msg.push;
// conn->ctnRdCnt = 0;
int ret = transSetConnOption((uv_tcp_t*)conn->stream);
if (ret) {
tError("%s client conn %p failed to set conn option, errmsg %s", pTransInst->label, conn, uv_err_name(ret));
struct sockaddr_in addr;
uv_ip4_addr(pMsg->ctx->ip, pMsg->ctx->port, &addr);
// handle error in callback if fail to connect
tTrace("client conn %p try to connect to %s:%d", conn, pMsg->ctx->ip, pMsg->ctx->port);
tTrace("%s client conn %p try to connect to %s:%d", pTransInst->label, conn, pMsg->ctx->ip, pMsg->ctx->port);
uv_tcp_connect(&conn->connReq, (uv_tcp_t*)(conn->stream), (const struct sockaddr*)&addr, clientConnCb);
conn->push = pMsg->msg.push;
conn->ctnRdCnt = 0;
conn->hThrdIdx = pCtx->hThrdIdx;
......@@ -548,7 +533,6 @@ static void clientAsyncCb(uv_async_t* handle) {
} else {
clientHandleReq(pMsg, pThrd);
// clientHandleReq(pMsg, pThrd);
if (count >= 2) {
......@@ -656,37 +640,36 @@ void taosCloseClient(void* arg) {
static int clientRBChoseIdx(SRpcInfo* pRpc) {
int64_t index = pRpc->index;
if (pRpc->index++ >= pRpc->numOfThreads) {
pRpc->index = 0;
static int clientRBChoseIdx(SRpcInfo* pTransInst) {
int64_t index = pTransInst->index;
if (pTransInst->index++ >= pTransInst->numOfThreads) {
pTransInst->index = 0;
return index % pRpc->numOfThreads;
return index % pTransInst->numOfThreads;
void rpcSendRequest(void* shandle, const SEpSet* pEpSet, SRpcMsg* pMsg, int64_t* pRid) {
// impl later
char* ip = (char*)(pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].fqdn);
uint32_t port = pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].port;
SRpcInfo* pRpc = (SRpcInfo*)shandle;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = (SRpcInfo*)shandle;
int index = CONN_HOST_THREAD_INDEX(pMsg->handle);
if (index == -1) {
index = clientRBChoseIdx(pRpc);
index = clientRBChoseIdx(pTransInst);
int32_t flen = 0;
if (transCompressMsg(pMsg->pCont, pMsg->contLen, &flen)) {
// imp later
STransConnCtx* pCtx = calloc(1, sizeof(STransConnCtx));
pCtx->pTransInst = (SRpcInfo*)shandle;
pCtx->ahandle = pMsg->ahandle;
pCtx->msgType = pMsg->msgType;
pCtx->ip = strdup(ip);
pCtx->port = port;
pCtx->hThrdIdx = index;
assert(pRpc->connType == TAOS_CONN_CLIENT);
assert(pTransInst->connType == TAOS_CONN_CLIENT);
// atomic or not
SCliMsg* cliMsg = malloc(sizeof(SCliMsg));
......@@ -694,7 +677,7 @@ void rpcSendRequest(void* shandle, const SEpSet* pEpSet, SRpcMsg* pMsg, int64_t*
cliMsg->msg = *pMsg;
cliMsg->st = taosGetTimestampUs();
SCliThrdObj* thrd = ((SClientObj*)pRpc->tcphandle)->pThreadObj[index];
SCliThrdObj* thrd = ((SClientObj*)pTransInst->tcphandle)->pThreadObj[index];
transSendAsync(thrd->asyncPool, &(cliMsg->q));
......@@ -702,15 +685,14 @@ void rpcSendRecv(void* shandle, SEpSet* pEpSet, SRpcMsg* pReq, SRpcMsg* pRsp) {
char* ip = (char*)(pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].fqdn);
uint32_t port = pEpSet->eps[pEpSet->inUse].port;
SRpcInfo* pRpc = (SRpcInfo*)shandle;
SRpcInfo* pTransInst = (SRpcInfo*)shandle;
int index = CONN_HOST_THREAD_INDEX(pReq->handle);
if (index == -1) {
index = clientRBChoseIdx(pRpc);
index = clientRBChoseIdx(pTransInst);
STransConnCtx* pCtx = calloc(1, sizeof(STransConnCtx));
pCtx->pTransInst = (SRpcInfo*)shandle;
pCtx->ahandle = pReq->ahandle;
pCtx->msgType = pReq->msgType;
pCtx->ip = strdup(ip);
......@@ -725,7 +707,7 @@ void rpcSendRecv(void* shandle, SEpSet* pEpSet, SRpcMsg* pReq, SRpcMsg* pRsp) {
cliMsg->msg = *pReq;
cliMsg->st = taosGetTimestampUs();
SCliThrdObj* thrd = ((SClientObj*)pRpc->tcphandle)->pThreadObj[index];
SCliThrdObj* thrd = ((SClientObj*)pTransInst->tcphandle)->pThreadObj[index];
transSendAsync(thrd->asyncPool, &(cliMsg->q));
tsem_t* pSem = pCtx->pSem;
......@@ -257,6 +257,12 @@ int transDestroyBuffer(SConnBuffer* buf) {
int transSetConnOption(uv_tcp_t* stream) {
uv_tcp_nodelay(stream, 1);
int ret = uv_tcp_keepalive(stream, 5, 5);
return ret;
SAsyncPool* transCreateAsyncPool(uv_loop_t* loop, int sz, void* arg, AsyncCB cb) {
SAsyncPool* pool = calloc(1, sizeof(SAsyncPool));
pool->index = 0;
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "transComm.h"
typedef struct SSrvConn {
uv_tcp_t* pTcp;
uv_write_t* pWriter;
uv_timer_t* pTimer;
......@@ -67,16 +68,19 @@ typedef struct SWorkThrdObj {
} SWorkThrdObj;
typedef struct SServerObj {
pthread_t thread;
uv_tcp_t server;
uv_loop_t* loop;
pthread_t thread;
uv_tcp_t server;
uv_loop_t* loop;
// work thread info
int workerIdx;
int numOfThreads;
SWorkThrdObj** pThreadObj;
uv_pipe_t** pipe;
uint32_t ip;
uint32_t port;
uv_async_t* pAcceptAsync; // just to quit from from accept thread
uv_pipe_t** pipe;
uint32_t ip;
uint32_t port;
uv_async_t* pAcceptAsync; // just to quit from from accept thread
} SServerObj;
static const char* notify = "a";
......@@ -493,13 +497,11 @@ void uvOnConnectionCb(uv_stream_t* q, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) {
uv_tcp_init(pThrd->loop, pConn->pTcp);
pConn->pTcp->data = pConn;
// uv_tcp_nodelay(pConn->pTcp, 1);
// uv_tcp_keepalive(pConn->pTcp, 1, 1);
// init write request, just
pConn->pWriter = calloc(1, sizeof(uv_write_t));
pConn->pWriter->data = pConn;
if (uv_accept(q, (uv_stream_t*)(pConn->pTcp)) == 0) {
uv_os_fd_t fd;
uv_fileno((const uv_handle_t*)pConn->pTcp, &fd);
......@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
rpcInit.ckey = "key";
rpcInit.spi = 1;
rpcInit.connType = TAOS_CONN_CLIENT;
rpcDebugFlag = 143;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0 && i < argc - 1) {
......@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
rpcInit.idleTime = 2 * 1500;
rpcInit.afp = retrieveAuthInfo;
rpcDebugFlag = 143;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0 && i < argc - 1) {
rpcInit.localPort = atoi(argv[++i]);
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