未验证 提交 1528ae1c 编写于 作者: U update888 提交者: GitHub

Update mnodeTable.c

上级 b0873411
......@@ -3092,7 +3092,7 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessMultiTableMetaMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
// add the user-defined-function information
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pInfo->numOfUdfs; ++i, ++t) {
char buf[TSDB_FUNC_NAME_LEN] = {0};
strcpy(buf, nameList[t]);
tstrncpy(buf, nameList[t], TSDB_FUNC_NAME_LEN);
SFuncObj* pFuncObj = mnodeGetFunc(buf);
if (pFuncObj == NULL) {
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